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Alternative forms

  • juk (Western Kata-viri)



From Proto-Nuristani *jūtā, from earlier *duyitā, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *dʰúgʰHtā, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰugh₂tḗr.





 f (Kamviri)[1]

  1. daughter


  1. ^ Strand, Richard F. (2016) “ǰ′ü”, in Nûristânî Etymological Lexicon[1]

North Frisian






  1. (Mooring, Sylt) she (third-person singular feminine personal pronoun)
    as min süster.She is my sister.

Usage notes

  • On Föhr and Amrum this pronoun is obsolete like the article form; see below. The pronoun hat is used instead.

Alternative forms

  • 's (reduced form)

See also

Personal and possessive pronouns (Mooring dialect)
personal possessive
subject case object case masculine
feminine / neuter / plural
full reduced full reduced
singular 1st ik 'k me man min
2nd de dan din
3rd m hi 'r ham 'n san sin
f 's har 's harn har
n hat et, 't ham et, 't san sin
plural 1st we üs üüsen üüs
2nd jam 'm jam jarnge
3rd ja 's ja, jam 's jare

The reduced forms with an apostrophe are enclitic; they immediately follow verbs or conjunctions. is deleted altogether in such contexts.
Et is not enclitic and can stand in any unstressed position; the full subject form hat is now rarely used. In reflexive use, only full object forms occur.
Dual forms wat / unk and jat / junk are obsolete. Attributive and independent possessives are not distinguished in Mooring.

Personal and possessive pronouns (Sylt dialect)
personal possessive
subject case object case singular
plural referent
full reduced full reduced attributive independent
singular 1st ik 'k mi min minen
2nd di din dinen
3rd m hi 'r höm 'n sin sinen
f 's höör 's höör höören
n hat et, 't höm et, 't sin sinen
dual 1st wat unk unk unken
2nd at junk junk junken
3rd jat jam 's jaar jaaren
plural 1st üüs üüs üüsen
2nd i juu juu juuen
3rd ja 's jam 's jaar jaaren
  • The reduced forms with an apostrophe are enclitic; they immediately follow verbs or conjunctions. is deleted altogether in such contexts.
  • Et is not enclitic and can stand in any unstressed position; the full subject form hat is now rarely used. In reflexive use, only full object forms occur.
  • The dual forms are dated, but not obsolete as in other dialects.
  • Independent possessives are distinguished from attributive ones only with plural referents.



  1. (Mooring) the (feminine singular, full form)
    Coordinate term: (reduced) e

Usage notes

  • On Föhr and Amrum, the form was still attested in the 19th century, but is now obsolete. The feminine gender has been merged into the neuter; see det.
  • On Sylt, the feminine has been merged into the masculine instead; see di.

See also

Articles (Mooring dialect)
singular plural
m f n
definite /
full di dåt da
reduced e et e
indefinite /
full ån iinj
reduced en
negative nån niinj

The reduced neuter article et may contract with most prepositions.
Such contractions are spelt as single words, e.g. önjt (in the).







  1. until
    • 1931, Arie de Jong, Gramat Volapüka, § 256:
      Poszedelo de düp telid folid.
      From two till four o’clock in the afternoon.
    • 1937, “‚Johann Martin Schleyer’”, in Volapükagased pro Nedänapükans, page 34:
      De 1852 1855 ästudom in niver tö ‚Freiburg im Breisgau’ Godavi, pükavi, filosopi, jenavi e sanavi.
      From 1852 to 1855 he studied theology, philology, philosophy, history and medicine at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau.