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phanh thây

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In usage, from Chinese 分屍 / 分尸 (phân thi), but with the substitution of phân () with the etymologically unrelated phanh through phono-semantic matching.





phanh thây

  1. to tear a person to pieces
    Synonym: xé xác
    ngũ mã phanh thâydismemberment with five horses
    tứ mã phanh thâydismemberment with four horses
    Tao căm nó lắm ! Mỗi lần thấy mặt nó cười đểu tao chỉ muốn phanh thây/xé xác nó thôi !
    I really hate her! Every time I see her smirking at me I just want to tear her to pieces!