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  1. abintestate - ok
  2. ablacted - ok
  3. abripe -?
  4. aconic - ok
  5. acturience - ok? maybe just 2
  6. adenous - ok
  7. adjunctive - ok
  8. administratrix - ok
  9. adventureful - ok
  10. aeroscopy - ok
  11. agonothet - ok
  12. agrestical - ok
  13. agricolation - ok
  14. akolastic - ok
  15. alacrify - ok
  16. albuminousness - ok
  17. alcoometer - ok
  18. alligate - ok
  19. alloquy - ok
  20. almandine - ok
  21. aluminiform - ok
  22. aluminography - ok? many mentions, not just in dicts.
  23. alveated - ok
  24. ambustion - ok
  25. amenty - ? much noise
  26. amnic - ok
  27. amphigean - ok
  28. ampute - ok
  29. anagnostic - ok
  30. androspore - ok
  31. anelectrode - ok
  32. anemography - ?
  33. anhelation - ok
  34. anility - ok
  35. animative - ok
  36. annuate - ok
  37. antefact - ok
  38. anthropophagize - ok
  39. antiscion - ok
  40. anxietude - ok
  41. apicillary - ok, patents only
  42. applaudity - ok
  43. approperate - ok-ish
  44. appropinquate - ok
  45. aprication - ok
  46. aquation - ok
  47. arbust - ok as noun only
  48. archwayed - ok
  49. arctitude - ok-ish
  50. arduity - ok
  51. arenate - ok
  52. arenicolite - ok (caps?)
  53. armure - ok
  54. ascendable - ok
  55. ascendible - ok
  56. asperate - ok
  57. aspergill - ok
  58. assassinous - ok
  59. assessably - ok
  60. assizement - ok
  61. astrogeny - ok
  62. aurigal - ok
  63. aurigation - ok
  64. averruncate - ok
  65. avertin - ok


  1. balatron - ok
  2. bandle -ok?
  3. beamage - ok
  4. bewrayment - ok
  5. biacid - ok
  6. bibacity - ok
  7. bierstube - ok
  8. biflorate - ok
  9. binous - ok
  10. bipalmate - ok
  11. bipunctate - ok
  12. birdikin - ok
  13. bittering - ok
  14. borable - ok
  15. borsella - ?
  16. breachful - ok
  17. brisling - ok
  18. bulbitate - ok?, 2 usenet 1 scholar
  19. bursiculate - ok-ish


  1. calceolate - ok
  2. calcimine - ok
  3. calcitrate - ok
  4. caloriduct - ok
  5. calvity - ok
  6. cambial - ok
  7. camerate - ok
  8. Canace - ??
  9. cancrine - ok
  10. candicate - ok? maybe just errors for candidate
  11. cantation - ok
  12. caperate - ok
  13. caprious - ok ?
  14. carbunculate - ok
  15. castaldick
  16. catadrome - ok
  17. cathetometer - ok
  18. cavazion - ok
  19. cementatory - ok
  20. cementitious - ok
  21. cervicide - ok!
  22. cespitous - ok
  23. chagal - ok
  24. chaumontel - ok, usu. Chaumontel
  25. cherisance - cherisaunce a much-discussed misprint of Chaucer; cherisance a legal term as well as a modernized misprint of Chaucer
  26. cheston - ?? noise from Cheston
  27. chorometry - ok
  28. chronogrammatic - ok
  29. chyometer - ok
  30. cibarian
  31. cicuration
  32. cineraceous
  33. circinate
  34. circumplicate
  35. circumvall
  36. circumvolant
  37. cispeld
  38. citharize
  39. claspered
  40. claudicate
  41. coacervate
  42. coarguate
  43. coctible
  44. codical
  45. coercibleness
  46. cognomination
  47. collachrymation
  48. collaudation
  49. colleterium
  50. collimate
  51. collineation
  52. collutulate
  53. colorature
  54. columnarian
  55. columnarity
  56. commasculate
  57. commeation
  58. Commeline
  59. commigrate
  60. commonstrate
  61. compactible
  62. comperendinate
  63. complainful
  64. complore
  65. Comptonia
  66. concavation
  67. concessation
  68. conchometer
  69. conchospiral
  70. concionative
  71. concionator
  72. conclimate
  73. conduplicate
  74. condurdon
  75. confind
  76. conflagitate
  77. confluity
  78. conformability
  79. confusable
  80. conglutinant
  81. conlatrate
  82. connascence
  83. connudate
  84. conoidical
  85. conoidic
  86. consectator
  87. conserate
  88. consigne
  89. consimilarity
  90. consomniate
  91. conspergate
  92. conspuated
  93. contabulate
  94. contumulate
  95. conversationism
  96. convexedness
  97. corallaceous
  98. cordeling
  99. corollated
  100. corollate
  101. corradate
  102. corrodibility
  103. corrogue
  104. corruge
  105. corticiferous
  106. corticiform
  107. corticine




  1. dactylar
  2. damasse
  3. danism
  4. dapatical


  1. dealbate
  2. deambulate
  3. deartuate
  4. debacchate
  5. deblaterate
  6. decander
  7. decapulate
  8. decarbonizer
  9. declinous
  10. decolorant
  11. decolorate
  12. decoloration
  13. decorator
  14. decortication
  15. deculcate
  16. decult
  17. decuriate
  18. decursive
  19. decurt
  20. decute
  21. dedigne
  22. dedoleate
  23. deducive
  24. defendee
  25. defloccate
  26. deflorate
  27. deforciation
  28. defust
  29. degen
  30. deglabrate
  31. deglubate
  32. deglutitory
  33. degrandinate
  34. degravation
  35. degress
  36. degulate
  37. degust
  38. delacrimation
  39. deleniate
  40. deletitious
  41. Delian
  42. delibate
  43. delibrate
  44. delimate
  45. delinque
  46. delitigate
  47. deltafication
  48. delute
  49. demigrate
  50. demissionary
  51. denegate
  52. dentalite
  53. dentiate
  54. dentile
  55. dentise
  56. dentoid
  57. deoccate
  58. deonerate
  59. deosculate
  60. depauperate
  61. depeculation
  62. depex
  63. deproperate
  64. depr
  65. depudicate
  66. derelinque
  67. desalt
  68. desecate
  69. desilver
  70. desipiate
  71. despiciency
  72. desponsated
  73. desquame
  74. desternute
  75. destert
  76. desticate
  77. desubulate
  78. desuetude
  79. desulphurize
  80. deterge
  81. detext
  82. detond
  83. detrectation
  84. detruncate
  85. detruncation
  86. deturpate
  87. devenerate
  88. devocation
  89. devoke
  90. dewater
  91. dextrorsal
  92. dextrorse


  1. diadelph
  2. diaglyph
  3. diagraphic
  4. diamagnet
  5. diander
  6. dichastasis
  7. dichastic
  8. dichroic
  9. dichromasy
  10. dichromate
  11. dichroous
  12. diclinic
  13. dictatrix
  14. dic
  15. didactylous
  16. dietarian
  17. diffarreation
  18. diffractometer
  19. diffranchise
  20. digammate
  21. digamous
  22. digitation
  23. dignorate
  24. digram
  25. dihexagonal
  26. diloricate
  27. dimication
  28. dimidiate
  29. dinumeration
  30. diplomatism
  31. dipter
  32. diremption
  33. diruncinate
  34. disacidify
  35. disaggregate
  36. disaggregation
  37. disappreciate
  38. disapprobatory
  39. discalceate
  40. disceptator
  41. disconsecrate
  42. discrepancy
  43. discrepate
  44. discussory
  45. disfranchisement
  46. dishonorary
  47. disjudication
  48. dispansion
  49. disperdition
  50. disproportionally
  51. disrupture
  52. dissentory
  53. dissert
  54. dissilience
  55. dissociate
  56. distensible
  57. distermine
  58. distillate
  59. distorque
  60. disuniter
  61. divage
  62. divaricate
  63. diversory


  1. dobule
  2. domable
  3. dominium
  4. domitate
  5. domite
  6. dossal
  7. dossel


  1. Dracæna
  2. dratchell
  3. dulciloquy
  4. dulcitude
  5. dulcity
  6. dumpage
  7. dunfish
  8. dupion
  9. duumviral


  1. eblandish
  2. ebullate
  3. ecasterly
  4. edention
  5. edoceate
  6. effranchise
  7. effrenation
  8. eften
  9. egerminate
  10. egrimony
  11. elapidate
  12. elasticized
  13. elatrate
  14. elegiographer
  15. Eleutherian
  16. eliquament
  17. elixate
  18. elocular
  19. elucubrate
  20. eluscate
  21. elytroid
  22. emaculate
  23. embamma
  24. enamellar
  25. enameller
  26. enavigate
  27. encastic
  28. endamageable
  29. enervative
  30. ennean
  31. enodable
  32. enode
  33. entassment
  34. enunciate
  35. ephemeric
  36. epilogize
  37. equestrienne
  38. equivorous
  39. erament
  40. eremigate
  41. erration
  42. eruction
  43. erustate
  44. escot
  45. esuriate
  46. eternization
  47. ethologic
  48. euphony
  49. euthymy
  50. evaporimeter
  51. eventilate
  52. everr
  53. exanthematous
  54. exarticulation
  55. exauspicate
  56. excalceate
  57. excandescent
  58. excelsity
  59. excreable
  60. excreate
  61. excubation
  62. exflagellation
  63. exgurgitate
  64. exorbeate
  65. expalpate
  66. expellent
  67. expergefy
  68. expirable
  69. expressivo
  70. exsaturate
  71. exsuperation
  72. extempory
  73. extensionist
  74. exterebrate
  75. extorque
  76. extuberate
  77. exululate
  78. exungulate
  79. exust


  1. fagopyrism
  2. famigerate
  3. fastigate
  4. fatiloquy
  5. faucal
  6. favosites
  7. featherly
  8. fellicate
  9. fenerate
  10. ferruminate
  11. festoony
  12. festoon
  13. fideicide
  14. filipendulous
  15. filose
  16. fistinut
  17. fistucate
  18. flabellation
  19. flagellate
  20. flagitate
  21. flagitation
  22. Flobert
  23. floccify
  24. flossification
  25. focillate
  26. fodient
  27. foliation
  28. foliiferous
  29. formity
  30. formularistic
  31. fornicate
  32. fortuny
  33. frangent
  34. frangipani
  35. fraxate
  36. frondosous
  37. frondous
  38. fructose
  39. frumentation
  40. frummagemed
  41. fruticous
  42. fulcible
  43. fulgurity
  44. fumacious
  45. fumage
  46. furacious
  47. fuscin
  48. fussock


  1. galerite
  2. galvanizer
  3. gambist
  4. gangean
  5. gangrenescent
  6. gausapine
  7. gend
  8. geniculate
  9. geogony
  10. geotic
  11. gestible
  12. Ghenting
  13. giantesque
  14. gimlet
  15. glabella
  16. glabreate
  17. glabretal
  18. glacitate
  19. glaireous
  20. glaucitate
  21. glimflashy
  22. glocidate
  23. glossocele
  24. glossography
  25. glumaceous
  26. glumous
  27. gnarity
  28. gnavity
  29. gofysshe
  30. goniometry
  31. graduator
  32. grallic
  33. gramineal
  34. graminosous
  35. grandevity
  36. graveolence
  37. gravic
  38. gravidate
  39. grenatiform
  40. gripeful
  41. griskin
  42. grumosity
  43. gubernate
  44. Guelphic
  45. gundy-gut
  46. gymnasiarch
  47. gynander
  48. gynandrian
  49. gyroidal


  1. hachure
  2. hag-boat
  3. halomancy
  4. harengiform
  5. harmine
  6. harmonometer
  7. haruspice
  8. hastile
  9. hautboyist
  10. havenage
  11. hebetation
  12. Hebraist
  13. Hebridean
  14. hectostere
  15. Hehner
  16. helicite
  17. helicoidal
  18. heliodon
  19. heliotroper
  20. helmage
  21. hemimorphic
  22. hemiplegy
  23. hemipter
  24. heptahedron
  25. hermaphrodism
  26. hesitude
  27. Hesper
  28. heteromorphic
  29. heterophyllous
  30. heteropter
  31. hexaped
  32. hickey
  33. hiemate
  34. hieromartyr
  35. highty-tighty
  36. hilar
  37. hippelaph
  38. hippocrepiform
  39. hippolith
  40. hippophagy
  41. histrio
  42. homalographic
  43. homophone
  44. hord
  45. hospitate
  46. hotshoot
  47. howel
  48. huffish
  49. huller
  50. hyalescent
  51. hydrant
  52. hydriad
  53. hydriodate
  54. hydroid
  55. hydrometric
  56. hydrosulphuretted
  57. hygienism
  58. hymenopter
  59. hymnography
  60. hypophosphate
  61. hypsometer
  62. hysterology


  1. ichthyolite
  2. ichthyophagous
  3. ignescent
  4. ignifluous
  5. ignote
  6. illacerable
  7. illachrymable
  8. illimitably
  9. illutible
  10. imberbic
  11. imbuition
  12. immodulate
  13. immorigerous
  14. imparidigitate
  15. impartation
  16. impartibility
  17. impassionable
  18. impassively
  19. impedition
  20. impendious
  21. imperforable
  22. impiate
  23. impigrity
  24. implumous
  25. imporcate
  26. impredicable
  27. imprevalence
  28. improcreable
  29. improperate
  30. improperation
  31. imputrescence
  32. inadulable
  33. inaffectation
  34. inamiable
  35. inanimal
  36. inapplicably
  37. inappreciation
  38. inapproachable
  39. inargentate
  40. inartificially
  41. inaurate
  42. incalculableness
  43. incanous
  44. incantate
  45. incarnification
  46. incerate
  47. incipience
  48. incog
  49. incompensable
  50. inconclusively
  51. incongealable
  52. incordiate
  53. incriminous
  54. incurved
  55. incuse
  56. indagate
  57. indefinity
  58. indeplorable
  59. indeprecable
  60. indexical
  61. indigitate
  62. indigometer
  63. indistinguishing
  64. induplicative
  65. indusiated
  66. inefficiently
  67. inelaborated
  68. inelaborate
  69. inenodable
  70. inermous
  71. inerty
  72. inessence
  73. inexcitability
  74. inexcult
  75. inexistence
  76. inexplainable
  77. inexposure
  78. inexputable
  79. inexsaturated
  80. inexsuperable
  81. inextinct
  82. inextirpable
  83. infabricated
  84. infaust
  85. inferable
  86. infestive
  87. infibulate
  88. infraction
  89. infrenate
  90. infrendiate
  91. infucate
  92. infundibulate
  93. infuscation
  94. ingeniculate
  95. ingenuated
  96. ingustable
  97. inhalate
  98. inhalation
  99. inharmonic
  100. injucundity
  101. innable
  102. innatable
  103. innatism
  104. innerve
  105. innoxious
  106. inoccate
  107. inoculatrix
  108. inodorate
  109. inopacate
  110. inopercular
  111. inorthography
  112. inoxidizable
  113. insecable
  114. insecate
  115. insection
  116. insedable
  117. inseminate
  118. insemination
  119. insertation
  120. insiccate
  121. insolate
  122. insperable
  123. instilment
  124. insubmission
  125. insuccate
  126. insulsity
  127. intabulation
  128. intactible
  129. intaminate
  130. interclusion
  131. intercommunal
  132. interdictory
  133. interfluve
  134. interjacence
  135. interlucate
  136. intermeddlesome
  137. intermesh
  138. internecate
  139. interpellator
  140. interplicate
  141. intersecant
  142. intersist
  143. interspersion
  144. interspiration
  145. interstinct
  146. intervigilate
  147. intimidation
  148. intolerancy
  149. intractive
  150. intrapetiolar
  151. intumilated
  152. inturgescence
  153. inumbrate
  154. inuncate
  155. inundate
  156. inurbane
  157. invagination
  158. invalescence
  159. invaletude
  160. invenust
  161. investigatrix
  162. invigilance
  163. involate
  164. involation
  165. involucellate
  166. irenic
  167. iridian
  168. iridize
  169. irisate
  170. irrecordable
  171. irremunerable
  172. irroborate
  173. irrorate
  174. irroration
  175. irrumate
  176. isagogic
  177. isobarometric
  178. isobar
  179. isocheim
  180. isogeotherm
  181. isomeromorphism
  182. isonomic
  183. isopycnic
  184. isotherombrose
  185. itineration


  1. jactancy
  2. jaculate
  3. jejunation
  4. jejunity
  5. jillet
  6. joculatory
  7. Jovicentric
  8. Jovinianist
  9. jugate
  10. jugulate
  11. juncous
  12. Justinianist
  13. juvenility


  1. keel-bully
  2. keffel
  3. knapple
  4. knobber
  5. krummhorn


  1. lætificate
  2. labarum
  3. lablab
  4. lachanize
  5. lachanopoll
  6. lachrymate
  7. lactary
  8. lacunate
  9. lagenian
  10. laicity
  11. lambdacism
  12. lambition
  13. lamel
  14. lamination
  15. laneous
  16. lantern-jaws
  17. lanuge
  18. lapidate
  19. lappet
  20. larvated
  21. lassate
  22. latibulate
  23. latibule
  24. laticlave
  25. latitation
  26. latrate
  27. latration
  28. latrator
  29. latrocinate
  30. lavaret
  31. lavatrine
  32. lavatrix
  33. laxament
  34. laxate
  35. layer-over
  36. ledor
  37. leniment
  38. lentitude
  39. lepidopter
  40. lethed
  41. levament
  42. lexicology
  43. lexigraphy
  44. liberate
  45. librate
  46. licitation
  47. licitator
  48. lignation
  49. lignator
  50. lignify
  51. ligurate
  52. ligur
  53. limnite
  54. limpitude
  55. linament
  56. lineality
  57. liquator
  58. litation
  59. lithoglyphic
  60. lithoglyphite
  61. lithographical
  62. lithologic
  63. lithotritor
  64. lithoxyl
  65. lituite
  66. logarithmotechny
  67. long-headed
  68. longitudinally
  69. loon-slatt
  70. lophiodont
  71. loquency
  72. lorament
  73. loricated
  74. loricate
  75. loudful
  76. lubency
  77. lucible
  78. lucrate
  79. lucration
  80. lucrificable
  81. lucubrate
  82. lucule
  83. ludificable
  84. ludificate
  85. ludification
  86. lumbriciform
  87. luminate
  88. lunicurrent
  89. lurcate
  90. lustrate
  91. lustrical
  92. luteolein
  93. luxate
  94. lymphate
  95. lymphation
  96. lymphography
  97. lyterian


  1. macerate
  2. mackle
  3. macritude
  4. Maglemosian
  5. magnale
  6. magnetiferous
  7. magnipend
  8. mahlstick
  9. malace
  10. maledict
  11. mamudi
  12. mandate
  13. manducate
  14. manganesious
  15. mangony
  16. Manhattanize
  17. manipulatable
  18. mansuefy
  19. mantelshelf
  20. marined
  21. mariput
  22. marmelos
  23. Maronean
  24. masculate
  25. mashgiach
  26. mashgiach
  27. masticador
  28. mastigophore
  29. mastuprate
  30. materiation
  31. maternine
  32. mavrodaphne
  33. mazology
  34. meddlingly
  35. mediastine
  36. medicate
  37. megadonty
  38. megadonty
  39. megalopolis
  40. melanure
  41. melicerous
  42. melitism
  43. mellation
  44. mellean
  45. melleous
  46. melliferous
  47. mellificate
  48. melliloquent
  49. mell
  50. membranatic
  51. membraniform
  52. memorate
  53. memo
  54. memo
  55. menagogue
  56. mendaciloquent
  57. mension
  58. mentition
  59. mephitic
  60. meracity
  61. mercable
  62. mercation
  63. mercative
  64. mercedary
  65. merdiferous
  66. meretricate
  67. meridiation
  68. mesenteric
  69. mesonaut
  70. mesonoxian
  71. messorious
  72. messor
  73. mestifical
  74. metacism
  75. metaleptic
  76. metalliferous
  77. metaphysis
  78. metation
  79. metator
  80. meteoroscopy
  81. metient
  82. metopomancy
  83. microcopy
  84. micrography
  85. micrology
  86. midwifish
  87. migrate
  88. mildewicide
  89. mildewicide
  90. mimer
  91. mimograph
  92. miniate
  93. miniographer
  94. minutal
  95. miradical
  96. mirmilloner
  97. mirmillon
  98. misanthropy
  99. mischarge
  100. misconduct
  101. misogamy
  102. misogyny
  103. misproportion
  104. misstrike
  105. misstrike
  106. miswed
  107. mitify
  108. mizmore
  109. mock
  110. moderable
  111. modernizable
  112. modiation
  113. Mohammedanize
  114. molendarious
  115. molendinarious
  116. molluscan
  117. monadelph
  118. monander
  119. monocotyle
  120. monoculous
  121. monodactylous
  122. monodical
  123. monody
  124. monoecian
  125. monogamian
  126. monogam
  127. monogyn
  128. monoptic
  129. monostich
  130. monosyllabical
  131. monticulous
  132. montivagant
  133. montivagous
  134. morbify
  135. morbulent
  136. mordancy
  137. morigerate
  138. morilliform
  139. morinel
  140. moromantie
  141. motable
  142. motacil
  143. mouldily
  144. mouse
  145. mucid
  146. mucor
  147. muculent
  148. mulcible
  149. muletto
  150. mulierosity
  151. multatitious
  152. multiferous
  153. multijugous
  154. multiloquent
  155. multinominal
  156. multiscious
  157. multisonant
  158. multivagant
  159. multiversant
  160. multivious
  161. multivolent
  162. mundatory
  163. mundivagant
  164. muniferous
  165. munificate
  166. murcid
  167. muscosity
  168. muscous
  169. musen
  170. mussitate
  171. musteline
  172. mutationally
  173. myelopoiesis
  174. myriarch
  175. myropolist
  176. myrrhean
  177. mysteriarch


  1. narcissine
  2. narrable
  3. naucify
  4. navigerous
  5. navity
  6. neaving
  7. necrological
  8. necyomancy
  9. nemolite
  10. nemoral
  11. nemorivagant
  12. nemorous
  13. neogamist
  14. nepotation
  15. nequient
  16. nestable
  17. neurical
  18. neuropilar
  19. neuropilar
  20. neuropter
  21. neurotomical
  22. nevosity
  23. nexible
  24. nexility
  25. Nicaean
  26. nickelic
  27. nictate
  28. nictation
  29. nidification
  30. nidifice
  31. nidify
  32. nidulate
  33. nigrefaction
  34. nigrescent
  35. nigrification
  36. nigrify
  37. nihilify
  38. nimbiferous
  39. ninguid
  40. nitency
  41. nitidity
  42. nival
  43. niveous
  44. nixious
  45. nixuriate
  46. noctilucy
  47. nodosous
  48. nomarchy
  49. nomarch
  50. nomographer
  51. nomothesy
  52. Nonya
  53. non
  54. non
  55. Norbertine
  56. norrel
  57. novennial
  58. novercal
  59. noxiously
  60. nubiferous
  61. nubivagant
  62. nuceous
  63. nugal
  64. nugament
  65. nugator
  66. nundinal
  67. nundinary
  68. nundinate
  69. nutrication


  1. obacerate
  2. obarmate
  3. obduct
  4. obelize
  5. obequitate
  6. oberration
  7. obganiate
  8. objectator
  9. objuration
  10. oblatrate
  11. oblat
  12. oblesion
  13. obligurate
  14. obligure
  15. oblimation
  16. oblime
  17. oblocate
  18. obnection
  19. obnoxiety
  20. obnunciate
  21. obnunciation
  22. obrogate
  23. obrumpent
  24. obsalutate
  25. obsaturate
  26. obserate
  27. obseration
  28. obsibilate
  29. obsigillate
  30. obsolescence
  31. obsolescent
  32. obstetricate
  33. obstipate
  34. obstrepency
  35. obstrigillate
  36. obstrigillation
  37. obtension
  38. obtexed
  39. obtrite
  40. obtrition
  41. obtruncation
  42. obturbation
  43. obturb
  44. obuncous
  45. obundation
  46. obvallate
  47. obvaricate
  48. obvolate
  49. obvolve
  50. occallated
  51. occallation
  52. occiduous
  53. occulcation
  54. occupative
  55. oceanic
  56. oceanine
  57. octander
  58. octennial
  59. octuplicate
  60. odalisque
  61. odoraminous
  62. oleity
  63. olfactory
  64. oligistic
  65. oliviferous
  66. olivity
  67. omniferous
  68. omnitenent
  69. omnivolent
  70. omnivorous
  71. onerary
  72. onology
  73. onomantic
  74. onomatope
  75. onomatopy
  76. ooaa
  77. operarious
  78. operculate
  79. opertaneous
  80. ophiological
  81. ophiologic
  82. ophiologist
  83. ophite
  84. opiferous
  85. opimous
  86. opisthograph
  87. opisthotonic
  88. oppicate
  89. opsonation
  90. opsonator
  91. optimity
  92. optive
  93. orbiculated
  94. orbitude
  95. orchestre
  96. organographical
  97. orniscopist
  98. orthopny
  99. oscillation
  100. oscitate
  101. osculate
  102. osculation
  103. ossifragant
  104. ostentiferous
  105. osteologic
  106. ostomachy
  107. ostriferous
  108. outscourings
  109. ovatic
  110. override
  111. oviary
  112. ovil
  113. owser


  1. pabular
  2. pabulation
  3. pabulatory
  4. pacal
  5. pacation
  6. paciferous
  7. pactitious
  8. paedicate
  9. Paganalian
  10. paganals
  11. palaeologist
  12. palatine
  13. paleated
  14. palladiumize
  15. palmiferous
  16. palumbine
  17. pamprodactyl
  18. pandation
  19. pandurist
  20. pangony
  21. panifice
  22. pannade
  23. pannier
  24. pantheology
  25. pantherine
  26. pantographical
  27. pantography
  28. pantograph
  29. pantometrical
  30. pantometric
  31. pantometry
  32. papescent
  33. papulosity
  34. papyriferous
  35. parachronize
  36. paracmastical
  37. paraphrastic
  38. paratragediate
  39. parazone
  40. parciloquy
  41. parenticide
  42. pariation
  43. parisyllabical
  44. parisyllabic
  45. partion
  46. pascuage
  47. pascual
  48. pascuous
  49. pasquinade
  50. passade
  51. pastilicate
  52. pastinate
  53. pastination
  54. pastoritious
  55. pathologic
  56. patibulated
  57. patration
  58. patriciate
  59. patrizate
  60. patulicate
  61. pauciloquent
  62. pauciloquy
  63. pavefaction
  64. pavefy
  65. pavid
  66. pavonine
  67. peccaminous
  68. pecorous
  69. pectinate
  70. pecuarious
  71. peculation
  72. peculator
  73. peculiate
  74. pedament
  75. pedation
  76. pedature
  77. peddle
  78. pejerate
  79. pejoration
  80. pelagic
  81. peltately
  82. peltiferous
  83. penarious
  84. penitentiary
  85. pennigerous
  86. pensiculate
  87. pensitate
  88. pensitation
  89. penstock
  90. pentagamist
  91. pentaglottical
  92. pentagyn
  93. pentahedrical
  94. pentander
  95. pentastich
  96. pentastich
  97. pentereme
  98. pentile
  99. peple
  100. peplography
  101. peplum
  102. peraction
  103. peraffable
  104. peragitate
  105. percoarcted
  106. percontation
  107. percruciate
  108. perduction
  109. perduellism
  110. perduell
  111. perdulous
  112. perendinate
  113. perendination
  114. perennate
  115. perennating
  116. pererrate
  117. perfabricate
  118. perfretation
  119. perfriction
  120. perfunction
  121. pergamenous
  122. pergracil
  123. pergraphical
  124. perhiemate
  125. pericardian
  126. pericardic
  127. periclitancy
  128. pericrany
  129. peridium
  130. peridrome
  131. perindulgent
  132. perissological
  133. perjurate
  134. perlibrate
  135. perlibration
  136. perligate
  137. permeation
  138. pernegate
  139. pernegation
  140. perniciable
  141. pernoctate
  142. perpacate
  143. perpensation
  144. perperitude
  145. perplexable
  146. perplication
  147. perpotation
  148. perquisitor
  149. perreptation
  150. perrogate
  151. persanate
  152. perscrutator
  153. persecate
  154. persecation
  155. perside
  156. perspiculative
  157. perstimulate
  158. perstinate
  159. perterebrate
  160. perterrify
  161. pertexed
  162. pertolerate
  163. pertused
  164. pervagation
  165. pervigilate
  166. pervigilation
  167. petarade
  168. petauristic
  169. petaurist
  170. pexity
  171. phaenogamian
  172. phagedaenic
  173. phalerated
  174. Phaleucic
  175. philanthropy
  176. Philistean
  177. philodespot
  178. philogyny
  179. philostorgy
  180. philoxeny
  181. phosphonate
  182. photology
  183. photophily
  184. phylacist
  185. physianthropy
  186. physiognomonic
  187. phytographical
  188. piation
  189. pignorate
  190. pignoratitious
  191. pigritude
  192. pigrity
  193. pileate
  194. pinblock
  195. pinguedinize
  196. pinguitude
  197. pinguity
  198. piniferous
  199. pinnatiped
  200. pinnigerous
  201. pinnulate
  202. pipation
  203. piscary
  204. piscinal
  205. pisculent
  206. pistillate
  207. plagiarian
  208. plaiter
  209. planiloquent
  210. planiloquy
  211. planimetric
  212. plasmatic
  213. plastography
  214. plastograph
  215. platanine
  216. plateasm
  217. platiniferous
  218. plebicolist
  219. pleonasmic
  220. plorabund
  221. plumative
  222. plumbagine
  223. plumbean
  224. plumigerous
  225. plumosity
  226. plurifarious
  227. pocillation
  228. podder
  229. polder
  230. polition
  231. pollency
  232. pollicar
  233. pollinarious
  234. pollinced
  235. pollincture
  236. pollucible
  237. polyadelph
  238. polyander
  239. polychrest
  240. polycotyledon
  241. polygamian
  242. polygam
  243. polygynian
  244. polygyn
  245. polyloquent
  246. polymorphean
  247. polynome
  248. polyphage
  249. polyphagian
  250. polypharmacal
  251. polypier
  252. polypiparous
  253. polypite
  254. polyptote
  255. polysyllabical
  256. pomarious
  257. pomiferous
  258. ponderity
  259. ponk
  260. Pontac
  261. popinal
  262. popination
  263. populable
  264. populiferous
  265. porculation
  266. poristical
  267. porite
  268. portentifical
  269. porte
  270. portman
  271. posterganeous
  272. posthumian
  273. postliminiage
  274. postliminious
  275. postliminy
  276. postponence
  277. postposure
  278. postriduan
  279. postulative
  280. potionate
  281. potorious
  282. potulent
  283. Praesepe
  284. prandicle
  285. pransorious
  286. preacuate
  287. preambulation
  288. prebition
  289. precantation
  290. precention
  291. precipient
  292. preclamate
  293. preclarent
  294. preconious
  295. prefacile
  296. prefestinate
  297. prefulgurate
  298. pregerminate
  299. pregravation
  300. pregression
  301. pregustation
  302. pregust
  303. prejuration
  304. prejure
  305. prelibate
  306. premious
  307. premixture
  308. prenunciation
  309. prenuncious
  310. prenuntiate
  311. preoccupancy
  312. presegme
  313. presentaneous
  314. prestige
  315. prevalency
  316. pridian
  317. primevous
  318. primigene
  319. primipotent
  320. proadjutor
  321. proauctor
  322. proception
  323. prociduous
  324. proculcate
  325. proculcation
  326. prodigity
  327. prodited
  328. profectitious
  329. projectitious
  330. prolatation
  331. proletaneous
  332. properate
  333. propinquate
  334. proreption
  335. proscission
  336. prosimetrical
  337. prosodian
  338. prostibule
  339. protactic
  340. protatic
  341. protology
  342. prototypographer
  343. protype
  344. proximate
  345. prussine
  346. psalmography
  347. psephism
  348. pseudograph
  349. pseudologer
  350. pseudology
  351. pseudonymal
  352. psorophthalmy
  353. pudify
  354. pudor
  355. puellarity
  356. puerperous
  357. pugilation
  358. pugnatory
  359. pulicine
  360. pulicosity
  361. pulicous
  362. pullation
  363. pulmentarious
  364. pulmonarious
  365. pulsator
  366. pultifical
  367. pulveration
  368. pulvereous
  369. pulverulent
  370. pumicate
  371. pupillate
  372. purificatory
  373. purpurean
  374. putatory
  375. puteal
  376. pygist
  377. pygmachy
  378. pyretic
  379. pyrologist


  1. quadragenarious
  2. quadrantal
  3. quadrigarious
  4. quadringenarious
  5. quadrisyllable
  6. quadrune
  7. quadrupedant
  8. quadruplicate
  9. quartary
  10. quater
  11. quercine
  12. querculane
  13. quiddling
  14. quincupedal
  15. quingenarious
  16. quinquiplicate


  1. racemation
  2. racemiferous
  3. ramberge
  4. rambooze
  5. ranular
  6. rationary
  7. reassimilation
  8. recalcate
  9. recalcitration
  10. recargaison
  11. receptitious
  12. recidivous
  13. reclused
  14. reconcinnate
  15. reculade
  16. recuperative
  17. recuperatory
  18. redabsolve
  19. redambulate
  20. redempted
  21. redhibition
  22. redient
  23. redonate
  24. redonation
  25. redoundancy
  26. redulcerate
  27. refibulate
  28. regerminate
  29. registrant
  30. regularize
  31. relinquent
  32. remasticate
  33. remigate
  34. remigation
  35. rentier
  36. reous
  37. repastinate
  38. repignorate
  39. repleviable
  40. replumb
  41. repromulgate
  42. repullulate
  43. repumicate
  44. rescissorian
  45. resilition
  46. responsibly
  47. responsiveness
  48. respray
  49. restagnation
  50. resuscitator
  51. retardative
  52. retex
  53. retropulsive
  54. revealability
  55. revindicate
  56. rheic
  57. rhythmics
  58. ribbin
  59. riderless
  60. rime
  61. rimple
  62. rixation
  63. romboyle
  64. rotatory
  65. rottenly
  66. rubedinous
  67. rubefaction
  68. ructation
  69. ruddied
  70. rutilate


  1. saburrate
  2. sacciferous
  3. sacerdotalism
  4. saginate
  5. saleably
  6. saliferous
  7. salsitude
  8. salsure
  9. saltate
  10. saltation
  11. salutatorian
  12. sanate
  13. sanguinivorous
  14. sarcinate
  15. sarcophage
  16. sarculate
  17. sardel
  18. sassinate
  19. Satanophany
  20. saturant
  21. Savoyard
  22. sawney
  23. scævity
  24. scapeless
  25. sciamachy
  26. scintillate
  27. scintillation
  28. sciomancy
  29. screation
  30. scrouge
  31. sculptury
  32. scurrier
  33. seceder
  34. seclusion
  35. sectism
  36. secubate
  37. segnity
  38. seismal
  39. sejugate
  40. selenographist
  41. sensitory
  42. sentinate
  43. septicity
  44. septulate
  45. serenissimous
  46. sericated
  47. sermocinate
  48. sermonish
  49. servable
  50. sevocation
  51. sevoke
  52. sextantary
  53. sextilian
  54. shabaroon
  55. shabbily
  56. Shaftesbury
  57. shag-bag
  58. shirred
  59. sickrel
  60. siderate
  61. sideromancy
  62. sightlessness
  63. silicify
  64. siliquiform
  65. silvical
  66. simkin
  67. simon
  68. sinisterity
  69. sinistrorsal
  70. siphuncled
  71. siphunculated
  72. sipid
  73. sizz
  74. smegmatic
  75. smithcraft
  76. snarler
  77. snitchel
  78. snowless
  79. soilless
  80. solable
  81. soleated
  82. solenite
  83. solennial
  84. solifuge
  85. soligene
  86. sombreness
  87. somnolency
  88. sonable
  89. sonority
  90. soporate
  91. sorbate
  92. sorbefacient
  93. sorbillate
  94. sorbition
  95. sorditude
  96. soterian
  97. soteriology
  98. sottoportico
  99. souse-crown
  100. sparker
  101. spathal
  102. spermary
  103. sphagnous
  104. sphragid
  105. spiculate
  106. sponging-house
  107. sponging
  108. sporid
  109. sprue
  110. spuriously
  111. spurling
  112. spyism
  113. squamiform
  114. squirish
  115. statocracy
  116. stellary
  117. stercorate
  118. stibiated
  119. stichic
  120. stillation
  121. sting-hum
  122. stomatous
  123. strigilate
  124. subaudition
  125. subaud
  126. subjugation
  127. subride
  128. subrige
  129. subrision
  130. subsalt
  131. subsample
  132. substituter
  133. succernate
  134. succinous
  135. succollate
  136. suckey
  137. suffossion
  138. suffriate
  139. suffricate
  140. sugillate
  141. sulcation
  142. sulphatic
  143. superannuation
  144. supparasitate
  145. supraciliary
  146. surculate
  147. swad
  148. symmachy
  149. syntheme
  150. synthetize


  1. tabefaction
  2. tabetic
  3. tabitude
  4. taction
  5. tallower
  6. tankle
  7. tardiloquent
  8. Tartarean
  9. teemful
  10. tegumentary
  11. tellural
  12. temeritude
  13. temperade
  14. temulency
  15. tendsome
  16. tensity
  17. tepefaction
  18. terebrate
  19. terraculture
  20. terraqueous
  21. tessellar
  22. testacy
  23. testicond
  24. testudinate
  25. tetraonid
  26. textuarist
  27. Thalian
  28. Thamudic
  29. theomeny
  30. thermogen
  31. thermotype
  32. thoria
  33. thralless
  34. thysanopter
  35. tidder
  36. tintinnate
  37. titanian
  38. tongue-pad
  39. torquated
  40. torsibility
  41. tortulous
  42. tractatrix
  43. traditionism
  44. tralatition
  45. tranquillize
  46. transflux
  47. transfume
  48. translucence
  49. transnate
  50. transnominate
  51. transult
  52. transverberate
  53. trappy
  54. traversal
  55. trepidate
  56. tribular
  57. trichroism
  58. tridactylous
  59. trifoliolate
  60. trimetrical
  61. tripedal
  62. tripennate
  63. triplicate
  64. tripudiate
  65. tripudium
  66. trisoctahedron
  67. triturate
  68. trompe
  69. trompille
  70. tropicality
  71. trucidation
  72. trullo
  73. truncal
  74. tsarevna
  75. tudiculate
  76. tumular
  77. tumulate
  78. tumulation
  79. tumulous
  80. tunicated
  81. turbination
  82. turbinite
  83. turgesce
  84. turpid
  85. turrilite
  86. twiggery


  1. uberate
  2. umbellicle
  3. umbrate
  4. unanalogical
  5. unconciliated
  6. underslung
  7. undosous
  8. ungracefulness
  9. unlight
  10. unmetered
  11. unoperculate
  12. unphilosophized
  13. unscottified
  14. unsectarian
  15. unsymmetrical
  16. untastefully
  17. unwarping
  18. unworshipping
  19. ustulate
  20. usurpatory
  21. utible


  1. vaccinist
  2. valvule
  3. vamper
  4. vaniloquence
  5. vaticinate
  6. velific
  7. vellication
  8. venabule
  9. vendication
  10. venenate
  11. venerate
  12. venulite
  13. venundate
  14. veracity
  15. vergaloo
  16. vermeologist
  17. vermiculated
  18. vernate
  19. vernile
  20. vernility
  21. versable
  22. vertigious
  23. vesiculate
  24. vesperal
  25. vetation
  26. vetust
  27. vicinal
  28. vigesimo
  29. villicated
  30. viminal
  31. vindicability
  32. vinipote
  33. vinolency
  34. violescent
  35. viperid
  36. viridate
  37. viscated
  38. visceration
  39. vitation
  40. vitriolation
  41. vociferate
  42. volation
  43. volitate
  44. voluptable
  45. volutate
  46. vulpinate


  1. wavure - ok
  2. wrongless -ok


  1. Yuit

