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User:Chuck Entz/Bivalves

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Bivalves (1 c205 e) 

Bivalvia (From 2010 Bivalvia taxonomy)
  1. acephalan
  2. bivalve
  3. lamellibranch

  1. gastrochaenid

  1. geoduck
  2. hiatellid

  1. modiomorphid

  1. pharid

  1. carditid
  1. condylocardiid

  1. astartid
  1. crassatellid

Order †Hippuritida

  1. caprinid
  1. hippurite
  1. radiolitid

Order Lucinida


  1. fimbriid
  1. lucinid

  1. thyasirid

Order Myida

  1. corbulid
  1. maninose
  2. steamer
  3. myid

Order †Orthonotida


  1. anomalodesmatan

  1. clavagellid

  1. cleidothaerid
  1. myochamid

  1. lyonsiid
  1. pandorid

  1. pholadomyid

  1. laternulid
  1. periplomatid
  2. spoonclam
  1. thraciid

Clade Septibranchia (within Pholadomyida)

  1. cuspidariid

  1. poromyid

  1. verticordiid

Order Venerida


Venerida order mollusks (80 e) 

  1. trigoniid

Order Unionida


  1. etheriid
  1. iridinid
  2. mutelid
  1. mycetopodid

  1. diplodont
  2. hyriid

  1. unionoid
  1. margaritiferid

  1. malletiid
  1. neilonellid
  1. nuculanid
  1. tindariid
  1. yoldiid

Order Nuculida

  1. nuculid
  2. nut clam
  1. praenuculid
  1. pristiglomid

  1. solemyid

Subclass Autobranchia


Superorder Heteroconchia


Superorder Nepiomorphia


Order †Antipleurida


Order †Praecardiida


Superorder Pteriomorphia

  1. pteriomorphian

Order Arcida

  1. arcid
  2. ark clam
  3. ark shell
  4. blood clam
  5. blood cockle
  6. Noah's ark
  1. cucullaeid
  1. bittersweet
  2. glycymeridid
  1. noetiid
  1. parallelodontid

  1. limopsid
  1. philobryid

  1. cyrtodontid

Order Limida

  1. file shell
  2. limid

Order Mytilida

  1. modiolopsid

Order Ostreida

  1. ostracean
  2. ostreacean
  1. devil's toenail
  2. gryphaeid
  3. gryphaea
  1. bluepoint
  2. greengill
  3. Olympia oyster
  4. ostreid
  5. oyster
  6. oysterling
  7. pandore
  8. powldoody
  9. raccoon oyster
  10. saddleback
  11. saddlerock
  12. seed oyster

  1. anomiid
  2. jingle shell
  3. mermaid's toenail
  4. saddle oyster
  1. capiz
  2. placunid
  3. windowpane oyster

  1. buchiid

  1. dimyarian
  2. dimyid

  1. entoliid
  1. queen scallop
  2. scallop
  3. Yesso scallop
  1. propeamussiid
  1. spiny oyster
  2. spondylid
  3. thorny oyster

  1. plicatulid

Order Pteriida

  1. ambonychiid
  1. inoceramid

  1. pterioid
  2. pterioidean
  1. bakevelliid
  1. isognomonid
  1. malleid
  1. pterineid
  1. feather oyster
  2. pearl oyster
  3. pearl shell
  4. pteriid

Raw list


Bivalves (1 c205 e) 

  1. acephalan.
  2. ambonychiid.
  3. angel wing.
  4. anodon.
  5. anomalodesmatan.
  6. anomiid.
  7. arc-form pearly mussel.
  8. arcid.
  9. ark clam.
  10. ark shell.
  11. astartid.
  12. auger-fish.
  13. bakevelliid.
  14. bathymodiolin.
  15. bathymodioline.
  16. bearded mussel.
  17. bittersweet.
  18. bivalve
  19. blood clam.
  20. blood cockle.
  21. blue mussel.
  22. bluepoint.
  23. buchiid.
  24. butterfly clam.
  25. byssus.
  26. capiz.
  27. caprinid.
  28. carditid.
  29. cat's-paw.
  30. chicken shell
  31. Chilean blue mussel.
  32. Chilean mussel.
  33. clam
  34. clavagellid.
  35. cleidothaerid.
  36. clubshell.
  37. condylocardiid.
  38. copperworm.
  39. corbulid.
  40. crassatellid.
  41. creekshell
  42. cucullaeid.
  43. cuspidariid.
  44. cyrtodontid.
  45. date fish.
  46. date mussel.
  47. date shell.
  48. deertoe.
  49. devil's toenail
  50. dimyarian.
  51. dimyid.
  52. diplodont.
  53. entoliid.
  54. etheriid.
  55. fan mussel.
  56. fatmucket.
  57. fawnsfoot.
  58. feather oyster.
  59. file shell.
  60. fimbriid.
  61. floater.
  62. freshwater pearl mussel.
  63. gaper
  64. gastrochaenid.
  65. geoduck.
  66. giant tube worm.
  67. glycymeridid.
  68. Gould's razor shell.
  69. greengill
  70. gryphaea.
  71. gryphaeid.
  72. heelsplitter.
  73. hiatellid.
  74. hippurite.
  75. horse mussel.
  76. hyriid.
  77. inoceramid.
  78. iridinid.
  79. isognomonid.
  80. jackknife clam.
  81. jingle shell.
  82. kakahi.
  83. kidneyshell.
  84. Korean mussel.
  85. lamellibranch.
  86. laternulid.
  87. lilliput.
  88. limid.
  89. limopsid
  90. lithophagine
  91. lucinid.
  92. lyonsiid,
  93. Magellan mussel.
  94. malleid.
  95. malletiid.
  96. maninose.
  97. margaritiferid.
  98. megalodontid
  99. mermaid's toenail.
  100. modiolid.
  101. modiolopsid.
  102. modiomorphid.
  103. monkeyface.
  104. mucket.
  105. mussel.
  106. mutelid.
  107. mycetopodid.
  108. myid.
  109. myochamid.
  110. mytilid.
  111. neilonellid.
  112. Noah's ark.
  113. noetiid.
  114. nuculanid.
  115. nuculid.
  116. nut clam.
  117. Olympia oyster.
  118. ostracean.
  119. ostracite
  120. ostreacean.
  121. ostreid.
  122. oyster.
  123. oysterling.
  124. pandore.
  125. pandorid.
  126. parallelodontid.
  127. pearl oyster
  128. pearl shell
  129. pectinid.
  130. pen shell.
  131. periplomatid.
  132. pharid.
  133. philobryid.
  134. pholadid.
  135. pholadomyid.
  136. pholas
  137. piddock.
  138. pigtoe.
  139. pileworm.
  140. pimpleback.
  141. pinnid.
  142. pisidiid
  143. piss clam-
  144. placunid.
  145. plicatulid.
  146. poromyid.
  147. powldoody.
  148. praenuculid.
  149. pristiglomid.
  150. propeamussiid.
  151. pteriid.
  152. pterineid.
  153. pterioid.
  154. pterioidean.
  155. pteriomorphian.
  156. pulvinitid
  157. queen scallop.
  158. raccoon oyster.
  159. radiolitid.
  160. razor clam.
  161. razor shell.
  162. razorfish.
  163. rudist
  164. ribbed mussel.
  165. saddle oyster.
  166. saddleback.
  167. saddlerock.
  168. scallop.
  169. scimitar shell
  170. sea scallop
  171. sea silk.
  172. seed oyster.
  173. shipworm.
  174. skimmer-
  175. solemyid.
  176. solen.
  177. solenacean.
  178. solenid.
  179. spiny oyster
  180. spondylid.
  181. spoonclam.
  182. spoutfish-
  183. steamer.
  184. swan mussel.
  185. teredine.
  186. teredinid.
  187. teredo.
  188. termite of the sea.
  189. thorny oyster
  190. thraciid.
  191. thyasirid.
  192. tindariid.
  193. trigoniid.
  194. unio.
  195. unionid.
  196. unionoid.
  197. verticordiid.
  198. wartyback.
  199. windowpane oyster.
  200. woodworm.
  201. xylophagan.
  202. Yesso scallop.
  203. yoldiid.