User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/target lemma missing
[edit]- 909 items
- 2nd:Adjective:abbreviation of second
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|2o}}, {{t|es|2.º}}, {{t|es|2º}}
- 3rd:Adjective:abbreviation of third
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|3o}}, {{t|es|3.º}}, {{t|es|3º}}, {{t|es|3ero}}
- 6th:Adjective:abbreviation of sixth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|6.º}}, {{t|es|6º}}
- 7th:Adjective:abbreviation of seventh
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|7.º}}, {{t|es|7º}}
- 8th:Adjective:abbreviation of eighth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|8º}}
- 9th:Adjective:abbreviation of ninth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|9º}}
- Achillean:Adjective:resembling Achilles
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Aquileano|m}}
- Alabamian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Alabama
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|alabamiense|mf}}, {{t|es|alabamiano|m}}, {{t|es|alabameño|m}}
- Altaic:Adjective:pertaining to the group of languages
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|altaico}}
- Amish:Adjective:relating to the Amish sect
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''amish''}} {{q|''ámish''}}
- Appalachian:Adjective:referring to Appalachia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|apalache}}, {{t|es|apalachiense}}, {{t|es|apalachano}}, {{t|es|apalachiano}}, {{t|es|apalachense}}
- Arabocentric:Adjective:focused on Arabs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|arabocéntrico|m}}
- Arretine:Adjective:of, from or pertaining to Arezzo, Italy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aretino}}
- Ashkenazi:Adjective:of, or relating to Jews from Central Europe
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|asquenazí}}, {{t|es|askenazi}}
- Atlasic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|atlásico|m}}
- Bakuninist:Adjective:related to Bakunin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bakuninista}}, {{t|es|bakunista}}
- Balto-Slavic:Adjective:of or pertaining o the Balto-Slavic language, people or culture
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|baltoeslavo}}
- Banglaphone:Adjective:Bengali-speaking
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|banglaparlante}}, {{t|es|banglahablante}}, {{t|es|banglafono}}
- Bashkir:Adjective:of or relating to Bashkortostan or its people
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|baskir|m}}
- British:Adjective:colloquial: of the UK
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|británico}}, {{t|es|reinounidense}}
- Churchillian:Adjective:of pertaining to Churchill
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|churchilliano}}
- Diophantine:Adjective:pertaining to Diophantus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|diofántico|m}}, {{t|es|diofántica|f}}, {{t|es|diofantino|m}}, {{t|es|diofantina|f}}
- Disneyan:Adjective:of or relating to Walt Disney or his Walt Disney Company
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|disneyano}}
- Emirati:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to United Arab Emirates
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|emiratí}}, {{t|es|emiratoarabeunidense}}
- Fahrenheit:Adjective:temperature scale
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Fahrenheit}}
- Gaddafist:Adjective:supporter or follower of Gaddafi
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gaddafista}}
- Galilean:Adjective:of or pertaining to the region of Galilee
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|galileo}}
- Gaonic:Adjective:related to the Geonim
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gaónico}}
- Gazan:Adjective:of or from Gaza
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gazatí}}, {{t|es|gazeo}}
- Glagolitic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the Glagolitic alphabet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|glagolítico|m}}
- Goethean:Adjective:relating to Goethe
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|goetheano}}, {{t|es|goeteano}}
- Goldonian:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|goldoniano}}
- Greek Catholic:Adjective:of or relating to the Greek Catholic Church
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|greco-católico}}
- Hadean:Adjective:pertaining to the geological eon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hádico}}
- Hinduphobic:Adjective:dislike or hatred of Hinduism
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hindúfobo|m}}, {{t|es|hindúfoba|f}}
- Indian:Adjective:of or pertaining to India
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indio}}, {{t+|es|hindú}}, {{t|es|indo}}
- Indian:Adjective:of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indígena}}, {{t+|es|indio}}, {{t+|es|indiano}}, {{t+|es|amerindio}}, {{t+|es|indoamericano}}, {{t|es|jashto}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}, {{t|es|jashte}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}
- Ingush:Adjective:of or pertaining to the Ingush
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inguestio}}
- Interslavic:Adjective:between Slavs or Slavic nations
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intereslavo}}
- Kraftwerkian:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|kraftwerkiano}}
- Kufic:Adjective:Relating to original Arabic script
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cúfico}}
- Latino-Faliscan:Adjective:Relating to the Latin and Faliscan tongues
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|latino-falisco}}
- Livornian:Adjective:of or from Livorno
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|livornés}}, {{t|es|liornés}}
- Mahoran:Adjective:from Mayotte
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mahorés}}
- Mallarméan:Adjective:of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|malarmeano}}
- Manchurian:Adjective:pertaining to Manchuria
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|manchuriano}}
- Mariological:Adjective:Of or pertaining to Mariology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mariológico}}
- Mennonite:Adjective:of or related to a Mennonite, Mennonites, their movement or church(es)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|menonita}}, {{t|es|menonista}}
- Michelangelesque:Adjective:resembling or relating to Michelangelo
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|miguelangelesco}}
- Muslim:Adjective:relating to believers of Islam
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|musulmán}}, {{t+|es|muslim}}, {{t+|es|moro}}
- Naevian:Adjective:of or relating to Gnaeus Naevius
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|neviano}}
- Nahua:Adjective:pertaining to the Nahuas
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nahoa}}, {{t|es|nahua}}
- Nanjingese:Adjective:Of or related to Nanjing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nankinés}}
- Nemean:Adjective:of or pertaining to Nemea
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nemeo}}
- New Orleanian:Adjective:of, or relating to New Orleans
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|neo-orleanés|m}}, {{t|es|neo-orleanesa|f}}
- North Macedonian:Adjective:of, or relating to North Macedonia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|normacedonio|m}}, {{t|es|normacedonia|f}}
- Novocastrian:Adjective:of Newcastle
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|novocastriano}}
- Orleanian:Adjective:of, or relating to Orleans
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|orleanés|m}}, {{t|es|orleanesa|f}}
- Ottoman:Adjective:of the Islamic empire of Turkey
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|otomano}}, {{t+|es|osmanlí}}
- PIE:Adjective:Proto-Indo-European
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|pIE}}
- Panglossian:Adjective:naively or unreasonably optimistic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|panglossiano}}
- Paphian:Adjective:of or relating to Paphos
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pafio|m}}
- Paraguayan:Adjective:pertaining to Paraguay
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|paraguayano}}, {{t+|es|paraguayo}}
- Peloponnesian:Adjective:pertaining to the Peloponnesus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|peloponesio}}, {{t|es|peloponense}}
- Petrarchan:Adjective:of or relating to Petrarch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|petrarquesco}}
- Phanerozoic:Adjective:relating to the Phanerozoic eon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Fanerozoico}}
- Picassoesque:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|picassesco}}, {{t|es|picassiano}}
- Pinocchian:Adjective:of or relating to Pinocchio
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pinochesco}}
- Pirandellian:Adjective:characteristic of the works of Luigi Pirandello
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pirandeliano}}
- Proterozoic:Adjective:of eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Proterozoico}}
- Russo-Japanese:Adjective:Of or pertaining to both Russia and Japan
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ruso-japonés}}
- Sarajevan:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to, Sarajevo
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sarajevita}}
- Sassanian:Adjective:of or pertaining to the Sassanid Dynasty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sasánido}}
- Sassanian:Adjective:of or pertaining to the empire ruled by that dynasty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sasánido}}
- Scythian:Adjective:of or relating to Scythia or its inhabitants
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|escita}}, {{t|es|escítico}}
- Serbian:Adjective:pertaining to Serbia and Serbians
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|serbio}}, {{t+|es|servio}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- Serbian:Adjective:pertaining to the Serbian language
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|serbio|m}}, {{t+|es|servio|m}}
- Sino-Indian:Adjective:related to both China and India
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sino-indio|m}}
- Sino-Vietnamese:Adjective:pertaining to the Chinese-derived elements in the Vietnamese language
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sinovietnamita}}
- Sinophone:Adjective:speaking Chinese
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|chinoparlante}}, {{t|es|chinoablante}}
- Smithsonian:Adjective:of or pertaining to James Smithson
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|smithsoniano}}
- Socinian:Adjective:pertaining to the Socinians
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sociniano|m}}
- Soter:Adjective:honorific epithet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Sóter}}
- Stendhalian:Adjective:pertaining to, or in the style of Stendhal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|estendaliano}}
- Turkic:Adjective:of or relating to the Turkic peoples or the Turkic languages
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|túrquico}}, {{t|es|túrcico}}
- Turkish:Adjective:of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|turco}}, {{t+|es|turqués}} {{qualifier|rare}}, {{t+|es|turquesco}}
- Turkish:Adjective:Turkic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|túrcico}}, {{t+|es|túrquico}}
- U.S. American:Adjective:of, from or relating to the United States of America
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estadounidense}}, {{t+|es|usamericano}}
- Usonian:Adjective:of Usonian architecture
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|usoniano}}
- Warholian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Andy Warhol
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|warholiano}}
- abandonable:Adjective:able to be abandoned
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|abandonable}}
- able:Adjective:permitted to
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|capaz}}, {{t|es|podiente}}
- absent:Adjective:being away from a place
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ausente}}, {{t+|es|absente}} {{q|disused}}
- absent:Adjective:not existing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ausente}}, {{t+|es|absente}} {{q|disused}}
- absent:Adjective:inattentive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ausente}}, {{t+|es|distraído}}, {{t+|es|absente}} {{q|disused}}
- actionable:Adjective:able to be acted on
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|accionable}}, {{t+|es|factible}}, {{t+|es|viable}}, {{t|es|realizable}}, {{t+|es|agible}}, {{t+|es|hacedero}}, {{t+|es|ejecutable}}
- adamant:Adjective:determined; unshakeable; unyielding
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|firme}}, {{t+|es|categórico}}, {{t+|es|inflexible}}, {{t|es|impenetrable}}, {{t+|es|obstinado}}, {{t+|es|acérrimo}}, {{t+|es|inamovible}}, {{t+|es|abroquelarse}} {{qualifier|be adamant}}, {{t+|es|inmovible}}
- adenohypophysial:Adjective:Relating to the adenohypophysis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|adenohipofisario}}
- advantageous:Adjective:being of advantage
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ventajoso}}, {{t+|es|provechoso}}, {{t+|es|beneficioso}}, {{t|es|proficuo}}
- affordant:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|asequiente}}
- agender:Adjective:having no gender
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|agénero}}
- aging:Adjective:becoming elderly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|senescente}}
- agnatic:Adjective:of the male bloodline
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|agnático}}
- albuminous:Adjective:of or pertaining to albumin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+check|es|albuminoso}}
- all-embracing:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|omnímodo}}, {{t|es|omnicomprensivo}}, {{t|es|omniabarcador}}, {{t|es|omniabarcante}}, {{t|es|omnienglobante}}
- all-encompassing:Adjective:including everything
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|omnímodo|m}}, {{t|es|omnicomprensivo|m}}, {{t|es|omniabarcante}}, {{t|es|omniabarcador|m}}, {{t|es|omnienglobante}}
- allohistorical:Adjective:relating to alternate history
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|alohistórico}}
- allomorphic:Adjective:pertaining to allomorphism
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|alomórfico}}
- amatonormative:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|amatonormativo}}
- amatory:Adjective:of or relating to love, especially sexual love
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|concupisciente}}
- ambidextrous:Adjective:having equal ability in both hands
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ambidextro}}, {{t+|es|ambidiestro}}, {{t|es|maniego}}
- amblyopic:Adjective:related to amblyopia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ambliope}}
- amitotic:Adjective:pertaining to amitosis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|amitótico}}
- amorous:Adjective:inclined to love
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|concupisciente}}
- amorous:Adjective:indicating love or sexual desire
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|concupisciente}}
- ampelographic:Adjective:relating to ampelography
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ampelográfico}}
- amphoteric:Adjective:having the characteristics of both an acid and a base
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anfótero}}
- amusing:Adjective:entertaining
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|divertido}}, {{t+|es|entretenido}}, {{t+|es|desopilante}}, {{t+|es|ameno}}, {{t|es|divirtiente}}
- angiogenic:Adjective:relating to angiogenesis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|angiogenético}}
- anile:Adjective:characteristic of a crone or a feeble old woman
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|anil}}
- anoxygenic:Adjective:that does not involve the production of oxygen
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anoxigénico|m}}
- antaphrodisiac:Adjective:capable of reducing the sex drive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antiafrodisíaco}}, {{t|es|anafrodisiaco|m}}, {{t|es|antierótico|m}}
- anthropodermic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antropodérmico|m}}
- anti-catarrhal:Adjective:suppressing catarrh
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anticatarral}}
- anti-immigration:Adjective:opposing immigration
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antiinmigración|m|f}}, {{t|es|antinmigración|m|f}}
- anticatabolic:Adjective:that inhibits catabolism
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anticatabólico|m}}
- anticommutative:Adjective:math
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anticonmutativo|m}}, {{t|es|anticonmutativos|m-p}}, {{t|es|anticonmutativa|f}}, {{t|es|anticonmutativas|f-p}}
- antidopaminergic:Adjective:preventing or counteracting the effects of dopamine
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antidopaminérgico}}
- antidumping:Adjective:intended to combat or prevent dumping, the sale of goods below cost
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''antidumping''|m}}, {{t|es|antidumpin|m}}
- antiskid:Adjective:designed to increase friction
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antideslizante}}, {{t|es|antiderrapante}}, {{t|es|anti-patinaje}}
- antisymbolic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antisimbólico|m}}
- antiunion:Adjective:opposed to, or discouraging the formation of, trade unions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antisindicato}}
- antiwork:Adjective:opposing work
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antitrabajo}}, {{t|es|antiempleo|m}}
- antiworker:Adjective:opposing workers
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|antitrabajador}}
- anxiogenic:Adjective:causing anxiety
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ansiógeno|m}}
- aphotic:Adjective:having no light, especially no sunlight
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|afótica}}
- apian:Adjective:related to bees
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|api-}}
- apocarpous:Adjective:having carpels that are not joined
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|apocarpo}}
- apologetic:Adjective:having the character of apology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|disculpatorio}}, {{t+|es|disculpable}}, {{t|es|disculpante}}, {{t+|es|arrepentido}}, {{t+|es|apologético}}
- appalling:Adjective:That appalls/appals or appall/appal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|terrible}}; {{t+|es|horrible}}; {{t+|es|horroroso}}; {{qualifier|nonstandard}} {{t|es|consternante}}; {{t+|es|abrumador}}; {{t+|es|apabullante}}; {{qualifier|Chile, Mexico and Venezuela}} {{t+|es|apabullado}}; {{t+|es|asombroso}}
- apparent:Adjective:seeming
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aparente}}, {{t+|es|ostensible}}, {{t+|es|aparencial}}, {{t|es|apariencial}}
- appellate:Adjective:pertaining to something that is appealed to
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|apelacional}}, {{t|es|apelatorio|m}}
- appetizing:Adjective:that appeals to, or stimulates the appetite
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apetitoso}}, {{t+|es|apetecible}}, {{t|es|apetitivo}}, {{t+|es|apetecedor}}
- applicable:Adjective:suitable for application; relevant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aplicable}}, {{t+|es|pertinente}}, {{t|es|aplicadero}}
- apprehensible:Adjective:able to be apprehended
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aprehensible}}
- archducal:Adjective:pertaining to archdukes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|archiducal}}
- arcuate:Adjective:curved into the shape of a bow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|arcuado}}, {{t|es|arcuato}}, {{t+|es|arqueado}}, {{t|es|arciforme}}
- areal:Adjective:areal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|areal}}
- areocentric:Adjective:having the planet Mars at the center
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|areocéntrico}}
- armed:Adjective:equipped, especially with a weapon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|armado}}, {{t+|es|armífero}}
- asocial:Adjective:not sociable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|asocial}}, {{t+|es|huraño}}, {{t|es|montañero}} {{qualifier|Colombia}}, {{t|es|cusumbosolo}} {{qualifier|Colombia}}
- astrocentric:Adjective:having a star at the center
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|astrocéntrico}}
- athermic:Adjective:resistant to heat passing through
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|atérmico}}
- auric:Adjective:trivalent gold
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|áurico|m}}
- auriculoventricular:Adjective:relating to auricles and ventricles
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|auriculoventricular}}, {{t|es|auricoventricular}}
- autoconfirmed:Adjective:automatically confirmed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|autoconfirmado}}
- autological:Adjective:of a phrase, describing itself
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|autológico|m}}
- automagical:Adjective:automatic, but with an apparent element of magic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|automágico}}
- autotelic:Adjective:containing its own meaning or purpose
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|autotélico|m}}
- averse:Adjective:having opposition of mind
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|opuesto}}, {{t+|es|reacio}}, {{t|es|averso}}
- baffled:Adjective:thoroughly confused, puzzled
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desconcertado}}, {{t+|es|perplejo}}, {{t+|es|patidifuso}}, {{t+|es|turulato}}, {{t|es|tirulato}}, {{t|es|tuturuto}}
- baffling:Adjective:puzzling and frustrating
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desconcertante}}, {{t+|es|incomprehensible}}, {{t+|es|sorprendente}}
- banned:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|vedado|m}}, {{t|es|defeso|m}}
- baptismal:Adjective:relating to baptism
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bautismal}}, {{t|es|baptismal}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- baronial:Adjective:belonging or relating to a baron
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|baronial}}
- beige:Adjective:having a slightly yellowish gray colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|beis}}, {{t|es|''beige''}} {{qualifier|''beish''}}
- belligerent:Adjective:hostile, eager to fight
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|belicoso}}, {{t|es|batallaroso}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- bendable:Adjective:able to be bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|articulable}}, {{t+|es|flexible}}
- bespoke:Adjective:relating to someone who makes custom-made products
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|personalizante}}, {{t|es|customizante}}
- bigender:Adjective:having two genders simultaneously
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bigénero}}
- bilious:Adjective:of or pertaining to bile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|biliar}}, {{t|es|biliario}}
- bilious:Adjective:irritable, irascible
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|atrabiliario}}, {{t+|es|atrabilioso}}, {{t|es|intranquillo}}, {{t+|es|colérico}}, {{t+|es|iracundo}}
- billowy:Adjective:full of billows or surges
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|onduloso}}
- bioaccumulative:Adjective:tending to accumulate in organisms
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bioacumulativo}}
- bioluminescent:Adjective:exhibiting bioluminescence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bioluminescente}}
- biphobic:Adjective:relating to or characteristic of biphobia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bifobo}}, {{t|es|bifóbico}}
- blemished:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pishaco}} {{qualifier|of a person's face|Guatemala}}
- blunt:Adjective:dull in understanding; slow of discernment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|obtuso}}, {{t+|es|boto}}, {{t|es|botoso}}
- boastful:Adjective:tending to boast or brag
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|jactancioso}}, {{t|es|fachendoso}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|echón}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|jechón}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}, {{t+|es|comemierda}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}, {{t+|es|fanfarrón}}
- boyish:Adjective:like a boy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|muchachil}}
- brackish:Adjective:slightly salty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|salobre}}, {{t|es|salobral}}
- brave:Adjective:strong in the face of fear
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|valiente}}, {{t+|es|valeroso}}, {{t+|es|corajudo}}, {{t+|es|bravo}}, {{t+|es|corajoso}} {{q|disused}}
- breathy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|jadeante}}, {{t+|es|acezoso}}, {{t+|es|entrecortado}}, {{t|es|vafoso}}
- bribable:Adjective:susceptible to bribery
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sobornable}}
- briny:Adjective:salty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|salado}}, {{t+|es|salitroso}}, {{t|es|salífero}}
- broad-leaved:Adjective:having broad leaves
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|planifolio}}, {{t|es|latifolio}}, {{t|es|de hoja ancha}}
- bromic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|brómico}}
- bronze:Adjective:made of bronze
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|éneo}}, {{t+|es|broncíneo}}, {{t|es|brónceo}} {{qualifier|historic}}
- bronze:Adjective:having a bronze colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bronceado}}, {{t+|es|broncíneo}}, {{t|es|brónceo}} {{qualifier|historic}}
- brown:Adjective:having a brown colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|marrón}}, {{t+|es|café}}, {{t+|es|pardo}}, {{t+|es|castaño}}, {{t|es|cafesoso}}
- bulbourethral:Adjective:pertaining to the urethra and the bulb of the penis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bulbouretral}}
- bulky:Adjective:unwieldy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|abultado}}, {{t|es|rebultado}}
- bullish:Adjective:built 'like a bull'
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|boyal}}, {{t|es|boyuno}}, {{t|es|bueyuno}}
- burly:Adjective:well-built
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|corpulento}}, {{t+|es|musculoso}}, {{t+|es|fornido|m}}, {{t|es|anchote}}
- butyric:Adjective:of or pertaining to butter
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mantecoso|m}}, {{t|es|butiroso|m}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- calcaneonavicular:Adjective:relating to the calcaneus and the navicular bone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|calcaenonavicular}}, {{t|es|calcaneoescafoideo}}
- callipygian:Adjective:having beautiful buttocks
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|calipigio}}
- calm:Adjective:(of water) with few or no waves on the surface
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|glaxo}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- campy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|camp}}, {{t+|es|teatral}}, {{t+|es|amanerado|m}}, {{t+|es|exagerado|m}}, {{t|es|teatrero|m}}
- capitulary:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|capitulario}}
- captivating:Adjective:beautiful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|arrebatador}}, {{t+|es|cautivador}}, {{t|es|hechizante}}, {{t|es|embelesador}}, {{t+|es|hechicero}}, {{t|es|captivante}} {{qualifier|disused}}, {{t+|es|cautivador}}
- caricaturistic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|caricaturesco}}, {{t|es|caricatural}}
- cash:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pecunial}} {{qualifier|disused}}, {{t|es|pecunario}}
- catapeltic:Adjective:pertaining to a catapult or catapults
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|catapeltico}}
- catechumenal:Adjective:of or pertaining to a catechumen
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|catecumenal}}
- catenative:Adjective:having the ability to catenate
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|catenativo}}
- cavitary:Adjective:of or pertaining to a body cavity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cavitario|m}}
- cessationist:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cesacionista}}, {{t-check|es|cesacionalista}}
- chatty:Adjective:chatting a lot or fond of chatting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|locuaz}}, {{t|es|charlador}}, {{t+|es|conversador}}, {{t+|es|parlanchín}}
- cheap:Adjective:of poor quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|barato}}, {{t+|es|corriente}}, {{t+|es|chimbo}}, {{t+|es|chafa}}, {{t+|es|deterior}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- cheerful:Adjective:happy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|animado}}, {{t+|es|alagre}}
- cheesy:Adjective:overdramatic, clichéd
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sensiblero}}, {{t+|es|hortera}}, {{t+|es|cursi}}, {{t|es|''kitsch''}} {{q|''kich''}}, {{t+|es|empalagoso}}, {{t|es|cutrón}}, {{t|es|pasteloso}}, {{t+|es|huachafo|m}}, {{t+|es|wacha}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- chemosensory:Adjective:of or relating to a chemosensor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|quimiosensorial}}
- chevronny:Adjective:heraldry: charged with chevrons
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|chevronado}}
- chewy:Adjective:having a pliable or springy texture when chewed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cauchudo}}, {{t+|es|gomoso}}, {{t+|es|recio}}, {{t+|es|correoso}}
- chic:Adjective:elegant, stylish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chic}}, {{t+|es|elegante}}, {{t|es|shic}}
- chlorogenic:Adjective:Of or pertaining to chlorogenic acid
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|clorogénico}}
- chlorous:Adjective:compound
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cloroso}}
- circumstellar:Adjective:that surrounds, or revolves around a star
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|circunestelar}}, {{t|es|circumestelar}}, {{t|es|circunstelar}}
- classy:Adjective:elegant and fashionable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|clasicista}}, {{t|es|clasiquero}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[clase]]}}
- classy:Adjective:of a superior type
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|clasicista}}, {{t|es|clasiquero}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[clase]]}}
- claviform:Adjective:larger at the tip than at the base; club-shaped
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|claviforme}}
- clingy:Adjective:possessive over another person
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|posesivo}}, {{t+|es|celoso}}, {{t+|es|pegajoso|m}}, {{t+|es|pegadizo|m}}, {{t|es|encimoso|m}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t+|es|lapa|f}} {{qualifier|noun, used in the expression "ser una lapa"}}, {{t|es|pegachento|m}}
- cloudy:Adjective:covered with or characterised by clouds
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nublado}}, {{t+|es|nublo}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t+|es|nuboso}}, {{t|es|anubarrado}}, {{t|es|anubado}}
- clownish:Adjective:resembling a clown
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bufonesco|m}}, {{t|es|payasesco|m}}
- clownlike:Adjective:resembling a clown
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bufonesco|m}}, {{t+|es|apayasado|m}}, {{t|es|clownesco|m}}
- cloying:Adjective:unpleasantly excessive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|empalagoso|m}}, {{t|es|empachoso|m}}
- coccygeal:Adjective:relating to the coccyx
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|coccígeo}}
- cogitabund:Adjective:deep in thought
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cogitabundo|m}}, {{t+|es|meditabundo|m}}
- colligative:Adjective:property
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|coligativo}}
- colloidal:Adjective:of or pertaining to a colloid
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|coloidal}}, {{t|es|coloideo}}, {{t+|es|coloide}}
- common:Adjective:usual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|común}}, {{t|es|guashquero}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}
- common:Adjective:ordinary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|común}}, {{t|es|guashquero}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}
- compelling:Adjective:strongly or irresistibly evoking interest or attention
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de peso}}, {{t|es|compeliente}}
- competing:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|competidor}}, {{t|es|compitiente}}
- complacent:Adjective:uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|autocomplaciente}}, {{t+|es|contentadizo}}, {{t+|es|conformista}}
- complex:Adjective:in mathematics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|complexo}}
- compliant:Adjective:compatible with or following guidelines
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|conforme}} {{qualifier|a/con}}, {{t|es|en orden}} {{qualifier|con}}, {{t|es|cumpliente}} {{qualifier|con}}, {{t+|es|acorde}} {{qualifier|a/con}}, {{t|es|cónsono|m}} {{qualifier|con}}, {{t|es|cónsone|f}} {{qualifier|con}}
- comprehensible:Adjective:able to be comprehended
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|comprensible}}, {{t+|es|comprehensible}} {{q|disused}}
- comprehensive:Adjective:broadly or completely covering
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|abarcativo|m}}, {{t+|es|abarcador}}, {{t|es|englobante}}, {{t+|es|completo}}, {{t+|es|exhaustivo}}, {{t+|es|comprensivo|m}}
- compulsory:Adjective:mandatory
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|obligatorio}}, {{t|es|mandatorio}}, {{t+|es|obligativo}}
- coniform:Adjective:having the form of a cone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|coniforme}}
- conjoined:Adjective:joined together physically
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|chachaguato}}, {{t+|es|chacho}}
- conniving:Adjective:that connives
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|connivente}}, {{t|es|maniobrero}}, {{t+|es|maquinador}}
- contemptible:Adjective:deserving contempt
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bajo}}, {{t+|es|desdeñable}}, {{t+|es|despreciable}}, {{t+|es|menospreciable}}, {{t+|es|rastrero}}, {{t+|es|contentible}}
- contusive:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|contusivo}}
- cool:Adjective:colloquial: in fashion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|guay}}, {{t+|es|bacán}}, {{t+|es|bacano}}, {{t+|es|bárbaro}}, {{t|es|bravazo}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t|es|cachilupi}}, {{t+|es|chévere}}, {{t+|es|chido}}, {{t|es|chilero}}, {{t+|es|chilo}}, {{t+|es|chiva}}, {{t+|es|chivo}}, {{t+|es|choro}}, {{t|es|dabuten}}, {{t|es|fetén}}, {{t+|es|fino}}, {{t+|es|lindo}}, {{t+|es|machete}}, {{t+|es|mostro}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t+|es|nota}}, {{t+|es|padre}}, {{t+|es|pavo}}, {{t|es|pura [[vida]]}}, {{t+|es|suave}}, {{t|es|tuanis}}, {{t+|es|piola}}, {{t+|es|paja}}, {{t+|es|cul}} {{q|United States}}, {{t+|es|pulento}}, {{t|es|tuani}}, {{t|es|supicucú}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t|es|supicucu}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t|es|dabute}} {{qualifier|current}}, {{t|es|shido}}
- copacetic:Adjective:fine, excellent, going just right, swell
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|requetebueno}}, {{t+|es|estupendo}}, {{t+|es|genial}}, {{t+|es|impeque}}, {{t|es|copasético|m}}
- coral:Adjective:made of coral
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|coralino}}, {{t+|es|coralífero}}
- corny:Adjective:insipid or trite
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insipido}}
- corticotropic:Adjective:that stimulates the adrenal cortex
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|corticotropo}}
- cosmozoic:Adjective:relating to cosmozoa
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cosmozoico}}
- courageous:Adjective:of an action, that requires courage
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|valiente}}, {{t+|es|corajudo}}, {{t+|es|corajoso}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- crabby:Adjective:irritated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|malgeniado}}
- craniological:Adjective:of or pertaining to craniology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|craneológico}}
- cray-cray:Adjective:crazy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vecors|alt=zumbado}}
- crazy:Adjective:out of control
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|loco}}, {{t+|es|desquiciado}}, {{t|es|creisi}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}
- crazy:Adjective:very excited
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|venático|m}}, {{t|es|ideoso|m}}, {{t+|es|ideático|m}}
- creaky:Adjective:tending to creak
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rechinador}}, {{t|es|rechinante}}
- creationary:Adjective:of or relating to creation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|creacionario}}
- creepy:Adjective:causing discomfort or repulsion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|temible}}, {{t|es|perturbador}}, {{t|es|inquietante}}, {{t+|es|desconcertante}}, {{t+|es|incomodador}}, {{t|es|desconfortante}}
- criticist:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|criticista}}
- cross-eyed:Adjective:having both eyes oriented inward
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bizco}}, {{t+|es|estrábico}}, {{t|es|ojituerto}}, {{t+|es|virolo}}, {{t+|es|lusco|m}}, {{t|es|chejo|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t|es|quisneto|m}}, {{t|es|vireco|m}}, {{t|es|bizcoreto|m}}, {{t+|es|bisojo|m}}, {{t|es|bizcorneto|m}}, {{t|es|bizcorneta}}, {{t|es|bizcuerno|m}} {{qualifier|pejorative|Spain}}
- cultured:Adjective:civilized; refined
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|docto}}, {{t+|es|culto}}, {{t+|es|cultoso}}, {{t+|es|culturoso}} {{qualifier|derogatory}}, {{t+|es|cultureta}} {{qualifier|derogatory}}, {{t+|es|culturizado}}, {{t+|es|pulcro}}
- cut-and-paste:Adjective:pierced together from several sources
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cortapegado}}
- cute:Adjective:having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|lindo}}, {{t+|es|precioso}}, {{t+|es|gracioso}}, {{t+|es|chulo}}, {{t|es|pituso}}, {{t+|es|bonito}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{qualifier|Southern Cone}}
- cute:Adjective:attractive or pleasing in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mono}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{qualifier|Souther Cone}}
- cycloid:Adjective:resembling a circle
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cicloidal}}, {{t|es|cicloideo}}
- cymotrichous:Adjective:having wavy hair
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cimótrico|m}}
- cynical:Adjective:of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cínico}}, {{t+|es|resabiado}}, {{t|es|resabioso}}, {{t+|es|sotreta}}
- dactyliform:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|dactyliforme}}
- daily:Adjective:that occurs every day
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|diario}}, {{t+|es|cotidiano}}, {{t|es|cuotidiano|m}}
- damned:Adjective:god-forsaken
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|maldito}}, {{t|es|damnado}}, {{t+|es|réprobo}}
- dangerous:Adjective:full of danger
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peligroso}}, {{t+|es|brígido}}, {{t+|es|fortunal}}
- dangerous:Adjective:causing danger, ready to do harm or injury
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peligroso}}, {{t+|es|nocivo}}, {{t+|es|brígido}}, {{t+|es|fortunal}}
- dark:Adjective:not bright or light, deeper in hue
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|oscuro}}, {{t+|es|fusco|m}}, {{t+|es|fosco|m}}, {{t+|es|hosco|m}}, {{t+|es|negruzco|m}}, {{t+|es|negrizco|m}}, {{t|es|renegrido|m}}
- deceased:Adjective:no longer alive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fallecido}}, {{t+|es|muerto}}, {{t+|es|difunto}}, {{t|es|decesado}}
- deceitful:Adjective:deliberately misleading or cheating
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|falso}}, {{t+|es|deshonesto}}, {{t|es|delusivo|m}}, {{t|es|delusorio|m}}, {{t+|es|embustero}}, {{t+|es|cubero}} {{qualifier|Dominican Republic}}
- defining:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|definidor}}, {{t|es|definiente}}, {{t+|es|característico}}
- delectable:Adjective:pleasing to the taste; delicious
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|delicioso}}, {{t|es|delectable}}, {{t|es|deleitable}}
- deliquescent:Adjective:chemistry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|deliquescente}}
- delusive:Adjective:inappropriate to reality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|delusivo}}
- departing:Adjective:that is leaving
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|partiente}}, {{t|es|zarpante}}
- deranged:Adjective:disturbed or upset, especially mentally
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|trastornado}}, {{t+|es|derranchado}}
- deranged:Adjective:insane
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desquiciado}}, {{t+|es|derranchado}}
- derogatory:Adjective:tending to lessen the value of
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peyorativo}}, {{t+|es|despectivo}}, {{t|es|despreciativo}}, {{t|es|denigrante}}, {{t|es|menospreciativo}}
- descendant:Adjective:descending from (an ancestor)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|postremo|m}}, {{t+|es|descendiente|m}}
- descriptive:Adjective:of, or relating to description
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|descriptivo}}, {{t|es|descriptorio}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- detached:Adjective:not physically attached; separated from something it could connect to
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desfijado|m}}, {{t+|es|desprendido|m}}, {{t+|es|desasido|m}}, {{t+|es|separado|m}}, {{t+|es|desconectado|m}}
- deterrent:Adjective:serving to deter
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|disuasivo}}, {{t+|es|disuasorio}}, {{t|es|disuasor}}, {{t|es|deterrente}}
- detrans:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|detrans}}
- deverbal:Adjective:derived from a verb
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|deverbal}}, {{t|es|deverbativo}}
- deviant:Adjective:of or pertaining to a deviation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|anormal}}, {{t+|es|disconforme}}, {{t+|es|desconforme}}, {{t+|es|aberrante}}, {{t+|es|desviado}}, {{t|es|desviante}}
- diffident:Adjective:distrustful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|difidente}}
- diffident:Adjective:lacking confidence in oneself
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apocado}}, {{t+|es|desconfiado}}, {{t+|es|tímido}}, {{t|es|difidente}}
- digressive:Adjective:marked by digression; rambling
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|divagatorio|m}}, {{t|es|digresivo|m}}
- diphthongal:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|diptongal}}
- disassociative:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[desasocia]]tivo}}
- disgusting:Adjective:repulsive, distasteful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|asqueroso}}, {{t+|es|repulsivo}}, {{t+|es|nauseabundo}}, {{t+|es|despreciable}}, {{t+|es|repugnante}}, {{t|es|estomagante}}, {{t+|es|asqueante}}, {{t|es|asquiente}}
- disinformative:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desinformativo|m}}, {{t|es|desinformativa|f}}
- dispensable:Adjective:able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|prescindible}}, {{t|es|defectible}}, {{t|es|dispensable}}
- distinguishing:Adjective:that serves to distinguish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|distinguiente}}, {{t+|es|distinguidor}}
- distressing:Adjective:causing distress; upsetting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|angustioso}}, {{t|es|distresante}}
- distrustful:Adjective:marked by distrust; doubtful; suspicious
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desconfiado}}, {{t+|es|receloso}}, {{t|es|difidente}}
- disturbing:Adjective:causing distress or worry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inquietante}}, {{t|es|perturbador}}, {{t+|es|traumático}}, {{t|es|disturbante}}
- ditransitive:Adjective:having both a direct and indirect object
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ditransitivo}}
- dizzy:Adjective:experiencing a sensation of whirling and being unbalanced
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mareado}}, {{t+|es|vertiginoso}}, {{t|es|vaguido}}
- domineering:Adjective:overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|dominante}}, {{t|es|dominador}}, {{t|es|domeñante}}
- double:Adjective:twice the quantity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|doble}}, {{t+|es|duplo}} {{q|rare}}, {{t+|es|dúplex}}, {{t|es|duplado}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|duplicado}}, {{t+|es|redoblado}}
- dreadful:Adjective:causing dread
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|espantoso}}, {{t+|es|pavoroso}}, {{t+|es|aterrador}}, {{t|es|empavoreciente}}, {{t|es|despavoriente}}
- dreadful:Adjective:full of dread
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|apavorado}}, {{t|es|pavorido}}, {{t|es|espavorido}}, {{t+|es|despavorido}}, {{t+|es|empavorecido}}
- driving:Adjective:that drives
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tractor}}, {{t+|es|motor}}, {{t|es|propulsor}}, {{t|es|propelente}}, {{t+|es|impulsor}}, {{t+|es|motriz}}, {{t+|es|impelente}}, {{t|es|traccionante}}
- drowsy:Adjective:inclined to drowse
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|adormecido}}, {{t+|es|soñoliento}}, {{t+|es|somnoliento}}, {{t|es|dormijoso}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|adormilado}}, {{t+|es|adormitado}}, {{t+|es|aletargado}}
- dull:Adjective:lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|romo}}, {{t+|es|desafilado}}, {{t+|es|embotado}}, {{t+|es|enromado}}
- dumb:Adjective:extremely stupid
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estúpido}}, {{t+|es|tonto}}, {{t|es|mentecapto|m}}
- dumb:Adjective:pointless or unintellectual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estúpido}}, {{t+|es|tonto}}, {{t|es|mentecapto|m}}
- dumbfounded:Adjective:shocked and speechless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estupefacto}}, {{t+|es|atónito}}, {{t|es|picueto}} {{qualifier|Spain, colloquial}}, {{t|es|a cuadros}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- ear-piercing:Adjective:extremely loud
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|penetrante}}, {{t|es|taladrante}}, {{t+|es|chillón|m}}, {{t|es|pinchante}}, {{t|es|traspasante}}, {{t|es|horadante}}
- eastbound:Adjective:moving or heading towards the east
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|adesteño}}
- easy peasy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|papaya}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t+|es|papayita|f}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- edible:Adjective:that can be eaten without disgust
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|comible}}, {{t|es|edible}}
- effective:Adjective:having the power to produce a required effect or effects
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|efectivo}}, {{t+|es|eficaz}}, {{t|es|presentáneo|m}}
- efficacious:Adjective:effective
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|efectivo}}, {{t+|es|eficaz}}, {{t|es|presentáneo|m}}
- eikonal:Adjective:physics and maths term
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|iconal|m|f}}
- elasticated:Adjective:containing a strip of elastic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|elastisado}}
- electable:Adjective:able to be elected to office
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|elegible}}, {{t|es|esleíble}}
- elicit:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|elícito}} {{qualifier|DEA}}
- eligible:Adjective:meeting the necessary requirements to participate in or be chosen for something
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|elegible}}, {{t+|es|cualificado}}, {{t+|es|apto}}, {{t|es|aplicadero}}, {{t|es|aplicable}}, {{t+|es|idóneo}}
- emic:Adjective:analyzing a culture from inside
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|émico}}
- emic:Adjective:linguistic units
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|émico}}
- enantiotropic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|enantiotrópico}}
- engaging:Adjective:that engages; engrossing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|interesante}}, {{t+|es|cautivador}}, {{t|es|captivante}}
- ensuing:Adjective:repercussions which result from some prior stimulus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|resultante}}, {{t+|es|producido}}, {{t|es|sobreveniente}}, {{t|es|sucediente}}, {{t|es|subsiguiente}}, {{t|es|subsecuente}}, {{t|es|subseyente}}
- entertaining:Adjective:amusing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|divertido}}, {{t+|es|entretenido}}, {{t+|es|ameno}}, {{t+|es|entretenedor}}, {{t|es|entreteniente}}, {{t|es|divirtiente}}
- enticing:Adjective:alluring
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tentador|m}}, {{t+|es|incitante}}, {{t|es|aliciante}}
- equal:Adjective:the same in all respects
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|igual}}, {{t|es|equiparable}}, {{t+|es|equivalente}}, {{t|es|equipolente}}
- equal:Adjective:mathematics: exactly identical
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|igual}}, {{t|es|equiparable}}, {{t+|es|equivalente}}, {{t|es|equipolente}}
- equiconcave:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|equicóncavo}}
- estrous:Adjective:Of or relating to estrus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estral}}
- ethnoreligious:Adjective:Of or pertaining to ethnicity and religion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|etnoreligioso}}
- etymonic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|etimónico|m}}, {{t+|es|étimo|m}}
- everyday:Adjective:appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|de diario}} {{q|clothes}}, {{t|es|cuotidiano}}
- everyday:Adjective:commonplace, ordinary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|común}}, {{t|es|cuotidiano}}
- evil:Adjective:morally corrupt
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|malo}}, {{t+|es|malvado}}, {{t+|es|escelerado|m}}, {{t|es|celerado|m}}
- ex-gay:Adjective:of the movement against homosexuality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ex-gay|mf}}
- exclamatory:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|exclamatorio}}
- exhausting:Adjective:Very tiring
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|agotador}}, {{t+|es|exhaustivo}}, {{t+|es|extenuante}}, {{t|es|extenuador}}
- exhilarating:Adjective:refreshingly thrilling
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|excitante}}, {{t|es|exhilarante}}, {{t+|es|estimulante}}, {{t|es|tonificante}}, {{t+|es|vivificante}}, {{t|es|entusiasmante}}, {{t+|es|emocionante}}
- expansive:Adjective:Able to be expanded
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|expansible}}
- expeditious:Adjective:[[fast
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|eficiente}}, {{t|es|rapido}}
- export:Adjective:of or relating to exportation or exports
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|exportacional}}, {{t+|es|exportador}}
- extant:Adjective:still in existence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|existente}}, {{t|es|extante}}
- extendable:Adjective:capable of being extended
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|extendible}}
- extenuating:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atenuante}}, {{t+|es|extenuante}}, {{t|es|extenuador}}
- extraatmospheric:Adjective:outside of Earth's atmosphere
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|extraatmosférico}}
- extraordinary:Adjective:remarkably good
- Spanish: *Spanish: {{t|es|pulenta}} {{qualifier|Andes}}
- extratextual:Adjective:outside of a text
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|extratextual}}
- facetious:Adjective:flippant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fisgón}}, {{t+|es|socarrón}}, {{t|es|faceto}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}
- facetious:Adjective:pleasantly humorous, jocular
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|faceto|m}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}, {{t+|es|gracioso|m}}, {{t+|es|facecioso}}
- factorable:Adjective:capable of being factored
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|factorizable}}
- fake:Adjective:insincere
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|kalé}} {{qualifier|Paraguay}}
- famous:Adjective:well known
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|famoso}}, {{t+|es|célebre}}, {{t+|es|afamado}}, {{t+|es|conocido}}, {{t|es|espectable}}, {{t|es|expectable}}, {{t|es|de [[expectación]]}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- far-left:Adjective:very leftist
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ultraizquierdo}}
- farcical:Adjective:absurd
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|farsesco}}
- faster-than-light:Adjective:faster than light is
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|superlumínico}}, {{t|es|hiperlumínico}}
- feasible:Adjective:that can be done in practice
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|factible}}, {{t+|es|asequible}}, {{t+|es|dable}}, {{t+|es|viable}}, {{t|es|realizable}}, {{t+|es|hacedero}}, {{t+|es|agible}}, {{t+|es|ejecutable}}
- filarial:Adjective:of or pertaining to filaria
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|filarial}}
- finicky:Adjective:fastidious and fussy; difficult to please; exacting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fastidioso}}, {{t+|es|melindroso}}, {{t+|es|remilgado}}, {{t+|es|puntilloso}}, {{t+|es|quisquilloso}}, {{t+|es|tiquismiquis}}, {{t+|es|pejiguero}}, {{t|es|esquilimoso}}, {{t+|es|pedante}}, {{t+|es|escolimoso}}
- fixated:Adjective:Attached to something/someone in a neurotic or pathological manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|obsesionado}}, {{t|es|fijacionado}}, {{t|es|fixado}}
- floppy:Adjective:limp, not hard, firm or rigid; flexible
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|flojo}}, {{t|es|desplomoso}}, {{t|es|colapsoso}}
- foe:Adjective:hostile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rival}}, {{t|es|inimicísimo}} {{qualifier|superlative|disused}}
- foggy:Adjective:obscured by mist or fog
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|brumoso}}, {{t+|es|nebuloso}}, {{t|es|neblinoso}}, {{t|es|emboriado}}, {{t+|es|caliginoso}}
- forbidden:Adjective:not allowed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|prohibido}}, {{t+|es|vedado}}, {{t+|es|defeso}}, {{t+|es|interdicho}}
- forcible:Adjective:able to be forced
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|forzable}}
- foreign:Adjective:located outside one's own country or place
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|extraño}}, {{t+|es|extranjero}}, {{t|es|foraño}}, {{t+|es|forano}}
- forgetful:Adjective:liable to forget
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|olvidadizo}}, {{t+|es|desmemoriado}}, {{t+|es|olvidadero}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- fraternal:Adjective:genetics: of twins or embryos, produced from two different eggs and sperm, and genetically distinct
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|bivitelino|m}}
- freelance:Adjective:Of, or relating to a freelance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''freelance''}} {{q|''frílans''}}, {{t+|es|autónomo}}, {{t+|es|independiente}}, {{t|es|por libre}}, {{t|es|por cuenta propia}}
- fuckable:Adjective:sexually attractive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|jodible}}, {{t|es|follable}}, {{t|es|culeable}}, {{t|es|cachable}}, {{t|es|tirable}}
- fucked up:Adjective:damaged
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|jodido}}, {{t|es|focop}} {{qualifier|United States}}, {{t|es|fócop}} {{qualifier|US}}
- fulfilling:Adjective:which causes fulfillment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|satisfaciente}}, {{t|es|deleitante}}, {{t|es|contentante}}, {{t|es|encontentante}}
- full:Adjective:of a night in reference to the moon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|alunado|m}} {{qualifier|Central America}}
- fussy:Adjective:particular about details
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|puntilloso}}, {{t+|es|quisquilloso}}, {{t+|es|tiquismiquis}}, {{t+|es|remilgado}}, {{t+|es|pejiguero}}, {{t|es|esquilimoso}}, {{t+|es|escolimoso}}, {{t+|es|melindroso}}
- fusty:Adjective:old-fashioned, refusing to change or update
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|apolillado}}, {{t+|es|desfasado}}, {{t+|es|trasnochado}}, {{t|es|viejuno}} {{qualifier|Spain, colloquial}}
- gaga:Adjective:senile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gc-gc}}, {{t+|es|cucú}}
- galactocentric:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|galactocéntrico}}
- garrulous:Adjective:excessively or tiresomely talkative
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|gárrulo}}, {{t|es|lenguón}}, {{t|es|lenguaz}}, {{t+|es|locuaz}}
- gaunt:Adjective:unhealthily thin, as from hunger or illness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chupado}}, {{t+|es|demacrado}}, {{t+|es|macilento}}, {{t+|es|enjuto}}, {{t+|es|raquítico}}, {{t|es|flaquítico}} {{qualifier|Dominican Republic}}, {{t+|es|hético}}, {{t|es|esqueletado}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- gay:Adjective:typical of homosexual appearance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt|es|mariconado}}, {{tt+|es|femenino}}, {{tt|es|marimachado}}, {{tt+|es|gay}}
- geolocatable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|geolocalizable|m|f}}
- getaway:Adjective:pertaining to an escape
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fúgido}}, {{t+|es|fugaz}}, {{t|es|[[de]] [[huida]]|f}}
- gluttonous:Adjective:given to excessive eating; prone to overeating
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|glotón}}, {{t+|es|goloso}}, {{t|es|garoso}} {{qualifier|Colombia}}
- gnarly:Adjective:slang: excellent; attractive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bravo}}, {{t|es|bravoso}}, {{t+|es|mostro}} {{q|Peru}}
- gnarly:Adjective:slang, US: dangerous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bravo}}, {{t|es|bravoso}}
- godforsaken:Adjective:desolate, boring and depressing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|maldito}}, {{t|es|damnado}}, {{t+|es|réprobo}}
- good:Adjective:acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|bueno}}, {{t+|es|bon}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- graceful:Adjective:showing grace
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|grácil}}, {{t+|es|gracioso}}, {{t+|es|graciado}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|agraciado}}
- graminivorous:Adjective:that eats grasses and seeds
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|graminívoro}}
- great:Adjective:very big, large scale
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|grande}}, {{t+|es|gran}}, {{t+|es|grosso}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t+|es|groso}} {{qualifier|Southern Cone}}, {{t+|es|grave}} {{qualifier|negative contexts}}
- great:Adjective:important title
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|Magno}}, {{t+|es|Grande}}
- grim:Adjective:rigid and unrelenting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rigido|m}}
- gritty:Adjective:containing sand or grit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|gravilloso}}
- ground:Adjective:crushed or reduced to small particles
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|molido}}, {{t+|es|picado}}, {{t|es|cueshte}}
- grue:Adjective:linguistics: green or blue in languages that do not distinguish the two colors
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|verdiazul}}, {{t|es|azul verde}}
- grumpy:Adjective:dissatisfied and irritable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|gruñón}}, {{t+|es|rezongón|m}}, {{t|es|refunfuñón|m}}, {{t+|es|renegón|m}}, {{t+|es|malhumorado|m}}
- gullible:Adjective:easily deceived or duped, naive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|crédulo}}, {{t+|es|cándido}}, {{t+|es|ingenuo}}, {{t|es|engañadizo|m}}
- hadal:Adjective:of the deepest parts of the ocean
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hadal}}
- haired:Adjective:having hair
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cabelludo}}, {{t+|es|cabellado}}, {{t+|es|melenudo}}, {{t+|es|peludo}}, {{t+|es|peloso}}
- hairy:Adjective:of a person
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peludo}}, {{t+|es|velludo}}, {{t+|es|peloso}}, {{t+|es|velloso}}, {{t|es|vellido}}, {{t+|es|lanuginoso}}
- hairy:Adjective:of a body part other than the head
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peludo}}, {{t+|es|velludo}}, {{t+|es|peloso}}, {{t+|es|velloso}}, {{t|es|vellido}}
- half-ass:Adjective:produced in an incompetent manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chapucero}}, {{t+|es|cutre}}, {{t+|es|fulastre}}
- half-assed:Adjective:poorly or incompetently done
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cutre}}, {{t+|es|chapucero|m}}, {{t+|es|fulastre}}, {{t|es|charanguero}}
- hangry:Adjective:hungry and angry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hambrejado|m}}
- haplolepidous:Adjective:form of arthrodontous peristome
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|haplolépido}}
- hawkish:Adjective:supportive of warlike foreign policy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|falconino}}
- hazardous:Adjective:risky, dangerous, with the nature of a hazard
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|peligroso}}, {{t+|es|brígido}}, {{t+|es|arriesgado}}, {{t+|es|fortunal}}
- hazardous:Adjective:of or involving chance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|arriesgado}}, {{t+|es|azaroso}}, {{t+|es|fortunoso}}
- hazy:Adjective:thick with haze
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|brumoso}}, {{t+|es|calinoso}}, {{t|es|calimoso}}
- heedless:Adjective:unaware, without noticing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|negligente}}, {{t+|es|inconsiderado}}, {{t|es|indiligente}}, {{t+|es|desatento|m}}, {{t+|es|distraído|m}}, {{t+|es|despistado|m}}
- helpful:Adjective:furnishing help; giving aid; useful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|servicial}}, {{t+|es|útil}}, {{t+|es|adyuvante}}, {{t+|es|acomedido}}, {{t+|es|solícito}}, {{t+|es|oficioso}}, {{t+|es|ayudador}}
- hendecagonal:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|endecagonal}}
- heptarchic:Adjective:pertaining to a heptarchy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|heptárquico}}
- heterochronous:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|heterócrono|m}}, {{t|es|heterocrónico|m}}
- heterosyllabic:Adjective:not occurring in the same syllable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|heterosilábico}}
- high-pitched:Adjective:having a high pitch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|agudo}}, {{t+|es|atiplado}}, {{t|es|tipludo|m}}
- hodiernal:Adjective:of or pertaining to the present day or today
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hodierno}}, {{t|es|odierno}}
- holonomic:Adjective:mathematics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|holónomo|m}}
- holotropic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|holotrópico}}
- homonormative:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|homonormativo}}
- horrific:Adjective:causing horror
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|horrorífico}}, {{t+|es|truculento}}, {{t|es|horrífico|m}}
- hortative:Adjective:of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hortativo}}
- hospitable:Adjective:cordial and generous towards guests
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hospitalario}}, {{t|es|hospitable}}
- husky:Adjective:hoarse and rough-sounding
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ronco}}, {{t|es|rauco|m}}, {{t+|es|aguardentoso|m}}, {{t|es|aguardientoso|m}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t+|es|afónico|m}}, {{t+|es|enronquecido|m}}
- hyper:Adjective:of or related to hyper characters
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hyper|m|f}}
- hypercorrect:Adjective:nonstandard because of a mistaken idea of standard usage
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hipercorrecto}}
- hyperkinetic:Adjective:of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis or hyperactivity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hipercinético}}
- hypochondriac:Adjective:related to the hypochondrium
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|hipocondríaco}}, {{t+|es|hipocondriaco}}, {{t|es|hipocóndrico}}
- hyponymous:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hiponímico|m}}
- hypostyle:Adjective:architecture: having a roof supported on a row of columns
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|hipóstilo|m}}, {{t|es|hipóstila|f}}
- idiotypic:Adjective:Of or pertaining to an idiotype
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|idiotípico}}
- ignorable:Adjective:that can be ignored
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ignorable}}
- immature:Adjective:not fully formed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inmaturo}}
- immeasurable:Adjective:impossible to measure
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inmedible}}, {{t|es|inmensurable|m|f}}
- impecunious:Adjective:lacking money
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|menesteroso}}, {{t+|es|inope|m|f}}
- impending:Adjective:about to happen
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inminente}}, {{t|es|impendiente}}
- impregnable:Adjective:capable of being impregnated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|impregnable}} {{qualifier|of a thing}}, {{t+|es|fértil}} {{qualifier|of a female}}
- improper:Adjective:not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|improprio|m}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|impropio}}
- imputrescible:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|imputrescible}}
- inbound:Adjective:coming in, heading inwards
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|entrante}}, {{t|es|adveniente}}, {{t|es|ingresante}}
- incarnadine:Adjective:of the pale pink or pale red colour of flesh
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|incarnado}}
- incoming:Adjective:coming in
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|entrante}}, {{t|es|adveniente}}, {{t|es|ingresante}}
- incomprehensible:Adjective:impossible or very difficult to understand
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|incomprensible}}, {{t+|es|incomprehensible}}
- inconvenient:Adjective:not convenient
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|incómodo}}, {{t+|es|inconveniente}}, {{t|es|desconveniente}} {{q|disused}}
- increasable:Adjective:able to be increased
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|incrementable}}
- inducing:Adjective:that induces
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|induciente}}
- ineffectual:Adjective:futile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|in[[efectua]]l}}, {{t|es|ineficaz}}
- ineffectual:Adjective:weak, indecisive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inoperante}}, {{t|es|in[[efectua]]l}}, {{t|es|ineficaz}}
- infallible:Adjective:without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|infalible}}, {{t|es|inmancable}}
- inhospitable:Adjective:not inclined to hospitality; unfriendly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inhospitable}} {{q|rare}}, {{t|es|inhospitalario}}
- inhospitable:Adjective:Not offering shelter
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inhóspito}}, {{t|es|inhospitable}} {{q|rare}}, {{t|es|inhospitalario}}
- inimical:Adjective:hostile
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|hostil}}, {{t|es|inimicísimo}} {{qualifier|superlative|disused}}, {{t+|es|enemigo}}
- innocuous:Adjective:harmless
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inocuo}}, {{t+|es|innocuo}}
- inscrutable:Adjective:difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inescrutable}}, {{t|es|impenetrable}}, {{t+|es|incomprensible}}, {{t+|es|insondable}}, {{t+|es|inscrutable}}
- insectile:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insectil}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- inside-out:Adjective:with the inside turned to be on the outside
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|evertido}}
- inspiring:Adjective:providing inspiration; encouraging; stimulating
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inspirador|m}}, {{t+|es|inspirativo|m}}
- intent:Adjective:firmly fixed or concentrated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|concentrado}}, {{t+|es|entregado}}, {{t+|es|decidido}}, {{t+|es|resuelto}}, {{t+|es|temoso}}
- interior:Adjective:having to do with the inland parts of a country
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|interior}}, {{t|es|interiano}}, {{t|es|interiorano}}
- interlunar:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|interlunar}}
- intermembral:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intermembral}}
- interpupillary:Adjective:between the pupils of the eyes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|interpupilar}}
- intradiegetic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intradiegético}}
- intrasexual:Adjective:intrasexual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intrasexual}}
- irrefragable:Adjective:which cannot be refuted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|irrefragrable}}
- irreplicable:Adjective:incapable of being replicated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|irreplicable}}
- isosyllabic:Adjective:of meters with syllables of equal length
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|isosilábica|f}}, {{t|es|isosilábico|m}}
- ithyphallic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the erect phallus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|itifálico|m}}
- jejunal:Adjective:of or pertaining to the jejunum
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|yeyunal}}
- judgmental:Adjective:inclined to pass judgment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|crítico}}, {{t|es|juzgador}}, {{t|es|judicante}}, {{t|es|sentencioso}}, {{t+|es|criticón}}, {{t|es|juzgón}} {{qualifier|Mesoamerica}}, {{t+|es|criticador}}
- judgy:Adjective:Inclined to make judgments; judgmental
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|juzgador}}, {{t|es|judicante}}, {{t|es|sentencioso}}, {{t+|es|criticón}}, {{t|es|juzgón}} {{qualifier|Mesoamerica}}, {{t+|es|criticador}}
- judicious:Adjective:having or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|juicioso}}, {{t|es|criterioso}} {{qualifier|South America}}
- jumbo:Adjective:especially large or powerful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|colosal}}, {{t|es|''jumbo''}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|yumbo}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}
- lame:Adjective:unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cojo}}, {{t+|es|rengo}}, {{t+|es|renco}}, {{t|es|arrengado}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}
- lame:Adjective:slang: failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chafa}}, {{t+|es|soso}}, {{t|es|monse}}
- laryngological:Adjective:of or pertaining to laryngology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|laringológico}}
- laryngotracheal:Adjective:pertaining to both larynx and trachea
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|laringotraqueal}}
- last:Adjective:final
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|último}}, {{t+|es|postrero}}, {{t+|es|postrer}}, {{t+|es|postrimero}}, {{t|es|postremo}}, {{t|es|postremero}}
- latitudinarian:Adjective:tolerant, especially of other people's religious views
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|laxista|f}}
- lazy:Adjective:unwilling to work
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|perezoso}}, {{t+|es|flojo}}, {{t|es|locho}}, {{t+|es|haragán}}, {{t+|es|vago}}, {{t+|es|holgazán|m}}, {{t|es|acostadote}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|echadote}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|poltrón}}, {{t+|es|apoltronado}}
- learnable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aprensible}}, {{t|es|aprendible}}
- left-handed:Adjective:preferring the left hand over the right
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|zurdo}}, {{t+|es|zoco}} {{q|colloquial}}, {{t+|es|zocato}} {{q|colloquial}}, {{t|es|sinistrómano}} {{q|psychology|Spain}}, {{t+|es|ñurdo}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- legendary:Adjective:of or pertaining to a legend
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|legendario}}, {{t|es|leyendario}}
- lenient:Adjective:tolerant; not strict
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tolerante}}, {{t+|es|laxo}}, {{t|es|leniente}} {{qualifier|archaic|Peru}}, {{t|es|de manga ancha}}
- leptokurtic:Adjective:having positive excess kurtosis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|leptocúrtico}}
- light:Adjective:pale in colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|claro}}, {{t+|es|pálido}}, {{t+|es|blanquecino}}, {{t|es|blanquinoso}}, {{t|es|blanquizco}}, {{t|es|desblanquecido}}, {{t|es|blancuzco}}, {{t|es|desblanquiñado}}, {{t+|es|albarizo}}, {{t|es|blancazo}}
- ligneous:Adjective:woody
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|lignario}}
- lippy:Adjective:having prominent lips
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|befo|m}}, {{t+|es|bembudo|m}}, {{t+|es|bezudo|m}}, {{t+|es|morrudo|m}}, {{t+|es|trompudo|m}}
- loaded:Adjective:(of a question) designed to produce a predictable answer, or to lay a trap
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|presuncioso}}, {{t+|es|presuntuoso}}, {{t+|es|tendencioso}}
- long-legged:Adjective:having long legs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|zancudo}}, {{t|es|piernilargo|m}}, {{t|es|patilargo|m}}
- lost for words:Adjective:speechless from surprise or shock
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|corchado}}
- lovely:Adjective:beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|encantador}}, {{t+|es|precioso}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t+|es|bel}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|bello}}, {{t+|es|bonito}}, {{t+|es|lindo}}
- lovely:Adjective:very nice, wonderful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|genial}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{q|Americanism}}, {{t+|es|bello}}, {{t+|es|bel}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|maravilloso}}
- low-rise:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|descaderado}}, {{t|es|de tiro bajo}}
- lucky:Adjective:of people, having good fortune
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|afortunado}}, {{t+|es|suertudo}}, {{t+|es|lechero}}, {{t|es|suertero}}, {{t+|es|lechoso}}
- ludicrous:Adjective:idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|irrisorio}}, {{t+|es|ridículo}}, {{t+|es|disparatado}}, {{t+|es|descabellado}}, {{t+|es|absurdo|m}}, {{t+|es|risible|m|f}}, {{t|es|lúdicro|m}}
- lumbar:Adjective:related to the lower back or loin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|lumbar}}, {{t|es|lomoso}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- major:Adjective:greater in significance or importance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|considerable}}, {{t+|es|significante}}, {{t+|es|importante}}, {{t+|es|significativo}}, {{t+|es|gran}}, {{t+|es|mayúsculo}}, {{t|es|protagónico}}, {{t+|es|grosso}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t+|es|groso}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t+|es|rotundo}}
- man-eating:Adjective:inclined to eat human flesh
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|comehombre|m}}
- marketable:Adjective:of or pertaining to marketability
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|comerciable|m|f}}, {{t|es|marquetinero|m}}
- marmoreal:Adjective:resembling marble or a marble statue
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|marmóreo|m}}, {{t+|es|marmoroso|m}}, {{t+|es|marmoleado|m}}
- maudlin:Adjective:extravagantly or excessively sentimental; self-pitying
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|lloraduelos}}, {{t+|es|llorón}}, {{t+|es|llorica}}, {{t+|es|lamentoso}}
- mean:Adjective:miserly, stingy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mezquino}}, {{t+|es|tacaño}}, {{t|es|mesquino}} {{q|disused}}
- meddlesome:Adjective:inclined to meddle or interfere
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|entrometido}}, {{t|es|shute}}, {{t+|es|metiche}}, {{t+|es|entremetido}}, {{t+|es|entrometido}}, {{t+|es|meterete}}, {{t|es|metijón}}, {{t|es|meticón}}, {{t|es|safrisco}}, {{t+|es|entrépito}}, {{t|es|metichi}} {{qualifier|Americanism}}, {{t|es|metiches}}, {{t|es|intrusete}}
- melliferous:Adjective:of a plant or its parts: bearing any substance which is collected by bees to produce honey
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|melífero}}, {{t|es|melífico}}
- melliferous:Adjective:producing honey
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|melífero}}, {{t|es|melífico}}
- mergeable:Adjective:Capable of being merged
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|fusionable}}
- meritorious:Adjective:deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|meritorio|m}}, {{t+|es|loable}}, {{t+|es|laudable}}, {{t+|es|encomiable}}, {{t+|es|elogiable}}, {{t|es|ensalzable}}, {{t+|es|benemérito|m}}, {{t+|es|plausible}}
- mesokurtic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mesocúrtico}}
- metastatic:Adjective:relating to metastasis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|metastático}}
- mild:Adjective:gentle; pleasant; kind; soft
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|suave}}, {{t+|es|leve}}, {{t|es|lene}}, {{t+|es|lieve}}
- mild:Adjective:(illness or pain) not serious or dangerous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|leve}}, {{t|es|lene}}, {{t+|es|lieve}}
- mimsy:Adjective:flimsy and miserable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|misendeble}}
- minerotrophic:Adjective:pertaining to minerotrophy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|minerotrófico}}
- misleading:Adjective:tending to mislead
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|engañoso}}, {{t+|es|ilusorio}}, {{t+|es|erróneo}}, {{t+|es|equívoco}}, {{t|es|[[despista]]nte}}, {{t+|es|falaz}}, {{t|es|delusivo}}, {{t|es|delusorio}}, {{t|es|[[descamina]]nte}}, {{t|es|[[desencamina]]nte}}
- mohatra:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mohatra}}
- monomorphemic:Adjective:consisting of only one morpheme
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|monomorfémico}}
- monosemic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|monosémico}}
- monosyllabic:Adjective:using monosyllables
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|monosílabico}}
- mopey:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sombrío}}, {{t+|es|deprimido}}, {{t+|es|lamentoso}}, {{t|es|llorisqueante}}
- morphemic:Adjective:of or relating to morphemics or to a morpheme
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|morfémico}}
- mortal:Adjective:causing death; deadly; fatal; killing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mortal}}, {{t|es|exicial}}, {{t+|es|mortífero}}, {{t+|es|deletéreo|m}}
- mournful:Adjective:filled with grief or sadness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|melancólico}}, {{t+|es|lastimero}}, {{t|es|lutoso}}, {{t+|es|luctuoso}}
- multiple-choice:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|multiopción}}
- multitactical:Adjective:employing multiple tactics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|multitáctico}}
- mycotrophic:Adjective:obtaining one's nutrients through symbiosis with fungi
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|microtrófico}}
- myopic:Adjective:unable to see distant objects unaided
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|miope}}, {{t|es|chejo|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t|es|corto de vista|m}}
- narcoleptic:Adjective:pertaining to narcolepsy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|narcoléptico}}
- nascent:Adjective:emerging; just coming into existence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|naciente}}, {{t|es|nasciente}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- naughty:Adjective:bad; tending to misbehave or act badly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|travieso}}, {{t+|es|maleducado}}, {{t+|es|malcriado}}, {{t|es|maldoso}}, {{t+|es|malulo}}, {{t|es|sajurín}}
- navy:Adjective:having a navy (dark blue) colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|turquí}}, {{t+|es|turquesado}}
- nearby:Adjective:adjacent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cercano}}, {{t+|es|próximo}}, {{t|es|concercano}}
- negligible:Adjective:able to be ignored or excluded
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|insignificante}}, {{t+|es|desdeñable}}, {{t|es|negligible}}
- nephelinic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nefelinico}}
- neurodiverse:Adjective:of a person: exhibiting neurodiversity; of a group: made up of neurodivergent people
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|neurodiverso}}
- neurodiverse:Adjective:of or pertaining to neurodivergent people or groups
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|neurodiverso}}
- nice:Adjective:pleasant, satisfactory
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|simpático}}, {{t+|es|agradable}}, {{t+|es|amable}}, {{t+|es|bueno}}, {{t+|es|placible}}, {{t+|es|aplacible}}, {{t+|es|apacible}}, {{t+|es|paja}} {{qualifier|Peru}}, {{t+|es|majo}}
- nictemeral:Adjective:varying regularly with a day/night cycle
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nictemeral}}
- nitpicky:Adjective:overly critical
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quisquilloso}}, {{t+|es|cositero}} {{qualifier|Cuba}}
- noctilucent:Adjective:(meteorology) glowing at night
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|noctilucente}}
- noisy:Adjective:making a noise
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ruidoso}}, {{t+|es|bullicioso}}, {{t+|es|embullador}}
- non-venomous:Adjective:not producing venom
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atóxico}}
- nondescript:Adjective:without distinguishing qualities
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|indescriptivo|m}}
- nontoxic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atóxico}}
- normie:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|normi}}, {{t|es|nórmico}}
- nosy:Adjective:having a large nose
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|narigudo|m}}, {{t+|es|narigón|m}}, {{t|es|narizotas|m|m-p|f|f-p}}
- noticeable:Adjective:capable of being seen or noticed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|evidente}}, {{t+|es|observable}}, {{t+|es|perceptible}}, {{t+|es|notorio}}, {{t+|es|manifiesto}}, {{t+|es|palmario}}, {{t+|es|conspicuo}}, {{t|es|detectable}}, {{t|es|[[capta]]ble}}
- noumenal:Adjective:of or pertaining to the noumenon
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nouménico}}
- noxious:Adjective:harmful
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nocivo}}, {{t|es|daniño}}, {{t|es|nocible}}
- nucleonic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nucleónico}}
- oblique:Adjective:not erect or perpendicular
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|oblicuo}}, {{t+|es|enviajado}}
- obsequious:Adjective:obedient, compliant with someone else's orders
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|servil}}, {{t|es|apatronado}}, {{t|es|obsequioso}}
- obsidian:Adjective:poetic: black
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|obsidiano|m}}
- obtrusive:Adjective:of a thing: noticeable or prominent, especially in a displeasing way
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|obtrusivo|m}}, {{t|es|obtruso|m}}
- odylic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the od or odyle
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|odílico}}, {{t|es|ódico}}
- oghamic:Adjective:in, of, or pertaining to Ogham
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ogámico|m}}
- old:Adjective:of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|antiguo}}, {{tt+|es|viejo}}, {{t|es|vejancón|m}} {{qualifier|augmentative}}
- omnibenevolent:Adjective:all-loving or infinitely good
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|todobenevolente}}, {{t|es|omnibenevolente}}
- one-eyed:Adjective:having only a single eye
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tuerto}}, {{t|es|chejo|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}
- opposite:Adjective:located directly across from
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|opuesto}}, {{t|es|opósito}} {{qualifier|United States}}
- opposite:Adjective:facing the other way
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|opuesto}}, {{t|es|opósito}} {{qualifier|United States}}
- opposite:Adjective:of complementary or mutually exclusive things
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|opuesto}}, {{t|es|opósito}} {{qualifier|United States}}
- oral:Adjective:relating to the mouth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|oral}}, {{t+|es|bucal}}, {{t|es|bocal}}
- oralizable:Adjective:able to be oralized
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|oralizable}}
- organomercury:Adjective:of an organic compound, containing a carbon to mercury bond
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|organomercúrico}}
- orgasmic:Adjective:of or relating to orgasms
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|orgásmico}}, {{t+|es|orgástico}} {{qualifier|DELE}}
- osmometric:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|osmométrico}}
- outbound:Adjective:leaving or departing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|saliente}}, {{t|es|exiente}}, {{t|es|egresante}}
- outgoing:Adjective:going out, on its way out
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|saliente}}, {{t|es|exiente}}, {{t|es|egresante}}
- outlandish:Adjective:greatly different from common experience
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|abracadabrante}}, {{t+|es|descabellado|m}}, {{t+|es|disparatado|m}}, {{t+|es|estrafalario}}, {{t+|es|estrambótico}}, {{t+|es|extravagante}}, {{t+|es|insólito|m}}, {{t+|es|inverosímil}}, {{t+|es|peregrino|m}}, {{t+|es|rocambolesco|m}}
- over-the-counter:Adjective:involving direct interaction between two parties without an intermediary
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|extrabursátil}}
- overambitious:Adjective:excessively ambitious
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rampante}}, {{t|es|sobreambicioso}}
- overbearing:Adjective:overly bossy or domineering
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|oprimente}}, {{t|es|subyugante}}, {{t+|es|prepotente}}, {{t+|es|despótico}}, {{t+|es|imperioso}}, {{t+|es|dominante}}
- overelaborate:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rocambolesco|m}}, {{t|es|sobre[[elaborado]]|m}}
- overhyped:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sobrepromocionado|m}}
- overpowered:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sobrepoderoso}}, {{t|es|superpotenciado}}, {{t|es|hiperpotenciado}}
- overpriced:Adjective:priced higher than what it is really worth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sobretasado}}, {{t|es|superjustipreciado}}, {{t|es|hipervalorizado}}, {{t|es|[[valuado]] [[excesivamente]]}}, {{t|es|[[avaluado]] [[demasiadamente]]}}, {{t|es|[[demasiado]] [[costoso]] [[para]] [[lo]] [[que]] [[es]]}}
- overripe:Adjective:excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pasado}}, {{t|es|sobremaduro}}
- overwrought:Adjective:in a state of excessive nervousness, excitement, or anger
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|nerviosisimo}}, {{t|es|sobrexitado}}, {{t+|es|rabioso}}
- oxymoronic:Adjective:Of or pertaining to an oxymoron
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|oximorónico}}
- oxyntic:Adjective:producing acid
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|oxíntico|m}}
- ozonic:Adjective:of or pertaining to ozone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|ozónico}}
- p-adic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''p''-ádico}}
- pale:Adjective:having a pallor, of human skin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pálido}}, {{t|es|payulo}}, {{t|es|puspo}}
- paraclinical:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|paraclínico}}
- parallactic:Adjective:pertaining to parallax
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|paraláctico|m}}
- paralogous:Adjective:having a similar structure
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|paralogo}}
- parched:Adjective:thirsty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sediento}}, {{t+|es|sitibundo}} {{qualifier|poetic}}, {{t+|es|hidrópico}}
- pareidolic:Adjective:pertaining to pareidolia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pareidólico}}
- paroxytone:Adjective:paroxytone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|grave}}, {{t+|es|paroxítono}}, {{t+|es|llano}}
- passable:Adjective:That may be passed or traversed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pasable}}, {{t+|es|pasadero}}
- passable:Adjective:Tolerable; satisfactory; adequate
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pasadero}}
- patrilateral:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|patrilateral|m|f}}
- pederastic:Adjective:relating or pertaining to pederasty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pederastico}}
- perfectoid:Adjective:mathematical concept
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|perfectoide}}
- perfunctory:Adjective:performed out of routine, with little care
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|superficial}}, {{t+|es|perfunctorio}}, {{t+|es|rutinario}}, {{t+|es|somero}}, {{t|es|maquinal}}
- perioperative:Adjective:relating to operation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|perioperatorio}}
- peripubescent:Adjective:in or of the early onset of puberty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|peripúber}}
- perky:Adjective:standing upright; firm
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|respingón}}, {{t|es|turgente}}, {{t|es|paradito}}, {{t+|es|firme}}
- pernickety:Adjective:paying undue attention to minor details
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|punctilloso}}, {{t+|es|puntilloso}}
- personable:Adjective:having pleasing appearance or manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|simpatico}}, {{t+|es|amable}}
- pertussal:Adjective:pertaining to pertussis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pertúsico}}, {{t|es|tosferínico}}
- petty:Adjective:of persons or their behaviour: marked by or reflective of undesirably limited interests, sympathies, or views; preoccupied with subjects having little or no importance and not mindful of broader concerns
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quisquilloso}}, {{t+|es|tiquismiquis}}, {{t+|es|melindroso}}, {{t|es|de pitiminí}}, {{t+|es|detallista}}, {{t+|es|minucioso}}, {{t+|es|mezquino}}, {{t|es|mesquino}} {{q|disused}}, {{t+|es|frívolo}}, {{t+|es|nimio}}, {{t|es|väiklane}}
- phallocentric:Adjective:Focus on the phallus or on a male point of view.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|falocéntrico}}
- philopolemic:Adjective:exalting or supporting conflict or war
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|filopolémico|m}}, {{t+|es|beligerante}}, {{t+|es|belicoso|m}}
- philopolemic:Adjective:fond of polemics or controversy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|filopolémico|m}}
- phlegmonous:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|flegmonoso}}, {{t+|es|flemonoso}}
- physiognomic:Adjective:of or relating to physiognomy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|fisiognómico}}
- piceous:Adjective:of or pertaining to pitch; having a quality like pitch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|piceo|m}}
- piceous:Adjective:resembling pitch in colour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|píceo|m}}
- pinkish:Adjective:somewhat pink
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rosadizo}}, {{t|es|arosado}}
- pitiful:Adjective:so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|lastimoso}}, {{t+|es|lastimero}}, {{t+|es|penoso}}, {{t+|es|lamentoso}}, {{t+|es|penoso}}
- pivotal:Adjective:of, relating to, or being a pivot
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pivotal}}
- pivotal:Adjective:being of crucial importance; central, key
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|crucial}}, {{t|es|pivotal}}
- plasmodial:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|plasmodial}}
- platykurtic:Adjective:having negative excess kurtosis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|platicúrtico}}
- pleasant:Adjective:giving pleasure; pleasing in manner
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|agradable}}, {{t+|es|placentero}}, {{t+|es|placible}}, {{t+|es|aplacible}}, {{t+|es|apacible}}, {{t+|es|ameno}}
- pockmarked:Adjective:having pockmarks
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cacarizo}}
- poignant:Adjective:sharp-pointed; keen
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|puntiagudo}}, {{t|es|punzo-cortante}}
- pointy:Adjective:pointed in shape
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|puntudo}}, {{t+|es|puntiagudo}}
- poised:Adjective:ready, prepared
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|listo}}, {{t+|es|listoco}} {{q|festive}}, {{t+|es|preparado}}, {{t+|es|presto}}, {{t+|es|aprestado}}, {{t+|es|aparejado}}
- polymorphemic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|polimorfémico}}
- polytonic:Adjective:using the Greek system of diacritics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|politónico}}
- poor:Adjective:with few or no possessions or money
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pobre}}, {{t+|es|mishio}} {{qualifier|Argentina|Uruguay}}
- poppy:Adjective:having a popping or busting sound
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|borboteante|m|f}}, {{t|es|entusiástico|m}}, {{t+|es|burbujeante|m|f}}
- posh:Adjective:snobbish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|snob|m|f}}, {{t+|es|esnob|m|f}}, {{t+|es|fresón|m}} {{qualifier|Central America}}, {{t+|es|fifí|m|f}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}
- posttranslational:Adjective:Of or pertaining to the period after a protein has been translated from mRNA
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|posttraduccional}}
- potbellied:Adjective:having a potbelly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|panzón|m}}, {{t+|es|panzudo|m}}, {{t+|es|barrigudo|m}}, {{t+|es|barrigón|m}}, {{t+|es|guatón|m}}, {{t|es|ventripotente}}
- predictable:Adjective:able to be predicted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|predecible}}, {{t|es|predictible}}, {{t|es|previsible}}
- preemptive:Adjective:of or relating to preemption
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|preventivo}}, {{t|es|preemptivo|m}}
- preemptive:Adjective:so as to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|preventivo}}, {{t+|es|cautelar}}, {{t|es|preemptivo|m}}, {{t+|es|providencial}}, {{t+|es|precautorio|m}}
- prefatory:Adjective:introductory
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|introductorio|m}}, {{t|es|prefatorio}}
- premarital:Adjective:before one’s marriage
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|premarital}}
- premium:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''premium''}} {{q|''prímium''}}, {{t|es|prémium}}, {{t+|es|fénix|m}} {{qualifier|noun}}
- prepositional:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+check|es|preposicional}}, {{t+check|es|prepositivo}}
- preproparoxytone:Adjective:preproparoxytone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|superproparoxítono}}, {{t+|es|sobreesdrújulo}}, {{t+|es|sobresdrújulo}}
- presumptuous:Adjective:making unwarranted presumptions or assumptions and thus exceeding what is appropriate or right
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|presuntuoso}}, {{t+|es|echón}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|jechón}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}
- pretentious:Adjective:marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pretencioso}}, {{t|es|pretensioso|m}}, {{t|es|comparón}}
- pretty:Adjective:especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|guapo}}, {{t+|es|bonito}}, {{t+|es|lindo}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{qualifier|Southern Cone}}
- pretty:Adjective:of objects: nice-looking
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|bonito}}, {{t+|es|monono}} {{qualifier|Southern Cone}}
- prim:Adjective:prudish
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mojigato|m}}, {{t+|es|santurrón}}, {{t|es|cartuchón}}
- proficient:Adjective:skilled
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|competente}}, {{t+|es|proficiente}}, {{t+|es|perito}}
- profitable:Adjective:producing profit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rentable}}, {{t+|es|provechoso}}, {{t+|es|lucrativo}}, {{t+|es|ventajoso}}, {{t|es|remunerativo}}, {{t|es|proficuo}}, {{t+|es|lucroso}}
- prone:Adjective:predisposed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|propenso}}, {{t|es|propendiente}}
- pronged:Adjective:having prongs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|furcado}}
- proparoxytone:Adjective:proparoxytone
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|proparoxítono}}, {{t+|es|esdrújulo}}
- protagonistic:Adjective:characteristic of a protagonist
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|protagonístico}}, {{t|es|protagónico}}, {{t+|es|protagonista}}
- prothrombotic:Adjective:that leads to thrombosis
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|protrombótico}}
- prudent:Adjective:practically wise, judicious, shrewd
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|prudente}}, {{t|es|criterioso}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t+|es|cauto}}
- prudish:Adjective:exaggeratedly proper
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pudibundo}}, {{t+|es|santurrón}}, {{t+|es|mojigato}}, {{t|es|pacato}}, {{t+|es|timorato}}, {{t|es|cartuchón}}, {{t+|es|gazmoño}}
- psychogenic:Adjective:originating from or caused by state of mind
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|psicogénico}}, {{t|es|sicogénico}}
- psychopharmacological:Adjective:of or pertaining to psychopharmacology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|psicofarmacológico}}
- puny:Adjective:of inferior size
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|flojo}}, {{t|es|gualtrapas}}, {{t+|es|tirillas}}
- puppyish:Adjective:With the qualities of a puppy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|cachorril|m|f}}
- pushy:Adjective:overly assertive, bold, or determined
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|prepotente}}, {{t+|es|avasallador}}, {{t+|es|insistente}}, {{t+|es|agobiante}}, {{t+|es|agresivo}}, {{t|es|empujador}}, {{t|es|empujante}}
- putrescible:Adjective:Decomposable; capable of becoming putrescent; rottable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|putrescible}}
- quarrelsome:Adjective:given to quarreling
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rijoso}}, {{t|es|pleitista}}, {{t+|es|leguleyo}}, {{t|es|porfiador}}, {{t+|es|quilombero}}, {{t+|es|picapleitos}}, {{t|es|querelloso}}, {{t+|es|querellante}}, {{t+|es|querellador}}
- queasy:Adjective:experiencing or causing nausea or uneasiness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nauseabundo}}, {{t+|es|nauseoso}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- queer:Adjective:pertaining to non-normative sexuality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''queer''}}, {{qualifier|neutral}} {{t+|es|torcido}}, {{t+|es|cuir}}, {{t|es|non heterosexual}}
- quixotic:Adjective:Resembling or characteristic of Don Quixote
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quijotesco}}, {{t|es|aquijotado|m}}
- ragged:Adjective:wearing tattered clothes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|andrajoso|m}}, {{t+|es|harapiento|m}}, {{t|es|trapajoso|m}}, {{t+|es|haraposo|m}}, {{t|es|desarrapado|m}}, {{t+|es|astroso|m}}, {{t+|es|zarrapastroso|m}}, {{t+|es|zarrapastrón|m}}
- raggedy:Adjective:wearing ragged clothes
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|harapiento|m}}, {{t+|es|andrajoso|m}}, {{t|es|desarrapado|m}}, {{t|es|desharrapado|m}}, {{t+|es|zarrapastroso|m}}, {{t|es|hilachento|m}}
- raised:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|relievado}}, {{t+|es|tridimensional}}, {{t|es|saledizo}}
- random:Adjective:computing: pseudorandom
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|pseudoaleatorio}}, {{t|es|pseudoazaroso|m}}, {{t|es|pseudoestocástico|m}}
- rapturous:Adjective:being full of rapture
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|extático}}, {{t+|es|arrobadizo}}, {{t|es|arrobador}}, {{t|es|embelesador}}, {{t+|es|arrebatado}}, {{t+|es|apasionado}}, {{t+|es|entusiasta}}, {{t+|es|vehemente}}, {{t+|es|exultante}}, {{t+|es|entusiasmado}}, {{t+|es|arrobado}}, {{t+|es|eufórico}}, {{t+|es|extasiado}}, {{t+|es|embelesado}}
- ratiocinative:Adjective:Pertaining to or characterized by ratiocination
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|raciocinativo}}
- re-electable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|reeligible}}, {{t|es|reesleíble}}
- ready:Adjective:prepared for immediate action or use
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|preparado}}, {{t+|es|listo}}, {{t+|es|listoco}} {{qualifier|colloquial|Chile}}, {{t+|es|alistado}}, {{t+|es|aprestado}}
- recognizable:Adjective:able to be recognized
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|reconocible}}, {{t|es|recognoscible}}
- recumbent:Adjective:lying down
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|recumbente}}, {{t+|es|yacente}}, {{t+|es|reclinado}}
- reddish:Adjective:resembling the colour red
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rojizo}}, {{t|es|rubescente}}
- reddish:Adjective:quite red; red to a certain extent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rojizo}}, {{t|es|rubescente}}
- redolent:Adjective:suggestive or reminiscent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|redolente}}
- regular:Adjective:having a constant pattern
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|regular}}, {{t|es|eurítmico}}
- religiological:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|religiológico}}
- reluctant:Adjective:not wanting to take some action
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|renuente}}, {{t+|es|reacio}}, {{t+|es|reluctante}}, {{t+|es|reticente}}, {{t+|es|renitente}}
- remaining:Adjective:which remains
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|restante}}, {{t+|es|remanente}}, {{t|es|remaneciente}}
- remorseful:Adjective:feeling or filled with remorse
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|arrepentido}}, {{t|es|remordiente}}
- resultative:Adjective:indicating the state of a noun
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|resultativo}}
- retaliatory:Adjective:relating to or part of a retaliation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|represaliante|m|f}}
- revivable:Adjective:possible to return to life
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|revivificable}}
- revulsive:Adjective:causing revulsion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|revulsivo}}, {{t|es|revulsorio}}
- rhizotonic:Adjective:stem-stressed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rizotónico}}
- rich:Adjective:having wealth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rico}}, {{t+|es|pesudo}}
- right-handed:Adjective:of one who uses their right hand in preference to, or more skillfully than their left.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|diestro}}, {{t|es|dextrómano}} {{qualifier|psychology|Spain}}
- rogue:Adjective:deceitful, unprincipled
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|deshonesto}}, {{t+|es|corrupto}}, {{t|es|inescrupuloso}}, {{t+|es|chanta}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t+|es|chantapufi}} {{qualifier|River Plate}}, {{t+|es|bribón}}, {{t+|es|pícaro|m}}, {{t+|es|bellaco}}, {{t+|es|delincuente}}, {{t+|es|gamberro}}
- royal:Adjective:of or relating to a monarch or his family
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|real}}, {{t|es|realengo|m}}, {{t+|es|regio|m}}, {{t+|es|monárquico|m}}, {{t+|es|palaciego|m}}, {{t|es|palaciano|m}}
- rude:Adjective:bad-mannered
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rudo}}, {{t+|es|grosero}}, {{t+|es|descortés}}, {{t+|es|soez}}, {{t|es|patasucia}} {{qualifier|River Plate}}
- rudimentary:Adjective:of or relating to rudiments
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rudimentario}}, {{t+|es|rudimental}}
- rudimentary:Adjective:basic; minimal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|rudimental}}, {{t+|es|rudimentario}}, {{t+|es|elemental}}
- rugged:Adjective:rough with bristles
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|velludo}}, {{t|es|barboso}}, {{t+|es|peludo|m}}, {{t+|es|peluda|f}}
- rurban:Adjective:of a location which has both urban and rural characteristics
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|rurbano}}
- russet:Adjective:color
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|marrojizo}}, {{t|es|marrojiza|f}}
- saccharine:Adjective:of or relating to sugar
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sacarino}}, {{t+|es|sacarífero|m}}
- saccharine:Adjective:excessively sweet, especially if romantic or sentimental to the point of ridiculousness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cursi}}, {{t+|es|dulzón}}, {{t+|es|empalagoso}}, {{t|es|meloso|m}}, {{t|es|pasteloso|m}} {{qualifier|Spain}}, {{t|es|sensiblero|m}}
- saline:Adjective:salty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|salino}}, {{t|es|salífero|m}}
- sapiosexual:Adjective:sexually attracted to intelligence
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sapiosexual}}
- satisfying:Adjective:that satisfies
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|satisfactorio}}, {{t|es|satisfaciente}}
- saturnine:Adjective:of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|saturnino|m}}, {{t+|es|saturnina|f}}, {{t|es|soturno|m}}, {{t|es|soturna|f}}
- scattered:Adjective:Randomly distributed
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desperdigado}}, {{t+|es|disperso}}, {{t|es|esparsido|m}}
- scheming:Adjective:tending to scheme
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intrigante}}, {{t|es|trapisondista}}
- scrawny:Adjective:thin, malnourished and weak
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|enjuto}}, {{t+|es|magro}}, {{t+|es|escuálido}}, {{t|es|escuchimizado}}, {{t+|es|esmirriado}}, {{t+|es|tirillas}}, {{t+|es|canijo}}, {{t+|es|enclenque}}, {{t+|es|endeble}}, {{t+|es|flacucho}}, {{t|es|pishque}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}
- secluded:Adjective:in seclusion, isolated, remote
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|secluso}}
- seclusive:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|secluso}}
- seedy:Adjective:full of seeds
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|semilloso}}
- selenocentric:Adjective:having the moon at the center
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|selenocéntrico}}
- self-evident:Adjective:obviously true
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|autoevidente}}, {{t+|es|lógico}}, {{t+|es|evidente}}
- self-explanatory:Adjective:explaining itself
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|autoexplicativo|m}}, {{t+|es|evidente}}, {{t+|es|intuitivo|m}}
- self-righteous:Adjective:piously self-assured and smugly moralistic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mojigato|m}}, {{t+|es|creído}}, {{t+|es|santurrón|m}}, {{t+|es|farisaico|m}}
- semasiological:Adjective:of or pertaining to semasiology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|semasiológico}}
- semifluid:Adjective:having properties intermediate between liquids and solids
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|semiflúido}}
- semipornographic:Adjective:partly pornographic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|semipornográfico}}
- senile:Adjective:exhibiting the deterioration in mind
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|senil}}, {{t+|es|chocho}}, {{t|es|chocheante}}, {{t+|es|gagá}}
- sensorimotor:Adjective:of or pertaining to both sensory and motor activity
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sensoriomotor|m}}, {{t|es|sensoriomotora|f}}
- sentient:Adjective:able to consciously perceive through the use of sense faculties
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|consciente}}, {{t|es|sentiente}} {{q|DPD|Fundéu}}, {{t|es|sintiente}}
- shabby:Adjective:poor in quality; showing little effort or talent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chimbo}} {{qualifier|Andes}}, {{t+|es|deterior}}, {{t+|es|cutre}}
- shady:Adjective:abounding in shades
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|umbroso}}, {{t|es|umbrátil}}, {{t+|es|umbrío}}, {{t+|es|sombreado}}
- shady:Adjective:causing shade
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|umbroso}}, {{t|es|umbrátil}}
- shady:Adjective:not trustworthy; unfit to be seen or known
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|turbio}}, {{t+|es|sórdido}}, {{t+|es|sospechoso}}, {{t|es|suspecto}}, {{t+|es|dudoso}}, {{t+|es|deshonesto}}
- shallow:Adjective:lacking interest or substance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|superficial}}, {{t|es|desinteresante}}
- shameless:Adjective:having no shame
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desvergonzado}}, {{t+|es|caradura}}, {{t+|es|descarado}}, {{t+|es|impúdico}}, {{t|es|relambido|m}}, {{t+|es|desfachatado|m}}, {{t+|es|atorrante}}
- sheer:Adjective:downright; complete
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|puro}}, {{t+|es|mero}}, {{t+|es|gran}}, {{t+|es|grosso}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t+|es|enorme}}
- shit:Adjective:despicable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|mierdada|f}}
- shitty:Adjective:covered in shit
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|merdoso|m}}, {{t+|es|cagado|m}}
- short:Adjective:of a person, of comparatively small height
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|bajo}}, {{t+|es|petiso}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t+|es|chato}}, {{t|es|pishirico|m}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}, {{t|es|patato|m}} {{qualifier|Cuba}}, {{t|es|zaparruco|m}}
- short-legged:Adjective:having short legs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|paticorto|m}}
- sidesplitting:Adjective:exceptionally funny
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|descuajaringante}}, {{t|es|desternillante}}, {{t|es|descacharrante}}, {{t|es|tronchante}}, {{t|es|[[para]] [[morirse]] [[de]] ([[la]]) [[risa]]}}, {{t|es|[[para]] [[partirse]] [[de]] ([[la]]) [[risa]]}}, {{t|es|[[para]] [[cagarse]] [[de]] ([[la]]) [[risa]]}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}
- silly:Adjective:semiconscious
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|semiaturdido}}
- sinoatrial:Adjective:relating to the venous sinus and right atrium
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sinoatrial}}
- skinny:Adjective:thin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|delgado}}, {{qualifier|to a more extreme degree}} {{t+|es|flaco}}, {{t|es|enlapado|m}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}
- sleazy:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+check|es|cutre}}, {{t-check|es|corroncho}}, {{t+check|es|gacho}}, {{t+check|es|groncho}}, {{t+check|es|corrupto}}, {{t+check|es|escandaloso}}, {{t+check|es|sórdido}}
- slender:Adjective:thin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|esbelto}}, {{t|es|''slender''}} {{qualifier|''slénder''|Puerto Rico}}
- slight:Adjective:small in amount, insignificant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|insignificante}}, {{t+|es|leve}}, {{t+|es|ligero}}, {{t|es|lene}}, {{t+|es|lieve}}
- slipshod:Adjective:done poorly or too quickly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chapucero|m}}, {{t+|es|descuidado|m}}, {{t+|es|burdo|m}}, {{t|es|pastrano|m}}
- small:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|''small''}} {{qualifier|Americas}}, {{t|es|esmol}} {{qualifier|Central America}}
- smooth:Adjective:lacking friction, not rough
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|liso}}, {{t|es|glaxo}} {{qualifier|water surface|Peru}}
- snow-white:Adjective:as white as snow
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|blanconieve}}, {{t+|es|nevado}}, {{t+|es|níveo}}
- soapy:Adjective:resembling soap
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|saponáceo|m}}
- somnambulistic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|somnámbulo}}
- sooty:Adjective:soiled with soot
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tiznado}}, {{t|es|hollinoso}}, {{t|es|holliniento|m}}
- soteriological:Adjective:pertaining to soteriology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|soteriológico}}
- spagyric:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|espagírico}}
- spectrometric:Adjective:of or pertaining to spectrometry
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|espectrométrico}}
- spicy:Adjective:providing a burning sensation due to chilies and other spices
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|picante}}, {{t+|es|picoso}}, {{t|es|alampante}}
- sporadic:Adjective:exhibiting random behaviour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|esporádico}}, {{t|es|guadianesco}} {{qualifier|Spain}}
- squeaky:Adjective:producing a high-pitched sound or squeak
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|chirriante}}, {{t|es|chirriadero}}, {{t+|es|chirriador}}, {{t+|es|chirreador}}, {{t|es|chirreante}}
- squiffy:Adjective:slightly intoxicated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|achispado}}, {{t|es|piripí}}
- squishy:Adjective:(of an object or substance) yielding easily to pressure; very soft; especially, soft and wet, as mud
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|blando|m}}, {{t+|es|fofo|m}}, {{t+|es|esponjoso|m}}, {{t+|es|bofo|m}}, {{t|es|fungoso|m}}
- stale:Adjective:having lost its freshness
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{qualifier|bread}} {{t+|es|duro}}, {{t+|es|revenido}}, {{qualifier|food}} {{t+|es|pasado}}, {{t+|es|rancio}}, {{qualifier|air}} {{t+|es|viciado}}, {{t+|es|alaste}}, {{t+|es|correoso}}, {{t+|es|endurecido}}
- standard:Adjective:falling within an accepted range
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|estándar}}, {{t|es|stándar}}, {{t|es|stándard}}, {{t|es|estándard}}
- starchy:Adjective:containing starch
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|feculento}}, {{t+|es|amiláceo}}
- stertorous:Adjective:Sounding like snoring
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estertoroso}}
- still:Adjective:not moving, calm
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quieto}}, {{t|es|glaxo}} {{qualifier|water surface|Peru}}
- stoned:Adjective:high on drugs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|colocado}} {{qualifier|Spain}}, {{t|es|marihuano}}, {{t|es|pacheco}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t+|es|emporrado}}, {{t+|es|trabado}} {{qualifier|Colombia}}
- straight:Adjective:heterosexual
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|hetero}}, {{t|es|hétero}}, {{t+|es|heterosexual}}
- stressful:Adjective:irritating; causing stress
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|irritante}}, {{t|es|estresoso}}, {{t+|es|estresante}}
- stressogenic:Adjective:causing stress
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estresogénico}}
- stupendous:Adjective:astonishingly great or large
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|groso}} {{qualifier|Southern Cone}}
- styloid:Adjective:of or pertaining to the styloid process
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|estiloides}}, {{t|es|estiloideo}}
- subsequent:Adjective:following in time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|subsiguiente}}, {{t+|es|posterior}}, {{t|es|subseyente}}, {{t+|es|ulterior}}, {{t|es|subsecuente}}
- supererogatory:Adjective:doing more than is required
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|supererogatorio}}
- superordinate:Adjective:greater in degree, rank or position
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|superordinado}}
- suppletive:Adjective:which supplies an etymologically unrelated word with forms, or which is used as one of its forms
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|supletivo}}
- suppressive:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|suprimiente}}
- supraglacial:Adjective:of, relating to, or situated or occurring at the surface of a glacier
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|supraglaciar}}
- suspect:Adjective:viewed with suspicion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|suspecto|m}}, {{t+|es|sospechoso|m}}
- suspicious:Adjective:arousing suspicion
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sospechoso}}, {{t|es|suspecto|m}}
- sustentacular:Adjective:serving to support or sustain
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sustentacular}}
- swanky:Adjective:posh; elegant; ritzy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|elegante}}, {{t|es|ricachon}} {{qualifier|slang}}
- sylvan:Adjective:wooded
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|silvano}}, {{t+|es|silvestre}}, {{t+|es|selvático}}, {{t+|es|silvático}}
- sympathetic:Adjective:of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|compasivo}}, {{t+|es|comprensivo}}, {{t+|es|amable}}, {{t|es|comprehensivo}}, {{t|es|simpatético}}, {{t+|es|empático}}, {{t+|es|simpatizador}}
- synanthropic:Adjective:associated with humans
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sinantrópico}}, {{t|es|sinántropo}}
- syndemic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|sindémico|m}}
- tamed:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|mansuefacto|m}}, {{t+|es|amansado|m}}
- tantamount:Adjective:equivalent in meaning or effect
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|equivalente}}, {{t|es|equiparable}}, {{t|es|equipolente}}
- tart:Adjective:with sharp taste, sour
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|ácido}}, {{t+|es|amargo}}, {{t+|es|acescente}}
- tax-deductible:Adjective:exempt from payment of income tax
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desgravable}}
- teetotal:Adjective:abstinent from alcohol
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|abstemio}}, {{t+|es|temperante}}, {{t+|es|aguado|m}}
- telestial:Adjective:of or pertaining to the lowest degree of glory
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|telestial|m|f}}
- telling:Adjective:revealing information; bearing significance
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|revelador}}, {{t+|es|expresivo}}, {{t+|es|indicante}}
- temporary:Adjective:for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|temporal}} {{qualifier|[[polysemic]]}}, {{t+|es|temporario}}, {{t+|es|temporáneo}}, {{t+|es|temporero}}
- teramorphous:Adjective:having the shape of a monster
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|teramorfo}}
- terebrant:Adjective:of an insect: that bores; specifically, belonging to the Terebrantia suborder of thrips which bore using their ovipositors
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|terebrante}}
- thick:Adjective:relatively great in extent from one surface to another
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|grueso}}, {{tt+|es|espeso}}, {{t|es|colipavo}}
- thin:Adjective:having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|flaco}}, {{tt+|es|delgado}}, {{t+|es|enjuto|m}}, {{t|es|güin|m}} {{qualifier|noun}}, {{t+|es|raquítico}}, {{t|es|fifiriche}} {{qualifier|very}}
- thin-skinned:Adjective:overly sensitive to criticism
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|picajón|m}}, {{t|es|picajoso|m}}
- thixotropic:Adjective:becoming a fluid when agitated but solid or semi-solid when allowed to stand
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tisotrópico}}
- three-pronged:Adjective:having three prongs
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|trifurcado}}
- thriving:Adjective:flourishing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|boyante}}, {{t|es|prosperante}}, {{t+|es|floreciente}}, {{t|es|medrante}}
- thunderous:Adjective:very loud; suggestive of thunder
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|atronador|m}}, {{t+|es|tonante}}, {{t-check|es|tonitronante}}, {{t|es|tronitoso|m}}, {{t+|es|estruendoso|m}}, {{t-check|es|tronitonante}}, {{t-check|es|tonitruante}}
- time-lapse:Adjective:photographic technique
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|time-lapse|m}}
- timeless:Adjective:not decreasing over time in quality and appeal
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|intemporal}}, {{t|es|atemporal}}, {{t|es|ácrono}}, {{t+|es|acrónico}}
- tolerable:Adjective:Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured; bearable or endurable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tolerable}}, {{t|es|soportable}}, {{t+|es|llevadero}}, {{t+|es|sufrible}}
- tonsorial:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|barberil}}, {{t|es|tonsoril}}
- toothless:Adjective:Having no teeth
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desdentado}}, {{t|es|edéntulo}}
- topsy-turvy:Adjective:chaotic, disorderly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|caotico}}, {{t+|es|desordenado}}
- totipotent:Adjective:exhibiting totipotency
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|totipotente}}
- touchable:Adjective:Capable of being touched
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tocable|m|f}}
- touchy:Adjective:easily offended; oversensitive
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|quisquilloso}}, {{t|es|picajoso}}, {{t|es|picajón}}
- trackless:Adjective:not running on tracks
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|destraciado}}, {{t|es|destraciada|f}}
- traitor:Adjective:traitorous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|traidor}}, {{t|es|kalé}} {{qualifier|Paraguay}}
- traitorous:Adjective:characteristic of a traitor
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|traicionero}}, {{t+|es|traidor}}, {{t|es|kalé}} {{qualifier|Paraguay}}
- transalpine:Adjective:on the other side of the Alps
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|transalpino}}, {{t|es|trasalpino}}
- transcutaneous:Adjective:passing through intact skin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|transcutáneo}}
- translingual:Adjective:existing in multiple languages
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|interlingüe}}, {{t|es|translingüe}}
- transmarine:Adjective:beyond or on the other side of a sea
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|transmarino}}
- transmarine:Adjective:crossing a sea
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|transmarino}}
- transmasculine:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|transmasculino}}
- transplantable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|transplantable}} {{qualifier|DEA}}, {{t|es|trasplantable}}
- trial:Adjective:pertaining to a language form referring to three of something
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|trial}}
- triboelectric:Adjective:electrical charge transfer due to sliding or contact
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|triboeléctrico}}
- triboluminescent:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|triboluminiscente}}
- tribomechanical:Adjective:of or pertaining to the tribological and mechanical properties of a system
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tribomecánico}}
- tripping:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|trasoñante}}, {{t|es|[[tripea]]nte}}
- trippy:Adjective:strange; similar to the effects of a hallucinogen
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|flipante}}, {{t|es|tripeante}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}, {{t|es|tripiante}} {{qualifier|Venezuela}}, {{t|es|tripioso}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}
- triune:Adjective:both three and one at the same time
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|triuno|m}}
- truant:Adjective:of a student: absent from school without permission
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|truante}}
- true:Adjective:concurring with a given set of facts
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cierto}}, {{t+|es|verdadero}}, {{t+|es|verídico}}, {{t|es|verífico}}, {{t+|es|vero}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- truthful:Adjective:accurately depicting what is real
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|fiel}}, {{t+|es|verídico|m}}, {{t|es|verífico|m}}
- tuberculotic:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|tuberculoso|m}}, {{t|es|tuberculótico|m}}
- turgid:Adjective:distended beyond natural state
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|turgente}}, {{t|es|túrgido}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- turnt:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|zorimbo|m}}, {{t|es|sorimbo|m}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t|es|surimbo|m}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}, {{t+|es|cuete}}, {{t+|es|peneque}}
- twentieth:Adjective:ordinal form of twenty
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|vigésimo}}, {{t+|es|veinteno}}, {{t+|es|veintésimo}}, {{t|es|vicésimo}}
- typhous:Adjective:of or pertaining to typhus
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|tifoideo}}, {{t+|es|tífico}}
- unaccompanied:Adjective:travelling without companions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|in[[acompañado]]}}
- unaccompanied:Adjective:performed without accompaniment
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|in[[acompañado]]}}
- unachievable:Adjective:that cannot be achieved
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inalcanzable}}, {{t|es|ilograble}}
- unadulterated:Adjective:pure
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inadulterado}}, {{t|es|[[no]] [[adulterado]]}}
- unattractive:Adjective:not handsome or beautiful or appealing
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inatrayente}}, {{t|es|inatractivo|m}}
- unbiblical:Adjective:not biblical
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|anti-bíblico}}
- unciform:Adjective:of the shape of a hook
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|unciforme|m|f}}
- unconcerned:Adjective:indifferent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|despreocupado}}, {{t|es|inconcernido|m}}
- undead:Adjective:being animate, though non-living
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|no-muerto|m}}, {{t+|es|zombi}}
- under the weather:Adjective:somewhat ill
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indispuesto}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|es|pachucho}}, {{t+|es|malucho}}, {{t+|es|maluco}}, {{t|es|malmarriento}}
- underpowered:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|subpotenciado}}, {{t|es|infrapoderoso}}
- undeterred:Adjective:undiscouraged
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|in[[disuadido]]}}, {{t|es|indeterrido}}
- undiscouraged:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|in[[desalentado]]}}, {{t|es|in[[desanimado]]}}
- uneven:Adjective:not uniform
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desuniforme}}
- uneven:Adjective:varying in quality
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|despatronizado}}
- unexplorable:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inexplorable}}
- unfettered:Adjective:not restricted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|irrestringido|m}}, {{t+|es|irrestricto}}
- unhinged:Adjective:mentally ill or unstable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desquiciado}}, {{t+|es|trastornado}}, {{t+|es|derranchado}}
- unifiable:Adjective:able to be united or unified
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|unificable}}
- unincreasable:Adjective:not able to be increased
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inincrementable}}
- unintentional:Adjective:not intended or deliberate; inadvertent; unwitting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desintencionado}}, {{t|es|inintencionado}}, {{t+|es|involuntario|m}}, {{t+|es|sin querer}}, {{t|es|sin proponérselo}}, {{t|es|non intencional}}
- uninterested:Adjective:indifferent
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desinteresado}}, {{t+|es|indiferente}}, {{t|es|desinteresal}} {{qualifier|disused}}
- unisonal:Adjective:being in unison
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|unísono|m}}, {{t+|es|unisonante|m|f}}, {{t|es|unisón}}
- unisonant:Adjective:producing the same sound
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|unísono|m}}, {{t+|es|unisonante|m|f}}, {{t|es|unisón}}
- unmergeable:Adjective:incapable of being merged
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|infusionable}}
- unpleasant:Adjective:not pleasant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|desagradable}}, {{t+|es|desapacible}}, {{t|es|insuave}}
- unquestioning:Adjective:believing without question
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|incuestionante}}, {{t|es|non cuestionante}}
- unrealistic:Adjective:not realistic
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|irreal}}, {{t|es|irrealizable}}, {{t|es|irrealista}}, {{t|es|irrealístico}}, {{t|es|[[non]] [[realístico]]}}
- unrealized:Adjective:Not realized
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|irrealizado}}, {{t|es|non realizado}}, {{t|es|non percatado}}, {{t|es|non apiolado}}, {{t|es|non coscado}}
- unrestricted:Adjective:not restricted
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|irrestringido}}, {{t+|es|irrestricto}}
- unseemly:Adjective:inconsistent with standards, etc.
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inapropiado}}, {{t|es|extemporal}}, {{t+|es|extemporáneo}}, {{t+|es|impropio}}, {{t+|es|desubicado}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}
- unsociable:Adjective:not congenial or compatible
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|morugo}}, {{t+|es|insociable}}, {{t+|es|chúcaro}} {{qualifier|South America}}, {{t+|es|chúntaro}} {{qualifier|Mexico}}
- unsocial:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insocial}}
- unsophisticated:Adjective:not sophisticated
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|insofisticado|m}}
- unstable:Adjective:readily decomposed or decomposable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inestable}}, {{t+|es|instable}}
- unsuspecting:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|desprevenido}}, {{t+|es|incauto}}, {{t+|es|imprevisor}}, {{t+|es|impróvido}}, {{t|es|in[[sospecha]]nte}}
- untamed:Adjective:Wild, uncontrolled, especially of animals not domesticated or trained to human contact
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|indómito}}, {{t+|es|chúcaro}}, {{t|es|bravío}}, {{t+|es|cerril}}, {{t|es|cerrero}}, {{t+|es|díscolo}}
- untrue:Adjective:false
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|falso}}, {{t+|es|incorrecto}}, {{t|es|inexacto}}, {{t|es|fatulo|m}} {{qualifier|Puerto Rico}}
- ununifiable:Adjective:impossible to unify of be unified
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inunificable}}
- unused:Adjective:not used
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|inusitado}}, {{t|es|inusado}}
- unwilling:Adjective:not willing; reluctant
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|reticente}}, {{t+|es|renitente}}, {{t|es|[[no]] / [[poco]] [[dispuesto]] / [[voluntarioso]] / [[listoco]] / [[gustoso]]}}, {{t+|es|imprestable}}
- unwinnable:Adjective:unable to be won
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|inganable}}
- uppity:Adjective:presumptuous, above oneself
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|subidito|m}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- upsetting:Adjective:upsetting
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|perturbante|m}}, {{t+|es|molestoso|m}}, {{t|es|trastornoso|m}}, {{t|es|alertante|m}}
- uxorial:Adjective:of or pertaining to a wife
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|uxorio|m}}
- variadic:Adjective:taking a variable number of arguments
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|variádico|m}}
- vegetable:Adjective:of or relating to plants
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|vegetal}}, {{t+|es|vegetable}}
- velvety:Adjective:like velvet
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|aterciopelado}}, {{t|es|terciopelado}}
- vermicular:Adjective:relating to or having the form of a worm
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vermicular}}
- versatile:Adjective:having varied uses or many functions
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|versátil}}, {{t+|es|multiuso}}, {{t|es|multívoco|m}}
- vexatious:Adjective:causing vexation
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vejatorio}}, {{t+|es|vejador|m}}
- viewing:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|visivo}}
- vinous:Adjective:pertaining to or having the characteristics of wine
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vinoso}}, {{t|es|vínico}}
- virological:Adjective:of or pertaining to virology
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|virológico}}
- viscous:Adjective:having a thick, sticky consistency
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|viscoso}}, {{t|es|alastoso|m}}, {{t+|es|alaste}}
- volatile:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+check|es|volátil}}, {{t-check|es|inestible}}
- volcanogenic:Adjective:having a volcanic origin
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vulcanogénico}}
- vortical:Adjective:pertaining to a vortex
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|vortiginoso|m}}
- wary:Adjective:cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|cauteloso}}, {{t+|es|precavido}}, {{t+|es|desconfiado}}, {{t+|es|receloso}}, {{t+|es|sospechoso}}, {{t|es|sospechante}}, {{t+|es|suspicaz}}
- watery:Adjective:wet, soggy or soaked with water
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|acuoso}}, {{t+|es|aguoso|m}}, {{t+|es|aguanoso|m}}, {{t+|es|aguachento|m}}, {{t+|es|aguazoso|m}}, {{t+|es|aguado}}, {{t|es|aguachinoso}}
- weak:Adjective:lacking in force or ability
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|débil}}, {{t+|es|feble}}, {{t+|es|flaco}}, {{t+|es|flojo}}, {{t|es|pilishte}} {{qualifier|Central America}}, {{t|es|pilishne}} {{qualifier|El Salvador}}, {{t|es|pishteluco}} {{qualifier|Guatemala}}
- weighing:Adjective:weighing (adjective)
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|pesante}}
- well-built:Adjective:well-built physique
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|masetiado}}
- whiny:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|quejetas}}, {{t+|es|quejoso}}, {{t+|es|quejicoso}}, {{t+|es|quejica}}, {{t+|es|quejilloso}}, {{t|es|cojijoso}}, {{t+|es|quejumbroso}}, {{t+|es|llorón}}
- white:Adjective:of or relating to Caucasians
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|caucásico}}, {{t|es|blanquiñoso}} {{qualifier|Andes}}
- whitish:Adjective:somewhat white
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|blancuzco}}, {{t+|es|blanquecino}}, {{t|es|blanquinoso}}, {{t|es|blanquizo}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{t|es|blanquizco}}
- whorey:Adjective:Of or resembling a slut
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|aputada}}
- willing:Adjective:ready to do something that is not a matter of course
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|dispuesto}}, {{t+|es|listo}}, {{t+|es|voluntarioso}}, {{t+|es|gustoso}}, {{t+|es|listoco}} {{q|festive}}
- wilted:Adjective:(of plants) drooping due to lack of water
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|marchito}}, {{t|es|chuchurrío}} {{qualifier|Spain, Andalusia; colloquial}}
- witchy:Adjective:witchlike
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|embrujado|m}}, {{t|es|brujeril}}, {{t|es|brujesco|m}}, {{t|es|brujil}}
- womanly:Adjective:having the characteristics of a woman
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|femenino}}, {{t+|es|mujeril}}, {{t+|es|femenil}}, {{t+|es|femíneo|m}}, {{t|es|feminoide}}, {{t|es|amujerado|m}}, {{t+|es|adamado|m}}, {{t+|es|ahembrado|m}}, {{t+|es|afeminado|m}}
- worm-eaten:Adjective:eaten by worms, especially having a worm inside
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|agusanado}}, {{t|es|gusaniento|m}}, {{t|es|gusanoso|m}}
- xenial:Adjective:hospitable
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|acogedor}}, {{t|es|hospitalario}}, {{t+|es|cobijador}}
- xerophthalmic:Adjective:of or pertaining to xerophthalmia
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|xeroftálmico}}
- yeasty:Adjective:
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t-check|es|levaduroso}}
- yellow-bellied:Adjective:of an animal or reptile having a yellow underside or belly
- Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|ventriamarillo}}