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See also: redzē





From the same stem as the verb redzēt (to see) (q.v.), made into a 5th-declension feminine noun.


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redze f (5th declension)

  1. (sense) vision, eyesight (the capacity to perceive the external world visually)
    asa, vāja, normāla redzesharp, poor, normal eyesight
    pasliktināta redzeimpaired vision
    redzes spējavision, visual capacity
    redzes orgāns, nervsorgan of sight, optic nerve
    redzes sajūtas, iespaidivisual sensations, impressions
    redzes asumsvisual acuity
    pārbaudīt redzito check, to test (one's) eyesight
    piepūlēt redzito strain (one's) eyesight
    zaudēt redzito lose (one's) eyesight
    acs redzes assvisual axis
    telpiskā redzespatial vision
    krāsu redzecolor vision
    binokulārā redzebinocular vision
    redzes leņķisangle of vision
    redzes lauks, loksfield, arch of vision
    redzes atmiņavisual memory



See also
