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Zengzi to kill someone; to murder
trad. (曾參殺人) 殺人
simp. (曾参杀人) 杀人



A tale in Zhan Guo Ce:

昔者曾子曾子殺人曾子:「曾參殺人。』曾子:『殺人。』自若有頃:『曾參殺人。』自若頃之一人:『曾參殺人。』 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
昔者曾子曾子杀人曾子:「曾参杀人。』曾子:『杀人。』自若有顷:『曾参杀人。』自若顷之一人:『曾参杀人。』 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Zhanguo Ce, circa 5th – 3rd centuries BCE
Xīzhě Zēngzǐ chù Fèi, Fèi rén yǒu yǔ Zēngzǐ tóng míng zú zhě ér shārén, rén gào Zēngzǐ mǔ yuē: “Zēng Shēn shārén.’ Zēngzǐ zhī mǔ yuē: ‘Wú zhě bù shārén.’ Zhì zìruò. Yǒuqǐng yān, rén yòu yuē: ‘Zēng Shēn shārén.’ Qí mǔ shàng zhì zìruò yě. Qǐngzhī, yīrén yòu gào zhī yuē: ‘Zēng Shēn shārén.’ Qí mǔ jù, tóu zhù yú qiáng ér zǒu. [Pinyin]
In the past when Zengzi (real name Zeng Shen) was living in Fei County, there was a man who had the same name as him committed murder. Somebody then informed Zengzi’s mother, “Zeng Shen committed murder.” Zengzi's mother replied, “My son will never commit a murder,” and she kept calm. A short while later, another person informed her, “Zeng Shen committed murder.” She still kept calm. A short while later, yet another person informed her, “Zeng Shen committed murder.” Zengzi's mother feared, cast aside her weaving shuttle, leapt across the walls, and fled.






  1. (figurative) Used as an example to show that the effects of rumours can be fearsome.