[edit]Etymology 1
[edit]Probably from Classical Syriac ܓܸܢܣܵܐ (gensā), which is in turn probably from Ancient Greek γένος (génos), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵénh₁os. Alternatively, but much less likely, from Latin genus from the same Indo-European etymon. For the word's meanings, compare with German Geschlecht (“race; genus; maleness or femaleness; grammatical gender”).
[edit]جِنْس • (jins) m (plural أَجْنَاس (ʔajnās))
- (countable) a kind; a variety; a breed
- (countable, philosophy) a category to which one or more things belong
- Synonyms: مَقُولَة (maqūla), مَحْمُولَة (maḥmūla)
- (see usage notes) the quality of maleness or femaleness
- (grammar) grammatical gender
- (of animals or plants) a stock; a breed
- الجِنْس البَشَرِيّ ― al-jins al-bašariyy ― the human stock
- Hyponym: (of humans, modern) عِرْق (ʕirq, “race”)
- (Can we date this quote?), Ibn Taymiyyah, اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم لمخالفة أصحالب الجحيم [The Upright Path: The Necessity of Departing from the People of Hellfire]:
- [التفاضل بين جنس العرب وجنس العجم]
فإن الذي عليه أهل السنة والجماعة: اعتقاد أن جنس العرب أفضل من جنس العجم، عبرانيهم (6) وسريانيهم (7) روميهم وفرسيهم (8) وغيرهم.
وأن قريشا أفضل العرب، وأن بني هاشم: أفضل قريش، وأن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أفضل بني هاشم. فهو: أفضل الخلق نفسا، وأفضلهم نسبا. وليس فضل العرب، ثم قريش، ثم بني هاشم، لمجرد كون النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم منهم، وإن كان هذا من الفضل، بل هم في أنفسهم أفضل، وبذلك يثبت (1) لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أنه أفضل نفسا ونسبا، وإلا لزم الدور. ... وذهبت فرقة من الناس إلى (4) أن لا فضل لجنس العرب على جنس العجم. ... ومن الناس من قد يفضل بعض أنواع العجم على العرب. والغالب أن مثل هذا الكلام لا يصدر إلا عن نوع نفاق: إما في الاعتقاد وإما في العمل المنبعث عن هوى النفس، مع شبهات اقتضت ذلك، ولهذا جاء في الحديث: «حب العرب إيمان وبغضهم نفاق» (1) مع أن الكلام في هذه المسائل لا يكاد يخلو عن هوى (2) للنفس، ونصيب للشيطان من الطرفين، وهذا محرم في جميع المسائل.- Distinction between the Stock of the Arabs and the Stock of the Non-Arabs
The Sunnites hold, among their doctrines, the belief that the stock of the Arabs is better than the stock of the non-Arabs, be they Hebrews, or Assyrians, or Romans, or Persians, or otherwise; that Qurayš is the most meritorious of the Arabs and so is the tribe of Hāšim among Qurayš; and that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the best of the tribe of Hāšim, for he is "the best of creation in spirit and in pedigree". The distinction of the Arabs, though, is not merely by dint of the Prophet's being from among them, notwithstanding that this is a distinction. They themselves are excellent, hence the Prophet's saying that he is "the best in spirit and pedigree", may Allah bless him and grant him peace, for if not, there should have been an entailment relation. ... Some camp determined that there is no distinction for the Arab stock over the non-Arab stock. ... And among people, there are those who may put some of the types of non-Arabs above the Arabs. Mostly, though, such talk arises from a kind of pretense, either in word or in deed, coming from whims, along with misunderstandings that would point to this or that, and thus, as the tradition says, "loving Arabs is piety; loathing them is a dissemblance". Still, talking about these matters is seldom free of partiality, a share for the Devil on both sides. This is impermissible in all matters.
- Distinction between the Stock of the Arabs and the Stock of the Non-Arabs
- (taxonomy) genus
- Coordinate terms: نَوْع (nawʕ, “species”), مُسْتَنْبَت (mustanbat, “cultivar”), فَصِيلَة (faṣīla, “family”), رُتْبَة (rutba, “order”), مَمْلَكَة (mamlaka, “kingdom”)
- (uncountable, Modern Standard Arabic, sometimes vulgar) sex, sexual intercourse
- Synonyms: مُضَاجَعَة (muḍājaʕa, “lying together; lovemaking”), جِمَاع (jimāʕ, “copulation”), (archaic) نِكَاح (nikāḥ), (now vulgar) نَيْك (nayk)
- (Can we date this quote?), ʿAlī Muḥammad al-Yūsuf, أفكار وشذرات فلسفية [Beads of Philosophy]:
- باتت هذه التطلعات الاشتراكية من یوتوبيات عصور الانقراض التي عفا عليها الزمن و تجاوزها التاريخ، ليحل محلها في الأولوية الاباحية الجنسية والدعارة المنظمة وانحلال الاسرة وانحدار الاخلاقيات الجنسية إلى مراتب حيوانية بهيمية، علما انه لا توجد مشاعية جنسية حيوانية الا في فترة محدودة هي موسم التكاثر، وممارسة الحيوان للجنس عنده ليس بافضل منها لذتُه بالاكل فقط، بعكس الانسان الذي يجد متعة الجنس افضل من متعته بالاكل، لذا تعتبر مشاعية الجنس عند الحيوان حتى وإن لم يدرك ذلك مرتبة في نظامها الطبيعي من اباحية الجنس الآدمية المبتدعة في المجتمعات الغربية الرأسمالية، بأسم ممارسة حرية الجنس كحق مکتسب في الاباحية وفي ازالة حواجز التحريم الجنسي نهائيا في زنا المحارم والديوثية وغيرها من انواع الجنس الشاذ.
- These socialist aspirations [that is, of wealth redistribution] became cast-aside utopias, obsolesced by history and time, to be replaced by the primacy of sexual licentiousness and organized prostitution and by the break-up of the family and the degeneration of sexual ethics to the level of senseless animals, though animals are not sexually excited outside their mating seasons, nor is sex among animals surpassed only by the pleasure of food, unlike humans, who would prefer the pleasure of sex to that of food. Among animals, sex is thus less base, though the animals themselves are oblivious to it, than the sexual libertinism among men in Western capitalist societies, which is hailed as a right that necessitates the abolition of all the sexual prohibitions and barriers to incest and cuckoldry, among other forms of sexual deviancy.
- (Can we date this quote?), Fawzī Ḏaybān, إِكْمِيل [ʔikmīl, ʾIkmīl]:
- أنا أحب الجنس، والمرأة التي كالقطة تموء، وأحب الجسد الأسمر والطبيعة والعزف المتصاعد.
- I like sex. I like women that moan like pussycats. I like dark bodies, and nature, and rising melodies.
- value, worth, distinction which reflects in a different price, richness
- a. 1248, ابن البيطار [Ibn al-Bayṭār], الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية [De simplicibus medicinis opus magnum]:
- كركند: الغافقي قيل أنه حجر يشبه الياقوت الأحمر غير أنه ليس في نضارته ولا جنسه وإذا نفخ عليه النار انكسر والمبرد يعمل فيه عملاً خفيفاً.
- Ruby spinel: Al-Ġāfaqīy [d. 1164]: It is said to be a stone similar to ruby but it isn’t in its shine nor value. And when fire is blown upon it then it bursts. The file works upon it but feebly.
- good or item of value of a furnishing, a valuable, commodity
Usage notes
[edit]Like their ideological counterparts in Europe and the Americas, Arabic-speaking liberal feminists and social constructionists depreciate the sense of "sexual identity" of جِنْس (jins), and instead, they opt for the semantically broader نَوْع (nawʕ) as the standard rendition of the English gender and reserve جِنْس (jins) for the meaning of "sexual activity".
[edit]Singular | basic singular triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | جِنْس jins |
الْجِنْس al-jins |
جِنْس jins |
Nominative | جِنْسٌ jinsun |
الْجِنْسُ al-jinsu |
جِنْسُ jinsu |
Accusative | جِنْسًا jinsan |
الْجِنْسَ al-jinsa |
جِنْسَ jinsa |
Genitive | جِنْسٍ jinsin |
الْجِنْسِ al-jinsi |
جِنْسِ jinsi |
Dual | Indefinite | Definite | Construct |
Informal | جِنْسَيْن jinsayn |
الْجِنْسَيْن al-jinsayn |
جِنْسَيْ jinsay |
Nominative | جِنْسَانِ jinsāni |
الْجِنْسَانِ al-jinsāni |
جِنْسَا jinsā |
Accusative | جِنْسَيْنِ jinsayni |
الْجِنْسَيْنِ al-jinsayni |
جِنْسَيْ jinsay |
Genitive | جِنْسَيْنِ jinsayni |
الْجِنْسَيْنِ al-jinsayni |
جِنْسَيْ jinsay |
Plural | basic broken plural triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | أَجْنَاس ʔajnās |
الْأَجْنَاس al-ʔajnās |
أَجْنَاس ʔajnās |
Nominative | أَجْنَاسٌ ʔajnāsun |
الْأَجْنَاسُ al-ʔajnāsu |
أَجْنَاسُ ʔajnāsu |
Accusative | أَجْنَاسًا ʔajnāsan |
الْأَجْنَاسَ al-ʔajnāsa |
أَجْنَاسَ ʔajnāsa |
Genitive | أَجْنَاسٍ ʔajnāsin |
الْأَجْنَاسِ al-ʔajnāsi |
أَجْنَاسِ ʔajnāsi |
Derived terms
[edit]- لَا النَّافِيَة لِلْجِنْس (lā n-nāfiya(t) liljins)
- اِسْم جِنْس (ism jins)
- اِسْم جِنْس إِفْرَادِيّ (ism jins ʔifrādiyy)
- اِسْمُ جِنْسٍ جَمْعِيٌّ (ismu jinsin jamʕiyyun)
- اَلْجَزَاءُ مِنْ جِنْسِ الْعَمَلِ (al-jazāʔu min jinsi l-ʕamali)
Related terms
[edit]- جِنْسِيّ (jinsiyy)
- جَانَسَ (jānasa, “to be of the same kind (as)”, verb)
- تَجَانَسَ (tajānasa, “to be of the same kind”, verb)
- جَنَّسَ (jannasa, verb)
- تَجَنَّسَ (tajannasa, verb)
Etymology 2
[edit]From the noun جِنْس (jins, “kind, sort”) and جِنْسِيَّة (jinsiyya, “nationality”).
[edit]جَنَّسَ • (jannasa) II (non-past يُجَنِّسُ (yujannisu), verbal noun تَجْنِيس (tajnīs))
- to make alike, to make similar
- to assimilate, to naturalize
- to class, to classify, to sort, to categorize
- to give nationality to
[edit]verbal noun الْمَصْدَر |
تَجْنِيس tajnīs | |||||||||||
active participle اِسْم الْفَاعِل |
مُجَنِّس mujannis | |||||||||||
passive participle اِسْم الْمَفْعُول |
مُجَنَّس mujannas | |||||||||||
active voice الْفِعْل الْمَعْلُوم | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | جَنَّسْتُ jannastu |
جَنَّسْتَ jannasta |
جَنَّسَ jannasa |
جَنَّسْتُمَا jannastumā |
جَنَّسَا jannasā |
جَنَّسْنَا jannasnā |
جَنَّسْتُمْ jannastum |
جَنَّسُوا jannasū | |||
f | جَنَّسْتِ jannasti |
جَنَّسَتْ jannasat |
جَنَّسَتَا jannasatā |
جَنَّسْتُنَّ jannastunna |
جَنَّسْنَ jannasna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أُجَنِّسُ ʔujannisu |
تُجَنِّسُ tujannisu |
يُجَنِّسُ yujannisu |
تُجَنِّسَانِ tujannisāni |
يُجَنِّسَانِ yujannisāni |
نُجَنِّسُ nujannisu |
تُجَنِّسُونَ tujannisūna |
يُجَنِّسُونَ yujannisūna | |||
f | تُجَنِّسِينَ tujannisīna |
تُجَنِّسُ tujannisu |
تُجَنِّسَانِ tujannisāni |
تُجَنِّسْنَ tujannisna |
يُجَنِّسْنَ yujannisna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أُجَنِّسَ ʔujannisa |
تُجَنِّسَ tujannisa |
يُجَنِّسَ yujannisa |
تُجَنِّسَا tujannisā |
يُجَنِّسَا yujannisā |
نُجَنِّسَ nujannisa |
تُجَنِّسُوا tujannisū |
يُجَنِّسُوا yujannisū | |||
f | تُجَنِّسِي tujannisī |
تُجَنِّسَ tujannisa |
تُجَنِّسَا tujannisā |
تُجَنِّسْنَ tujannisna |
يُجَنِّسْنَ yujannisna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أُجَنِّسْ ʔujannis |
تُجَنِّسْ tujannis |
يُجَنِّسْ yujannis |
تُجَنِّسَا tujannisā |
يُجَنِّسَا yujannisā |
نُجَنِّسْ nujannis |
تُجَنِّسُوا tujannisū |
يُجَنِّسُوا yujannisū | |||
f | تُجَنِّسِي tujannisī |
تُجَنِّسْ tujannis |
تُجَنِّسَا tujannisā |
تُجَنِّسْنَ tujannisna |
يُجَنِّسْنَ yujannisna | |||||||
imperative الْأَمْر |
m | جَنِّسْ jannis |
جَنِّسَا jannisā |
جَنِّسُوا jannisū |
f | جَنِّسِي jannisī |
جَنِّسْنَ jannisna | ||||||||||
passive voice الْفِعْل الْمَجْهُول | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | جُنِّسْتُ junnistu |
جُنِّسْتَ junnista |
جُنِّسَ junnisa |
جُنِّسْتُمَا junnistumā |
جُنِّسَا junnisā |
جُنِّسْنَا junnisnā |
جُنِّسْتُمْ junnistum |
جُنِّسُوا junnisū | |||
f | جُنِّسْتِ junnisti |
جُنِّسَتْ junnisat |
جُنِّسَتَا junnisatā |
جُنِّسْتُنَّ junnistunna |
جُنِّسْنَ junnisna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أُجَنَّسُ ʔujannasu |
تُجَنَّسُ tujannasu |
يُجَنَّسُ yujannasu |
تُجَنَّسَانِ tujannasāni |
يُجَنَّسَانِ yujannasāni |
نُجَنَّسُ nujannasu |
تُجَنَّسُونَ tujannasūna |
يُجَنَّسُونَ yujannasūna | |||
f | تُجَنَّسِينَ tujannasīna |
تُجَنَّسُ tujannasu |
تُجَنَّسَانِ tujannasāni |
تُجَنَّسْنَ tujannasna |
يُجَنَّسْنَ yujannasna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أُجَنَّسَ ʔujannasa |
تُجَنَّسَ tujannasa |
يُجَنَّسَ yujannasa |
تُجَنَّسَا tujannasā |
يُجَنَّسَا yujannasā |
نُجَنَّسَ nujannasa |
تُجَنَّسُوا tujannasū |
يُجَنَّسُوا yujannasū | |||
f | تُجَنَّسِي tujannasī |
تُجَنَّسَ tujannasa |
تُجَنَّسَا tujannasā |
تُجَنَّسْنَ tujannasna |
يُجَنَّسْنَ yujannasna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أُجَنَّسْ ʔujannas |
تُجَنَّسْ tujannas |
يُجَنَّسْ yujannas |
تُجَنَّسَا tujannasā |
يُجَنَّسَا yujannasā |
نُجَنَّسْ nujannas |
تُجَنَّسُوا tujannasū |
يُجَنَّسُوا yujannasū | |||
f | تُجَنَّسِي tujannasī |
تُجَنَّسْ tujannas |
تُجَنَّسَا tujannasā |
تُجَنَّسْنَ tujannasna |
يُجَنَّسْنَ yujannasna |
[edit]Borrowed from Arabic جِنْس (jins).
[edit]- (Classical Persian) IPA(key): [d͡ʒins]
- (Iran, formal) IPA(key): [d͡ʒens]
- (Tajik, formal) IPA(key): [d͡ʒins]
Readings | |
Classical reading? | jins |
Dari reading? | jins |
Iranian reading? | jens |
Tajik reading? | jins |
[edit]جنس • (jens) (plural اجناس (ajnâs) or جنسها (jens-hâ))
- kind, sort
- (biology) gender, sex
- جنس ماده ― jens-e mâde ― female sex/gender
- جنس مونث ― jens-e mo'annas ― female sex/gender
- جنس نر ― jens-e nar ― male sex/gender
- جنس مذکر ― jens-e mozakkar ― male sex/gender
- (biology) genus
- Synonym: سرده (sarde)
- (grammar) gender
- جنس اسمها ― jens-e esm-hâ ― the gender of nouns
- (logic) genus
- (figurative) race, kind
- جنس بشر ― jens-e bašar ― the human race; humankind
- c. 1911, Mohammad Hossein Âğuli Torki-ye Shirâzi, دیوان ترکی شیرازی[1]:
- همچو من، سوخته جانی به همه عالم نیست
می توان گفت که در جنس بنی آدم نیست- hamču man, suxte jâni be hame âlam nist
mi-tavân goft ke dar jens-e bani âdam nist - There is no burnt soul like me in the entire world;
You can say that I am not of the human race.
- hamču man, suxte jâni be hame âlam nist
- (music) jins (set of stepwise pitches in Islamic music theory)
- (biology) gender, sex
- nature, intrinsic quality
- material (which something is made of)
- جنس این پنبه است. ― jens-e in pambe ast. ― The material is cotton.
- (good or bad) quality
- جنسش خیلی خوبه. (colloquial Iranian)
- jens-eš xeyli xub-e.
- Its quality is really good.
- از جنس عالی ― az jens-e âli ― of exceptional quality
- fundamental nature (of a personality)
- این آدم جنسش خرابه. (colloquial Iranian)
- in âdam jens-eš xarâb-e.
- This guy is a terrible person.
- (literally, “This guy's nature is corrupt.”)
- material (which something is made of)
- A generic noun:
- goods, commodities, merchandise
- Synonym: کالا (kâlâ)
- قیمت اجناس ― qeymat-e ajnâs ― price of goods
- (especially Dari) thing (in general)
- Synonym: چیز (čiz)
- goods, commodities, merchandise
Usage notes
[edit]- In liberal feminist circles, جنسیت (jensiyat) may be equivalent to "gender" and جنس (jens) to "biological sex", but many speakers do not make the distinction.
Derived terms
[edit]Further reading
[edit]- Hayyim, Sulayman (1934) “جنس”, in New Persian–English dictionary, Teheran: Librairie-imprimerie Béroukhim
South Levantine Arabic
[edit]From Arabic جِنْس (jins). The “sex, gender” sense is a learned borrowing from Arabic.
[edit]- Arabic terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Arabic terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *ǵenh₁-
- Arabic terms derived from Classical Syriac
- Arabic terms derived from Ancient Greek
- Arabic 1-syllable words
- Arabic terms with IPA pronunciation
- Moroccan Arabic 1-syllable words
- Moroccan Arabic terms with IPA pronunciation
- Arabic terms with audio pronunciation
- Arabic lemmas
- Arabic nouns
- Arabic masculine nouns
- Arabic countable nouns
- Arabic terms with usage examples
- ar:Philosophy
- ar:Grammar
- Arabic terms with quotations
- ar:Taxonomy
- Arabic uncountable nouns
- Modern Standard Arabic
- Arabic vulgarities
- Arabic nouns with basic triptote singular
- Arabic nouns with broken plural
- Arabic nouns with basic triptote broken plural
- Arabic verbs
- Arabic form-II verbs
- Arabic sound form-II verbs
- Arabic verbs with full passive
- Persian terms borrowed from Arabic
- Persian terms derived from Arabic
- Persian terms derived from the Arabic root ج ن س
- Persian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Persian lemmas
- Persian nouns
- fa:Biology
- Persian terms with usage examples
- fa:Grammar
- fa:Logic
- Persian terms with quotations
- fa:Music
- Dari
- South Levantine Arabic terms belonging to the root ج ن س
- South Levantine Arabic terms inherited from Arabic
- South Levantine Arabic terms derived from Arabic
- South Levantine Arabic terms borrowed from Arabic
- South Levantine Arabic learned borrowings from Arabic
- South Levantine Arabic terms with IPA pronunciation
- South Levantine Arabic terms with audio pronunciation
- South Levantine Arabic lemmas
- South Levantine Arabic nouns
- South Levantine Arabic masculine nouns