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From no- +‎ cept (to roast, to fry, to bake).


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nocept (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present nocepu, nocep, nocep, past nocepu)

  1. to roast, fry or bake something until it reaches the desired final state, usually with a brownish surface
    nocept gaļuto roast the meat
    cepeti brūnu noceptto roast the roast (meat) brown
    šķiņķis nocepis brūnsthe ham was roasted/fried brown
  2. (colloquial) to obtain a strong tan by bathing in the sun; to be sunburnt
    viņa atrada izcirtumā zemenes... pārnāca mājās nocepusi un brikšņos saskrāpētashe found strawberries in a clearing... she came back home sunburnt and scratched by thorns


Conjugation of nocept
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es nocepu nocepu nocepšu
2nd person sg tu nocep nocepi nocepsi nocep
3rd person sg viņš, viņa nocep nocepa noceps lai nocep
1st person pl mēs nocepam nocepām nocepsim nocepsim
2nd person pl jūs nocepat nocepāt nocepsiet,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas nocep nocepa noceps lai nocep
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present nocepot present active 1 (adj.) nocepošs
past esot nocepis present active 2 (adv.) nocepdams
future nocepšot present active 3 (adv.) nocepot
imperative lai nocepot present active 4 (obj.) nocepam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active nocepis
present noceptu present passive nocepams
past būtu nocepis past passive nocepts
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jānocep infinitive (nenoteiksme) nocept
conjunctive 1 esot jānocep negative infinitive nenocept
conjunctive 2 jānocepot verbal noun nocepšana

Derived terms
