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See also: oza, -oza, -óza, and ožā





From Proto-Finnic *osa. Cognate with Finnish osa.



oža (genitive ožan, partitive ožua)

  1. part
  2. lot
  3. destiny
  4. happiness

Derived terms






From the same stem as the verb ost (to smell) (q.v.), with an extra ending -yā: *uod-ya > oža.[1]


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oža f (4th declension)

  1. (sense) smell (the capacity to perceive various chemical substances in suspension in the air)
    jutīga ožasensitive (sense of) smell
    ožas orgāns, nervs, šūnasolfactory organ, nerve, cells
    ožas analizatorsolfactory system
    sunim smalka ožathe dog (has) a fine (sense of) smell
    noteikt ēdiena kvalitāti pēc ožasto determine the quality of food by (one's sense of) smell
    putnu sunim jābūt ar labu ožu, lai viņš putnu pēdas un pašus putnus tālu saostu un ātri atrastua bird dog must have a good (sense of) smell, so that he can smell and quickly find a bird's track or even the bird itslef
  2. (rare) smell, odor
    komisijas locekļi sapulcējās, lai dotu pēdējo novērtējumu konserviem... tika ņemti vērā izstrādājumu garša, oža, konsistence un ārējais noformējumsthe commission members met to give the last assessment on the canned food... the taste, smell, consistence and external form of the products were taken into account





See also



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “ost”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN