User:Chuck Entz/Lifeform Category Tables/Animals
Animals (18 c, 131 e) - w:Animal
1. Animal body parts*
[edit]Animal body parts (333 e)
2. Arthropods
[edit]3. Baby animals*
[edit]Baby animals (238 e) *
4. Bestiality*
[edit]Bestiality (11 e)
5. Brachiopods
[edit]Brachiopods (44 e)
6. Bryozoans
[edit]7. Chordates
[edit]Chordates (2 c, 45 e) - w:Chordate
1. Vertebrates
[edit]Vertebrates (6 c, 133 e) - w:Vertebrate
1. Amphibians
[edit]1. Amphibians (4 c, 28 e) - w:Amphibian | 1. Anurans (2 c, 74 e) - w:Anura | 1. Frogs (207 e) - w:Frog |
2. Caecilians (13 e) | ||
3. Salamanders (1 c, 60 e) - w:Salamander | 1. Newts (19 e) - w:Newt | |
4. Temnospondyls (31 e) |
2. Birds
[edit]2. Birds (19 c, 176 e) (subpage)- w:Bird | 1. Apodiforms (1 c, 25 e) | 1.Hummingbirds (83 e) | |
2. Birds of prey (7 c, 60 e) | 1.Accipiters (40 e) | ||
2. Buteos (34 e) | |||
3. Eagles (59 e) | |||
4. Falconids (78 e) | |||
5. Kites (birds) (17 e) | |||
6. Owls (84 e) | |||
7. Vultures (38 e) | |||
3. Caprimulgiforms (31 e) | |||
4. Columbids (142 e) | |||
5. Coraciiforms (1 c, 20 e) | 1. Kingfishers (39 e) | ||
6. Eggs (70 e) | |||
7. Fowls (3 c, 147 e) (subpage) | 1. (Chickens (See under Poultry) ) | ||
2. Grouse (51 e) | |||
3. New World quails (18 e) | |||
8. Freshwater birds (8 c, 10 e) | 1. Anatids (3 c, 15 e) (subpage) | 1. Ducks (2 c, 135 e) | 1. Dabbling ducks (63 e) |
2. Mergansers (17 e) | |||
2. Geese (60 e) | |||
3. Swans (31 e) | |||
2. Flamingos (10 e) | |||
3. Grebes (25 e) | |||
4. Gruiforms (2 c, 16 e) | 1. Cranes (birds) (32 e) | ||
2. Rallids (96 e) | |||
5. Herons (63 e) | |||
6. Ibises and spoonbills (25 e) | |||
7. Loons (23 e) | |||
8. Storks (24 e) | |||
9. Hoopoes and hornbills (17 e) | |||
10. Otidimorph birds (1 c, 20 e) | 1. Cuckoos (37 e) | ||
11. Parrots (1 c, 115 e) (subpage) | 1. Cockatoos (30 e) | ||
12. Penguins (36 e) | |||
13. Perching birds (32 c, 207 e) (subpage)- w:Passerine | 1. Accentors (12 e) | ||
2. (Antshrikes (See under Suboscines) ) | |||
3. Australasian robins (15 e) | |||
4. Bulbuls (12 e) | |||
5. Cardinalids (27 e) | |||
6.Certhioid birds (1 c, 21 e) | 1. Wrens (30 e) - w:wrens | ||
7. Corvoid birds (2 c, 69 e) | 1. (Corvids (See under Perching birds) ) | ||
2. (Shrikes (See under Perching birds) ) | |||
8. Corvids (90 e) | |||
9. Cuckooshrikes and minivets (15 e) | |||
10. Emberizids (43 e) | |||
11. Icterids (49 e) | |||
12. Larks (20 e) | |||
13. Laughingthrushes (19 e) | |||
14. Malaconotoid birds (44 e) | |||
15. Meliphagoid birds (1 c, 39 e) | 1. Honeyeaters (44 e) | ||
16. Mimids (12 e) | |||
17. Muscicapids (91 e) | |||
18.New World sparrows (42 e) | |||
19.Old World orioles (16 e) | |||
20.Pipits and wagtails (40 e) | |||
21. Shrikes (27 e) | |||
22. Starlings (25 e) | |||
23. Suboscines (4 c, 47 e) | 1. Antshrikes (51 e) | ||
2. Tyrant flycatchers (68 e) | |||
3. Cotingas (20 e) | |||
4. Ovenbirds (45 e) | |||
24. Swallows (33 e) | |||
25. Tanagers (33 e) | |||
26 Thrushes (70 e) | |||
27. Tits (79 e) | |||
28. True finches (117 e) | |||
29. True sparrows (24 e) | |||
30. Warblers (2 c, 104 e) (subpage) | 1. Leaf warblers (22 e) | ||
2. New World warblers (35 e) | |||
31. Weaver finches (43 e) | |||
32. Weaverbirds (25 e) | |||
14. Piciforms (1 c, 30 e) | 1. Woodpeckers (81 e) | ||
15. Poultry (3 c, 17 e) | 1. Chickens (72 e) | ||
2. (Ducks (See under Anatids) ) | |||
3. (Geese (See under Anatids) ) | |||
16. Ratites (1 c, 46 e) | 1. Tinamous (53 e) | ||
17. Screamers (12 e) | |||
18. Seabirds (5 c, 36 e) (subpage) | 1. Auks (45 e) | ||
2. Gulls (59 e) | |||
3. Suliform birds (43 e) | |||
4. Terns (38 e) | |||
5. Tubenose birds (79 e) | |||
19. Shorebirds (2 c, 80 e) (subpage) | 1. Plovers and lapwings (63 e) | ||
2. Scolopacids (142 e) (subpage) |
3. Fish
[edit]4. Mammals
[edit]4. Mammals (21 c, 167 e) (subpage)- w:Mammal | 1. African insectivores (27 e) | ||
2. Anteaters and sloths (29 e) | |||
3. Armadillos (31 e) | |||
4. Bats (110 e) | |||
5. Camelids (34 e) | |||
6. Carnivores (12 c, 29 e) | 1. Canids (5 c, 44 e) | 1. Dogs (6 c, 343 e) | 1. Designer dogs (49 e) |
2. (Scenthounds (See under Hunting dogs) ) | |||
3.(Sighthounds (See under Hunting dogs) ) | |||
4. Hunting dogs (5 c, 23 e) | 1. Gun dogs (2 c, 8 e) | 1. Retrievers (1 c, 7 e) | 1. Water dogs (5 e) |
2. Spaniels (19 e) | |||
2. Scenthounds (14 e) | |||
3. Sighthounds (15 e) | |||
4. Terriers (23 e) | |||
5. Warren hounds (2 e) | |||
5. Pastoral dogs (2 c, 0 e) | 1. Herding dogs (40 e) | ||
2. Livestock guardian dogs (12 e) | |||
6. Toy dogs (25 e) | |||
7. Working dogs (24 e) | |||
2. Foxes (84 e) | |||
2. South American canids (41 e) | |||
3. Wolves (49 e) | |||
2. Euplerids (5 e) | |||
3. Felids (2 c, 96 e) | 1. Cats (1 c, 139 e) | 1. Domestic cats (93 e) | |
2. Panthers (62 e) | |||
4. Herpestids (20 e) | |||
5. Hyaenids (15 e) | |||
6. Mephitids (21 e) | |||
7. Mustelids (93 e) | |||
8. Pinnipeds (2 c, 12 e) | 1. Otariid seals (18 e) | ||
2. Phocid seals (54 e) | |||
9. Procyonids (29 e) | |||
10. Ursids (63 e) | |||
11. Viverrids (28 e) | |||
7. Colugos (14 e) | |||
8. Dugongs and manatees (19 e) | |||
9. Elephants (63 e) | |||
10. Erinaceids (17 e) | |||
11. Even-toed ungulates (7 c, 72 e) | 1. Antelopes (2 c, 74 e) - w:Antelope | 1. Antilopine antelopes (48 e) | |
2. Alcelaphine antelopes (26 e) | |||
2. Bovines (1 c, 48 e) | 1. Cattle (122 e) | ||
3. Camelids (34 e) | |||
4. Caprines (2 c, 34 e) | 1. Goats (60 e) | ||
2. Sheep (83 e) | |||
5. Cervids (1 c, 119 e) | 1. Reindeers (9 e) | ||
6. Cetaceans (2 c, 72 e) (subpage) | 1. Delphinids (54 e) | ||
2. Whales (1 c, 93 e) | |||
7. Pigs (92 e) | |||
12. Hyraxes (15 e) | |||
13. Lagomorphs (2 c, 10 e) | 1. Hares (27 e) | ||
2. Rabbits (50 e) | |||
14. Marsupials (4 c, 89 e) (subpage) | 1. Bandicoots and bilbies (22 e) | ||
2. Dasyuromorphs (51 e) | |||
3. Macropods (80 e) | |||
4. Vombatiforms (24 e) | |||
15. Monotremes (21 e) | |||
16. Odd-toed ungulates (2 c, 21 e) | 1. Equids (1 c, 68 e) | 1. Horses (6 c, 199 e) | 1. Horse tack (99 e) * |
2. Rhinoceroses (28 e) | |||
17. Pangolins (15 e) | |||
18. Primates (4 c, 32 e) | 1. Hominids (89 e) | ||
2. Lesser apes (22 e) | |||
3. Monkeys (2 c, 7 e) (subpage)- w:Monkey | 1. New World monkeys (84 e) | ||
2. Old World monkeys (3 c, 36 e) | 1. Cercopithecin monkeys (23 e) | ||
2. Colobine monkeys (24 e) | |||
3. Macaques (33 e) | |||
4. Prosimians (83 e) | |||
19. Rodents (5 c, 112 e) | 1. Caviomorphs (98 e) | ||
2. Phiomorphs (30 e) | |||
3. Cricetids (76 e) | |||
4. Murids (90 e) | |||
5. Squirrels (81 e) | |||
20. Soricomorphs (50 e) |
5. Reptiles
[edit]5. Reptiles (8 c, 185 e) (subpage)- w:Reptile | 1. Crocodilians (45 e) |
2. Dinosaurs (3 c, 91 e) (subpage) | 1. Ornithopods (36 e) |
2. Sauropods (52 e) | |
3. Theropods (135 e) | |
3 Ichthyosauromorphs (29 e) | |
4. Lizards (6 c, 25 e) (subpage) | 1. Agamid lizards (38 e) |
2. Anguimorph lizards (47 e) | |
3. Geckos (28 e) | |
4. Iguanoid lizards (58 e) | |
5. Lacertoid lizards (37 e) | |
6. Scincomorph lizards (35 e) | |
5. Sauropterygians (32 e) | |
6. Pterosaurs (39 e) | |
7. Snakes (4 c, 117 e) | 1. Boas (22 e) |
2. Colubrid snakes (78 e) | |
3. Elapid snakes (55 e) | |
4. Vipers (73 e) | |
8. Turtles (3 c, 98 e) (subpage) | 1. Sea turtles (25 e) |
2. Emydid turtles (31 e) | |
3. Tortoises (27 e) |
8. Cnidarians
[edit]Cnidarians (5 c, 98 e) (subpage)- w:Cnidaria | 1.Hydrozoans (56 e) |
2.Sea anemones (30 e) | |
3.Soft corals (38 e) | |
4.Stony corals (41 e) | |
5.True jellyfish (32 e) |
9. Ctenophores
[edit]Ctenophores (13 e) - w:Ctenophora
10. Echinoderms
[edit]1. Echinoderms (2 c, 87 e) (subpage)- w:Echinoderm | 1. Sea cucumbers (33 e) - w:Sea cucumber |
2. Sea urchins (42 e) - w:Sea urchin |
11. Female animals*
[edit]Female animals (144 e) *
12. Livestock*
[edit]Livestock (6 c, 18 e) * | (Cattle (See under Even-toed ungulates) ) |
(Goats (See under Caprines) ) | |
(Horses (See under Equids) ) | |
(Pigs (See under Even-toed ungulates) ) | |
(Poultry (See under Birds) ) | |
(Sheep (See under Caprines) ) |
13. Male animals*
[edit]Male animals (106 e) *
14. Mollusks
[edit]Mollusks (3 c, 69 e) - w:Mollusca | 1. Bivalves (1 c, 205 e) (subpage)- w:Bivalve | 1. Venerida order mollusks (80 e) - w:Venerida |
2. Cephalopods (3 c, 73 e) - w:Cephalopod | 1. Ammonites (97 e) - w:Ammonoidea | |
2. Octopuses (31 e) - w:Octopus | ||
3. Squid (51 e) - w:Squid | ||
3. Gastropods (5 c, 217 e) (subpage)- w:Gastropoda | 1. Snails (153 e) - w:Snail | |
2. Littorinimorphs (94 e) | ||
3. Neogastropods (71 e) | ||
4. Nudibranchs (40 e) | ||
5. Vetigastropods (63 e) |
15. Sponges
[edit]16. Worms
[edit]Worms (3 c, 75 e) | 1. Annelids (1 c, 131 e) (subpage)- w:Annelid | 1. Earthworms (30 e) - w:Earthworm |
2. Flatworms (106 e) - w:Flatworm | ||
3. Nematodes (134 e) - w:Nematode |