[edit]Originally the iterative form of an older verb *regt, from Proto-Baltic *reg-, from Proto-Indo-European *reg-, *reǵ-, *h₃reǵ- (“straight, right; to put straight, right; to stretch; to erect; direction, line”). The semantic evolution was presumably “to be stretched, erected” > “to be visible” > “to perceive visually, to see.” Cognates include Lithuanian regė́ti (“to see”), règti (“to begin to see”).[1]
[edit]redzēt (transitive, 3rd conjugation, present redzu, redzi, redz, past redzēju)
- to see (to perceive something visually)
- pa logu var redzēt dārzu ― through the window (one) can see the garden
- redzēt filmu, izstādi ― to see a movie, an exhibition
- nav ko redzēt ― (there is) nothing to see
- redzēt elpu ― to see (one's) breath (in cold weather)
- to see (to be able to perceive (things) visually)
- viņš slikti redz ― he sees badly, poorly
- kaķi tumsā redz labāk nekā cilvēks ― in the dark cats see better than people
- tik tumšs, ka nevar redzēt ― (it is) so dark that (one) cannot see
- no kalna tālu var redzēt ― from a mountain (one) can see far
- to see, to observe, to notice (a phenomenon, a feature or quality)
- redzēju, cik tu biji satraukts ― I saw how alarmed you were
- Kalējs pasmaidīja, bet visi redzēja, cik grūti viņam bija izspiest smaidu ― Kalējs smiled, but everyone saw how difficult it was for him to squeeze a smile
- to see (to learn, to understand, to realize)
- es redzu, ka man nepietiks laika ― I see that I will have enough time
- kā redzat, esmu sarkanarmietis ― as you (can) see, I am a Red Army soldier
- istaba bija maza, bet mājīga, un kātra sīkumā varēja redzēt, ka te dzīvo sieviete ― the room was small but cozy, and in every detail (one) could see that a woman lived there
- Līze redzēja, ka nekāda prātīga runāšana kaimiņos nav gaidamā un vedināja Andri mājup ― Līze saw that there would be no sensible talking at the neighbors', so she took Andris (back) home
- to see (to experience, to live through)
- redzēt grūtības, ciešanas, sāpes ― to see hardship, suffering, pain
- redzēt laimi, vienaldzību ― to see happiness, indifference
- viņai vajadzēja redzēt pieticību un prieku, lai varētu vēl ticēt laimei ― she had to see contentment and joy in order to be able to believe still in happiness
- to see (to create visual images in one's memory or imagination)
- redzēt sapni ― to have (lit. to see) a dream
- redzēt ko sapnī ― to see something in a dream
- pēc brītiņa viņš aizmiga un redzēja sapni ― after a while he fell asleep and had (lit. saw) a dream
- atgūlies uz muguras un aizvēris acis, redzu tos divdesmit gadus plašā ainā savā priekšā ― having lain down and closed (my) eyes, I see those twenty years in a broad scene in front of me
[edit]Derived terms
[edit]- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
Related terms
[edit]See also
- Latvian terms derived from Proto-Baltic
- Latvian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Latvian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Latvian words with broken intonation
- Latvian transitive verbs
- Latvian lemmas
- Latvian verbs
- Latvian terms with usage examples
- Latvian third conjugation verbs
- Latvian third conjugation verbs in -ēt