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na- (atelic, circuital) + - (thematic?) + -si- (modal) + -∅- (classifier)-tą́ (neuter perfective stem of root -TĄ́, “to sit — 3+ actors”).

-TĄ́ functions as a suppletive stem for the neuter perfective aspect of root -BIN, “to sit — 3+ actors”.


  • Audio:(file)




  1. they (3+ actors) are sitting, are at home, are waiting

Usage notes


This verb is used for sitting in groups of three or more. For individual sitting, see sidá. For sitting in pairs, see siké.

Singular forms of this verb refer to one subject sitting in a group with other participants.

  • Áłchíní bił nahísístą́. — I’m staying with the children.

Distributive plural forms refer to several people sitting in several groups independent one from another.

This is a neuter verb. As such, it is conjugated in the perfective only.



Paradigm: Neuter perfective (si)

PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person nahísístą́ naháatą́ / nahísíitą́
2nd person nahísínítą́ nahóotą́ / nahísóotą́
3rd person naháaztą́
4th person njíiztą́ / ndzíiztą́

See also

  • sidá (1), siké (2), naháaztą́ (3+) (to be sitting)
Navajo Classificatory Themes Plural objects lie around
(Handle stem)
Class Examples Handle Propel Moves
SRO generic -ʼĄ́ -NEʼ l-TSʼID naazʼą́
SFO rope; pairs; unknown;
-LÁ ł / ∅ -DÉÉL naazlá
FFO sheet, paper ł-TSOOZ -ʼAH -NAʼ naastsooz
SSO stick, pole -TĄ́ ł-TʼEʼ -KĘ́Ę́Z naaztą́
AnO animate, doll ł-TĮ́ -GOʼ -TŁIZH naaztį́
NCM wig, hay; fog ł / ł / ∅ -JOOL naazhjool
MM butter; frog -TŁÉÉʼ ł-YĘ́Ę́ZH naaztłééʼ
LPB load, burden -YĮ́ naazyį́
PlO1 severality -NIL ni-∅ -DEEʼ naaznil
PlO2 profusion -JAAʼ ł-KAAD -KAAD   naazhjaaʼ
OC severality/profusion
in a container
-KĄ́ ł-DÁÁZ naazką́
Flat toppled wall,
blanket, bushes
Bulk boulder ł-ZHÓÓD l-ZHÓÓD naazhzhóód
Stream liquid, sand, dust -ZIID naaziid
Navajo Positional Themes Plural objects in position
(Intrans. Neuter)
Position Number of
Intransitive Transitive Root
Active Neuter Active Neuter
LIE 1 ni-∅- ∅- ni-ł- ł- -TĮ́ naaztį́
2 -TÉÉZH naazhtéézh
3+ -JÉÉʼ naazhjééʼ
SIT 1 ni-∅- ∅- ni-ł- ł- -DÁ naazdá
2 -KÉ naazké
3+ dini-∅ hí-(-TĄ́) dini-ł -BIN naháaztą́
STAND 1 ni-∅- ∅- ni-ł- ł- -ZĮʼ naazį́