大/derived terms
- This page contains derived terms for 大. See the main entry for more information.
[edit]Derived terms
- 大陰唇 (daiinshin, “labia majora”)
- 大家族 (daikazoku, “extended family”)
- 大学 (daigaku, “university”)
- 大寒 (daikan, “midwinter”)
- 大規模 (daikibo, “large-scale”)
- 大工 (daiku, “carpenter”)
- 大黒天 (daikokuten, “god of wealth”)
- 大根 (daikon, “daikon”)
- 大罪 (daizai, “serious crime”)
- 大事 (daiji, “important; serious”)
- 大小 (daishō, “various sizes; large and small; a pair of swords worn together”)
- 大丈夫 (daijōbu, “all right; okay; safe”)
- 大臣 (daijin, “cabinet minister”)
- 大前庭腺 (daizenteisen, “Bartholin's gland”)
- 大胆 (daitan, “bold; daring”)
- 大動脈 (daidōmyaku, “aorta”)
- 大同小異 (daidōshōi, “with only minor differences”)
- 大統領 (daitōryō, “president”)
- 大脳 (dainō, “brain”)
- 大名 (daimyō, “feudal lord”)
- 大理石 (dairiseki, “marble”)
- 大主教 (daishukyō, “archbishop”)
- 大天使 (daitenshi, “archangel”)
[edit]Derived terms
- 大安 (taian, “lucky day”)
- 大意 (taii, “schema”)
- 大河小説 (taiga shōsetsu, “saga novel”)
- 大火 (taika, “large fire”)
- 大会 (taikai, “convention; rally”)
- 大海 (taikai, “ocean”)
- 大観 (taikan, “broad overview”)
- 大気 (taiki, “atmosphere”)
- 大儀 (taigi, “state ceremony”)
- 大義 (taigi, “justice”)
- 大逆 (taigyaku, “high treason”)
- 大挙 (taikyo, “in force”)
- 大虚 (taikyo, “Taikyo”)
- 大局 (taikyoku, “general situation”)
- 大群 (taigun, “large herd; large flock; large crowd”)
- 大軍 (taigun, “large army”)
- 大系 (taikei, “compendium”)
- 大言壮語 (taigensōgo, “boasting; bragging”)
- 大綱 (taikō, “fundamental principals; general outline”)
- 大佐 (taisa, “colonel; navy captain”)
- 大差 (taisa, “great difference”)
- 大使 (taishi, “ambassador”)
- 大志 (taishi, “ambition”)
- 大樹 (taiju, “huge tree”)
- 大衆 (taishū, “general public”)
- 大暑 (taisho, “midsummer's day”)
- 大将 (taishō, “general; admiral”)
- 大食 (taishoku, “gluttony”)
- 大西洋 (taiseiyō, “Atlantic Ocean”)
- 大切 (taisetsu, “important; valuable”)
- 大戦 (taisen, “great battle; great war”)
- 大洋 (taiyō, “ocean”)
- 大陸 (tairiku, “continent”)
- 大量 (tairyō, “a large amount”)
[edit]Derived terms
[edit]- 大きい (ōkī, “big, large, broad, immense”)
- 大きな (ōkina, “big, large”)
- 多く (ōku, “mostly, a lot, majority”)
- 大字 (ōaza, “larger section of a village”)
- 大穴 (ōana, “large hole, deficit”)
- 大-海原 (ō-unabara)
- 大海 (ōumi, “ocean; fabric pattern”)
- 大火事 (ō-kaji, “big fire”)
- 大河 (ōkawa, “river”)
- 大君 (ōkimi, “emperor; king”)
- 大口 (ōguchi, “large amount; big mouth; big talk”)
- 大喧嘩 (ō-genka, “big fight”)
- 大阪 (Ōsaka)
- 大騒ぎ (ō-sawagi)
- 大潮 (ōshio, “spring or flood tide”)
- 大地震 (ō-jishin, “huge earthquake”)
- 大関 (ōzeki, “second highest sumo rank”)
- 大掃除 (ō-sōji, “through cleanups”)
- 大騒動 (ō-sōdō, “huge mess”)
- 大道具 (ō-dōgu, “stage settings”)
- 大幅 (ōhaba, “full-width; drastic”)
- 大判 (ōban, “big size”)
- 大様 (ōyō, “large-hearted; generous”)
- 大業 (ōwaza, “great feat”)
[edit]- 대가 (大家, daega, “expert”)
- 대량 (大量, daeryang, “large quantity”)
- 대사 (大使, daesa, “ambassador”)
- 대음순 (大陰脣, daeeumsun, “labia majora”)
- 대인 (大人, daein, “adult”)
- 대통령 (大統領, daetongnyeong, “president”)
- 대학 (大學, daehak, “college; university”)
- 방대 (厖大, bangdae, “vastness”)
- 적소성대 (積小成大, jeoksoseongdae)
- 전권대사 (全權大使, jeon'gwondaesa)