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See also: 债台高筑


(measure word); platform; stage
(measure word); platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; desk; station; broadcasting station
high; tall build; five-string lute
trad. (債臺高築/債台高築) /
simp. (债台高筑)



From the legend of King Nan of Zhou, the last king of Zhou dynasty, who hid himself on a platform in the palace to avoid people demanding him to pay back the debt for wars, as quoted in the Book of Han:

陵夷阸䧢河洛之間分為 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
陵夷阸𨸟河洛之间分为 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of Han, circa 1st century CE
Zì yōu, píng zhī hòu, rì yǐ língyí, zhì hū èqū héluò zhījiān, fēnwèi èr zhōu, yǒu táo zhài zhī tái, bèi qiè tiě zhī yán. [Pinyin]
(please add an English translation of this usage example)






  1. be up to one's eyeballs in debt; racked with debt