Category:Terms with Tajik translations
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Entries that contain translations into Tajik which were added using one of the translation templates, such as {{t|tg|...}}
, {{t+|tg|...}}
, etc.
Pages in category "Terms with Tajik translations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,740 total.
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- abacus
- abandon
- abattoir
- Abbas
- abdomen
- Abdullah
- abiogenesis
- abjad
- Abkhazia
- abortion
- Abraham
- absolutist
- Abu Dhabi
- Abydos
- Abyssinia
- academician
- academy
- acarology
- accent
- accept
- accident
- accidental
- accordion
- account
- accountant
- accretion
- accuser
- Achaemenid
- acid
- acidosis
- acorn
- acquaintance
- act
- actinium
- action
- actor
- actress
- actually
- address
- adhan
- Adıyaman
- adjective
- administration
- administrator
- admiral
- Adriatic Sea
- adult
- advantage
- adventure
- adventurer
- adverb
- adversary
- advertisement
- advertising
- advice
- advise
- advisor
- Adygea
- Aegean Sea
- aerial
- aerodrome
- aesthetics
- Afghan
- afghani
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African
- again
- Aga Khan
- agate
- age
- agency
- age of consent
- aggression
- aggressor
- agha
- aging
- agreement
- agribusiness
- agriculture
- agronomist
- agronomy
- ahegao
- Ahmed
- Ahmedabad
- Ahriman
- Ahura Mazda
- Ahvaz
- air/translations
- airan
- airbag
- air conditioner
- aircraft
- airfield
- airplane
- airport
- Aisha
- Ajami
- Ajami Turkic
- akhirah
- akhund
- al-Andalus
- alarm clock
- Albania
- Albanian
- Alborz
- album
- alcohol
- alcoholic
- Aleppo
- Alexandria
- alga
- Algeria
- Algerian
- Algiers
- algorithm
- alhamdulillah
- Ali
- Ali Baba
- alif
- alim
- a little
- alive
- Allah
- Allahu akbar
- allergy
- alley
- alliance
- Allier
- alligator
- allow
- alloy
- ally
- almanac
- Almaty
- almond
- almost
- alms
- a lot
- alphabet
- Al-Raqqah
- already
- also
- Altai
- Altaic
- altar
- altruism
- aluminium
- always
- Alzheimer's disease
- amateur
- Amazon
- ambassador
- amber
- ambulance
- amen
- American
- American football
- Americas
- americium
- Amina
- Amman
- ammunition
- amnesty
- amoeba
- amorous
- amount
- amphibian
- ampoule
- Amsterdam
- Amu Darya
- amulet
- analysis
- analyst
- analyze
- anarchism
- anarchy
- Anatolia
- anchor
- ancient
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- and/translations
- Andijan
- Andorra
- Andorra la Vella
- anecdote
- angel
- anger
- angiology
- angle
- angle grinder
- Anglo-Saxon
- Angola/translations
- Angren
- angry
- animal/translations
- animation