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See also: Taku and tāku






  1. Rōmaji transcription of たく





taku f

  1. inflection of taka:
    1. accusative/instrumental singular
    2. genitive plural





From Proto-Polynesian *taʻaku. Compare Hawaiian kaʻu.




  1. my

Usage notes


This is the neutral form for referring to a single possessed item. This form is not governed by the usual a / o distinction. This word must be followed by a noun.


Maori possessive pronouns
singular object dual/plural object
A category O category neutral A category O category neutral
1st person tāku tōku taku āku ōku aku
2nd person tāu tōu āu ōu ō
3rd person tāna tōna tana āna ōna ana
1st person, inclusive tāua tāua ā tāua ō tāua
1st person, exclusive māua māua ā māua ō māua
2nd person kōrua kōrua ā kōrua ō kōrua
3rd person rāua rāua ā rāua ō rāua
1st person, inclusive tātou tātou ā tātou ō tātou
1st person, exclusive mātou mātou ā mātou ō mātou
2nd person koutou koutou ā koutou ō koutou
3rd person rātou rātou ā rātou ō rātou

A category: alienable possession; possessor has control of the relationship.
O category: inalienable possession; possessor has no control over the relationship.






  1. rough
  2. resistant to getting drunk, having a high tolerance
  3. mixed, mixed up

See also





  1. red soil, iron(III) oxide


Declension of taku
singular plural
nominative taku takukuna
accusative takuta takukunata
dative takuman takukunaman
genitive takup takukunap
locative takupi takukunapi
terminative takukama takukunakama
ablative takumanta takukunamanta
instrumental takuwan takukunawan
comitative takuntin takukunantin
abessive takunnaq takukunannaq
comparative takuhina takukunahina
causative takurayku takukunarayku
benefactive takupaq takukunapaq
associative takupura takukunapura
distributive takunka takukunanka
exclusive takulla takukunalla
Possessive forms of taku
ñuqap - first-person singular
ñuqap (my) singular plural
nominative takuy takuykuna
accusative takuyta takuykunata
dative takuyman takuykunaman
genitive takuypa takuykunap
locative takuypi takuykunapi
terminative takuykama takuykunakama
ablative takuymanta takuykunamanta
instrumental takuywan takuykunawan
comitative takuynintin takuykunantin
abessive takuyninnaq takuykunannaq
comparative takuyhina takuykunahina
causative takuyrayku takuykunarayku
benefactive takuypaq takuykunapaq
associative takuypura takuykunapura
distributive takuyninka takuykunanka
exclusive takuylla takuykunalla
paypa - third-person singular
paypa (his/her/its) singular plural
nominative takun takunkuna
accusative takunta takunkunata
dative takunman takunkunaman
genitive takunpa takunkunap
locative takunpi takunkunapi
terminative takunkama takunkunakama
ablative takunmanta takunkunamanta
instrumental takunwan takunkunawan
comitative takunintin takunkunantin
abessive takunninnaq takunkunannaq
comparative takunhina takunkunahina
causative takunrayku takunkunarayku
benefactive takunpaq takunkunapaq
associative takunpura takunkunapura
distributive takuninka takunkunanka
exclusive takunlla takunkunalla
ñuqaykup - first-person exclusive plural
ñuqaykup (our(excl)) singular plural
nominative takuyku takuykukuna
accusative takuykuta takuykukunata
dative takuykuman takuykukunaman
genitive takuykupa takuykukunap
locative takuykupi takuykukunapi
terminative takuykukama takuykukunakama
ablative takuykumanta takuykukunamanta
instrumental takuykuwan takuykukunawan
comitative takuykuntin takuykukunantin
abessive takuykunnaq takuykukunannaq
comparative takuykuhina takuykukunahina
causative takuykurayku takuykukunarayku
benefactive takuykupaq takuykukunapaq
associative takuykupura takuykukunapura
distributive takuykunka takuykukunanka
exclusive takuykulla takuykukunalla




  • IPA(key): /ta.ˈku/, [ta.ˈku]




  1. lake; pond; pool




  • IPA(key): [ˈta.ku]
  • Hyphenation: ta‧ku

Etymology 1


From Proto-Polynesian *te-qa-ku. Cognates include Hawaiian kaʻu and Samoan laʻu.




  1. (inalienable, definite) my
See also
Tokelauan possessive determiners
Definite inalienable (O-type)
singular reference plural reference
sg du pl sg du pl
long short long short
1st person excl. toku, tota1 to māua to to mātou oku, ota1 o māua o o mātou
incl. to tāua to to tātou o tāua o o tātou
2nd person toulua toutou ō oulua outou
3rd person tona to lāua to to lātou ona o lāua o o lātou
Definite alienable (A-type)
singular reference plural reference
sg du pl sg du pl
long short long short
1st person excl. taku, tata1 ta māua ta ta mātou aku, ata1 a māua a a mātou
incl. ta tāua ta ta tātou a tāua a a tātou
2nd person tau taulua tautou au aulua autou
3rd person tana ta lāua ta ta lātou ana a lāua a a lātou
Indefinite inalienable (O-type)
singular reference plural reference
sg du pl sg du pl
long short long short
1st person excl. hoku, hota1 ho māua ho ho mātou ni oku,
ni ota1
ni o māua ni o ni o mātou
incl. ho tāua ho ho tātou ni o tāua ni o ni o tātou
2nd person houlua houtou ni ō ni oulua ni outou
3rd person hona ho lāua ho ho lātou ni ona ni o lāua ni o ni o lātou
Indefinite alienable (A-type)
singular reference plural reference
sg du pl sg du pl
long short long short
1st person excl. haku, hata1 ha māua ha ha mātou ni aku,
ni ata1
ni a māua ni a ni a mātou
incl. ha tāua ha ha tātou ni a tāua ni a ni a tātou
2nd person hau haulua hautou ni au ni aulua ni autou
3rd person hana ha lāua ha ha lātou ni ana ni a lāua ni a ni a lātou

1) Sympathetic

Etymology 2


From Proto-Polynesian *taku. Cognates include Maori taku and Samoan ta'u.




  1. (intransitive) to tell
  2. (intransitive) to announce
  3. (transitive) to say, pronounce
  4. (transitive) to report
  5. (transitive) to confess
Derived terms


  • R. Simona, editor (1986), Tokelau Dictionary[1], Auckland: Office of Tokelau Affairs, page 361