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User:Chuck Entz/Percoid fish

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  1. acropomatid
  2. splitfin
  1. banjosid
  1. bathyclupeid
  1. caristiid

Sunfish (37 e) 

  1. yellowfin
  1. old wife
  1. deepwater cardinalfish
  2. epigonid
  1. dhufish
  2. glaucosomatid
  3. jewfish
  1. aholehole
  2. flagtail
  3. kuhliid

Kyphosid fish (21 e) 

  1. lactariid
  2. false trevally
  1. sea bass
  1. beachsalmon
  1. pempherid
  2. sweeper
  1. boarfish
  2. pentacerotid

Perch and darters (39 e) 

  1. jewfish
  2. polyprionid
  3. wreckfish
  1. bluefish
  2. gnomefish
  3. scombropid

Serranids (38 e) 

  1. mandarin fish
  1. caesionid
  1. redbait
  2. emmelichthyid

Snappers (23 e) 

  1. menid
  2. moonfish
  1. monodactylid
  2. moonfish
  1. nematistiid
  2. roosterfish
  1. angelfish
  2. pomacanthid
  1. bigeye
  2. catalufa
  3. priacanthid

Raw list


Percoid fish (8 c213 e) 

  1. acropomatid.
  2. aholehole.
  3. ahuruhuru.
  4. angelfish.?
  5. archerfish.
  6. arripid.
  7. Atlantic pomfret.
  8. banded archerfish.
  9. banjosid.
  10. bannerfish.?
  11. barberfish.?
  12. barfish.?
  13. barramundi.
  14. bass.
  15. bathyclupeid.
  16. beachsalmon
  17. beakfish.
  18. begti.
  19. bigeye.?
  20. blackfish.
  21. blackline tilefish.?
  22. blue.
  23. bluefish.
  24. boarfish.
  25. bonito
  26. bramid.
  27. branchiostegid.?
  28. bronzini.
  29. butterfish.
  30. butterfly fish.?
  31. butterflyfish.?
  32. caesionid.?
  33. callanthiid
  34. callop.
  35. caristiid.
  36. catalufa.
  37. centropomid.
  38. chaetodontid
  39. chopper.
  40. coachman.?
  41. cobia.?
  42. cockup.
  43. colonial salmon.
  44. coralfish.?
  45. coryphaenid
  46. cottonwick.
  47. cow-pilot.
  48. crab-eater.
  49. crabeater.
  50. deepwater cardinalfish.
  51. dhufish.
  52. dolphin.
  53. dolphinfish.
  54. dorado.
  55. echeneid.
  56. elassomatid
  57. elassomatiform
  58. elf.
  59. epigonid.
  60. European seabass.
  61. false trevally.
  62. flagtail.
  63. gerreid.
  64. glaucosomatid.
  65. gnomefish.
  66. goatfish.
  67. greenfish.
  68. greenhead.
  69. grunt.
  70. grunter.
  71. haemulid
  72. histiopterid
  73. hogfish.
  74. inermiid
  75. jarbua terapon.
  76. jeniguana
  77. jewfish.
  78. kahawai.
  79. kaloama
  80. King George whiting.
  81. kingfish.
  82. knifejaw.
  83. kuhliid.
  84. lactariid.
  85. lampuka.
  86. largescale archerfish.
  87. lates.
  88. latid.
  89. leiognathid
  90. lemonfish.
  91. lethrinid
  92. linesider.
  93. maenid
  94. mahi-mahi.
  95. mandarin fish.
  96. Margaret grunt.
  97. margate.
  98. Margate fish.
  99. matajuelo blanco
  100. menid.
  101. mojarra.
  102. monodactylid
  103. moonfish.
  104. moronid
  105. mullet.
  106. mullid.
  107. nematistiid
  108. nemipterid
  109. Nile perch.
  110. nipper
  111. old wife.
  112. oplegnathid.
  113. pempherid.
  114. pentacerotid.
  115. percichthyid.
  116. percoid-
  117. pigfish.
  118. polyneme.
  119. polynemid.
  120. polynemoid.
  121. polyprionid.
  122. pomacanthid
  123. pomadasyid
  124. pomatomid.
  125. pomfret.
  126. ponyfish.
  127. porkfish
  128. priacanthid
  129. prodigal son.
  130. rachycentrid
  131. red mullet.
  132. redbait.
  133. remora.
  134. rifle fish.
  135. robalo.
  136. rockfish.
  137. roosterfish.
  138. ruff.
  139. sailor's-choice.
  140. scombropid.
  141. sea bass.
  142. sea dace.
  143. sea pike.
  144. seabream.
  145. sergeant.
  146. shad.
  147. sharksucker.
  148. sillaginid
  149. sillago.
  150. silver bream.
  151. silver perch.
  152. silver whiting.
  153. silverfish.
  154. skipjack.
  155. slimy.
  156. slipmouth.
  157. snakehead
  158. snook.
  159. sooty grunter.
  160. southern school whiting.
  161. splitfin.
  162. striped bass.
  163. striped beakfish.
  164. striped threadfin.
  165. striper.
  166. suckerfish.
  167. suckfish.
  168. suckstone.
  169. Suleah fish.
  170. surmullet.
  171. sweeper.
  172. sweetlips.
  173. swordfish sucker.
  174. tailor.
  175. terapontid.
  176. thornfish.
  177. threadfin.
  178. tigerfish,
  179. tilefish.?
  180. tommy ruff
  181. tomtate.
  182. toxotes.
  183. toxotid.
  184. trawl whiting.
  185. trout cod.
  186. Waigieu seaperch.
  187. whalesucker.
  188. white bass.
  189. whiting.
  190. wiper
  191. wreckfish.
  192. yellowbelly
  193. yellowfin.
  194. yellowhead.