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User:Chuck Entz/Gastropods

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Gastropods (5 c217 e) 


  1. apogastropod
  2. archaeogastropod
  3. aspidobranch
  4. bucaniid (possibly not a gastropod)
  5. euomphalacean (possibly not a gastropod)
  6. euomphalid (possibly not a gastropod)
  7. inferobranchian
  8. lophospirid
  9. loxonematid
  10. loxonematoid
  11. macluritid (possibly not a gastropod)
  12. malacophilous
  13. mesogastropod
  14. murchisoniacean
  15. omphalotrochid (possibly not a gastropod)
  16. onychochilid (possibly not a gastropod)
  17. opisthobranch
  18. palaeozygopleurid
  19. prosobranch
  20. raphistomatid
  21. rhipidoglossan
  22. sinuopeid
  23. trochonematid
  1. croggan
  2. limpet
  3. limpin
  4. patellogastropod
  1. patellid
  2. patelloid
  1. acmaea
  2. acmaeid
  1. nacellid
  1. cryptobranch
  2. lepetid
  1. lottiid
  2. scurrid
  1. neolepetopsid
  1. lepetopsid

Vetigastropods (63 e) 

  1. bathysciadiid
  1. cocculinid
  1. peltospiroid
  1. neomphalid
  1. peltospirid

  1. oriostomatid
  1. platyceratid
  1. helicinid
  1. neritiliid
  1. proserpinid
  1. hydrocenid
  1. nerite
  2. neritid
  1. phenacolepadid
  1. neritopsid
  1. orthonychid
  1. monotocardian
  2. pseudozygopleurid
  3. stenoglossan
  4. taenioglossan


  1. pseudomelaniid
  1. abyssochrysoid.
  1. alvinoconchid
  2. provannid
  1. campaniloid
  1. ampullinid
  1. campanilid
  1. cerithioidean
  1. batillariid
  1. cassiopid
  1. cerithiid
  1. dialid
  1. litiopid
  1. melanopsid
  1. modulid
  1. pachychilid
  1. paludomid
  1. planaxid
  1. pleurocerid
  2. rocksnail
  1. potamidid
  1. procerithiid
  1. siliquariid
  1. melanian
  2. melaniid
  3. thiarid
  1. turritella
  2. turritellid
  1. subulitacean
  1. subulitid


  1. pilid
  1. cyclophorid
  1. diplommatinid
  1. poteriid
  1. pupinid
  1. viviparid

Littorinimorphs (94 e) 

  1. ptenoglossan
  1. epitoniid
  2. wentletrap
  1. bubble shell
  2. ianthina
  3. janthinid
  1. eulimid
  1. triphorid
  1. cerithiopsid

Neogastropods (71 e) 

  1. aplustrid
  2. euthyneuran
  3. heterobranch
  4. hydatinid
  1. acteonellid
  1. actaeonid
  2. acteonid
  1. architectonicid
  1. cimid
  1. mathildid
  1. ceritellid
  2. nerineoidean
  1. nerineid
  1. nerinellid
  1. orbitestellid
  1. pyram
  2. pyramidellid
  3. odostomiid
  4. syrnolid
  5. turbonillid
  1. rhodopid
  1. ringiculid
  1. rissoellid
  1. valvatid
  2. Utah roundmouth snail
  1. nudipleuran
  1. pleurobranchid

Nudibranchs (40 e) 

  1. notaspidean
  1. umbraculid
  1. tylodinid
  1. anaspidean
  2. akerid
  3. aplysiid
  4. sea hare
  1. runcinid
  1. euthecosome
  2. limacinoid
  3. pteropod
  4. wing-shell
  1. gymnosome
  2. sea angel
  1. clionid
  1. cliopsid
  1. pneumodermatid
  1. sea butterfly
  2. thecosome
  1. cavoliniid
  2. hyalea
  1. limacinid
  1. cymbuliid
  1. desmopterid
  1. peraclid
  1. cephalaspidean
  1. diaphanid
  1. cylichnid
  1. scaphandrid
  1. retusid
  1. bubble shell
  2. bullid
  1. philinid
  1. aglajid
  1. philinoglossid
  1. gastropterid
  1. haminoeid
  2. haminoid

  1. panpulmonate
  2. pulmonate
  1. siphonarian
  1. boselliid
  2. sacoglossan
  1. juliid
  1. oxynoid
  1. volvatellid
  1. caliphyllid
  2. hermaeid
  1. limapontiid
  2. stiligerid
  1. elysiid
  1. ancylid
  2. chilinid
  3. stagnicoline
  1. acochlidian
  2. hedylopsacean
  3. microhedylid
  1. eupulmonate
  1. stylommatophoran
  1. athoracophorid
  2. red triangle slug
  1. achatinellid
  1. enid
  1. achatine snail
  2. achatinid
  1. aperid
(charopid- categorized as snails)
  1. cystopeltid
  1. banana slug
  1. arionid
  2. black slug
  1. philomycid
limacoid clade
  1. chronid
  1. parmacellid
  1. greenhouse slug
  2. milacid
  1. ghost slug
  2. trigonochlamydid
  1. ariophantid
  1. urocyclid
  1. leopard slug
  2. limacid
  3. limacine
  4. limacoid
  5. yellow slug
  1. agriolimacid
  1. vitrinid
  1. onchidiid
  1. rathouisiid
  1. vaginulid
  2. veronicellid
  1. otinid
  1. gadiniid
  2. trimusculid

Raw list


Gastropods (5 c217 e) 

  1. abyssochrysoid.
  2. achatinellid.
  3. achatinid.
  4. acmaea.
  5. acmaeid.
  6. acochlidian.
  7. actaeonid.
  8. acteonellid.
  9. acteonid.
  10. aglajid.
  11. agriolimacid.
  12. akerid.
  13. alvinoconchid.
  14. ampullinid.
  15. anaspidean.
  16. ancylid.
  17. aperid.
  18. aplustrid.
  19. aplysiid.
  20. archaeogastropod.
  21. architectonicid.
  22. arionid.
  23. ariophantid.
  24. aspidobranch.
  25. athoracophorid.
  26. banana slug.
  27. basommatophoran
  28. bathysciadiid.
  29. batillariid.
  30. black slug.
  31. boselliid.
  32. bubble shell.
  33. bucaniid.
  34. bullid.
  35. caliphyllid.
  36. campanilid.
  37. campaniloid.
  38. cassiopid.
  39. cavoliniid.
  40. cephalaspidean.
  41. ceritellid.
  42. cerithiid.
  43. cerithioidean.
  44. cerithiopsid.
  45. chilinid.
  46. chronid.
  47. cimid.
  48. clionid.
  49. cliopsid
  50. clisospirid
  51. cocculinid.
  52. croggan.
  53. cryptobranch.
  54. cylichnid.
  55. cymbuliid.
  56. cystopeltid.
  57. desmopterid.
  58. dialid.
  59. diaphanid.
  60. diplommatinid.
  61. dorid.
  62. elysiid.
  63. epitoniid.
  64. eulimid.
  65. euomphalacean.
  66. euomphalid.
  67. euthyneuran.
  68. gadiniid.
  69. gastropod.
  70. gastropterid.
  71. ghost slug.
  72. greenhouse slug.
  73. hedylopsacean.
  74. hermaeid.
  75. heterobranch.
  76. hyalea.
  77. hydatinid.
  78. hydrocenid.
  79. ianthina.
  80. inferobranchian.
  81. janthinid.
  82. juliid.
  83. leopard slug.
  84. lepetid.
  85. lepetopsid.
  86. limacid.
  87. limacine.
  88. limacinid.
  89. limacinoid.
  90. limacoid.
  91. limapontiid.
  92. limpet.
  93. limpin.
  94. litiopid.
  95. lophospirid.
  96. lottiid.
  97. loxonematid.
  98. loxonematoid.
  99. macluritid.
  100. malacophilous.
  101. mathildid.
  102. melanian.
  103. melaniid.
  104. melanopsid.
  105. mesogastropod.
  106. microhedylid.
  107. milacid.
  108. modulid.
  109. monotocardian.
  110. murchisoniacean.
  111. nacellid.
  112. neolepetopsid.
  113. neomphalid.
  114. nerineid.
  115. nerinellid.
  116. nerineoidean.
  117. nerite.
  118. neritid.
  119. neritiliid.
  120. neritopsid.
  121. notaspidean.
  122. nudipleuran.
  123. odostomiid.
  124. omphalotrochid.
  125. onchidiid.
  126. onychochilid.
  127. opisthobranch.
  128. orbitestellid.
  129. oriostomatid.
  130. otinid.
  131. oxynoid.
  132. palaeozygopleurid.
  133. paludomid.
  134. parmacellid.
  135. patellid.
  136. patellogastropod.
  137. patelloid.
  138. peltospirid.
  139. peltospiroid.
  140. peraclid
  141. phenacolepadid.
  142. philinid.
  143. philinoglossid.
  144. philomycid.
  145. planaxid.
  146. platyceratid.
  147. pleurobranchid.
  148. pleurocerid.
  149. pneumodermatid.
  150. potamidid.
  151. poteriid.
  152. procerithiid.
  153. prosobranch.
  154. provannid.
  155. pseudomelaniid.
  156. pseudozygopleurid.
  157. ptenoglossan.
  158. pteropod.
  159. pulmonate.
  160. pupinid.
  161. pyram.
  162. pyramidellid.
  163. raphistomatid.
  164. rathouisiid.
  165. red triangle slug.
  166. retusid.
  167. rhipidoglossan.
  168. rhodopid.
  169. ringiculid.
  170. rissoellid.
  171. runcinid.
  172. sacoglossan.
  173. scaphandrid
  174. scurrid.
  175. sea angel.
  176. sea butterfly.
  177. sea hare.
  178. sea snail.
  179. semislug.
  180. siliquariid.
  181. sinuopeid.
  182. siphonarian.
  183. slug.
  184. stenoglossan.
  185. stiligerid.
  186. stylommatophoran.
  187. subulitacean.
  188. subulitid.
  189. syrnolid.
  190. taenioglossan.
  191. testacellid.
  192. thecosome.
  193. thiarid.
  194. trigonochlamydid.
  195. trimusculid.
  196. triphorid.
  197. trochonematid.
  198. turbonillid.
  199. turritella.
  200. turritellid.
  201. tylodinid.
  202. umbraculid.
  203. urocyclid.
  204. Utah roundmouth snail.
  205. vaginulid.
  206. valvatid.
  207. veronicellid.
  208. viviparid.
  209. volvatellid.
  210. wentletrap.
  211. yellow slug.