User:Chuck Entz/Bivalves
[edit]Bivalves (1 c, 205 e)
- Bivalvia (From 2010 Bivalvia taxonomy)
Clade Heterodonta
[edit]Order †Actinodontida
[edit]Order †Hippuritida
[edit]Order †Orthonotida
[edit]Order Pholadomyida (=Anomalodesmata)
[edit]Clade Septibranchia (within Pholadomyida)
Venerida order mollusks (80 e)
Clade Palaeoheterodonta
[edit]Order Trigoniida
[edit]Subclass Protobranchia
[edit]Order Nuculanida
[edit]Phaseolidae (previously Lametilidae)
[edit]Subclass Autobranchia
[edit]Superorder Heteroconchia
[edit]Superorder Nepiomorphia
[edit]Order †Antipleurida
[edit]Order †Praecardiida
[edit]Superorder Pteriomorphia
[edit]Order Cyrtodontida
[edit]- bluepoint
- greengill
- Olympia oyster
- ostreid
- oyster
- oysterling
- pandore
- powldoody
- raccoon oyster
- saddleback
- saddlerock
- seed oyster
Raw list
[edit]Bivalves (1 c, 205 e)
- acephalan.
- ambonychiid.
- angel wing.
- anodon.
- anomalodesmatan.
- anomiid.
- arc-form pearly mussel.
- arcid.
- ark clam.
- ark shell.
- astartid.
- auger-fish.
- bakevelliid.
- bathymodiolin.
- bathymodioline.
- bearded mussel.
- bittersweet.
- bivalve
- blood clam.
- blood cockle.
- blue mussel.
- bluepoint.
- buchiid.
- butterfly clam.
- byssus.
- capiz.
- caprinid.
- carditid.
- cat's-paw.
- chicken shell
- Chilean blue mussel.
- Chilean mussel.
- clam
- clavagellid.
- cleidothaerid.
- clubshell.
- condylocardiid.
- copperworm.
- corbulid.
- crassatellid.
- creekshell
- cucullaeid.
- cuspidariid.
- cyrtodontid.
- date fish.
- date mussel.
- date shell.
- deertoe.
- devil's toenail
- dimyarian.
- dimyid.
- diplodont.
- entoliid.
- etheriid.
- fan mussel.
- fatmucket.
- fawnsfoot.
- feather oyster.
- file shell.
- fimbriid.
- floater.
- freshwater pearl mussel.
- gaper
- gastrochaenid.
- geoduck.
- giant tube worm.
- glycymeridid.
- Gould's razor shell.
- greengill
- gryphaea.
- gryphaeid.
- heelsplitter.
- hiatellid.
- hippurite.
- horse mussel.
- hyriid.
- inoceramid.
- iridinid.
- isognomonid.
- jackknife clam.
- jingle shell.
- kakahi.
- kidneyshell.
- Korean mussel.
- lamellibranch.
- laternulid.
- lilliput.
- limid.
- limopsid
- lithophagine
- lucinid.
- lyonsiid,
- Magellan mussel.
- malleid.
- malletiid.
- maninose.
- margaritiferid.
- megalodontid
- mermaid's toenail.
- modiolid.
- modiolopsid.
- modiomorphid.
- monkeyface.
- mucket.
- mussel.
- mutelid.
- mycetopodid.
- myid.
- myochamid.
- mytilid.
- neilonellid.
- Noah's ark.
- noetiid.
- nuculanid.
- nuculid.
- nut clam.
- Olympia oyster.
- ostracean.
- ostracite
- ostreacean.
- ostreid.
- oyster.
- oysterling.
- pandore.
- pandorid.
- parallelodontid.
- pearl oyster
- pearl shell
- pectinid.
- pen shell.
- periplomatid.
- pharid.
- philobryid.
- pholadid.
- pholadomyid.
- pholas
- piddock.
- pigtoe.
- pileworm.
- pimpleback.
- pinnid.
- pisidiid
- piss clam-
- placunid.
- plicatulid.
- poromyid.
- powldoody.
- praenuculid.
- pristiglomid.
- propeamussiid.
- pteriid.
- pterineid.
- pterioid.
- pterioidean.
- pteriomorphian.
- pulvinitid
- queen scallop.
- raccoon oyster.
- radiolitid.
- razor clam.
- razor shell.
- razorfish.
- rudist
- ribbed mussel.
- saddle oyster.
- saddleback.
- saddlerock.
- scallop.
- scimitar shell
- sea scallop
- sea silk.
- seed oyster.
- shipworm.
- skimmer-
- solemyid.
- solen.
- solenacean.
- solenid.
- spiny oyster
- spondylid.
- spoonclam.
- spoutfish-
- steamer.
- swan mussel.
- teredine.
- teredinid.
- teredo.
- termite of the sea.
- thorny oyster
- thraciid.
- thyasirid.
- tindariid.
- trigoniid.
- unio.
- unionid.
- unionoid.
- verticordiid.
- wartyback.
- windowpane oyster.
- woodworm.
- xylophagan.
- Yesso scallop.
- yoldiid.