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facer fillos

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Inherited from Old Galician-Portuguese fazer fillos, literally meaning "to make childrem/sons".


  • (standard) IPA(key): [faˈθeɾ ˈfiʎo̝s]
  • (dialectal, western) IPA(key): [faˈseɾ ˈfiʎo̝s]



facer fillos (first-person singular present fago fillos, first-person singular preterite fixen fillos, past participle feito fillos)

  1. to procreate
    • 1996, Darío Xohán Cabana, Morte de Rei:
      Logo era mellor non facer fillos, e que acabase dunha vez o xénero humano neste mundo! A descendencia de Caín, a proxenie do demo…
      Then better not to procreate, so that the human kind ends for good in this world! Cain's descendancy, the Devil's progeny…



