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User:Chuck Entz/Lifeform Category Tables/Animals

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Animals (18 c132 e) - w:Animal

1. Animal body parts*


Animal body parts (336 e) 

2. Arthropods

1. Arthropods (5 c, 78 e)  1. Arachnids‎ (3 c, 80 e)  1. Mites and ticks‎ (1 c120 e) (subpage) 1. Ticks‎ (22 e) 
2. Scorpions‎ (17 e) 
3. Spiders‎ (3 c135 e) (subpage) 1. Araneoid spiders‎ (57 e) 
2. Dionychan spiders‎ (36 e) 
3. Mygalomorph spiders‎ (42 e) 
2. Crustaceans (10 c110 e) (subpage) 1. Amphipods‎‎ (77 e) 
2. Anomurans‎ (47 e) 
3. Astacideans‎ (33 e) 
4. Barnacles‎ (31 e) 
5. Branchiopods (29 e) 
6. Caridean shrimp‎‎ (37 e) 
7. Copepods‎‎ (57 e) 
8. Crabs‎‎ (133 e) 
9. Decapods‎‎ (4 c, 56 e)  1. (Anomurans (See under Crustaceans‎) )
2. (Astacideans‎ (See under Crustaceans‎) )
3. (Caridean shrimp‎‎ (See under Crustaceans‎) )
4. (Crabs‎‎ (See under Crustaceans‎) )
10. Isopods‎ (70 e) 
3. Insects‎ (21 c118 e)  1. Barklice (21 e) 
2. Bees‎ (94 e) 
3. Beetles‎‎ (8 c130 e) (subpage) 1. Adephagan beetles (50 e) 
2. Bostrichiform beetles‎‎ (33 e) 
3. Chrysomeloid beetles‎‎ (65 e) 
4. Elateroid beetles‎‎ (47 e) 
5. Scarabaeoids‎‎ (93 e) 
6. Staphylinoid beetles‎ (28 e) 
7. Tenebrionoid beetles (59 e) 
8. Weevils‎‎ (73 e) 
4. Butterflies (5 c, 23 e)  1. Gossamer-winged butterflies‎‎ (64 e) 
2. Nymphalid butterflies‎ (3 c119 e) (subpage) 1. Danaine butterflies (20 e) 
2. Limenitidine butterflies‎ (26 e) 
3. Satyrine butterflies‎ (43 e) 
3. Pierid butterflies‎‎ (48 e) 
4. Skippers‎‎ (52 e) 
5. Swallowtails‎‎ (48 e) 
5. Caddis flies (29 e) 
6. Cockroaches‎ (1 c, 31 e)  1. (Termites‎ (See under Insects) )
7. Crickets and grasshoppers (91 e) 
8. Dipterans (8 c162 e) (subpage) 1. Aschizan flies (22 e) 
2. Asilomorph flies (25 e) 
3. Bibionomorphs (30 e) 
4. Horseflies‎ (24 e) 
5. Mosquitoes (1 c, 21 e)  1. (Mosquito-borne diseases (See under Vector-borne diseases) )
6. Muscoid flies‎ (20 e) 
7. Oestroid flies‎ (42 e) 
8. Tephritoid flies‎ (31 e) 
9. Dragonflies and damselflies‎ (2 c, 69 e) (subpage) 1. Damselflies‎ (39 e) 
2. Libellulid dragonflies (53 e) 
10. Earwigs‎ (23 e) 
11. Fleas‎ (31 e) 
12. Hemipterans (4 c, 76 e) (subpage) 1. Aphids‎ (34 e) 
2. Cicadas‎ (33 e) 
3. Scale insects‎ (37 e) 
4. True bugs‎ (2 c, 99 e) (subpage) 1. Assassin bugs (24 e) 
2. Pentatomoid bugs (31 e) 
13. Hymenopterans (5 c106 e) (subpage) 1. Ants‎ (1 c143 e) (subpage) 1. Myrmicine ants‎ (25 e) 
2. (Bees‎‎ (See under Insects) )
3. Chalcidoid wasps (31 e) 
4. Sawflies and wood wasps‎ (30 e) 
5. Vespids‎ (27 e) 
14. Lice‎‎ (41 e) 
15. Mayflies‎ (21 e) 
16. Megalopterans‎ (12 e) 
17. Moths‎ (7 c196 e) (subpage) 1. Geometrid moths‎‎ (52 e) 
2. Noctuoid moths‎‎ (158 e) 
3. Pyraloid moths‎‎ (47 e) 
4. Saturniid moths‎‎ (24 e) 
5. Sphinx moths‎‎ (28 e) 
6. Tortricid moths‎‎ (27 e) 
7. Zygaenoid moths‎‎ (24 e) 
18. Neuropterans‎ (44 e) 
19. Stick insects‎ (18 e) 
20. Stoneflies (19 e) 
21. Termites‎ (21 e) 
4. Myriapods‎ (41 e) 
5. Trilobites (36 e) 

3. Baby animals‎*


Baby animals‎ (238 e)  *

4. Bestiality*


Bestiality (11 e) 

5. Brachiopods


Brachiopods (44 e) 

6. Bryozoans


Bryozoans (36 e) - w:Bryozoa

7. Chordates


Chordates (2 c, 45 e) - w:Chordate

   1. Vertebrates


Vertebrates (6 c133 e) - w:Vertebrate

      1. Amphibians

1. Amphibians‎ (4 c, 28 e) - w:Amphibian 1. Anurans (2 c, 56 e) - w:Anura 1. Frogs (208 e) - w:Frog
2. Toads (27 e) 
2. Caecilians (15 e) 
3. Salamanders‎ (1 c, 75 e) - w:Salamander 1. Newts (19 e) - w:Newt
4. Temnospondyls (31 e) 

      2. Birds

2. Birds‎ (19 c187 e) (subpage)- w:Bird 1. Apodiforms (1 c, 25 e)  1.Hummingbirds‎ (83 e) 
2. Birds of prey‎ (7 c, 60 e)  1.Accipiters (38 e) 
2. Buteos‎‎ (34 e) 
3. Eagles‎‎ (59 e) 
4. Falconids‎‎ (78 e) 
5. Kites (birds)‎ (17 e) 
6. Owls‎‎ (84 e) 
7. Vultures‎‎ (38 e) 
3. Caprimulgiforms (29 e) 
4. Columbids (143 e) 
5. Coraciiforms (1 c, 20 e)  1. Kingfishers‎ (39 e) 
6. Eggs (73 e) 
7. Fowls‎ (3 c147 e) (subpage) 1. (Chickens‎ (See under Poultry) )
2. Grouse‎ (51 e) 
3. New World quails (18 e) 
8. Freshwater birds‎ (8 c, 10 e)  1. Anatids‎‎ (3 c, 15 e) (subpage) 1. Ducks‎‎‎ (2 c136 e)  1. Dabbling ducks‎ (63 e) 
2. Mergansers (17 e) 
2. Geese‎‎ (60 e) 
3. Swans‎‎ (30 e) 
2. Flamingos‎ (10 e) 
3. Grebes‎‎ (25 e) 
4. Gruiforms (2 c, 16 e)  1. Cranes (birds)‎‎ (32 e) 
2. Rallids‎‎‎ (96 e) 
5. Herons‎‎‎ (63 e) 
6. Ibises and spoonbills‎‎‎ (25 e) 
7. Loons‎‎‎ (23 e) 
8. Storks‎‎ (24 e) 
9. Hoopoes and hornbills (17 e) 
10. Otidimorph birds (1 c, 20 e)  1. Cuckoos‎ (37 e) 
11. Parrots‎ (1 c115 e) (subpage) 1. Cockatoos (30 e) 
12. Penguins (36 e) 
13. Perching birds (32 c216 e) (subpage)- w:Passerine 1. Accentors (12 e) 
2. (Antshrikes‎ (See under Suboscines) )
3. Australasian robins (15 e) 
4. Bulbuls (12 e) 
5. Cardinalids (27 e) 
6.Certhioid birds (1 c, 21 e)  1. Wrens (30 e) - w:wrens
7. Corvoid birds‎ (2 c, 68 e)  1. (Corvids (See under Perching birds‎) )
2. (Shrikes (See under Perching birds) )
8. Corvids‎ (90 e) 
9. Cuckooshrikes and minivets‎ (15 e) 
10. Emberizids‎ (43 e) 
11. Icterids‎ (49 e) 
12. Larks‎ (20 e) 
13. Laughingthrushes (19 e) 
14. Malaconotoid birds (44 e) 
15. Meliphagoid birds (1 c, 39 e)  1. Honeyeaters (44 e) 
16. Mimids (12 e) 
17. Muscicapids‎ (91 e) 
18.New World sparrows‎‎ (42 e) 
19.Old World orioles‎‎ (16 e) 
20.Pipits and wagtails‎ (40 e) 
21. Shrikes (27 e) 
22. Starlings (28 e) 
23. Suboscines (4 c, 47 e)  1. Antshrikes‎ (51 e) 
2. Tyrant flycatchers‎ (68 e) 
3. Cotingas (20 e) 
4. Ovenbirds (45 e) 
24. Swallows‎ (33 e) 
25. Tanagers (33 e) 
26 Thrushes (70 e) 
27. Tits (79 e) 
28. True finches‎ (123 e) 
29. True sparrows (24 e) 
30. Warblers (2 c104 e) (subpage) 1. Leaf warblers‎ (22 e) 
2. New World warblers‎‎ (35 e) 
31. Weaver finches (43 e) 
32. Weaverbirds (25 e) 
14. Piciforms‎ (1 c, 30 e)  1. Woodpeckers‎ (81 e) 
15. Poultry‎ (3 c, 17 e)  1. Chickens‎ (74 e) 
2. (Ducks‎ (See under Anatids) )
3. (Geese‎ (See under Anatids) )
16. Ratites (1 c, 46 e)  1. Tinamous (53 e) 
17. Screamers‎ (12 e) 
18. Seabirds (5 c, 38 e) (subpage) 1. Auks‎‎ (45 e) 
2. Gulls‎‎ (59 e) 
3. Suliform birds‎ (43 e) 
4. Terns‎‎ (38 e) 
5. Tubenose birds‎‎ (79 e) 
19. Shorebirds‎ (2 c, 80 e) (subpage) 1. Plovers and lapwings‎ (63 e) 
2. Scolopacids (142 e) (subpage)

      3. Fish

3. Fish‎ (43 c525 e) (subpage)- w:Fish‎ 1. Acanthuroid fish‎ (27 e) 
2. Acipenseriform fish‎ (34 e) 
3. Anglerfish‎ (35 e) 
4. Argentiniform fish‎ (16 e) 
5. Atheriniform fish‎ (24 e) 
6. Aulopiform fish‎ (32 e) 
7. Beloniform fish‎ (41 e) 
8. Blennies (28 e) 
9. Catfish (109 e) 
10. Characins (56 e) 
11. Chimaeras (fish) (20 e) 
12. Cyprinids‎ (2 c, 82 e)  1. Carps‎ (32 e) 
2. Leuciscine fish (87 e) 
13. Elopomorph fish‎ (1 c, 22 e)  1. Eels (73 e) 
14. Flatfish (63 e) 
15. Gadiforms‎ (101 e) 
16. Gasterosteiform fish (21 e) 
17. Gobies‎ (36 e) 
18. Herrings (61 e) 
19. Holostean fish (26 e) 
20. Jawless fish (41 e) 
21. Labroid fish‎ (2 c, 26 e)  1. Cichlids (39 e) 
2. Wrasses (44 e) 
22. Labyrinth fish‎ (19 e) 
23. Lampriform fish‎ (21 e) 
24. Loaches (22 e) 
25. Lobe-finned fishes (41 e) 
26. Osteoglossomorph fish‎ (29 e) 
27. Otocephalan fish‎ (6 c, 43 e)  1. Catfish (109 e) 
2. (Characins (See under Fish) )
3. (Cyprinids‎ (See under Fish) )
4. (Herrings‎ (See under Fish) )
5. Loaches (22 e) 
6. Suckers (fish)‎ (26 e) 
28. Percoid fish (8 c213 e) (subpage) 1. Croakers‎ (46 e) 
2. Jackfish (69 e) 
3. Kyphosid fish (21 e) 
4. Perch and darters (39 e) 
5. Serranids‎ (37 e) 
6. Snappers (23 e) 
7. Sparids (52 e) 
8. Sunfish (37 e) 
29. Pikes (fish) (17 e) 
30. Placoderms (30 e) 
31. Rays and skates (70 e) 
32. Salmonids (1 c111 e)  1. Freshwater whitefish‎ (24 e) 
33. Scombroids‎ (91 e) 
34. Scorpaeniform fish (1 c123 e)  1. Sebastids (20 e) 
35. Sharks (2 c107 e) (subpage) 1. Carcharhiniform sharks‎ (65 e) 
2. Lamniform sharks (38 e) 
36. Smelts (29 e) 
37. Stromateoid fish‎ (24 e) 
38. Suckers (fish)‎ (26 e) 
39. Syngnathiform fish (43 e) 
40. Tetraodontiforms (70 e) 
41. Toothcarps (50 e) 
42. Trachinoid fish (42 e) 
43. Zoarcoid fish (38 e) 

      4. Mammals

4. Mammals‎ (21 c167 e) (subpage)- w:Mammal 1. African insectivores (27 e) 
2. Anteaters and sloths (29 e) 
3. Armadillos‎ (31 e) 
4. Bats‎ (110 e) 
5. Camelids (34 e) 
6. Carnivores‎ (12 c, 29 e)  1. Canids‎ (5 c, 44 e)  1. Dogs‎‎ (6 c348 e)  1. Designer dogs‎ (51 e) 
2. (Scenthounds‎ (See under Hunting dogs‎) )
3.(Sighthounds (See under Hunting dogs‎) )
4. Hunting dogs‎ (5 c, 23 e)  1. Gun dogs (2 c, 8 e)  1. Retrievers‎ (1 c, 7 e)  1. Water dogs (5 e) 
2. Spaniels‎‎ (19 e) 
2. Scenthounds‎‎ (16 e) 
3. Sighthounds‎ (15 e) 
4. Terriers‎ (23 e) 
5. Warren hounds‎ (2 e) 
5. Pastoral dogs‎ (2 c, 0 e)  1. Herding dogs (40 e) 
2. Livestock guardian dogs (12 e) 
6. Toy dogs (25 e) 
7. Working dogs‎ (25 e) 
2. Foxes‎‎ (85 e) 
2. South American canids (41 e) 
3. Wolves (50 e) 
2. Euplerids (5 e) 
3. Felids (2 c, 99 e)  1. Cats (1 c142 e)  1. Domestic cats (99 e) 
2. Panthers (63 e) 
4. Herpestids‎ (20 e) 
5. Hyaenids (16 e) 
6. Mephitids (21 e) 
7. Mustelids‎ (93 e) 
8. Pinnipeds‎ (2 c, 12 e)  1. Otariid seals‎ (18 e) 
2. Phocid seals (54 e) 
9. Procyonids‎ (30 e) 
10. Ursids (63 e) 
11. Viverrids (37 e) 
7. Colugos‎ (14 e) 
8. Dugongs and manatees‎ (19 e) 
9. Elephants‎ (63 e) 
10. Erinaceids‎ (17 e) 
11. Even-toed ungulates (7 c, 72 e)  1. Antelopes (2 c, 74 e) - w:Antelope 1. Antilopine antelopes‎ (48 e) 
2. Alcelaphine antelopes (26 e) 
2. Bovines‎ (1 c, 48 e)  1. Cattle‎ (122 e) 
3. Camelids‎ (34 e) 
4. Caprines‎ (2 c, 34 e)  1. Goats (60 e) 
2. Sheep (83 e) 
5. Cervids‎ (1 c119 e)  1. Reindeers (9 e) 
6. Cetaceans (2 c, 77 e) (subpage) 1. Delphinids (53 e) 
2. Whales (1 c, 93 e) 
7. Pigs‎ (92 e) 
12. Hyraxes‎ (15 e) 
13. Lagomorphs (2 c, 10 e)  1. Hares (27 e) 
2. Rabbits (50 e) 
14. Marsupials (4 c, 93 e) (subpage) 1. Bandicoots and bilbies (22 e) 
2. Dasyuromorphs (51 e) 
3. Macropods (80 e) 
4. Vombatiforms (24 e) 
15. Monotremes‎ (21 e) 
16. Odd-toed ungulates‎ (2 c, 21 e)  1. Equids (1 c, 68 e)  1. Horses (6 c202 e)  1. Horse tack‎ (99 e) *
2. Rhinoceroses (28 e) 
17. Pangolins‎ (15 e) 
18. Primates‎ (4 c, 32 e)  1. Hominids (89 e) 
2. Lesser apes‎ (22 e) 
3. Monkeys (2 c, 7 e) (subpage)- w:Monkey 1. New World monkeys‎ (84 e) 
2. Old World monkeys‎‎ (3 c, 36 e)  1. Cercopithecin monkeys‎ (23 e) 
2. Colobine monkeys (24 e) 
3. Macaques‎‎ (33 e) 
4. Prosimians‎ (83 e) 
19. Rodents‎ (5 c124 e)  1. Caviomorphs‎‎ (102 e) 
2. Phiomorphs (30 e) 
3. Cricetids‎ (76 e) 
4. Murids‎ (90 e) 
5. Squirrels‎‎ (82 e) 
20. Soricomorphs‎ (50 e) 

      5. Reptiles

5. Reptiles‎ (8 c185 e) (subpage)- w:Reptile 1. Crocodilians‎ (45 e) 
2. Dinosaurs (3 c, 91 e) (subpage) 1. Ornithopods (36 e) 
2. Sauropods (52 e) 
3. Theropods (135 e) 
3 Ichthyosauromorphs (29 e) 
4. Lizards (6 c, 26 e) (subpage) 1. Agamid lizards‎ (39 e) 
2. Anguimorph lizards‎‎ (47 e) 
3. Geckos‎‎ (30 e) 
4. Iguanoid lizards‎‎ (58 e) 
5. Lacertoid lizards‎‎‎ (37 e) 
6. Scincomorph lizards‎‎‎ (35 e) 
5. Sauropterygians (33 e) 
6. Pterosaurs (39 e) 
7. Snakes‎‎ (4 c117 e)  1. Boas‎‎‎ (22 e) 
2. Colubrid snakes‎‎ (78 e) 
3. Elapid snakes‎‎‎ (55 e) 
4. Vipers‎‎‎ (74 e) 
8. Turtles (3 c, 99 e) (subpage) 1. Sea turtles‎‎ (25 e) 
2. Emydid turtles‎‎ (32 e) 
3. Tortoises‎‎ (27 e) 

8. Cnidarians

Cnidarians (5 c, 97 e) (subpage)- w:Cnidaria 1.Hydrozoans (55 e) 
2.Sea anemones (30 e) 
3.Soft corals (38 e) 
4.Stony corals (41 e) 
5.True jellyfish (34 e) 

9. Ctenophores


Ctenophores (14 e) - w:Ctenophora

10. Echinoderms‎

1. Echinoderms‎ (2 c, 88 e) (subpage)- w:Echinoderm 1. Sea cucumbers (33 e) - w:Sea cucumber
2. Sea urchins (42 e) - w:Sea urchin

11. Female animals‎*


Female animals‎ (144 e)  *

12. Livestock*

Livestock (6 c, 18 e)  * (Cattle (See under Even-toed ungulates) )
(Goats (See under Caprines) )
(Horses (See under Equids) )
(Pigs (See under Even-toed ungulates) )
(Poultry (See under Birds) )
(Sheep (See under Caprines) )

13. Male animals‎*


Male animals‎ (106 e)  *

14. Mollusks‎

Mollusks‎ (3 c, 69 e) - w:Mollusca 1. Bivalves‎ (1 c205 e) (subpage)- w:Bivalve 1. Venerida order mollusks (80 e) - w:Venerida
2. Cephalopods‎ (3 c, 73 e) - w:Cephalopod 1. Ammonites (97 e) - w:Ammonoidea
2. Octopuses‎ (31 e) - w:Octopus
3. Squid‎ (51 e) - w:Squid
3. Gastropods‎ (5 c217 e) (subpage)- w:Gastropoda 1. Snails (153 e) - w:Snail
2. Littorinimorphs (94 e) 
3. Neogastropods‎ (71 e) 
4. Nudibranchs‎ (41 e) 
5. Vetigastropods‎ (63 e) 

15. Sponges


Sponges (96 e) - w:Sponge

16. Worms

Worms (3 c, 75 e)  1. Annelids‎ (1 c131 e) (subpage)- w:Annelid 1. Earthworms (30 e) - w:Earthworm
2. Flatworms (106 e) - w:Flatworm
3. Nematodes‎ (134 e) - w:Nematode