User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/target phrase missing
[edit]- 629 items
- 101:Adjective:of a fact, subject, etc.: basic, beginner-level, elementary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[introducción]] [[a]] …}}
- AWOL:Adjective:absent without permission
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ausente sin permiso}}
- Boston cream:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|crema de Boston}}
- Chinglish:Adjective:resembling English influenced by Chinese
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pidgin chino|alt=como pidgin chino}}
- East Asian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to East Asia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|asiático oriental}}
- English-Canadian:Adjective:anglophone Canadian, English-speaking Canadian, English-language Canadian
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|canadiense anglófono}}
- Kiribatian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Kiribati
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|kiribatí}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[Kiribati]]}}
- Lao:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Laos, the people or their language
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|laosiano}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[Laos]]}}
- Laotian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Laos
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|laosiano}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[Laos]]}}
- Middle Eastern:Adjective:of or relating to the Middle East
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[Oriente Medio]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[Medio Oriente]]}}
- Neapolitan:Adjective:ice cream
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|helado napolitano|m}}
- New Caledonian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to New Caledonia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|neocaledonio}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[Nueva Caledonia]]}}
- Pollyannaish:Adjective:unreasonably optimistic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[demasiado]] [[optimista]]}}
- Québécois:Adjective:of or relating to Quebec, its people, or its variety of French
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quebequés}}, {{t|es|quebequense}}, {{t|es|[[quebequeño]] / [[quebecense]]}} {{qualifier|nonstandard|DPD}}
- Russian-speaking:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hablando ruso}}, {{t|es|hablando rusa}}
- West Asian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to West Asia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|asiático occidental}}
- actual:Adjective:emphasise a noun
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[sí]]}}, {{t+|es|concreto}}, {{t+|es|propio}}
- addictive:Adjective:tending to cause addiction
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|adictivo}}, {{t|es|que crea [[dependencia]]}}, {{t|es|que produce [[dependencia]]}}, {{t|es|que crea [[adicción]]}}, {{t|es|enviciador|m}}
- admiring:Adjective:feeling or showing admiration
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|admirativo}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[admiración]]}}, {{t+|es|admirador}}
- aforementioned:Adjective:previously mentioned
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[ya]] [[mencionado]]}}, {{t+|es|antedicho}}, {{t|es|sobredicho}}, {{t+|es|susodicho}}, {{t+|es|citado}}, {{t+|es|dicho}}
- afraid:Adjective:impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[miedo]]}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[temor]]}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[susto]]}}, {{t+|es|asustado}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[teme]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[miedo]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[le]] [[da]] [[miedo]]}}
- afraid:Adjective:regretful, sorry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[temerse]] [[que]]}}
- ageless:Adjective:youthful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[siempre]] [[joven]]}}
- aimless:Adjective:without aim
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[rumbo]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[objeto]]}}
- air-dry:Adjective:dried by exposure to air
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|seco al aire}}
- airborne:Adjective:carried by the air
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[transportado]] [[por]] [[el]] [[aire]]}}, {{t+|es|aerotransportado}}
- alcohol-free:Adjective:containing no alcohol
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[alcohol]]}}
- algebraically closed:Adjective:that contains among its elements every root of every nonconstant single-variable polynomial definable over it
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|algebraicamente cerrado}}
- alive and kicking:Adjective:healthy, especially in opposition to other circumstances
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vivito y coleando}}, {{t|es|vivo y coleando}}
- all ears:Adjective:listening intensely
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|todo oídos}}
- all in:Adjective:totally committed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|completamente comprometido}}, {{t|es|totalmente entregado}}, {{t|es|sumamente involucrado}}
- all-out:Adjective:using every available means
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin cuartel}}, {{t+|es|de órdago}}, {{t+|es|total}}
- almost prime:Adjective:having this property
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|casi primo}}
- amber:Adjective:of a brownish yellow colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ambarino}}, {{t|es|de color [[ámbar]]}}
- amiss:Adjective:wrong; faulty; out of order; improper or otherwise incorrect
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[estar]] [[mal]]}}, {{t+|es|fuera de lugar}}
- anticipatory:Adjective:characterized by anticipation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[anticipación]]}}, {{t|es|[[en]] [[previsión]]}}
- apple-green:Adjective:bright green colour with a light tint of yellow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|verde manzana}}
- armchair:Adjective:remote from actual involvement
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de sillón}}, {{t|es|de salón}}
- armchair:Adjective:unqualified or uninformed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de sillón}}, {{t|es|de salón}}
- arty:Adjective:pretending to artistic worth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[pretenciosamente]] [[artístico]]}}
- asset-backed:Adjective:having assets as collateral
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|respaldado por activos|m}}
- audio:Adjective:focused on audible sound
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[sonido]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[audio]]}}
- away with the fairies:Adjective:lost in thought
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|en la luna}}
- bad-tempered:Adjective:having a bad temper
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|malhumorado}}, {{t|es|de [[mal]] [[temperamento]]}}
- bareass:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a culo pelado|m}}
- barebutt:Adjective:nudity of the bum
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nalgas peladas|f}}, {{qualifier|Chile}} {{t|es|poto pelado|m}}
- barefoot:Adjective:wearing nothing on the feet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|descalzo}}, {{t+|es|chuña}} {{qualifier|El Salvador|Honduras}}, {{t|es|a pies pelados}}, {{t|es|shutudo}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t|es|patalsuelo}}
- beardless:Adjective:without a beard
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|imberbe}}, {{t|es|barbilampiño}}, {{t+|es|lampiño}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[barba]]}}
- bedridden:Adjective:confined to bed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[confinado]] [[a la]] / [[en]] [[cama]]}}, {{t|es|[[postrado]] [[en]] [[cama]]}}, {{t+|es|encamado}}
- behavioral:Adjective:of or relating to behavior
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[del]] [[comportamiento]]}}, {{t|es|conductual}}
- below average:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[por]] [[debajo]] [[de]] [[la]] [[media]]}}
- bereft:Adjective:deprived of
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[privado]] ([[de]])}}, {{t+|es|despojado}}, {{t+|es|desprovisto}}, {{t+|es|desproveído}}
- bespectacled:Adjective:wearing spectacles (glasses)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[gafas]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[lleva]] [[gafas]]}}, {{t|es|gafudo}}, {{t+|es|gafotas}}, {{t+|es|anteojudo}}
- bingeable:Adjective:suitable for bingeing, or binge-watching
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|maratoneable}}, {{t|es|para ver en maratón}}
- bittersweet:Adjective:both bitter and sweet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[dulce]] [[y]] [[amargo]]}}
- bitwise:Adjective:treating values as a series of bits
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[a]] [[nivel]] [[de]] [[bit]]s}}
- black-and-white:Adjective:using shades of grey/gray
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|blanco y negro}}
- blank:Adjective:of ammunition
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de fogueo}}
- bleak:Adjective:without color
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[color]]}}, {{t+|es|pálido}}
- blood red:Adjective:of a deep vivid red colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rojo sangre}}
- bloodless:Adjective:taking place without loss of blood
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|incruento}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[efusión]] [[de]] [[sangre]]}}
- bloodshot:Adjective:reddened and inflamed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sanguinolento}}, {{t|es|inyectado de sangre}}
- blue-eyed:Adjective:having blue eyes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[ojos]] [[azules]]}}, {{t+|es|ojiazul}} {{q|in species' names}}
- bombproof:Adjective:sufficiently strong to resist the effects of a blast from a bomb
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a prueba de bombas}}
- bone-dry:Adjective:totally dry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más seco que el ojo de un tuerto}}
- booming:Adjective:experiencing a period of prosperity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en pleno auge}}
- born with a silver spoon in one's mouth:Adjective:born rich or in a wealthy family
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nacer en cuna de oro}}, {{t|es|criarse en buena cuna}}
- bottomless:Adjective:having no bottom
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin fondo}}
- boysenberry:Adjective:fruit colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|zarza de Bosen|f}}, {{t|es|color de zarza de Bosen|m}}
- brand new:Adjective:utterly new
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[recién]] [[estrenado]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[estrenar]]}}, {{t+|es|flamante}}, {{t|es|nuevecito}}, {{t|es|nuevo de paquete}}, {{t|es|nuevo de fábrica}}, {{t|es|calientito}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t+|es|calentito}}
- breakneck:Adjective:dangerously fast; hell-for-leather
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a toda carrera}}, {{t|es|a tumba abierta}}, {{t|es|como alma que lleva el diablo}}, {{t+|es|disparado}}, {{t|es|como relámpago}}, {{t+|es|a toda leche}} {{qualifier|Spain}}, {{t|es|a toda ostia}} {{qualifier|Spain}}, {{t|es|a todo vapor}}, {{t|es|a velocidad de vértigo}}, {{t|es|a toda máquina}}, {{t|es|a toda pastilla}}
- breathless:Adjective:having difficulty breathing; gasping
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|jadeante}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[aliento]]}}
- brokenhearted:Adjective:grieved and disappointed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|con el corazón partido}}
- built different:Adjective:able to do things which others cannot; extremely talented or unusual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[compuesto]] [[diferente]][mente]}}
- busy:Adjective:crowded with business or activities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ocupado}}, {{t|es|hasta las manos|m|f}} {{qualifier|very busy|Argentina}}, {{t+|es|concurrido}}
- cacuminous:Adjective:having a pyramidal top
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[cima]] [[piramidal]]}}, {{t|es|piramidal}}
- carbon neutral:Adjective:having an overall zero carbon footprint after carbon emissions trading has been taken into account
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|neutro en carbono|m}}, {{t|es|carbono neutro}}
- carefree:Adjective:worry free, light hearted, etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|despreocupado}}, {{t|es|sin preocupaciones}}
- careless:Adjective:not giving sufficient attention or thought
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|descuidado}}, {{t+|es|irresponsable}}, {{t+|es|negligente}}, {{t+|es|dejado}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] / [[no]] [[cuidadoso]]}}, {{t+|es|desprolijo}}
- carfree:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[coche]]s}}
- carry-on:Adjective:taken onto an airplane with a passenger
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[mano]]}}
- caught with one's pants down:Adjective:caught off guard, unprepared, or in an embarrassing situation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en paños menores}}, {{t|es|pillado con el culo al aire}}
- certain:Adjective:sure, positive, not doubting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[está]] [[cierto]]}}, {{t+|es|seguro}}, {{t+|es|determinado}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[se]] [[sabe]] [[que]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[la]] [[certeza]] / [[certitud]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[el]] [[certidumbre]]}}, {{t+|es|definitivo}}
- checkered:Adjective:divided into squares
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[a]] [[cuadros]]}}, {{t+|es|ajedrezado}}, {{t+|es|escaqueado}}
- chemically imbalanced:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|químicamente desbalanciado}}
- childish:Adjective:belonging to or suitable for a child
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[para]] [[niños]]}}, {{t+|es|infantil}}
- childless:Adjective:not having any children
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[hijo]]s}}
- chock full:Adjective:containing the maximum amount
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|repleto|m}}, {{t+|es|petado|m}}, {{t|es|a reventar}},
- choosy:Adjective:taking care when choosing that what is chosen best suits one's tastes, desires or requirements
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[difícil]] de [[complacer]]}}, {{t+|es|exigente}}, {{t|es|selectivo}}
- churlish:Adjective:rude or surly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[poco]] [[afable]]}}, {{t+|es|maleducado}}, {{t+|es|grosero}}
- cloak-and-dagger:Adjective:marked by menacing furtive secrecy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de intriga y misterio}}, {{t|es|de capa y espada}}
- close-cropped:Adjective:cut very short
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|quasi pelado}}
- closeted:Adjective:not open about one's sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or gender identity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|enclosetado}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[declarado]]}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[asumido]]}}, {{t|es|en el closet}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|en el armario}} {{qualifier|Spain}}
- cold:Adjective:of the weather
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|frío}}, {{tt|es|[[hacer]] [[frío]]}}
- cold-blooded:Adjective:lacking emotion or compunction
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin [[emoción]]}}
- colorful:Adjective:possessing prominent and varied colors
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|lleno|m}}, {{t|es|de color}}, {{t|es|[[lleno]] [[de]] [[color]]}}
- concrete:Adjective:made of concrete
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de [[concreto]]}}, {{t|es|de [[hormigón]]}}
- confident:Adjective:being very sure of or positive about something
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|confiado}}, {{t|es|lleno de confianza}}, {{t+|es|seguro}}
- contingent:Adjective:dependent on something unknown, that may or may not occur
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[supeditado]] [[a]]}}
- cordless:Adjective:without a cord
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[cables]]}}, {{t+|es|inalámbrico}}
- courtesy:Adjective:given or done as a polite gesture
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[cortesía]]}}
- courtesy:Adjective:free of charge
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[cortesía]]}}
- couth:Adjective:marked by or possessing a high degree of sophistication
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sofisticado, refinado}}
- cover:Adjective:about cover of a book or magazine
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[cubierta]]}}
- coy:Adjective:pretending shyness or modesty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tímido pero coqueto}}, {{t|es|coquetamente tímido}}, {{t|es|fingidamente tímido}}, {{t|es|que se hace el tímido}}, {{t+|es|mojigato|m}}, {{t+|es|melindroso}}, {{t+|es|remilgado}}, {{t+|es|timorato}}, {{t|es|pacato}}, {{t+|es|gazmoño}}
- cranky:Adjective:grouchy, irritable; easily upset
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[mal]] [[genio]]}}, {{t+|es|mañoso}}
- cream:Adjective:colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|crema}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[color]] [[crema]]}}, {{t+|es|bayo|m}}
- creasy:Adjective:[[full
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|con pliegues}}, {{t+|es|arrugado}}
- crestfallen:Adjective:sad because of a recent disappointment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|alicaído}}, {{t+|es|abatido}}, {{t+|es|cariacontecido}}, {{t|es|de capa caída}}
- cringeworthy:Adjective:that causes one to cringe
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|embarazoso}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[alipori]]}}, {{t|es|[[para]] [[morir]]([[se]]) [[de]] [[vergüenza]]}}
- cross:Adjective:angry, annoyed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|enfadado}}, {{t+|es|enfurruñado}}, {{t|es|de morros}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- crosstown:Adjective:(US) extending across a city or town
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[atraviesa]] [[la]] [[ciudad]]}}, {{t|es|a lo largo y a lo ancho}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[una]] [[punta]] [[de]] [[la]] [[ciudad]] [[a]] [[otra]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[un]] [[lado]] [[de]] [[la]] [[ciudad]] [[a]] [[otro]]}}
- cruelty-free:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cruelty-free}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[crueldad]]}}, {{t|es|[[libre]] [[de]] [[crueldad]]}}
- crystal clear:Adjective:completely clear and understood
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[claridad meridiana]]}}, {{t+|es|meridiano}}
- cubed:Adjective:raised to the third power
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[al]] [[cubo]]}}
- cult:Adjective:enjoyed by a small, loyal group
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de [[culto]]}}
- cursive:Adjective:having successive letters joined together
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[cursiva]]}}
- custom-made:Adjective:custom-made
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a medida|alt=a (la) medida}}, {{t|es|hecho a medida}}, {{t+|es|personalizado}}, {{t|es|por encargo}}, {{t|es|al pedido}}
- cut out:Adjective:well suited for an activity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estar hecho para}}, {{t|es|servir para}}, {{t|es|tener talento para}}, {{t|es|tener madera de}}, {{t|es|ser apto para}}, {{t|es|tener madera para}}
- cutaway:Adjective:3D graphics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en corte}}
- damned if one does and damned if one doesn't:Adjective:dilemma with bad outcomes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|palos porque bogas, palos porque no bogas}}
- day-over-day:Adjective:Compared to the same time period in the previous day
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[respecto]] [[al]] [[día]] [[pasado]]}}, {{t|es|interanual}}
- dazed:Adjective:in a state of shock or confusion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[estado]] [[de]] [[shock]]}}, {{t|es|[[en]] [[estado]] [[de]] [[confusión]]}}, {{t+|es|atolondrado}}, {{t+|es|aturullado}}
- de facto:Adjective:in fact or in practice
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''de facto''}}, {{t|es|de fecho}}, {{t|es|de hecho}}
- dear:Adjective:a formal way to start (often after my) addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[señor]] [[mío]]|m}}, {{t|es|[[señora]] [[mía]]|f}}, {{t+|es|estimado|m}}, {{t+|es|estimada|f}}
- dear:Adjective:an ironic way to start (often after my) addressing an inferior
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[amigo]] [[mío]]|m}}, {{t|es|[[amiga]] [[mía]]|f}}
- deep:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|capa profunda}}
- defensive:Adjective:intended for defence; protective
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|defensivo}}, {{t|es|que defensa}}, {{t|es|defensante}}
- developing:Adjective:of a country
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en vías de desarrollo}}
- dire:Adjective:warning of bad consequences
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[mal]] [[agüero]]}}, {{t+|es|portentoso}}, {{t+|es|alarmante}}
- directly proportional:Adjective:proportional to a constant multiple of an independent variable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|directamente proporcional}}
- disabled:Adjective:for the use of people with physical disabilities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[para]] [[discapacitados]]}}
- disingenuous:Adjective:not noble; unbecoming true honor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|falso}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[sincero]]}}, {{t|es|desingenuo|m}}
- disjointed:Adjective:not connected, coherent, or continuous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|deslavazado}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[trabazón]]}}, {{t+|es|inconexo}}, {{t+|es|deshilvanado}}
- distasteful:Adjective:having a bad or foul taste
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[mal]] [[gusto]]}}
- do-or-die:Adjective:desperate effort
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a matar o morir}}
- double-digit:Adjective:between 10 and 99 inclusive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[dos]] [[dígitos]]}}
- double-glazed:Adjective:having double glazing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[duplamente]] [[vidriado]]}}
- double-jointed:Adjective:having one or more joints able to bend more than is normal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[articulaciones]] [[duplas]]}} {{qualifier|of}}, {{t|es|[[tener]] [[coyunturas]] [[duplas]]}} {{qualifier|to have}}
- down:Adjective:comfortable with
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|dispuesto}}, {{t|es|que tiene gana}}, {{t|es|apeteciente}}
- down in the dumps:Adjective:sad
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en horas bajas}}, {{t|es|de bajón}}, {{t+|es|murrio|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- down-to-earth:Adjective:practical; realistic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|con los pies en la tierra}}
- downstream:Adjective:biology: towards the 3' end of a DNA molecule
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|corriente abajo}}
- draft:Adjective:referring to drinks on tap
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[grifo]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[baril]]}}
- drive-through:Adjective:of an establishment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[servicarro]]}}
- drive-through:Adjective:of a feature of such an establishment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[servicarro]]}}
- due:Adjective:of an event, scheduled, expected
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[ser]] [[para]]}} {{q|verb}}
- dull:Adjective:boring, not exciting or interesting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aburrido}}, {{t+|es|soso}}, {{t+|es|insípido}}, {{t+|es|insulso}}, {{t+|es|desabrido}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[gracia]]}}
- duty-free:Adjective:exempt from duty, especially customs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[arancel]]}}
- early:Adjective:relating to age
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a principios de}} {{qualifier|plural age}}, {{t+|es|cortos}} {{qualifier|singular age}}, {{t+|es|corto}} {{qualifier|-añero}}
- earthmoving:Adjective:construction: designed to move large quantities of earth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[movimiento]] [[de]] [[tierras]]}}
- easier said than done:Adjective:easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|es fácil decirlo}}, {{t|es|es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo}}, {{t|es|del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho}}, {{t|es|que se dice pronto}}, {{t|es|una cosa es predicar, y otra dar trigo}}
- easygoing:Adjective:casual and informal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|calmado}}, {{t+|es|relajado}}, {{t|es|tener la manga ancha}}, {{t+|es|apacible|m|f}}, {{t+|es|sosegado|m}}, {{t+|es|afable|m|f}}
- ebony:Adjective:made of ebony wood
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[ébano]]}}
- edgy:Adjective:on the edge between acceptable and offensive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|provocador}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[se]] [[hace]] [[el]] [[interesante]]}}
- effortless:Adjective:without effort
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fácil}}, {{t|es|[[nada]] [[penoso]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[esfuerzo]]}}
- eggless:Adjective:without eggs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[huevo]]}}
- embarrassingly parallel:Adjective:in parallel computing, of a particular problem: very easy to separate into a number of parallel tasks
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vergonzosamente paralelo}}
- error-prone:Adjective:in the habit of making errors
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[propenso]] [[a]] [[errores]]}}, {{t|es|[[susceptible]] [[a]] [[errores]]}}
- excellent:Adjective:of the highest quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|excelente}}, {{t+|es|sobresaliente}}, {{t+|es|prominente}}, {{t+|es|excelso}}, {{t+|es|macanudo}}, {{t|es|de buten}}, {{t|es|de bute}}, {{t+|es|paja}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t+|es|groso}} {{qualifier|Chile}}, {{t+|es|mostro}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t|es|pulenta}} {{qualifier|Andes}}, {{t+|es|pulento}} {{qualifier|Andes}}
- extraneous:Adjective:not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|externo}}, {{t+|es|ajeno}}, {{t+|es|irrelevante}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[no]] [[viene]] [[al]] [[caso]] / [[cuento]]}}, {{t+|es|foráneo}}, {{t|es|foraño}}, {{t+|es|forano}}, {{t|es|exógeno}}, {{t+|es|adventicio}}
- face-to-face:Adjective:in another's presence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[faz]] [[a]] [[faz]]}}, {{t+|es|cara a cara}}
- fair:Adjective:nautical: favorable to a ship's course
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|viento de popa}}
- far-fetched:Adjective:not likely
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|forzado}}, {{t|es|traído por los pelos}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[probable]]}}, {{t+|es|improbable}}, {{t+|es|inverosímil}}, {{t|es|[[jalado]] / [[tirado]] [[de]] [[los]] [[pelos]]}}, {{t+|es|rocambolesco}}
- faultless:Adjective:without fault
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|impecable}}, {{t+|es|perfecto}}, {{t|es|intachable}}, {{t|es|sin tacha}}
- fearless:Adjective:free from fear
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|intrépido}}, {{t+|es|impávido}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[miedo]]}}
- feminine:Adjective:belonging to females
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|femenil}}, {{t|es|de [[mujeres]]}}, {{t+|es|femenino}}
- fey:Adjective:doomed to die
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[destinado]] a [[morir]]}}
- fighting fit:Adjective:in top physical condition
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[plena]] [[forma]]}}
- filthy rich:Adjective:very rich
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|asquerosamente rico}}, {{t|es|forrado de dinero}}, {{t|es|podrido en plata}} {{qualifier|Argentina}}
- first class:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|de [[primera clase]]}}
- first-come-first-served:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|por orden de llegada}}
- fit:Adjective:in good shape
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] ([[buena]]) [[forma]]}}, {{t+|es|apolíneo}}
- fitting:Adjective:appropriate
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apropiado}}, {{t+|es|adecuado}}, {{t+|es|apto}}, {{t+|es|aparejado}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[viene]] [[bien]]}}, {{t+|es|favorable}}, {{t+|es|oportuno}}, {{t+|es|conveniente}}, {{t+|es|indicado}}, {{t+|es|idóneo}}
- flaky:Adjective:of a person: unreliable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|poco fiable}}
- flat:Adjective:with its carbon dioxide having come out of solution
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[gas]]}}
- flawless:Adjective:without flaws
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|impecable}}, {{t+|es|perfecto}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[fallas]] / [[defectos]]}}, {{t|es|intachable}}
- flimsy:Adjective:likely to bend or break under pressure
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|endeble}}, {{t+|es|tembleque}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[sólido]]}}
- flimsy:Adjective:weak; ill-founded
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|endeble}}, {{t+|es|tembleque}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[sólido]]}}, {{t+|es|pobre}}
- flush:Adjective:smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|plano}}, {{t+|es|alineado}}, {{t|es|al ras}}, {{t+|es|raso}}, {{t|es|a ras}}
- fluttery:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[aleteo]] / [[aletada]]}}
- footloose:Adjective:tending to travel
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|despreocupado}}, {{t|es|sin compromiso}}, {{t+|es|libre}}
- for real:Adjective:genuine, true or natural
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|¿de veras?}}
- formless:Adjective:without form
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[forma]]}}
- forsaken:Adjective:abandoned
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|abandonado}}, {{t|es|dejado de la mano de}}, {{t|es|olvidado por}}
- free and clear:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|libre de cargas}}
- friendless:Adjective:without friends
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[amigos]]}}
- front-page:Adjective:deserve to be put on the front page
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de primera plana}}
- front-page:Adjective:appears on the front page
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de primera plana}}
- full of oneself:Adjective:egotistical
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[encantado]] [[de]] [[haberse]] [[conocido]]}}, {{t+|es|ufano}}, {{t+|es|creído}}, {{t+|es|comemierda|m|f}} {{qualifier|noun}}
- full of piss and vinegar:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de rompe y rasga}}
- gamey:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|de [[caza]]}}, {{t-check|es|a [[caza]]}}, {{t+check|es|escabroso}}
- genderfluid:Adjective:not conforming to fixed gender
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de género fluido}}
- genderqueer:Adjective:having a non-binary gender
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cuir}}, {{t|es|no binario}}, {{t+|es|queer}}, {{t|es|género cuir|m}}, {{t|es|género queer|m}}
- german:Adjective:sharing parents
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hermano carnal}}
- german:Adjective:First cousin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|primo carnal}}
- gluten-free:Adjective:containing no gluten
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[gluten]]}}
- gold:Adjective:made of gold, golden
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|dorado|m}}, {{t|es|de [[oro]]}}, {{t+|es|áureo}}, {{t|es|áurico}}, {{t+|es|aurífero}}, {{t+|es|aurígero}}
- golden:Adjective:marked by prosperity, creativity, etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|dorado}}, {{t|es|de oro}}
- golden:Adjective:relating to a fiftieth anniversary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de oro}}
- good enough to eat:Adjective:supremely beautiful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|para comérselo}}
- good-for-nothing:Adjective:useless, worthless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inútil}}, {{t+|es|bueno para nada}}
- good-looking:Adjective:attractive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atractivo}}, {{t|es|de buen ver}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|apuesto}}, {{t|es|bien parecido}}, {{t+|es|agraciado}}, {{t+|es|lindo}}, {{t+|es|gallardo}}, {{t+|es|galano}}
- good-sized:Adjective:Of a reasonably large size
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[buen]] [[tamaño]]}}
- great:Adjective:very good
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|formidable}}, {{t|es|[[muy]] [[bueno]]}}, {{t+|es|genial}}, {{t+|es|groso}} {{q|Southern Cone}}, {{t+|es|grosso}} {{q|Latin American}}, {{t|es|fetén}}, {{t+|es|piola}}, {{t|es|chanchi}}, {{t+|es|chachi}}
- greater:Adjective:of two things, the larger in size, value, importance etc
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mayor}}, {{t|es|[[más]] [[grande]] / [[importante]] / [[grandioso]]}}
- green with envy:Adjective:consumed by envy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|quedar mudo de envidia}}, {{t|es|los dientes largos}} {{qualifier|preceded by ''poner'' + object}}
- groundbreaking:Adjective:innovative
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rompedor}}, {{t+|es|revolucionario}}, {{t+|es|innovador}}, {{t|es|que rompe esquemas}}
- grounded:Adjective:of a conductor connected to earth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[conectado]] [[a]] [[tierra]]}}
- grounded:Adjective:not allowed to fly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[detenido]] [[en]] [[tierra]]}}
- groundless:Adjective:baseless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|infundado}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[fundamento]]}}
- gung ho:Adjective:overly enthusiastic or energetic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[exageradamente]] / [[locamente]] / [[tontamente]] [[entusiasmado]] / [[entusiasta]] / [[optimista]]}}, {{t|es|pum para arriba}} {{qualifier|Argentina|slang}}
- haired:Adjective:having certain type of hair
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de cabello}}, {{t|es|de pelo}}
- half-timbered:Adjective:constructed using a load-bearing timber frame with the spaces between the timbers filled with bricks, etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[entramado]] [[de]] [[madera]]}}
- halfhearted:Adjective:lacking full energy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin gana}}
- handpicked:Adjective:selected with great care
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|escogido personalmente}}, {{t|es|seleccionado cuidadosamente}}
- handsome:Adjective:of man: attractive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apuesto}}, {{t+|es|guapo|m}}, {{t|es|de buen parecer}}, {{t+|es|lindo|m}} {{qualifier|more common in Latin America}}, {{t+|es|buenmozo|m}} {{qualifier|Argentina}}, {{t+|es|agraciado|m}}, {{t+|es|atractivo|m}}
- happy as Larry:Adjective:extremely happy and carefree
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|feliz como una perdiz}}, {{t|es|más feliz que una perdiz}}
- happy as a lark:Adjective:very happy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|feliz como una perdiz}}, {{t|es|más contento que unas castañuelas}}, {{t|es|como un niño con zapatos nuevos}}
- hard of hearing:Adjective:having difficulty hearing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|duro de oído}}, {{t+|es|teniente}} {{qualifier|Spain, colloquial; preceded by ''estar''}}
- hard-won:Adjective:having been obtained with effort
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ganado con dificultad}}, {{t+|es|trabajado}}
- hardcore:Adjective:having an extreme dedication to a certain activity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|esforzado}}, {{t|es|[[muy]] [[dedicado]]}}
- health-conscious:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[consciente]] [[de]] [[la]] [[salud]]}}, {{t|es|[[salud]][[-]][[consciente]]}}
- heart-healthy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[saludable]] [[para]] [[el]] [[corazón]]}}, {{t|es|cardiosaludable}}
- heartstopping:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de infarto}}, {{t|es|infartante}}
- hermetically sealed:Adjective:airtight
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sellado herméticamente}}, {{t|es|cerrado herméticamente}}
- high on one's own supply:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[casa]] [[de]] [[herrero]] [[cuchara]] [[de]] [[madera]]}} {{qualifier|there are many variations}}
- high-class:Adjective:recognized for quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de [[nivel alto]]}}, {{t+|es|lujoso}}, {{t+|es|exclusivo}}
- high-heeled:Adjective:having tall heels
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de tacón}}, {{t|es|de tacón alto}}
- high-level:Adjective:programming: based on commands resembling natural language
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[alto]] [[nivel]]}}
- high-stakes:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|alto impacto|f}}
- highborn:Adjective:of, pertaining to or befitting people of high social standing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de alta cuna}}
- hilly:Adjective:abounding in hills
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|montuoso}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[muchas]] [[colinas]] / [[lombas]] / [[lomadas]] / [[lomas]]}}
- historico-grammatical:Adjective:pertaining to, using or based on a textual analysis technique that examines historical meanings of words
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|histórico gramatical}}, {{t|es|histórico-gramatical}}, {{t|es|gramático-histórico}}
- hoarse:Adjective:afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ronco}}, {{t+|es|afónico}}, {{t|es|con (la) voz tomada}}
- hoist by one's own petard:Adjective:be hurt by one's own plot
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|una cucharada de su propia medicina}}, {{t|es|ir por lana y volver trasquilado}}
- homeless:Adjective:lacking a permanent residence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin hogar}}, {{t+|es|vagabundo}}, {{t+|es|desalojado}}, {{t|es|sintecho}}, {{t|es|sin techo}}, {{t|es|en situación de calle}}
- homemade:Adjective:made at home
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|casero}}, {{t|es|hecho en casa}}, {{t+|es|hechizo}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Mexico}}
- hood:Adjective:Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[gueto]]}}, {{t+|es|quinqui}}, {{t|es|quinquillero}}, {{t|es|merchero}}
- hopeless:Adjective:destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desesperado}}, {{t+|es|desesperanzado}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[esperanza]](s)}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[no]] [[tiene]] [[esperanza]](s)}}
- horse-drawn:Adjective:pulled along by horse
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[tirado]] [[por]] [[caballos]]|m}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[caballos]]}}, {{t|es|hipomóvil}}, {{t|es|de tracción animal}}
- hot:Adjective:having a high temperature
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|caliente}}, {{tt|es|[[muy]] [[caliente]]}}
- hot:Adjective:feverish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|febril|m|f}}, {{tt|es|con calentura}}, {{tt+|es|ardiendo}}
- how long:Adjective:how long (distance)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|que largo}}
- hungry:Adjective:affected by hunger; desirous of food
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|hambriento}}, {{t|es|[[tener]] [[hambre]]}} {{q|to be hungry}}, {{t+|es|afamado}}
- ill-omened:Adjective:inauspicious, unlucky
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mal fario}}, {{t|es|de mal agüero}}
- implausible:Adjective:unlikely
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[plausible]]}}, {{t+|es|inverosímil}}
- improvised:Adjective:created by improvisation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|improvisado}}, {{t+|es|impensado|m}}, {{t|es|de sobresalto}} {{qualifier|adverb}}
- in personam:Adjective:law
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|contra la persona}}
- in question:Adjective:in doubt, under dispute
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en tela de juicio}}
- in the same boat:Adjective:in the same situation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en el mismo barco}}
- in vogue:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en voga|m|f}}, {{t|es|estar ''fashion''|m|f}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t+|es|de moda|m|f}}, {{t|es|a la moda|m|f}}
- in-kind:Adjective:consisting of goods or commodities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en especie}}
- inane:Adjective:lacking sense or meaning
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin sentido}}, {{t+|es|absurdo}}, {{t+|es|inane}}
- indifferent:Adjective:not caring
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indiferente}}, {{t+|es|apático}}, {{t+|es|desganado}}, {{t|es|ni le viene ni le va}}
- indoor:Adjective:situated in, or designed to be used in, or carried on within the interior of a building
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[para]] / [[de]] [[interiores]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[entrecasa]]}}, {{t+|es|cubierto}}, {{t+|es|interior}}, {{t+|es|interno}}
- infamous:Adjective:having a bad reputation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mala fama}}, {{t|es|malfamado|m}}, {{t|es|malafamado|m}}
- infeasible:Adjective:not feasible
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|imposible}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[factible]]}}
- initial:Adjective:chronologically first
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inicial}}, {{t+|es|a quo}}
- innominate:Adjective:having no name; anonymous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|innominado}}, {{t+|es|anónimo}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[nombre]]}}
- interim:Adjective:transitional
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|interino}}, {{t|es|ad ínterim}}
- interim:Adjective:temporary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|interino}}, {{t|es|ad ínterim}}
- irrespective:Adjective:regardless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[considerar]]}}, {{t+|es|independiente|alt=independiente de}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[respectivo]]}}
- itchy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[pica]]}}, {{t+|es|picoso}}
- ivory:Adjective:made of ivory
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de marfil}}, {{t+|es|ebúrneo|m}}
- jet:Adjective:propelled by turbine engines
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a chorro}}, {{t|es|a propulsión}}, {{t|es|a reacción}}
- joined at the hip:Adjective:closely connected, as in an intimate friendship
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|unidos por la cadera}}, {{t+|es|indisociables}}, {{t+|es|inseparables}}
- killed in action:Adjective:dead on duty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|muerto en combate}}
- kindhearted:Adjective:having an innately kind disposition or character
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[buen]] [[corazón]]}}
- knackered:Adjective:extremely tired or exhausted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|agotado}}, {{t+|es|reventado}}, {{t+|es|harto}}, {{t|es|para el arrastre}}
- knobbly:Adjective:having a covering of small knobs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nudoso}}, {{t+|es|ñudoso}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[cocada]]}} {{qualifier|of tires}}
- knobby:Adjective:having many knobs or knob-like projections
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[cocada]]}} {{qualifier|of tires}}
- knowledgeable:Adjective:having knowledge, especially of a particular subject
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|erudito}}, {{t+|es|instruido}}, {{t+|es|entendido}}, {{t+|es|conocedor}}, {{t+|es|cognoscente}}, {{t+|es|cognoscitivo}} {{qualifier|able to know}}, {{t+|es|sabedor}}, {{t+|es|concienciado}}, {{t+|es|concientizado}}, {{t+|es|sabido}}, {{t|es|[[puesto]] ([[en]])}}, {{t|es|esciente}} {{q|disused}}
- known:Adjective:that whom other people know, renowned, famous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|conocido}}, {{t|es|que tiene fama de}}, {{t|es|cognocido por}}
- landlocked:Adjective:surrounded by land
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[litoral]]}}, {{t|es|sin salida al mar}}, {{t|es|sin acceso al mar}}, {{t+|es|interior}}
- large-scale:Adjective:large in amount, scope or extent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a gran escala}}
- large-scale:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|a gran escala}}, {{t-check|es|en gran escala}}
- last-ditch:Adjective:as a last resort, done in desperation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desesperado}}, {{t|es|a la desesperada}}, {{t+|es|último}}
- late:Adjective:related to age
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a finales de}} {{qualifier|plural age}}, {{t+|es|largos}} {{qualifier|singular age}}, {{t+|es|largo}} {{qualifier|-añero}}
- later:Adjective:more late
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[más]] [[tarde]]}}
- law-abiding:Adjective:obeying the laws
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[obediente]] [[de]] [[la]] [[ley]]}}, {{t|es|[[respetuoso]] [[de]] [[la]] [[ley]]}}
- leeward:Adjective:on the side sheltered from the wind
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[sotavento]]}}
- left:Adjective:pertaining to the political left
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt|es|de izquierda}}
- left-wing:Adjective:favoring political, social, and economic equality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|izquierdista}}, {{t|es|de izquierdas}}
- life-size:Adjective:the same size as the real thing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tamaño natural}}
- lifeless:Adjective:dead
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|exánime}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[vida]]}}, {{t|es|inánime}}
- lightfast:Adjective:resistant to fading
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no [[desteñible]]}}
- lighthearted:Adjective:joyful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desenfadado}}, {{t+|es|despreocupado}}, {{t|es|quitado de la [[pena]]}}, {{t+|es|alegre}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[gracia]]}}
- like a bull in a china shop:Adjective:clumsy, aggressive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|como elefante en cristalería}}, {{t|es|como un chivo en cristalería}}, {{t|es|como un elefante en una cacharrería}}
- like-for-like:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|comparable}}, {{t+|es|análogo}}, {{t+|es|equivalente}}, {{t|es|[[igual]] [[a]] [[igual]]}}, {{t|es|equiparable}}
- like-minded:Adjective:of similar opinion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de similar opinión}}
- lime:Adjective:containing lime or lime juice
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de [[lima]]}}
- live-in:Adjective:living on the premises
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|puertas adentro}} {{qualifier|employee}}, {{t+|es|conviviente}} {{qualifier|sexual partner}}, {{t+|es|interna|f}} {{qualifier|usually female domestic worker}}
- load-bearing:Adjective:able to support a load
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de soporte}}, {{t|es|de carga}}, {{t+|es|sostenedor}}, {{t|es|aguantacargas}}, {{t|es|portacargas}}
- loath:Adjective:averse, disinclined; reluctant, unwilling
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[poco]] [[dispuesto]]|m}}, {{t+|es|reticente}}
- locked:Adjective:that has been locked (with a key)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cerrado con llave}}
- long haul:Adjective:travelling a long distance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[larga]] [[distancia]]}}
- long-awaited:Adjective:having been awaited for a long time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|largamente esperado|m}}
- long-sleeved:Adjective:having long sleeves
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de manga larga}}
- low-budget:Adjective:Achieved with a relatively small financial outlay
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de bajo presupuesto}}, {{t+|es|económico}}
- low-income:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de bajos recursos}}
- low-level:Adjective:code or statement corresponding to a single machine instruction
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[bajo]] [[nivel]]}}
- low-quality:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[baja]] [[calidad]]}}, {{t+|es|de baja estofa}}
- lucky:Adjective:resulting in good luck
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a la [[champa]]}}
- lukewarm:Adjective:not very enthusiastic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tibio}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[entusiasta]]}}, {{t+|es|desinteresado}}, {{t+|es|indiferente}}
- lumenal:Adjective:Relating to the cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de la luz}}, {{t|es|del lume}}
- madder:Adjective:colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rojo turco}}
- made in China:Adjective:manufactured in the PRC
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hecho en China}}
- made in Japan:Adjective:manufactured in Japan
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hecho en Japón}}
- made-to-measure:Adjective:made to individual specifications
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hecho a medida}}
- man-made:Adjective:created by a human
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|artificial}}, {{t|es|[[hecho]] [[por]] [[el]] [[hombre]]}}
- mass:Adjective:involving a mass of people
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|multitudinario}}, {{t+|es|masivo}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[masa]]}}, {{t|es|[[en]] [[masa]]}}
- meaningless:Adjective:lacking meaning
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[sentido]]}}, {{t+|es|insensato|m}}
- meant to be:Adjective:supposedly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|se supone que... [ser]}} {{q|imperfect subjunctive}}
- medium dead:Adjective:near death
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|medio muerto}}
- menial:Adjective:of or relating to unskilled work
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[especializado]]}}, {{t+|es|inexperto}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[cualificaciones]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[baja]] [[categoría]]}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[poca]] [[importancia]]}}
- messed up:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no estar nada bueno}}
- mid:Adjective:related to age
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a mediados de}} {{qualifier|plural age}}, {{t+|es|medios}} {{qualifier|singular age}}, {{t+|es|intermedios}} {{qualifier|singular age}}, {{t+|es|medianos}} {{qualifier|singular age}}, {{t+|es|medio}} {{qualifier|-añero}}, {{t+|es|intermedio}} {{qualifier|-añero}}, {{t+|es|mediano}} {{qualifier|-añero}}, {{t+|es|medial}}
- middle-aged:Adjective:of or relating to middle age
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[mediana edad]]}}
- middle-class:Adjective:between the upper class and working class
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|burgués|m}}, {{t|es|de clase media}}, {{t+|es|clase media}}, {{t|es|clasemediero|m}} {{q|Peru}}
- mild:Adjective:not sharp or bitter; not strong in flavor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|suave}}, {{t|es|no muy alampante}}, {{t+|es|leve}}, {{t|es|lene}}, {{t+|es|lieve}}
- mind-numbing:Adjective:excessively boring
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[demasiadamente]] [[aburrido]] / [[aburridor]]}}
- mindful:Adjective:Being aware (of something)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|consciente}}, {{t+|es|cognoscente}}, {{t+|es|cognoscitivo}} {{qualifier|able to know}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[presente]] [en la mente]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[en]] [[cuenta]]}}
- missing in action:Adjective:designation for a member of an organization with whom contact is lost but whose death is not confirmed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desaparecido en acción}}
- misty:Adjective:with mist; foggy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[neblina]]}}, {{t|es|neblinoso}}, {{t|es|emboriado}}
- mixed-race:Adjective:having genetic characteristics of two or more different races
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mestizo}}, {{t|es|de raza mixta}}, {{t|es|mixto racialmente}}
- motionless:Adjective:at rest, not moving
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inmóvil}}, {{t+|es|inerte}}, {{t+|es|quieto}}, {{t|es|[[en]] [[reposo]]}}
- mouthwatering:Adjective:delicious in taste
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de toma pan y moja}}, {{t|es|se te hace la boca agua}}
- multitenant:Adjective:to more than one tenant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de múltiples inquilinos}}
- musclebound:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fornido|m}}, {{t+|es|cuadrado|m}}, {{t+|es|cachas|m}}, {{t|es|excesivamente musculoso|m}}
- mutually intelligible:Adjective:of a speech variety, able to be understood by speakers of another variety
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mutuamente inteligible}}
- nameless:Adjective:having no name
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|innominado}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[nombre]]}}
- narrow-minded:Adjective:having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cuadriculado}}, {{t|es|mente cuadriculada}}, {{t+|es|cerrado}}, {{t|es|estrecho de miras}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[mentalidad]] [[cerrada]]}}, {{t|es|[[cerrado]] [[de]] [[mente]]}}
- neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring:Adjective:not easily categorized; not rightly belonging or fitting well in a given group or situation; not having the advantages of the various options
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ni carne ni pescado}}, {{t+|es|ni chicha ni limonada}}, {{t|es|sin pies ni cabeza}}
- net-zero:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cero neto}}
- newsworthy:Adjective:interesting enough to be reported as a news
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de interés periodístico}}, {{t|es|noticiable}}, {{t|es|de relevancia reporteril}}
- next-level:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[otro]] [[nivel]]}}
- no holds barred:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|todo vale|lit=everything is valid}}
- non-binary:Adjective:outside the gender binary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no binario}}, {{t|es|no binarie}}, {{t|es|no binarix}}
- non-compete:Adjective:describing contractual clause
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de no competencia}}
- non-empty:Adjective:containing at least one element
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no vacío}}
- non-negative:Adjective:not negative
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[negativo]]}}
- non-violent:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[violento]]}}
- nonalcoholic:Adjective:containing at most trace amounts of alcohol
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|analcohólico}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[alcohol]]}}
- nonchalant:Adjective:indifferent; unconcerned; behaving as if detached
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indiferente}}, {{t|es|como las huevas}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t|es|como si las huevas}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- noncontributory:Adjective:describing a pension plan in which the members do not provide their own direct contributions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[contributivo]]}}
- nondenominational:Adjective:not specific to a particular religion or sect
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[sectario]]}}
- nonlinear:Adjective:of a system: whose output is not directly proportional to its input
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[lineal]]}}
- nonpareil:Adjective:unequalled, unrivalled
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|incomparable}}, {{t+|es|sin par}}, {{t|es|sin paralelo}}
- nonprofit:Adjective:not seeking to produce a profit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin ánimo de lucro}}, {{t|es|sin fin lucrativo}}
- nonrefundable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a fondo perdido}}
- nonsense:Adjective:resulting from the substitution of a nucleotide in a sense codon, causing it to become a stop codon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin sentido}}
- nonskilled:Adjective:Not skilled.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inhábil}}, {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[habilidoso]]}}
- not bad:Adjective:reasonably good
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nada mal}}
- notorious:Adjective:generally or widely known for something negative
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|notorio}}, {{t+|es|afamado|m}}, {{t|es|de mala fama}}
- nubile:Adjective:marriageable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|núbil}}, {{t|es|en edad de merecer}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- null and void:Adjective:invalid, cancelled, unenforceable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nulo e inválido}}
- nuts:Adjective:insane
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|loco}}, {{t+|es|zumbado}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|sonado}}, {{t+|es|tocado}}, {{t|es|tocado del ala}}, {{t|es|majareta}}, {{t+|es|chaveta}}, {{t+|es|tarambana}}
- née:Adjective:used to indicate maiden name of a woman
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de soltera}}
- off-the-shelf:Adjective:as purchased or as commonly available
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[disponible]] [[en]] [[estantes]]}}
- offbeat:Adjective:unusual, unconventional, not ordinary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|raro}}, {{t|es|poco convencional}}, {{t+|es|original}}
- offshore:Adjective:moving away from the shore
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[alejándose]] [[de]] [[la]] [[costa]]}}
- old school:Adjective:characteristic of a method for accomplishing a task, a style, or a way of thinking that was employed in a former era
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de la vieja escuela}}, {{t|es|pasadista}}, {{t|es|[chapado] [[a la antigua]]}}
- olive:Adjective:colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|verde aceituna}}
- one-size-fits-all:Adjective:designed to be worn with comfort by people with a wide range of sizes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|talla única|f}}, {{t|es|tamaño único|m}}
- ongoing:Adjective:presently or currently happening; being in progress
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|actual}}, {{t|es|en progreso}}, {{t|es|en curso}}
- open-minded:Adjective:willing to consider new ideas
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|abierto de mente}}, {{t+|es|abierto}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[mentalidad]] [[abierta]]}}
- opinionated:Adjective:holding very strong opinions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|casado con su [[opinión]] / [[dictamen]]}}, {{t|es|[[muy]] [[opinador]] / [[opinante]] }}
- oppressive:Adjective:tyrannical or exercising unjust power
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|opresivo; tiranico}}
- opt-in:Adjective:1. The property of having to choose explicitly to join or permit something
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de adhesión|f}}
- opt-out:Adjective:requiring explicit choice to avoid or forbid
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de exclusión|f}}
- out of the question:Adjective:not remotely possible
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|fuera de discusión}}
- out of this world:Adjective:wonderful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|fuera de este mundo}}
- out of touch:Adjective:no longer conversant with sth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desinformado}}, {{t|es|no estar al tanto}}, {{t+|es|ignorante}}, {{t|es|fuera de onda}}, {{t|es|no estar al corriente}}, {{t|es|en el limbo}}
- out of whack:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a la virulé}}
- over one's head:Adjective:more complex or confusing than one can understand
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[fuera]] [[de]] [[su]] [[entendimiento]] / [[comprehensión]]}}
- over one's head:Adjective:more than one can handle; too much
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[demasiado]] [[para]]}}, {{t|es|[[más]] [[de]] [[lo]] [[que]] [[puede]]}}
- over-the-counter:Adjective:pharmacy: not requiring a prescription
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[receta]]}}, {{t|es|de venta libre}}, {{t|es|de venta directa}}
- overgrown:Adjective:having large numbers of plants which have become too big
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[demasiado]] / [[demasiadamente]] [[crecido]]}}
- overjoyed:Adjective:very happy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|exultante}}, {{t+|es|eufórico}}, {{t|es|[[muy]] [[feliz]]}}
- overweight:Adjective:of a person, heavier than is healthy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[sobrepeso]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[sobrepeso]]}}, {{t+|es|gordo}}, {{t+|es|obeso}}
- overweight:Adjective:of a vehicle, weighing more than is allowed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[exceso]] [[de]] [[peso]]}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[pesantez]] [[excesiva]]}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[demasiada]] [[pesadura]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[exceso]] [[de]] [[pesadez]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[pesadumbre]] [[excesiva]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[demasiado]] [[peso]]}}
- pain in the ass:Adjective:something that causes discomfort
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|patada en las bolas}}, {{t|es|patada en los huevos}}, {{t+|es|coñazo}}, {{t|es|grano en el culo}}
- painless:Adjective:without pain or trouble
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[dolor]]}}, {{t|es|indoloro}}
- pairwise disjoint:Adjective:such that any two distinct sets are disjoint
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|disjuntos por pares}}, {{t|es|mutuamente disjuntos}}
- paper:Adjective:made of paper
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de [[papel]]}}, {{t|es|papelero|m}}
- partial:Adjective:having a predilection for something
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[le]] [[gusta]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[debilidad]] [[por]]}}
- patchy:Adjective:Full of, or covered with, patches
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hecho a retales}}
- pear-shaped:Adjective:shaped like a pear
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[forma]] [[de]] [[pera]]}}, {{t+|es|piriforme}}
- pencil-thin:Adjective:tall and thin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cuerpo palillo|m}}
- penny wise and pound foolish:Adjective:thrifty with small amounts of money but wasteful with large amounts
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ahorra en el chocolate del loro}}, {{t|es|el dinero del avaro, dos veces va al mercado}} {{qualifier|proverb, dated}}, {{t|es|el dinero del pobre dos veces se gasta}}
- per capita:Adjective:per person
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|por cabeza}}, {{t|es|percápita}}
- phony as a three-dollar bill:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más falso que un duro sevillano}} {{qualifier|Spain, old-fashioned}}, {{t|es|más falso que un duro de madera}} {{qualifier|Spain, old-fashioned}}, {{t|es|más falso que Judas}}
- phreatic:Adjective:Eruption / explosion caused by contact between groundwater and high-temperature material
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|erupción freática|f}}
- pie-eyed:Adjective:with one's eyes wide open and staring in an expressionless manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|los ojos como platos}} {{qualifier|with the verb [[tener]] }}, {{t+|es|ojiplático|m}}
- piecemeal:Adjective:Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|deslavazado}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[sistemático]]}}, {{t+|es|fragmentado}}
- pissass:Adjective:worthless, backward, or small
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cagado|m}}, {{t+|es|de mierda}}, {{t|es|vale mierda}}, {{t+|es|cochinada|f}}, {{t+|es|mierda|f}}
- pistachio green:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|verde pistacho}}
- pitch-black:Adjective:of the blackest black
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[negro]] [[como]] [[la]] [[pez]]}}, {{t|es|[[muy]] [[oscuro]]}}, {{t+|es|oscurísimo}}
- plain:Adjective:computing: containing no non-printing characters
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[caracter]]es [[normal]]es}}, {{t|es|[[libre]] de caracteres [[especial]]es}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] caracteres especiales}}
- plain as day:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[claridad meridiana]]}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[es]] [[de cajón]]}}
- plastic:Adjective:made of plastic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|plástico}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[plástico]]}}
- point-to-point:Adjective:employing a simple network topology with a dedicated link between two endpoints
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|punto a punto}}
- poor as a church mouse:Adjective:very poor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más pobre que una rata|lit=poorer than a rat}}
- postbellum:Adjective:of the period following a war
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[posguerra]]}}
- powdered:Adjective:which has been made into a powder
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[en]] [[polvo]]}}, {{t+|es|pulverulento}}, {{t+|es|polvificado}} {{q|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|polvorizado}}, {{t+|es|pulverizado}}
- praiseworthy:Adjective:meriting praise
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|encomiable}}, {{t+|es|alabable}}, {{t|es|digno de alabanza|m}}, {{t+|es|loable}}
- pretend:Adjective:imaginary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mentirijillas}} {{qualifier|colloquial|Spain}}
- priceless:Adjective:so precious as not to be sold at any price
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inestimable}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[no]] [[tiene]] [[precio]]}}
- prickly:Adjective:covered with sharp points
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|espinoso}}, {{t+|es|espinudo}}, {{t|es|con espinas}}
- professional:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|profesional}}, {{t|es|en el entorno laboral}}
- proprietary:Adjective:relating to property or ownership
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[propiedad]]}}
- pushing up daisies:Adjective:dead
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estar criando malvas}}
- quirky:Adjective:given to quirks or idiosyncrasies
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peculiar}}, {{t|es|idiosincrático}}, {{t+|es|estrafalario}}, {{t|es|idiosincrásico}}, {{t+|es|extravagante}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[se]] [[hace]] [[el]] [[interesante]]}}
- rambling:Adjective:long and digressing of a speech
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|que se va por [[tangente]]s}}, {{t+|es|inconexo}}, {{t+|es|errante}}, {{t+|es|incoherente}}
- rapid-fire:Adjective:able to fire bullets in quick succession
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tiro rápido|m}}
- raw:Adjective:chafed, exposed of a wound
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en carne viva}}
- read-only:Adjective:capable of being read but not written
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de solo lectura}}
- read-write:Adjective:supporting both read and write operations
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de lectura-escritura}}, {{t|es|de lectura y escritura}}
- real-time:Adjective:computer term
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en tiempo real}}
- recalcitrant:Adjective:hard to deal with or operate
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|recalcitrante, contumaz}}
- relentless:Adjective:unrelenting or unyielding in severity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|implacable}}, {{t+|es|furioso}}, {{t|es|non relenteciente}}, {{t+|es|despiadado}}
- relentless:Adjective:unremitting, steady and persistent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inexorable}}, {{t+|es|incansable}}, {{t+|es|implacable}}, {{t+|es|incesante}}, {{t|es|non relenteciente}}
- responsible:Adjective:involving a degree of personal accountability
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de responsabilidad}} {{qualifier|locution}}
- reverse:Adjective:having the order of its constituents moved backwards
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{qualifier|adverb}} {{t|es|al revés}}, {{qualifier|adverb}} {{t|es|en sentido contrario}}, {{t+|es|reverso}}, {{t+|es|inverso}}, {{t+|es|contrario}}, {{t|es|opósito}} {{qualifier|United States}}, {{t+|es|opuesto}}
- right:Adjective:politics: conservative
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[la]] [[derecha]]}}, {{t|es|de derecha}}, {{t|es|de derechas}}, {{t+|es|derechista}}
- right as rain:Adjective:correct; factually accurate
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más razón que un santo}}
- rock hard:Adjective:hard like rock
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|como piedra}}, {{t|es|como peña}}
- rock hard:Adjective:of penis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|durísimo}}, {{t|es|como fierro}}
- routine:Adjective:regular; habitual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de rutina}}, {{t+|es|rutinario}}
- rubber:Adjective:not covered by funds
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cheque sin fondos|m}}
- rueful:Adjective:inspiring pity or compassion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sentir lastima o compasion}}
- savory:Adjective:salty or non-sweet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|salado}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[sal]]}}
- scantily clad:Adjective:wearing little clothing, almost naked
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ligero de ropa}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- school bus yellow:Adjective:high-visibility yellow for automotive or traffic use
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|amarillo tráfico|m}}
- screwed:Adjective:beset with unfortunate circumstances
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|jodido}}, {{t+|es|cagado}}, {{t|es|en el horno}} {{qualifier|slang informal}}, {{t+|es|apañado}}
- seamless:Adjective:Having no seams
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inconsútil}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[costura]]}}
- seaworthy:Adjective:fit for the sea
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|marinero|m}} {{qualifier|boat}}, {{t|es|apto para navegar}}, {{t|es|en condiciones para navegar}}
- second to none:Adjective:as good as the best
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no ir en zaga}}
- secondhand:Adjective:not new; previously owned and used by another
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de segunda mano}}, {{t|es|segunda mano}}
- seedy:Adjective:suffering effects of hangover
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|con resaca}}, {{t|es|resacoso|m}}
- self-assured:Adjective:confident on one's abilities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|seguro de si mismo}}
- self-confident:Adjective:confident in one's abilities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|seguro de sí mismo}}, {{t|es|autoseguro}}, {{t|es|autoconfiado}}
- self-made:Adjective:made by oneself
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|casero}}, {{t|es|hecho a mano}}, {{t|es|hecho en casa}}
- sentient:Adjective:experiencing sensation, perceiving, thinking, or feeling
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sensible}}, {{t|es|[[con]] [[sentidos]]}}, {{t|es|sintiente}}, {{t|es|sentiente}} {{q|DPD|Fundéu}}
- shallow:Adjective:having little depth and significantly less deep than wide
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|poco profundo}}, {{t+|es|superficial}}, {{t+|es|playo}}, {{t|es|non hondo}}, {{t|es|non fundo}}
- shallow:Adjective:extending not far downward
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|superficial}}, {{t+|es|playo}}, {{t|es|non profundo}}, {{t|es|non hondo}}, {{t|es|poco fundo}}
- sheer:Adjective:very thin or transparent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fino}}, {{t+|es|transparente}}, {{t|es|muy delgado}}
- shipshape:Adjective:meticulously neat and tidy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[bien]] [[orientado]]}}, {{t+|es|ordenado}}
- shit out of luck:Adjective:In unfortunate circumstances
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[plenamente]] [[jodido]]}}
- shoddy:Adjective:of poor quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[mal]] [[hecho]]}}, {{t+|es|chapucero}}, {{t+|es|flojo}}, {{t+|es|burdo}}, {{t+|es|chafa}}, {{t+|es|chanta}}, {{t+|es|chimbo}}, {{t+|es|cutre}}, {{t+|es|deterior}} {{q|rare}}, {{t+|es|chafa}}
- showy:Adjective:for show
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ostentoso}}, {{t+|es|jactancioso}}, {{t+|es|aparatoso}}, {{t|es|fardón}} {{qualifier|Spain, colloquial}}, {{t|es|de relumbrón}}
- silent as the grave:Adjective:to say absolutely nothing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ser callado como una tumba}}, {{t|es|ser como una tumba}}
- silken:Adjective:made of silk
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[seda]]}}
- silver-tongued:Adjective:articulate and charming in speech
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de voz encantador}}
- singly even:Adjective:divisible by 2 but not 4
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|par solamente}}
- skinless:Adjective:not having skin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[piel]]}}
- skyclad:Adjective:naked outdoors
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vestido al cielo}}
- sleepless:Adjective:absence of sleep
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|insomne}}, {{t|es|(noche) [[en]] [[vela]]}}
- sleepy:Adjective:feeling the need for sleep
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[tener]] [[sueño]]|lit=have [[sleepiness]]}}, {{t+|es|cansado}}, {{t+|es|adormecido}}, {{t+|es|soñoliento}}, {{t+|es|somnoliento}}, {{t|es|dormijoso}} {{q|disused}}
- slick:Adjective:superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|liso}}, {{t|es|[[ingenioso]] [[pero]] [[insubstancial]]}}, {{t+|es|hábil}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[mucha]] [[labia]]}}
- sly as a fox:Adjective:very sly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ser astuto como un zorro}}, {{t|es|saber latín}}, {{t+|es|saber más que los ratones colorados}}
- smoke-free:Adjective:reserved for non-smokers
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin humos}}
- snow-covered:Adjective:covered with snow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[cubierto]] de [[nieve]]}}, {{t+|es|nevado}}
- so-called:Adjective:so named
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|denominado}}, {{t|es|([[ansí]]) [[llamado]]}}
- soaked to the skin:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mojado hasta la médula}}, {{t|es|calado hasta los huesos}}
- sober as a judge:Adjective:completely sober
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más fresco que una lechuga}}
- soft-boiled:Adjective:of an egg
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pasado por agua}}
- sophisticated:Adjective:having obtained worldly experience
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mundo}}, {{t+|es|sofisticado}}
- soppy:Adjective:sentimental
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sentimentaloide}}, {{t|es|muy sentimental}}, {{t|es|sensiblero}}
- south:Adjective:of or pertaining to the south
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[del]] [[sur]]}}, {{t+|es|sureño}}, {{t+|es|meridional}}, {{t+|es|austral}}
- southeastern:Adjective:southeastern
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[del]] [[sudeste]]}}, {{t|es|[[al]] [[sudeste]]}}
- southeastward:Adjective:towards the southeast
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[al]] [[sudeste]]}}
- southern:Adjective:of the south
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[del]] [[sur]]}}, {{t+|es|sureño}}, {{t+|es|meridional}}, {{t+|es|austral}}
- southern:Adjective:of or pertaining to a southern region
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[del]] [[sur]]}}, {{t+|es|sureño}}, {{t+|es|meridional}}, {{t+|es|austral}}
- spare:Adjective:held in reserve
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de reserva}}, {{t|es|de repuesto}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[refacción]] / [[retén]]}}, {{t|es|de recambio}}
- specious:Adjective:with appearance intended to generate a favorable response
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fingido}}, {{t+|es|falso}}, {{t|es|de pretexto}}, {{t+|es|pretextado}}
- splash-proof:Adjective:constructed to withstand splashing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a prueba de salpicaduras}}, {{t|es|resistente a salpicaduras}}, {{t|es|protección contra salpicaduras}}, {{t|es|a prueba de chapoteo}}
- spotless:Adjective:(zoology) lacking spots; unspotted.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[manchas]]}}
- squeaky clean:Adjective:very clean
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|limpio como una patena}}, {{t|es|como los chorros del oro}}
- state of the art:Adjective:at the highest level of development
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de punta}}, {{t+|es|puntero}}, {{t|es|de última tecnología}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[última]] [[generación]]}}, {{t|es|[[al]] [[estado]] [[del]] [[arte]]}}
- stative:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estativo|m}}, {{t|es|de estado}}
- stillborn:Adjective:dead at birth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nacido muerto}}, {{t|es|mortinato}}, {{t|es|natimorto|m}}
- stillborn:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|nato muerto|m}}, {{t-check|es|nata muerta|f}}
- stock:Adjective:normally available for purchase
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|disponible}}, {{t|es|en [[almacén]]}}
- stone deaf:Adjective:utterly deaf
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sordo como una tapia}}, {{t|es|como una tapia}}
- strained:Adjective:forced through strainer
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[pasado]] [[por]] [[cedazo]]}}
- stubborn as a mule:Adjective:extremely stubborn
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|terco como una mula}}
- stuffy:Adjective:poorly ventilated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[mal]] [[ventilado]]}}, {{t+|es|congestionado}}, {{t+|es|taponado}}, {{t+|es|viciado}}, {{t+|es|sofocante}}
- stupendous:Adjective:of stunning excellence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estupendo}}, {{t|es|de buten}}, {{t|es|de bute}}, {{t+|es|groso}} {{qualifier|Chile}}
- sub-zero:Adjective:(of a temperature) below 0°C
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bajo cero}}
- subpar:Adjective:of less than a traditional or accepted standard
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[por debajo de]] [[la]] [[media]]}}, {{t|es|subpar}}, {{t+|es|mediocre}}, {{t+|es|deficiente}}, {{t|es|insatisfactorio}}, {{t+|es|inferior}}
- successful:Adjective:resulting in success
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|exitoso}}, {{t+|es|logrado}}, {{t+|es|afortunado}}, {{t|es|de éxito}}
- sugar-free:Adjective:not containing sugar
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin azúcar}}
- suitable:Adjective:appropriate to a certain occasion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apropiado}}, {{t+|es|indicado}}, {{t+|es|adecuado}}, {{t+|es|apto}}, {{t+|es|conveniente}}, {{t|es|[[que]] [[viene]] [[bien]]}}, {{t+|es|favorable}}, {{t+|es|oportuno}}, {{t+|es|idóneo}}, {{t+|es|aparejado}}
- supportive:Adjective:providing support
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|alentador}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[apoyo]]}}
- supposed to:Adjective:Required to, obliged to
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tener que}}, {{t+|es|haber|alt=haber de}}, {{t+|es|deber}}, {{t+|es|suponer|alt=se supone que}}
- sure:Adjective:certain in one's knowledge or belief
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|seguro}}, {{t|es|que tiene claro}}
- surefooted:Adjective:walking steadily
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[paso]] [[firme]]}}
- surefooted:Adjective:confident
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[anda]] [[seguro]]}}
- swish:Adjective:sophisticated; fashionable; smooth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sofisticado, refinado}}
- tactful:Adjective:possessing tact
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|discreto}}, {{t+|es|diplomático}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[mucho]] [[tacto]]}}, {{t+|es|táctil}}
- tailed:Adjective:having a tail
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[tiene]] [[cola]]}}
- tailor-made:Adjective:made by a tailor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|confeccionado por un sastre}}
- tailor-made:Adjective:made to specific requirements
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|confeccionado a medida}}
- talentless:Adjective:having no talent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[talento]]}}, {{t|es|caso perdido|m}} {{qualifier|noun}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[poco]] [[talento]]}}
- tasty:Adjective:having or showing good taste
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[buen]] [[gusto]]}}
- tax-exempt:Adjective:exempted from paying tax
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|exento de impuestos}}
- tech-savvy:Adjective:proficient in the use of technology, especially computers
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[domina]] [[la]] [[tecnología]]}}, {{t|es|hábil con la tecnología}}, {{t|es|proficiente con la tecnología}}
- terminally online:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|terminalmente en línea}}, {{t|es|terminalmente online|tr=onláin}}
- then:Adjective:being so at that time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de entonces}}
- thick as thieves:Adjective:intimate, close-knit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|como uña y mugre}}
- thick-skinned:Adjective:not easily offended
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tener el cuero duro}}
- thirsty:Adjective:needing to drink
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sediento}}, {{t|es|[[tener]] [[sed]]}} {{q|be thirsty}}, {{t+|es|sitibundo}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- tight-knit:Adjective:tightly knit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|muy unido}}
- titian:Adjective:of a bright auburn colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|castaño cobrizo}}
- tolerable:Adjective:Moderate in degree; mediocre; passable, acceptable or so-so
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aceptable}}, {{t|es|[[pasar]] piola}}
- tone-deaf:Adjective:unable to distinguish differences in pitch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin oído musical}}
- tongue-in-cheek:Adjective:witty, jocular, humorous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|irónico}}, {{t+|es|burlón}}, {{t|es|de broma}}, {{t|es|como chiste}}
- top notch:Adjective:of the highest quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|excelente}}, {{t|es|de primera clase}}, {{t+|es|de primera}}, {{t|es|fontal}}, {{t+|es|fénix}}
- top of the line:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|de primera}}, {{t|es|de última generación}}
- topless:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en topless}}, {{t|es|de topless}}
- touched in the head:Adjective:slightly mentally deficient
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tocado de la cabeza}}, {{t|es|lonyipietro}} {{q|River Plate}}
- tough:Adjective:difficult or demanding
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mano dura}}
- towheaded:Adjective:Having pale blond hair, resembling tow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|claro|m}}, {{t|es|de pelo claro}}, {{t|es|de cabello claro}}, {{t+|es|aclarado|m}}
- trademark:Adjective:distinctive, characteristic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|marca de la casa}}, {{t+|es|consabido}}
- tricky:Adjective:hard to deal with
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|difícil}}, {{t+|es|dificultoso}}, {{t+|es|chungo}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|es|se las trae}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|es|tener su intríngulis}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|complicado}}, {{t|es|enredoso}}, {{t+|es|pantanoso}}, {{t+|es|peliagudo}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|es|camotudo}} {{qualifier|colloquial|Chile}}, {{t+|es|yuca}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t+|es|engorroso}}, {{t+|es|brígido}}, {{t+|es|facilillo}}
- trifling:Adjective:trivial
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|trivial}}, {{t|es|de pitiminí}}, {{t+|es|de chichinabo}}, {{t|es|de [[chicha]] y nabo}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|insignificante}}, {{t|es|sin importancia}}
- ugly as sin:Adjective:extremely ugly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|más feo que un pecado}}, {{t|es|más feo que Picio}}, {{t|es|más feo que Carracuca}}
- unabridged:Adjective:not abridged
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|íntegro|m}}, {{t|es|non compendiado|m}}
- unacceptable:Adjective:unsatisfactory; not acceptable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inaceptable}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[ser de recibo]]}}
- unafraid:Adjective:not afraid, fearless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[miedo]]}}, {{t+|es|impertérrito}}
- unambiguous:Adjective:clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[carente]] [[de]] [[ambigüedad]]}}
- unapologetic:Adjective:not apologetic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|non disculpante}}, {{t|es|non apologético}}, {{t|es|non arrepentido}}
- unbridled:Adjective:not fitted with a bridle
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[brida]]}}
- unchecked:Adjective:unrestrained
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin tasa}}
- unclear:Adjective:ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ambiguo}}, {{t+|es|equívoco}}, {{t|es|poco claro}}, {{t+|es|confuso}}
- unclear:Adjective:not clearly or explicitly defined
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|poco claro}}, {{t+|es|confuso}}
- unclear:Adjective:not easy to see or read; indecipherable or unreadable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|poco claro}}
- uncommon:Adjective:rare; not readily found; unusual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|raro}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[común]]}}, {{t+|es|extraño}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[frecuente]]}}, {{t+|es|infrecuente}}, {{t+|es|insólito}}
- unconnected:Adjective:not connected or joined
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[conexión]]}}
- uncontroversial:Adjective:not controversial
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[nada]] [[conflictivo]]}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[conflictivo]]}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[polémico]]}}
- unconventional:Adjective:out of the ordinary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[convencional]]}}
- unconventional:Adjective:atypical
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[poco]] [[convencional]]}}
- uncooked:Adjective:raw, not cooked
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|crudo}}, {{t|es|sin cocer}}, {{t+|es|royo}}, {{t|es|non cocido}}
- uncovered:Adjective:lacking insurance or security
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[asegurado]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[asegurar]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[seguro]]}}
- uncut:Adjective:not cut
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[cortes]]}}
- under the influence:Adjective:intoxicated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bajo los efectos del alcohol}}, {{t|es|bajo la influencia del alcohol}}
- underweight:Adjective:of an inappropriately or unusually low weight
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[infrapeso]]}}
- undeserving:Adjective:considered unworthy of reward
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inmerecido}}, {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[merecedor]] / [[mereciente]]}}, {{t|es|desmerecedor}}, {{t|es|desmereciente}}
- undisclosed:Adjective:not disclosed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desconocido}}, {{t|es|non revelado|m}}, {{t|es|non develado|m}}
- undue:Adjective:Not owing or payable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indebido}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[debido]]}}
- uneducated:Adjective:not educated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inculto}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[estudio]]s}}, {{t|es|non educado}}, {{t+|es|ineducado}}, {{t+|es|indocto}}
- unfamiliar:Adjective:not familiar
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[familiar]]}}
- unfavourable:Adjective:of wind or weather: causing delay or obstacles
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desfavorable}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[favorable]]}}
- unfit:Adjective:not fit; not having the correct requirements
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|impropio}}, {{t+|es|inapropiado}}, {{t+|es|inadecuado}}, {{t|es|inapto}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[aparejado]]}}
- unfixed:Adjective:not firmly attached
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|non fijado|m}}
- unfounded:Adjective:not based on solid reasons or facts
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|infundado}}, {{t|es|que no tiene ni pies ni cabeza}}, {{t|es|infundamentado|m}}, {{t|es|sin fundamento}}, {{t|es|non fundamentado|m}}
- unfunny:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[chistoso]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[gracejo]] / [[graciosidad]]}}, {{t+|es|insulso}}, {{t+|es|soso}}
- unheard:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|[[no]] [[oído]]}}, {{t-check|es|[[no]] [[atendido]]}}
- unhelpful:Adjective:not helpful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[poco]] / [[no]] [[servicial]] / [[útil]] / [[adyuvante]] / [[acomedido]] / [[solícito]] / [[oficioso]] / [[ayudador]]}}
- unheralded:Adjective:Without prior warning; unexpected or unannounced
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[anunciado]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[expectativa]]}}, {{t+|es|inesperado}}
- unimportant:Adjective:not important or noteworthy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[importancia]]}}, {{t+|es|irrelevante}}, {{t+|es|intrascendente}}
- unintended:Adjective:not intended; unplanned
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|involuntario}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[deseado]]}}
- uninteresting:Adjective:arousing little or no interest; boring or uneventful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[interesante]]}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[interés]]}}
- unleaded:Adjective:without lead
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[plomo]]}}
- unmitigated:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin paliativos}}
- unnatural:Adjective:not natural
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|antinatural}}, {{t|es|contranatural}}, {{t|es|contra natura}}
- unnoticed:Adjective:not noticed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desapercibido}}, {{t+|es|inadvertido}}, {{t+|es|[[pasar]] piola}}
- unopinionated:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no / poco casado con su [[opinión]] / [[dictamen]]}}, {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[opinador]] / [[opinante]]}}
- unpaid:Adjective:done without agreed payment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[remunerado]]}}
- unparalleled:Adjective:having no parallel
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sin par}}, {{t|es|sin parangón}}, {{t+|es|señero}}
- unprecedented:Adjective:never before seen or done, without precedent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[precedente]](s)}}, {{t+|es|inaudito}}, {{t+|es|inédito}}
- unprincipled:Adjective:lacking moral values
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin escrúpulos}}, {{t|es|inescrupuloso|m}}, {{t+|es|ímprobo|m}}, {{t|es|de moral relajada}}, {{t+|es|inmoral}}, {{t+|es|sinvergüenza|m|f}}
- unpromising:Adjective:not promising
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[poco]] [[atractivo]]}}, {{t|es|[[poco]] [[prometedor]]}}
- unproven:Adjective:not proved
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[comprobado]]}}
- unqualified:Adjective:ineligible, not qualified
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[cualificado]]}}
- unrelated:Adjective:not connected
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[relacionado]]}}
- unrelenting:Adjective:not relenting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[cediente]]}}, {{t+|es|implacable}}, {{t+|es|incesante}}, {{t+|es|imparable}}, {{t+|es|constante}}
- unreliable:Adjective:not reliable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[fidedigno]]}}, {{t|es|non fiable}}, {{t|es|poco confiable}}
- unreported:Adjective:not reported
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|non reportado|m}}
- unrequited:Adjective:not reciprocated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[correspondido]]}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[reciprocado]]}}
- unrestrained:Adjective:not held in check
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|descontrolado}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[tasa]]}}
- unsalted:Adjective:not salted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin sal}}
- unsaturated:Adjective:capable of dissolving more solute
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insaturado}}, {{t|es|no [[saturado]]}}
- unsaturated:Adjective:having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insaturado}}, {{t|es|no [[saturado]]}}
- unsaturated:Adjective:not chromatically pure
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insaturado}}, {{t|es|no [[saturado]]}}
- unshorn:Adjective:not shorn
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|intonso}} {{qualifier|of person}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[esquilado]]}} {{qualifier|of sheep}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[cortado]]}} {{qualifier|of person}}
- unstressed:Adjective:not subject to stress
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|non estresado}}
- unsugared:Adjective:not sugared
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[azucarado]]}}
- untreated:Adjective:not treated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|non tratado}}
- unused to:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desacostumbrado a}}
- unvaccinated:Adjective:not vaccinated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[no]] [[vacunado]]|m}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[vacunada]]|f}}
- upper-crust:Adjective:posh, upper-class
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de alto copete}}, {{t|es|de alto coturno}}
- upstream:Adjective:in a direction opposite to flow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aguas arriba}}, {{t|es|a contracorriente}}, {{t|es|río arriba}}
- upstream:Adjective:Biology : towards the 5' end of a DNA molecule
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|corriente arriba}}
- user-friendly:Adjective:designed to be easy to use
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|amigable}}, {{t|es|[[fácil]] [[de]] [[usar]]}}, {{t|es|[[fácil]] [[para]] [[el]] [[usuario]]}}
- valueless:Adjective:having no value
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[valor]]}}
- vert:Adjective:of green colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sinople]] ([[verde]])}}
- walk-in:Adjective:without appointments before
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|(atender) sin cita}}, {{t|es|sin reserva}}
- wanton:Adjective:capricious, reckless of morals or justice
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desaprensivo}}, {{t+|es|caprichoso}}, {{t+|es|gratuito}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[sentido]]}}
- waterless:Adjective:lacking water
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[agua]]}}
- watertight:Adjective:impossible to defeat, evade or nullify
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sin fisuras}}, {{t|es|a toda prueba}}
- weighted:Adjective:having weights on it
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[con]] [[pesas]] / [[peso]] / [[pesantez]] / [[pesadura]] }}, {{t|es|grávido}}
- well done:Adjective:well cooked
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bien hecho}}, {{t|es|[[bien]] [[cocido]]}}
- well-brought-up:Adjective:having good manners
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bien educado}}, {{t|es|bien criado}}
- well-regarded:Adjective:respected, esteemed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[bien]] [[considerado]]}}, {{t+|es|respetado}}, {{t|es|prestigioso}}, {{t|es|bien mirado}}, {{t|es|[[bien]] [[reguardado]]}}, {{t+|es|estimado}}, {{t+|es|eminente}}, {{t+|es|admirado}}
- west:Adjective:towards the west
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt|es|[[al]] [[oeste]]}}
- wheaten:Adjective:made from wheat
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de trigo}}
- wide-angle:Adjective:having angle of view greater than 70°
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de ángulo ancho}}, {{t|es|gran angular}}
- win-win:Adjective:of a situation that benefits two parties
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|todos ganan|m}}
- winded:Adjective:short of breath
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[aliento]]}}
- windward:Adjective:towards the wind
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[barlovento]]}}
- wooden:Adjective:made of wood
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[madera]]}}
- woodland:Adjective:of or pertaining to a creature or object existing in a woodland
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|forestal}}, {{t|es|[[del]] [[bosque]]}}, {{t+|es|silvestre|m|f}}
- woolen:Adjective:made of wool
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[lana]]}}
- workaholic:Adjective:in the nature or manner of a workaholic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[adicto]] [[al]] [[trabajo]]}}, {{t+|es|trabajólico}}
- world-class:Adjective:of a standard that ranks among the best in the world
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|clase mundial|f}}
- world-famous:Adjective:renowned in many parts of the world
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mundialmente famoso}}
- world-weary:Adjective:bored with life
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[de]] [[hastío]]}}, {{t+|es|hastiado}}
- worldly:Adjective:versed in the ways of the world
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de mucho mundo}}, {{t+|es|cosmopolita}}
- worn-out:Adjective:of a person or animal: exhausted or fatigued from exertion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|exhausto}}, {{t+|es|agotado}}, {{t|es|hecho fosfatina}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- worthless:Adjective:not having worth and use; without value
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[valor]]}}, {{t+|es|inútil}}, {{t+|es|intrascendente}}, {{t|es|sin ningún valor}}, {{t+|es|despreciable}}
- worthwhile:Adjective:good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de valor}}, {{t|es|que vale la pena}}, {{t|es|que merece la pena}}, {{t|es|que compensa el esfuerzo}}
- write-only:Adjective:capable of being written but not read
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de solo escritura}}
- wrong:Adjective:incorrect
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|incorrecto}}, {{t+|es|falso}}, {{t+|es|equivocado}}, {{t+|es|errado}}, {{t+|es|erróneo}}, {{t|es|plancha quemada}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- year-over-year:Adjective:compared with the same period in the previous year
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|respecto al año pasado}}, {{t|es|interanual}}
- youngest:Adjective:superlative form of young
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[más]] [[joven]]}}, {{t|es|jovencisímo}}
- zigzag:Adjective:moving in or having a zigzag
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|en zigzag}}