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User:Chuck Entz/Annelids

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary




  1. annelid
  2. annelidan
  3. chaetopod
  4. machaeridian
  5. megadrile
  6. microdrile
  7. myzostomid
  8. ringed worm
  9. sea worm
  10. segmented worm
  1. clitellate
  1. leech
  2. hirudinean
  3. turtle leech
  4. water-leech
  1. erpobdellid
  1. haemadipsid
  1. horse-leech
  1. praobdellid
  1. glossiphoniid
  1. ozobranchid
  1. oligochaete
  2. oligochaetologist
  3. oligochaetology
  1. enchytraeid
  2. Grindal worm
  3. ice worm
  4. potworm
  5. whiteworm
  1. naidid
  1. phreodrilid
  1. tubifex
  2. tubificid
  • Incertae sedis
  1. blackworm
  2. blood worm
  3. lumbriculid
  1. polychaeta
  2. polychete
  3. tubeworm
  1. eunicid
  1. amphinomid
  2. fireworm
  1. dorvilleid
  1. eunicid
  2. palolo
  3. palolo worm
  1. lumbrinerid
  1. onuphid
  2. sao
  1. phyllodocid
  1. sea mouse
  2. seamouse
  1. thorny worm
  1. hesionid
  1. lacydonid
  1. nautiliniellid
  1. nephtyid
  1. clam worm
  2. nereid
  3. nereidid
  4. ragworm
  5. sandworm
  1. phyllodocid
  1. pilargid
  1. polynoid
  2. scaleback
  3. scaleworm
  4. sea caterpillar
incertae sedis
  1. nerillid
  1. spintherid
  1. oweniid
  1. sabellariid
  1. feather duster worm
  2. peacock worm
  3. sabella
  4. sabellid
  5. sabelloid
  1. Christmas tree worm
  2. serpulid
  3. tubeworm
  1. beard worm
  2. bone-eating snot flower worm
  3. boneworm
  4. giant tube worm
  5. siboglinid
  6. zombie worm
  1. spirorbid
  1. chaetopterid
  1. spionid
  1. acrocirrid
  2. spaghetti worm
  1. alvinellid
  2. Pompeii worm
  1. ampharetid
  1. cirratulid
  1. mason worm
  2. pectinariid
  1. mason worm
  2. sand mason worm
  3. terebellid
incertae sedis
  1. saccocirrid
  1. scolecid
  1. arenicolid
  2. beachworm
  3. cockworm
  4. lob-worm
  5. lugworm
  6. sandworm
  1. capitellid
  1. maldanid
  1. opheliid
  1. orbiniid
  1. echiuran
  2. echiurid
  3. spoon worm
  4. spoonworm
  1. thalassematid
  1. innkeeper worm
  2. penis fish
  1. archiannelid

(per Wikipedia)

  • Dinophilidae (not in Wikispecies)
Wikipedia genera:

Raw list


Annelids (1 c131 e)