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User:Chuck Entz/Scolopacids

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Scolopacids (142 e) 



Common sandpiper: Actitis hypoleucos

  1. common sandpiper
  2. fiddler

Spotted sandpiper: Actitis macularius

  1. spotted sandpiper



Ruddy turnstone: Arenaria interpres

  1. ruddy turnstone
  2. redleg

Black turnstone: Arenaria melanocephala




Upland sandpiper: Bartramia longicauda

  1. Bartram's sandpiper
  2. bartramian sandpiper
  3. papabote
  4. quaily
  5. upland sandpiper


  1. calidrid
  2. knot

Sharp-tailed sandpiper: Calidris acuminata

  1. sharp-tailed sandpiper

Sanderling: Calidris alba

  1. sanderling
  2. oxbird

Dunlin: Calidris alpina

  1. dunlin
  2. oxbird
  3. oxeye
  4. redback

Baird's sandpiper: Calidris bairdii

  1. Baird's sandpiper

Red knot: Calidris canutus

  1. red knot

Broad-billed sandpiper: Calidris falcinellus

  1. broad-billed sandpiper

Curlew sandpiper: Calidris ferruginea

  1. curlew sandpiper

White-rumped sandpiper: Calidris fuscicollis

  1. white-rumped sandpiper

Stilt sandpiper: Calidris himantopus

  1. stilt sandpiper

Purple sandpiper: Calidris maritima

  1. purple sandpiper

Western sandpiper: Calidris mauri

  1. western sandpiper

Pectoral sandpiper: Calidris melanotos

  1. pectoral sandpiper

Little stint: Calidris minuta

  1. little stint

Least sandpiper: Calidris minutilla


Rock sandpiper: Calidris ptilocnemis


Ruff (bird)|Ruff: Calidris pugnax

  1. reeve
  2. ruff

Semipalmated sandpiper: Calidris pusilla

  1. semipalmated sandpiper

Spoon-billed sandpiper: Calidris pygmaea


Red-necked stint: Calidris ruficollis

  1. red-necked stint

Long-toed stint: Calidris subminuta

  1. long-toed stint

Buff-breasted sandpiper: Calidris subruficollis

  1. buff-breasted sandpiper

Temminck's stint: Calidris temminckii

  1. Temminck's stint

Great knot: Calidris tenuirostris

  1. great knot

Surfbird: Calidris virgata

  1. surfbird



Subantarctic snipe: Coenocorypha aucklandica


North Island snipe: Coenocorypha barrierensis


Snares snipe: Coenocorypha huegeli


South Island snipe: Coenocorypha iredalei


Chatham snipe: Coenocorypha pusilla




Puna snipe: Gallinago andina


Wilson's snipe: Gallinago delicata


Common snipe: Gallinago gallinago

  1. common snipe

Latham's snipe: Gallinago hardwickii


Imperial snipe: Gallinago imperialis


Jameson's snipe: Gallinago jamesoni


Madagascan snipe: Gallinago macrodactyla


Great snipe: Gallinago media

  1. great snipe

Swinhoe's snipe: Gallinago megala


Wood snipe: Gallinago nemoricola


African snipe: Gallinago nigripennis


Noble snipe: Gallinago nobilis


South American snipe: Gallinago paraguaiae


Solitary snipe: Gallinago solitaria


Pin-tailed snipe: Gallinago stenura

  1. pin-tailed snipe
  2. pintail

Fuegian snipe: Gallinago stricklandii


Giant snipe: Gallinago undulata



  1. dowitcher

Short-billed dowitcher: Limnodromus griseus

  1. brownback
  2. short-billed dowitcher

Long-billed dowitcher: Limnodromus scolopaceus

  1. long-billed dowitcher

Asian dowitcher: Limnodromus semipalmatus



  1. godwit

Marbled godwit: Limosa fedoa


Hudsonian godwit: Limosa haemastica

  1. Hudsonian godwit

Bar-tailed godwit: Limosa lapponica

  1. bar-tailed godwit

Black-tailed godwit: Limosa limosa

  1. black-tailed godwit
  2. blackwit



Jack snipe: Lymnocryptes minimus

  1. jacksnipe


  1. curlew
  2. Gabriel's hounds

Long-billed curlew: Numenius americanus


Eurasian curlew: Numenius arquata


Eskimo curlew: Numenius borealis

  1. doughbird

Hudsonian whimbrel: Numenius hudsonicus


Far Eastern curlew: Numenius madagascariensis


Little curlew: Numenius minutus


Eurasian whimbrel: Numenius phaeopus


Bristle-thighed curlew: Numenius tahitiensis


Slender-billed curlew: Numenius tenuirostris



  1. phalarope
  2. little swimmer

Red phalarope: Phalaropus fulicarius

  1. red phalarope

Red-necked phalarope: Phalaropus lobatus

  1. red-necked phalarope

Wilson's phalarope: Phalaropus tricolor

  1. Wilson's phalarope



Kiritimati sandpiper: Prosobonia cancellata


Moorea sandpiper: Prosobonia ellisi


Tahiti sandpiper: Prosobonia leucoptera


Tuamotu sandpiper: Prosobonia parvirostris



  1. woodcock

Bukidnon woodcock: Scolopax bukidnonensis


Sulawesi woodcock: Scolopax celebensis


American woodcock: Scolopax minor

  1. American woodcock
  2. bogsucker
  3. woodcock

Amami woodcock: Scolopax mira


Moluccan woodcock: Scolopax rochussenii


New Guinea woodcock: Scolopax rosenbergii


Eurasian woodcock: Scolopax rusticola

  1. Eurasian woodcock

Javan woodcock: Scolopax saturata




Grey-tailed tattler: Tringa brevipes

  1. grey-tailed tattler

Spotted redshank: Tringa erythropus

  1. redshank
  2. spotted redshank

Lesser yellowlegs: Tringa flavipes

  1. lesser yellowlegs

Wood sandpiper: Tringa glareola


Nordmann's greenshank: Tringa guttifer


Wandering tattler: Tringa incana


Greater yellowlegs: Tringa melanoleuca

  1. greater yellowlegs

Common greenshank: Tringa nebularia

  1. common greenshank
  2. greenshank

Green sandpiper: Tringa ochropus

  1. green sandpiper

Solitary sandpiper: Tringa solitaria


Willet: Tringa semipalmata

  1. willet

Marsh sandpiper: Tringa stagnatilis

  1. marsh sandpiper

Common redshank: Tringa totanus

  1. common redshank
  2. red
  3. redleg
  4. redshank



Terek sandpiper: Xenus cinereus

  1. Terek
  2. Terek sandpiper

Raw list


Scolopacids (142 e) 

  1. American woodcock.
  2. Baird's sandpiper.
  3. bar-tailed godwit.
  4. Bartram's sandpiper.
  5. bartramian sandpiper.
  6. black-tailed godwit.
  7. blackwit.
  8. bogsucker.
  9. broad-billed sandpiper.
  10. brownback.
  11. buff-breasted sandpiper.
  12. calidrid.
  13. common greenshank.
  14. common redshank.
  15. common sandpiper.
  16. common snipe.
  17. curlew.
  18. curlew sandpiper.
  19. doughbird.
  20. dowitcher.
  21. dunlin.
  22. Eurasian woodcock.
  23. fiddler.
  24. Gabriel's hounds.
  25. godwit.
  26. great knot.
  27. great snipe.
  28. greater yellowlegs.
  29. green sandpiper.
  30. greenshank
  31. grey-tailed tattler.
  32. Hudsonian godwit.
  33. jacksnipe.
  34. knot.
  35. lesser yellowlegs.
  36. little stint.
  37. little swimmer.
  38. long-billed dowitcher.
  39. long-toed stint.
  40. marsh sandpiper.
  41. oxbird.
  42. oxeye.
  43. papabote.
  44. pectoral sandpiper.
  45. pewee.
  46. phalarope.
  47. pin-tailed snipe.
  48. pintail.
  49. purple sandpiper.
  50. quaily.
  51. red.
  52. red knot.
  53. red phalarope.
  54. red-necked phalarope.
  55. red-necked stint.
  56. redback.
  57. redleg.
  58. redshank.
  59. reeve.
  60. robin snipe
  61. robin-breast
  62. rock plover
  63. ruddy turnstone.
  64. ruff.
  65. sandbird
  66. sanderling.
  67. sandpiper
  68. sanny
  69. scamel
  70. scolopacid
  71. sea dotterel
  72. sea goose
  73. sea lark
  74. sea mouse
  75. sea quail
  76. sea snipe
  77. semipalmated sandpiper.
  78. shadbird
  79. shake
  80. shank
  81. sharp-tailed sandpiper.
  82. shore snipe
  83. short-billed dowitcher.
  84. snipe
  85. solitary sandpiper
  86. spikebill
  87. spotshank
  88. spotted redshank.
  89. spotted sandpiper.
  90. stilt sandpiper.
  91. stint
  92. stone-snipe
  93. surfbird.
  94. tattler
  95. teeter-tail
  96. telltale
  97. Temminck's stint.
  98. Terek.
  99. Terek sandpiper.
  100. timberdoodle
  101. titterel
  102. tringa
  103. turnstone
  104. upland plover
  105. upland sandpiper.
  106. weet-weet
  107. western sandpiper.
  108. wha-up
  109. whaap
  110. whap
  111. whaup
  112. whimbrel
  113. white-rumped sandpiper.
  114. whiterump
  115. willet
  116. Wilson's phalarope.
  117. wood sandpiper
  118. woodcock
  119. yarwhelp
  120. yarwhip
  121. yarwip
  122. yellowleg
  123. yellowshanks
  124. yelper