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User:Chuck Entz/Nymphalid butterflies

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Taxonomic list


Cyrestis Chersonesia Marpesia

Libythea Libytheana

  1. fritillary
  2. nymphaline
  1. autumn leaf
  2. leafwing
  3. oakleaf

Alphabetical List

  1. aeroplane.
  2. American painted lady.
  3. anglewing.
  4. argus.
  5. autumn leaf.
  6. beak.
  7. black prince.
  8. blue argus.
  9. blue-banded eggfly.
  10. blue pansy
  11. brassolid.
  12. brush-footed butterfly-
  13. buckeye.
  14. Camberwell beauty.
  15. castor.
  16. charaxine.
  17. checkerspot.
  18. chocolate argus
  19. chocolate pansy.
  20. chocolate soldier.
  21. clearwing.
  22. comma.
  23. common yeoman.
  24. constable.
  25. cosmopolite.
  26. coster.
  27. courtier.
  28. crescentspot.
  29. crow.
  30. cruiser.
  31. danaid.
  32. danaid eggfly.
  33. danaine.
  34. dark green fritillary.
  35. duffer.
  36. eggfly.
  37. emperor.
  38. erycinid.
  39. European peacock.
  40. faun.
  41. fritillary.
  42. Glanville fritillary.
  43. great eggfly.
  44. Gulf fritillary.
  45. hamadryad.
  46. heath.
  47. heath fritillary.
  48. heliconian.
  49. heliconiid.
  50. heliconiine.
  51. ithomiine.
  52. jester.
  53. jewelled nawab.
  54. king crow
  55. lacewing.
  56. large tortoiseshell.
  57. leafwing.
  58. leopard.
  59. lesser wanderer.
  60. libytheid.
  61. libytheine.
  62. Lympharis morpho.
  63. longwing.
  64. lurcher.
  65. map.
  66. map butterfly.
  67. maplet.
  68. mapwing.
  69. marsh fritillary.
  70. meadow argus.
  71. milkweed.
  72. monarch.
  73. monarch butterfly.
  74. morpho.
  75. mother-of-pearl.
  76. mourning cloak.
  77. nawab.
  78. nettle tree butterfly.
  79. nymphalid.
  80. nymphaline.
  81. oakleaf.
  82. owl.
  83. Pagenstecher's crow.
  84. painted beauty.
  85. painted lady.
  86. palm king.
  87. pansy.
  88. paper kite butterfly.
  89. pasha.
  90. peacock butterfly.
  91. pearl-bordered fritillary.
  92. polygonid.
  93. prince.
  94. purple emperor.
  95. queen.
  96. question mark
  97. rajah.
  98. red admiral.
  99. red ring skirt.
  100. regal fritillary.
  101. rustic.
  102. saturn.
  103. scarlet admiral.
  104. semicolon butterfly.
  105. siren.
  106. small tortoiseshell.
  107. snout.
  108. stub-tailed morpho.
  109. swamp tiger.
  110. tawny coster.
  111. thistle butterfly.
  112. tiger.
  113. tortoiseshell.
  114. tree nymph.
  115. vagrant.
  116. vanessa.
  117. vanessid.
  118. violet-tip.
  119. wanderer.
  120. white admiral.
  121. yellow admiral.
  122. yeoman.