[edit]- abintestate - ok
- ablacted - ok
- abripe -?
- aconic - ok
- acturience - ok? maybe just 2
- adenous - ok
- adjunctive - ok
- administratrix - ok
- adventureful - ok
- aeroscopy - ok
- agonothet - ok
- agrestical - ok
- agricolation - ok
- akolastic - ok
- alacrify - ok
- albuminousness - ok
- alcoometer - ok
- alligate - ok
- alloquy - ok
- almandine - ok
- aluminiform - ok
- aluminography - ok? many mentions, not just in dicts.
- alveated - ok
- ambustion - ok
- amenty - ? much noise
- amnic - ok
- amphigean - ok
- ampute - ok
- anagnostic - ok
- androspore - ok
- anelectrode - ok
- anemography - ?
- anhelation - ok
- anility - ok
- animative - ok
- annuate - ok
- antefact - ok
- anthropophagize - ok
- antiscion - ok
- anxietude - ok
- apicillary - ok, patents only
- applaudity - ok
- approperate - ok-ish
- appropinquate - ok
- aprication - ok
- aquation - ok
- arbust - ok as noun only
- archwayed - ok
- arctitude - ok-ish
- arduity - ok
- arenate - ok
- arenicolite - ok (caps?)
- armure - ok
- ascendable - ok
- ascendible - ok
- asperate - ok
- aspergill - ok
- assassinous - ok
- assessably - ok
- assizement - ok
- astrogeny - ok
- aurigal - ok
- aurigation - ok
- averruncate - ok
- avertin - ok
[edit]- balatron - ok
- bandle -ok?
- beamage - ok
- bewrayment - ok
- biacid - ok
- bibacity - ok
- bierstube - ok
- biflorate - ok
- binous - ok
- bipalmate - ok
- bipunctate - ok
- birdikin - ok
- bittering - ok
- borable - ok
- borsella - ?
- breachful - ok
- brisling - ok
- bulbitate - ok?, 2 usenet 1 scholar
- bursiculate - ok-ish
[edit]- calceolate - ok
- calcimine - ok
- calcitrate - ok
- caloriduct - ok
- calvity - ok
- cambial - ok
- camerate - ok
- Canace - ??
- cancrine - ok
- candicate - ok? maybe just errors for candidate
- cantation - ok
- caperate - ok
- caprious - ok ?
- carbunculate - ok
- castaldick
- catadrome - ok
- cathetometer - ok
- cavazion - ok
- cementatory - ok
- cementitious - ok
- cervicide - ok!
- cespitous - ok
- chagal - ok
- chaumontel - ok, usu. Chaumontel
- cherisance - cherisaunce a much-discussed misprint of Chaucer; cherisance a legal term as well as a modernized misprint of Chaucer
- cheston - ?? noise from Cheston
- chorometry - ok
- chronogrammatic - ok
- chyometer - ok
- cibarian
- cicuration
- cineraceous
- circinate
- circumplicate
- circumvall
- circumvolant
- cispeld
- citharize
- claspered
- claudicate
- coacervate
- coarguate
- coctible
- codical
- coercibleness
- cognomination
- collachrymation
- collaudation
- colleterium
- collimate
- collineation
- collutulate
- colorature
- columnarian
- columnarity
- commasculate
- commeation
- Commeline
- commigrate
- commonstrate
- compactible
- comperendinate
- complainful
- complore
- Comptonia
- concavation
- concessation
- conchometer
- conchospiral
- concionative
- concionator
- conclimate
- conduplicate
- condurdon
- confind
- conflagitate
- confluity
- conformability
- confusable
- conglutinant
- conlatrate
- connascence
- connudate
- conoidical
- conoidic
- consectator
- conserate
- consigne
- consimilarity
- consomniate
- conspergate
- conspuated
- contabulate
- contumulate
- conversationism
- convexedness
- corallaceous
- cordeling
- corollated
- corollate
- corradate
- corrodibility
- corrogue
- corruge
- corticiferous
- corticiform
- corticine
[edit]- dealbate
- deambulate
- deartuate
- debacchate
- deblaterate
- decander
- decapulate
- decarbonizer
- declinous
- decolorant
- decolorate
- decoloration
- decorator
- decortication
- deculcate
- decult
- decuriate
- decursive
- decurt
- decute
- dedigne
- dedoleate
- deducive
- defendee
- defloccate
- deflorate
- deforciation
- defust
- degen
- deglabrate
- deglubate
- deglutitory
- degrandinate
- degravation
- degress
- degulate
- degust
- delacrimation
- deleniate
- deletitious
- Delian
- delibate
- delibrate
- delimate
- delinque
- delitigate
- deltafication
- delute
- demigrate
- demissionary
- denegate
- dentalite
- dentiate
- dentile
- dentise
- dentoid
- deoccate
- deonerate
- deosculate
- depauperate
- depeculation
- depex
- deproperate
- depr
- depudicate
- derelinque
- desalt
- desecate
- desilver
- desipiate
- despiciency
- desponsated
- desquame
- desternute
- destert
- desticate
- desubulate
- desuetude
- desulphurize
- deterge
- detext
- detond
- detrectation
- detruncate
- detruncation
- deturpate
- devenerate
- devocation
- devoke
- dewater
- dextrorsal
- dextrorse
[edit]- diadelph
- diaglyph
- diagraphic
- diamagnet
- diander
- dichastasis
- dichastic
- dichroic
- dichromasy
- dichromate
- dichroous
- diclinic
- dictatrix
- dic
- didactylous
- dietarian
- diffarreation
- diffractometer
- diffranchise
- digammate
- digamous
- digitation
- dignorate
- digram
- dihexagonal
- diloricate
- dimication
- dimidiate
- dinumeration
- diplomatism
- dipter
- diremption
- diruncinate
- disacidify
- disaggregate
- disaggregation
- disappreciate
- disapprobatory
- discalceate
- disceptator
- disconsecrate
- discrepancy
- discrepate
- discussory
- disfranchisement
- dishonorary
- disjudication
- dispansion
- disperdition
- disproportionally
- disrupture
- dissentory
- dissert
- dissilience
- dissociate
- distensible
- distermine
- distillate
- distorque
- disuniter
- divage
- divaricate
- diversory
[edit]- eblandish
- ebullate
- ecasterly
- edention
- edoceate
- effranchise
- effrenation
- eften
- egerminate
- egrimony
- elapidate
- elasticized
- elatrate
- elegiographer
- Eleutherian
- eliquament
- elixate
- elocular
- elucubrate
- eluscate
- elytroid
- emaculate
- embamma
- enamellar
- enameller
- enavigate
- encastic
- endamageable
- enervative
- ennean
- enodable
- enode
- entassment
- enunciate
- ephemeric
- epilogize
- equestrienne
- equivorous
- erament
- eremigate
- erration
- eruction
- erustate
- escot
- esuriate
- eternization
- ethologic
- euphony
- euthymy
- evaporimeter
- eventilate
- everr
- exanthematous
- exarticulation
- exauspicate
- excalceate
- excandescent
- excelsity
- excreable
- excreate
- excubation
- exflagellation
- exgurgitate
- exorbeate
- expalpate
- expellent
- expergefy
- expirable
- expressivo
- exsaturate
- exsuperation
- extempory
- extensionist
- exterebrate
- extorque
- extuberate
- exululate
- exungulate
- exust
[edit]- fagopyrism
- famigerate
- fastigate
- fatiloquy
- faucal
- favosites
- featherly
- fellicate
- fenerate
- ferruminate
- festoony
- festoon
- fideicide
- filipendulous
- filose
- fistinut
- fistucate
- flabellation
- flagellate
- flagitate
- flagitation
- Flobert
- floccify
- flossification
- focillate
- fodient
- foliation
- foliiferous
- formity
- formularistic
- fornicate
- fortuny
- frangent
- frangipani
- fraxate
- frondosous
- frondous
- fructose
- frumentation
- frummagemed
- fruticous
- fulcible
- fulgurity
- fumacious
- fumage
- furacious
- fuscin
- fussock
[edit]- galerite
- galvanizer
- gambist
- gangean
- gangrenescent
- gausapine
- gend
- geniculate
- geogony
- geotic
- gestible
- Ghenting
- giantesque
- gimlet
- glabella
- glabreate
- glabretal
- glacitate
- glaireous
- glaucitate
- glimflashy
- glocidate
- glossocele
- glossography
- glumaceous
- glumous
- gnarity
- gnavity
- gofysshe
- goniometry
- graduator
- grallic
- gramineal
- graminosous
- grandevity
- graveolence
- gravic
- gravidate
- grenatiform
- gripeful
- griskin
- grumosity
- gubernate
- Guelphic
- gundy-gut
- gymnasiarch
- gynander
- gynandrian
- gyroidal
[edit]- hachure
- hag-boat
- halomancy
- harengiform
- harmine
- harmonometer
- haruspice
- hastile
- hautboyist
- havenage
- hebetation
- Hebraist
- Hebridean
- hectostere
- Hehner
- helicite
- helicoidal
- heliodon
- heliotroper
- helmage
- hemimorphic
- hemiplegy
- hemipter
- heptahedron
- hermaphrodism
- hesitude
- Hesper
- heteromorphic
- heterophyllous
- heteropter
- hexaped
- hickey
- hiemate
- hieromartyr
- highty-tighty
- hilar
- hippelaph
- hippocrepiform
- hippolith
- hippophagy
- histrio
- homalographic
- homophone
- hord
- hospitate
- hotshoot
- howel
- huffish
- huller
- hyalescent
- hydrant
- hydriad
- hydriodate
- hydroid
- hydrometric
- hydrosulphuretted
- hygienism
- hymenopter
- hymnography
- hypophosphate
- hypsometer
- hysterology
[edit]- ichthyolite
- ichthyophagous
- ignescent
- ignifluous
- ignote
- illacerable
- illachrymable
- illimitably
- illutible
- imberbic
- imbuition
- immodulate
- immorigerous
- imparidigitate
- impartation
- impartibility
- impassionable
- impassively
- impedition
- impendious
- imperforable
- impiate
- impigrity
- implumous
- imporcate
- impredicable
- imprevalence
- improcreable
- improperate
- improperation
- imputrescence
- inadulable
- inaffectation
- inamiable
- inanimal
- inapplicably
- inappreciation
- inapproachable
- inargentate
- inartificially
- inaurate
- incalculableness
- incanous
- incantate
- incarnification
- incerate
- incipience
- incog
- incompensable
- inconclusively
- incongealable
- incordiate
- incriminous
- incurved
- incuse
- indagate
- indefinity
- indeplorable
- indeprecable
- indexical
- indigitate
- indigometer
- indistinguishing
- induplicative
- indusiated
- inefficiently
- inelaborated
- inelaborate
- inenodable
- inermous
- inerty
- inessence
- inexcitability
- inexcult
- inexistence
- inexplainable
- inexposure
- inexputable
- inexsaturated
- inexsuperable
- inextinct
- inextirpable
- infabricated
- infaust
- inferable
- infestive
- infibulate
- infraction
- infrenate
- infrendiate
- infucate
- infundibulate
- infuscation
- ingeniculate
- ingenuated
- ingustable
- inhalate
- inhalation
- inharmonic
- injucundity
- innable
- innatable
- innatism
- innerve
- innoxious
- inoccate
- inoculatrix
- inodorate
- inopacate
- inopercular
- inorthography
- inoxidizable
- insecable
- insecate
- insection
- insedable
- inseminate
- insemination
- insertation
- insiccate
- insolate
- insperable
- instilment
- insubmission
- insuccate
- insulsity
- intabulation
- intactible
- intaminate
- interclusion
- intercommunal
- interdictory
- interfluve
- interjacence
- interlucate
- intermeddlesome
- intermesh
- internecate
- interpellator
- interplicate
- intersecant
- intersist
- interspersion
- interspiration
- interstinct
- intervigilate
- intimidation
- intolerancy
- intractive
- intrapetiolar
- intumilated
- inturgescence
- inumbrate
- inuncate
- inundate
- inurbane
- invagination
- invalescence
- invaletude
- invenust
- investigatrix
- invigilance
- involate
- involation
- involucellate
- irenic
- iridian
- iridize
- irisate
- irrecordable
- irremunerable
- irroborate
- irrorate
- irroration
- irrumate
- isagogic
- isobarometric
- isobar
- isocheim
- isogeotherm
- isomeromorphism
- isonomic
- isopycnic
- isotherombrose
- itineration
[edit]- jactancy
- jaculate
- jejunation
- jejunity
- jillet
- joculatory
- Jovicentric
- Jovinianist
- jugate
- jugulate
- juncous
- Justinianist
- juvenility
[edit]- lætificate
- labarum
- lablab
- lachanize
- lachanopoll
- lachrymate
- lactary
- lacunate
- lagenian
- laicity
- lambdacism
- lambition
- lamel
- lamination
- laneous
- lantern-jaws
- lanuge
- lapidate
- lappet
- larvated
- lassate
- latibulate
- latibule
- laticlave
- latitation
- latrate
- latration
- latrator
- latrocinate
- lavaret
- lavatrine
- lavatrix
- laxament
- laxate
- layer-over
- ledor
- leniment
- lentitude
- lepidopter
- lethed
- levament
- lexicology
- lexigraphy
- liberate
- librate
- licitation
- licitator
- lignation
- lignator
- lignify
- ligurate
- ligur
- limnite
- limpitude
- linament
- lineality
- liquator
- litation
- lithoglyphic
- lithoglyphite
- lithographical
- lithologic
- lithotritor
- lithoxyl
- lituite
- logarithmotechny
- long-headed
- longitudinally
- loon-slatt
- lophiodont
- loquency
- lorament
- loricated
- loricate
- loudful
- lubency
- lucible
- lucrate
- lucration
- lucrificable
- lucubrate
- lucule
- ludificable
- ludificate
- ludification
- lumbriciform
- luminate
- lunicurrent
- lurcate
- lustrate
- lustrical
- luteolein
- luxate
- lymphate
- lymphation
- lymphography
- lyterian
[edit]- macerate
- mackle
- macritude
- Maglemosian
- magnale
- magnetiferous
- magnipend
- mahlstick
- malace
- maledict
- mamudi
- mandate
- manducate
- manganesious
- mangony
- Manhattanize
- manipulatable
- mansuefy
- mantelshelf
- marined
- mariput
- marmelos
- Maronean
- masculate
- mashgiach
- mashgiach
- masticador
- mastigophore
- mastuprate
- materiation
- maternine
- mavrodaphne
- mazology
- meddlingly
- mediastine
- medicate
- megadonty
- megadonty
- megalopolis
- melanure
- melicerous
- melitism
- mellation
- mellean
- melleous
- melliferous
- mellificate
- melliloquent
- mell
- membranatic
- membraniform
- memorate
- memo
- memo
- menagogue
- mendaciloquent
- mension
- mentition
- mephitic
- meracity
- mercable
- mercation
- mercative
- mercedary
- merdiferous
- meretricate
- meridiation
- mesenteric
- mesonaut
- mesonoxian
- messorious
- messor
- mestifical
- metacism
- metaleptic
- metalliferous
- metaphysis
- metation
- metator
- meteoroscopy
- metient
- metopomancy
- microcopy
- micrography
- micrology
- midwifish
- migrate
- mildewicide
- mildewicide
- mimer
- mimograph
- miniate
- miniographer
- minutal
- miradical
- mirmilloner
- mirmillon
- misanthropy
- mischarge
- misconduct
- misogamy
- misogyny
- misproportion
- misstrike
- misstrike
- miswed
- mitify
- mizmore
- mock
- moderable
- modernizable
- modiation
- Mohammedanize
- molendarious
- molendinarious
- molluscan
- monadelph
- monander
- monocotyle
- monoculous
- monodactylous
- monodical
- monody
- monoecian
- monogamian
- monogam
- monogyn
- monoptic
- monostich
- monosyllabical
- monticulous
- montivagant
- montivagous
- morbify
- morbulent
- mordancy
- morigerate
- morilliform
- morinel
- moromantie
- motable
- motacil
- mouldily
- mouse
- mucid
- mucor
- muculent
- mulcible
- muletto
- mulierosity
- multatitious
- multiferous
- multijugous
- multiloquent
- multinominal
- multiscious
- multisonant
- multivagant
- multiversant
- multivious
- multivolent
- mundatory
- mundivagant
- muniferous
- munificate
- murcid
- muscosity
- muscous
- musen
- mussitate
- musteline
- mutationally
- myelopoiesis
- myriarch
- myropolist
- myrrhean
- mysteriarch
[edit]- narcissine
- narrable
- naucify
- navigerous
- navity
- neaving
- necrological
- necyomancy
- nemolite
- nemoral
- nemorivagant
- nemorous
- neogamist
- nepotation
- nequient
- nestable
- neurical
- neuropilar
- neuropilar
- neuropter
- neurotomical
- nevosity
- nexible
- nexility
- Nicaean
- nickelic
- nictate
- nictation
- nidification
- nidifice
- nidify
- nidulate
- nigrefaction
- nigrescent
- nigrification
- nigrify
- nihilify
- nimbiferous
- ninguid
- nitency
- nitidity
- nival
- niveous
- nixious
- nixuriate
- noctilucy
- nodosous
- nomarchy
- nomarch
- nomographer
- nomothesy
- Nonya
- non
- non
- Norbertine
- norrel
- novennial
- novercal
- noxiously
- nubiferous
- nubivagant
- nuceous
- nugal
- nugament
- nugator
- nundinal
- nundinary
- nundinate
- nutrication
[edit]- obacerate
- obarmate
- obduct
- obelize
- obequitate
- oberration
- obganiate
- objectator
- objuration
- oblatrate
- oblat
- oblesion
- obligurate
- obligure
- oblimation
- oblime
- oblocate
- obnection
- obnoxiety
- obnunciate
- obnunciation
- obrogate
- obrumpent
- obsalutate
- obsaturate
- obserate
- obseration
- obsibilate
- obsigillate
- obsolescence
- obsolescent
- obstetricate
- obstipate
- obstrepency
- obstrigillate
- obstrigillation
- obtension
- obtexed
- obtrite
- obtrition
- obtruncation
- obturbation
- obturb
- obuncous
- obundation
- obvallate
- obvaricate
- obvolate
- obvolve
- occallated
- occallation
- occiduous
- occulcation
- occupative
- oceanic
- oceanine
- octander
- octennial
- octuplicate
- odalisque
- odoraminous
- oleity
- olfactory
- oligistic
- oliviferous
- olivity
- omniferous
- omnitenent
- omnivolent
- omnivorous
- onerary
- onology
- onomantic
- onomatope
- onomatopy
- ooaa
- operarious
- operculate
- opertaneous
- ophiological
- ophiologic
- ophiologist
- ophite
- opiferous
- opimous
- opisthograph
- opisthotonic
- oppicate
- opsonation
- opsonator
- optimity
- optive
- orbiculated
- orbitude
- orchestre
- organographical
- orniscopist
- orthopny
- oscillation
- oscitate
- osculate
- osculation
- ossifragant
- ostentiferous
- osteologic
- ostomachy
- ostriferous
- outscourings
- ovatic
- override
- oviary
- ovil
- owser
[edit]- pabular
- pabulation
- pabulatory
- pacal
- pacation
- paciferous
- pactitious
- paedicate
- Paganalian
- paganals
- palaeologist
- palatine
- paleated
- palladiumize
- palmiferous
- palumbine
- pamprodactyl
- pandation
- pandurist
- pangony
- panifice
- pannade
- pannier
- pantheology
- pantherine
- pantographical
- pantography
- pantograph
- pantometrical
- pantometric
- pantometry
- papescent
- papulosity
- papyriferous
- parachronize
- paracmastical
- paraphrastic
- paratragediate
- parazone
- parciloquy
- parenticide
- pariation
- parisyllabical
- parisyllabic
- partion
- pascuage
- pascual
- pascuous
- pasquinade
- passade
- pastilicate
- pastinate
- pastination
- pastoritious
- pathologic
- patibulated
- patration
- patriciate
- patrizate
- patulicate
- pauciloquent
- pauciloquy
- pavefaction
- pavefy
- pavid
- pavonine
- peccaminous
- pecorous
- pectinate
- pecuarious
- peculation
- peculator
- peculiate
- pedament
- pedation
- pedature
- peddle
- pejerate
- pejoration
- pelagic
- peltately
- peltiferous
- penarious
- penitentiary
- pennigerous
- pensiculate
- pensitate
- pensitation
- penstock
- pentagamist
- pentaglottical
- pentagyn
- pentahedrical
- pentander
- pentastich
- pentastich
- pentereme
- pentile
- peple
- peplography
- peplum
- peraction
- peraffable
- peragitate
- percoarcted
- percontation
- percruciate
- perduction
- perduellism
- perduell
- perdulous
- perendinate
- perendination
- perennate
- perennating
- pererrate
- perfabricate
- perfretation
- perfriction
- perfunction
- pergamenous
- pergracil
- pergraphical
- perhiemate
- pericardian
- pericardic
- periclitancy
- pericrany
- peridium
- peridrome
- perindulgent
- perissological
- perjurate
- perlibrate
- perlibration
- perligate
- permeation
- pernegate
- pernegation
- perniciable
- pernoctate
- perpacate
- perpensation
- perperitude
- perplexable
- perplication
- perpotation
- perquisitor
- perreptation
- perrogate
- persanate
- perscrutator
- persecate
- persecation
- perside
- perspiculative
- perstimulate
- perstinate
- perterebrate
- perterrify
- pertexed
- pertolerate
- pertused
- pervagation
- pervigilate
- pervigilation
- petarade
- petauristic
- petaurist
- pexity
- phaenogamian
- phagedaenic
- phalerated
- Phaleucic
- philanthropy
- Philistean
- philodespot
- philogyny
- philostorgy
- philoxeny
- phosphonate
- photology
- photophily
- phylacist
- physianthropy
- physiognomonic
- phytographical
- piation
- pignorate
- pignoratitious
- pigritude
- pigrity
- pileate
- pinblock
- pinguedinize
- pinguitude
- pinguity
- piniferous
- pinnatiped
- pinnigerous
- pinnulate
- pipation
- piscary
- piscinal
- pisculent
- pistillate
- plagiarian
- plaiter
- planiloquent
- planiloquy
- planimetric
- plasmatic
- plastography
- plastograph
- platanine
- plateasm
- platiniferous
- plebicolist
- pleonasmic
- plorabund
- plumative
- plumbagine
- plumbean
- plumigerous
- plumosity
- plurifarious
- pocillation
- podder
- polder
- polition
- pollency
- pollicar
- pollinarious
- pollinced
- pollincture
- pollucible
- polyadelph
- polyander
- polychrest
- polycotyledon
- polygamian
- polygam
- polygynian
- polygyn
- polyloquent
- polymorphean
- polynome
- polyphage
- polyphagian
- polypharmacal
- polypier
- polypiparous
- polypite
- polyptote
- polysyllabical
- pomarious
- pomiferous
- ponderity
- ponk
- Pontac
- popinal
- popination
- populable
- populiferous
- porculation
- poristical
- porite
- portentifical
- porte
- portman
- posterganeous
- posthumian
- postliminiage
- postliminious
- postliminy
- postponence
- postposure
- postriduan
- postulative
- potionate
- potorious
- potulent
- Praesepe
- prandicle
- pransorious
- preacuate
- preambulation
- prebition
- precantation
- precention
- precipient
- preclamate
- preclarent
- preconious
- prefacile
- prefestinate
- prefulgurate
- pregerminate
- pregravation
- pregression
- pregustation
- pregust
- prejuration
- prejure
- prelibate
- premious
- premixture
- prenunciation
- prenuncious
- prenuntiate
- preoccupancy
- presegme
- presentaneous
- prestige
- prevalency
- pridian
- primevous
- primigene
- primipotent
- proadjutor
- proauctor
- proception
- prociduous
- proculcate
- proculcation
- prodigity
- prodited
- profectitious
- projectitious
- prolatation
- proletaneous
- properate
- propinquate
- proreption
- proscission
- prosimetrical
- prosodian
- prostibule
- protactic
- protatic
- protology
- prototypographer
- protype
- proximate
- prussine
- psalmography
- psephism
- pseudograph
- pseudologer
- pseudology
- pseudonymal
- psorophthalmy
- pudify
- pudor
- puellarity
- puerperous
- pugilation
- pugnatory
- pulicine
- pulicosity
- pulicous
- pullation
- pulmentarious
- pulmonarious
- pulsator
- pultifical
- pulveration
- pulvereous
- pulverulent
- pumicate
- pupillate
- purificatory
- purpurean
- putatory
- puteal
- pygist
- pygmachy
- pyretic
- pyrologist
[edit]- quadragenarious
- quadrantal
- quadrigarious
- quadringenarious
- quadrisyllable
- quadrune
- quadrupedant
- quadruplicate
- quartary
- quater
- quercine
- querculane
- quiddling
- quincupedal
- quingenarious
- quinquiplicate
[edit]- racemation
- racemiferous
- ramberge
- rambooze
- ranular
- rationary
- reassimilation
- recalcate
- recalcitration
- recargaison
- receptitious
- recidivous
- reclused
- reconcinnate
- reculade
- recuperative
- recuperatory
- redabsolve
- redambulate
- redempted
- redhibition
- redient
- redonate
- redonation
- redoundancy
- redulcerate
- refibulate
- regerminate
- registrant
- regularize
- relinquent
- remasticate
- remigate
- remigation
- rentier
- reous
- repastinate
- repignorate
- repleviable
- replumb
- repromulgate
- repullulate
- repumicate
- rescissorian
- resilition
- responsibly
- responsiveness
- respray
- restagnation
- resuscitator
- retardative
- retex
- retropulsive
- revealability
- revindicate
- rheic
- rhythmics
- ribbin
- riderless
- rime
- rimple
- rixation
- romboyle
- rotatory
- rottenly
- rubedinous
- rubefaction
- ructation
- ruddied
- rutilate
[edit]- saburrate
- sacciferous
- sacerdotalism
- saginate
- saleably
- saliferous
- salsitude
- salsure
- saltate
- saltation
- salutatorian
- sanate
- sanguinivorous
- sarcinate
- sarcophage
- sarculate
- sardel
- sassinate
- Satanophany
- saturant
- Savoyard
- sawney
- scævity
- scapeless
- sciamachy
- scintillate
- scintillation
- sciomancy
- screation
- scrouge
- sculptury
- scurrier
- seceder
- seclusion
- sectism
- secubate
- segnity
- seismal
- sejugate
- selenographist
- sensitory
- sentinate
- septicity
- septulate
- serenissimous
- sericated
- sermocinate
- sermonish
- servable
- sevocation
- sevoke
- sextantary
- sextilian
- shabaroon
- shabbily
- Shaftesbury
- shag-bag
- shirred
- sickrel
- siderate
- sideromancy
- sightlessness
- silicify
- siliquiform
- silvical
- simkin
- simon
- sinisterity
- sinistrorsal
- siphuncled
- siphunculated
- sipid
- sizz
- smegmatic
- smithcraft
- snarler
- snitchel
- snowless
- soilless
- solable
- soleated
- solenite
- solennial
- solifuge
- soligene
- sombreness
- somnolency
- sonable
- sonority
- soporate
- sorbate
- sorbefacient
- sorbillate
- sorbition
- sorditude
- soterian
- soteriology
- sottoportico
- souse-crown
- sparker
- spathal
- spermary
- sphagnous
- sphragid
- spiculate
- sponging-house
- sponging
- sporid
- sprue
- spuriously
- spurling
- spyism
- squamiform
- squirish
- statocracy
- stellary
- stercorate
- stibiated
- stichic
- stillation
- sting-hum
- stomatous
- strigilate
- subaudition
- subaud
- subjugation
- subride
- subrige
- subrision
- subsalt
- subsample
- substituter
- succernate
- succinous
- succollate
- suckey
- suffossion
- suffriate
- suffricate
- sugillate
- sulcation
- sulphatic
- superannuation
- supparasitate
- supraciliary
- surculate
- swad
- symmachy
- syntheme
- synthetize
[edit]- tabefaction
- tabetic
- tabitude
- taction
- tallower
- tankle
- tardiloquent
- Tartarean
- teemful
- tegumentary
- tellural
- temeritude
- temperade
- temulency
- tendsome
- tensity
- tepefaction
- terebrate
- terraculture
- terraqueous
- tessellar
- testacy
- testicond
- testudinate
- tetraonid
- textuarist
- Thalian
- Thamudic
- theomeny
- thermogen
- thermotype
- thoria
- thralless
- thysanopter
- tidder
- tintinnate
- titanian
- tongue-pad
- torquated
- torsibility
- tortulous
- tractatrix
- traditionism
- tralatition
- tranquillize
- transflux
- transfume
- translucence
- transnate
- transnominate
- transult
- transverberate
- trappy
- traversal
- trepidate
- tribular
- trichroism
- tridactylous
- trifoliolate
- trimetrical
- tripedal
- tripennate
- triplicate
- tripudiate
- tripudium
- trisoctahedron
- triturate
- trompe
- trompille
- tropicality
- trucidation
- trullo
- truncal
- tsarevna
- tudiculate
- tumular
- tumulate
- tumulation
- tumulous
- tunicated
- turbination
- turbinite
- turgesce
- turpid
- turrilite
- twiggery
[edit]- uberate
- umbellicle
- umbrate
- unanalogical
- unconciliated
- underslung
- undosous
- ungracefulness
- unlight
- unmetered
- unoperculate
- unphilosophized
- unscottified
- unsectarian
- unsymmetrical
- untastefully
- unwarping
- unworshipping
- ustulate
- usurpatory
- utible
[edit]- vaccinist
- valvule
- vamper
- vaniloquence
- vaticinate
- velific
- vellication
- venabule
- vendication
- venenate
- venerate
- venulite
- venundate
- veracity
- vergaloo
- vermeologist
- vermiculated
- vernate
- vernile
- vernility
- versable
- vertigious
- vesiculate
- vesperal
- vetation
- vetust
- vicinal
- vigesimo
- villicated
- viminal
- vindicability
- vinipote
- vinolency
- violescent
- viperid
- viridate
- viscated
- visceration
- vitation
- vitriolation
- vociferate
- volation
- volitate
- voluptable
- volutate
- vulpinate