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Etymology 1

ء ك د (ʔ k d)
5 terms



    أَكَّدَ (ʔakkada) II (non-past يُؤَكِّدُ (yuʔakkidu), verbal noun تَأْكِيد (taʔkīd))

    1. to assure [with إِلَى or لِ (ʔilā or li) ‘someone’, along with accusative ‘of something’ or أَنَّ (ʔanna, + clause) ‘that ...’]
      يتجه القرآن إلى جمهوره، المؤمنين، ويؤكد لهم أن أولئك الذين يُهاجرون أو يُقاتلون في سبيل الله سينالون الرحمة الإلهية.
      The Qur’an addresses its audience, the believers, and assures them that those who migrate or fight in the cause of God will receive divine mercy.
    2. to confirm, to corroborate (a view, report, fact, etc.)
      وعلى الرغم من أن القرآن يُؤكد كل النبوءات السابقة، إلا أنه يحل محلها، ويميز اللغة العربية كلغة لهذا الإلغاء.
      Although the Qur’an confirms all the previous prophecies, it invalidates them, and prefers Arabic as the language of this cancellation.
    3. to confirm, to ratify (an agreement, engagement, etc.)
    4. to assert, to say (with certainty), to state as true
    5. to affirm, to maintain (a belief, idea, etc.)
    6. to emphasize, to stress [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘something’ or أَنَّ (ʔanna) ‘that ...’]
    7. to bind firmly (a horse's or camel's saddle)
    Usage notes

    According to Lane, the more correct verb to use in place of this one is وَكَّدَ (wakkada), with similar meanings.


    Etymology 2




    أكد (form I)

    1. أَكَدْ (ʔakad) /ʔa.kad/: first-person singular non-past active jussive of كَادَ (kāda)
    2. أَكِدْ (ʔakid) /ʔa.kid/: first-person singular non-past active jussive of كَادَ (kāda)
    3. أُكَدْ (ʔukad) /ʔu.kad/: first-person singular non-past passive jussive of كَادَ (kāda)

    South Levantine Arabic




    From Arabic أَكَّدَ (ʔakkada).


    • IPA(key): /ʔak.kad/, [ˈʔak.kad]
    • Audio (al-Lidd):(file)



    أكّد (ʔakkad) II (present بأكّد (biʔakked))

    1. (transitive) to confirm, to ensure
      لسّا ما أكّدو الأخبار.
      lissa ma ʔakkadu l-ʔaḵbār.
      They haven't confirmed the news yet.
      لازم نأكّد ولادنا إنّه ما يحطّو تمّهم على أي إشي بمكان عامّ.
      lāzem nʔakked ūlādna ʔinno mā yḥoṭṭu timmhom ʕala ʔayy ʔiši bi-makān ʕamm.
      We must ensure that our children not put their mouth on anything in a public place.


    Conjugation of أكد
    singular plural
    1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
    past m أكّدت (ʔakkadt) أكّدت (ʔakkadt) أكّد (ʔakkad) أكّدنا (ʔakkadna) أكّدتو (ʔakkadtu) أكّدو (ʔakkadu)
    f أكّدتي (ʔakkadti) أكّدت (ʔakkadat)
    present m بأكّد (baʔakkid) بتأكّد (bitʔakkid) بأكّد (biʔakkid) منأكّد (minʔakkid) بتأكّدو (bitʔakkdu) بأكّدو (biʔakkdu)
    f بتأكّدي (bitʔakkdi) بتأكّد (bitʔakkid)
    subjunctive m اأكّد (aʔakkid) تأكّد (tʔakkid) يأكّد (yʔakkid) نأكّد (nʔakkid) تأكّدو (tʔakkdu) يأكّدو (yʔakkdu)
    f تأكّدي (tʔakkdi) تأكّد (tʔakkid)
    imperative m أكّد (ʔakkid) أكّدو (ʔakkdu)
    f أكّدي (ʔakkdi)