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User:Lunabunn/Middle Korean entry guidelines

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Main category: Middle Korean language

For a quick starting point, see #Entry layout for a copy-and-paste-able entry stub.

Middle Korean was a Koreanic language descended from Old Korean, historically spoken across the Korean Peninsula. The periodization of Middle Korean can be somewhat controversial; traditionally, the Korean language of the tenth to thirteenth centuries were classified as Early Middle Korean. Further, many texts in the mid-to-late sixteenth century, especially informal ones such as personal letters, show characteristics of Early Modern Korean. Regardless, modern South Korean scholarly consensus sees Middle Korean roughly to begin from the Mongol invasions of Korea (1231-1270) and last until the Imjin War (1592-1598). For consistency, Wiktionary considers all (and only) language from 1300 to 1600 CE to be Middle Korean.

This means that wordbooks such as the Jilin leishi (鷄林類事 / 계림유사), 1103, and Hyang'yak gugeupbang (鄕藥救急方 / 향약구급방), 1236, are also considered (Late) Old Korean oko(-lat), not (Early) Middle Korean. Attestations from this period lemmatized under the Middle Korean L2 will be deleted. However, it is greatly encouraged to mention these attestations in the etymology section of a Hangul form lemma; see #Etymology below.

Also take care to note that many texts published in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are attributed to the Middle Korean period, but are linguistically clearly Early Modern. For example, almost all known sijo poems are linguistically Early Modern works, even though many are ascribed to poets who would have written in Middle Korean.

Orthography and norms




Middle Korean words are to be lemmatized by their Hangul spelling except in the following cases:

  • If all attested spellings of a word use Chinese characters, whichever spelling is most common can be lemmatized.
  • For Sino-Korean words that are attested both in their Hanja spelling and in their regular Hangul reading, the former should be lemmatized and the latter created as a nonlemma Hangul spelling. ({{alt spelling of|okm|..|from=Hangul}})
    • If only the Hangul form is attested, a Hanja entry should not be created.

Although traditional Middle Korean orthography only uses 8 (or 9) characters in coda position to reflect coda neutralization, words on Wiktionary are to be lemmatized by their morphophonemic spelling.

Thus, nouns are to be lemmatized as follows.

Per this discussion in January 2025, verbs and adjectives are also to be lemmatized as their morphophonemic form + -다 (-ta), with the exception of p/W- and s/z-irregular verbs and adjectives, as follows.

This policy was largely modeled after major monolingual dictionaries. Note none of 우리말 큰사전 4 옛말과 이두 (한글학회), 고어사전 (남광우), 15세기 국어 활용형 사전 (이진호, 최영선, 이수진, 선한빛), and 이조어사전 (유창돈) lemmatize forms such as '더러ᇦ다' or 'ᄃᆞᇫ다', favoring instead 더럽다 and ᄃᆞᆺ다.

In a previous (now overruled) discussion (this discussion in October 2020), it had been decided that verbs were to be lemmatized as their surface forms. Because of this, many entries are still (as of March 2025) formatted in this way. These pages will eventually all be moved under the correct forms.

Nonlemmas and attestation


Do not create nonlemma entries for isolated (phonemic) forms or inflected forms. Do create nonlemma entries for genuine alternate spellings and forms.

In addition to Hangul, Middle Korean was also written in Sinographic systems such as Idu and "consecutive" (석독) gugyeol. Nonlemmas can be created for these spellings using either {{alt spelling of}} or one of the dedicated templates below:

Although uses are preferred over mentions, because Middle Korean is an extinct language with a limited corpus, a mention in one of the sources below is considered sufficient for inclusion. As per WT:CFI, please include the mention as a quote within the entry (see #Quotations below).

  • Hunmin jeong'um haerye (訓民正音解例 / 훈민정음해례)
  • Glosses in Hanja dictionaries
    • Hunmong jahoe (訓蒙字會 / 훈몽자회)
    • Sinjeung yuhap (新增類合 / 신증유합)
  • Medicinal names in medical texts
  • Other texts not explicitly mentioned here by your best judgment; please understand that if an entry is deemed to be insufficiently attested, it may be deleted.

Forms attested only in the Childae manbeop (칠대만법 / 七大萬法) must be marked with {{lb|okm|Gyeongsang}}.

Headword line


There are not yet dedicated headword templates for Middle Korean. In the meantime, the generic headword line template ({{head}}) can be used. Please specify the word's tone, preferably the most common attested form, as the headword. If every syllable in the word is low, a manual |tr= needs to be specified with the appropriate tone diacritics.

TODO: per-PoS additions



Due to the sparse nature of the Old Korean corpus, the etymology of Middle Korean words is often opaque. Still, many words have been studied and possible etymologies suggested based on historical and dialectal data. Ideally, as much of this data should be captured in Middle Korean entries' Etymology sections. If you are creating an entry with a missing or partial etymmology, please add {{rfe|okm}} so that another editor can add more information in the future.

Also list, under the Descendants subsection, all Korean and Jeju descendant(s). Take care to mark derivation as applicable. You are also welcome to mention these in the etymology section if or as helpful.



Place {{okm-IPA}} immediately under the pronunciation header as follows. A bulleted list is created automatically, so you should not prepend an asterisk. If you are unsure about a word's tone, do not guess. Instead place {{rfp|okm}} so that another editor can add a pronunciation in the future.


The |tone= parameter is required and should be a string of L (low tone, no dots), H (high tone, one dot), R (rising tone, two dots), and X (unmarked tone) that is equal in length to the word.

The unmarked tone is any tone that is determined by pitch assignment rules (the so-called 거성불연삼 (geoseongburyeonsam)), which is generally all syllables after the first high or rising tone in a noncompound word/part of a compound word. See {{okm-IPA/documentation}} for more information.



Because Middle Korean is an extinct language, quotations from durably archived sources are paramount in understanding usage. A minimum of one quotation for every sense is recommended; if you cannot provide adequate quotations, do not worry! Just add {{rfq|okm}} right below the language header so that another editor can add quotations in the future.

Quotations are listed immediately under the respective sense using the {{Q}} template, as follows.

# sense
#* {{Q|okm||<work title>|<volume>|<page>
|year=<year, if not automatically shown>
|text=<quoted material>

All work presets and aliases supported by {{ko-attest}} are also supported by {{Q|okm||}} (note the two pipes; the author parameter is not used):

List of work presets
Year Work Aliases URL Images
1103 계림유사 JLLS Yes No
1446 훈민정음해례 훈해, HH Yes No
1447 석보상절 석상, SS Yes Yes
1447 용비어천가 용가, YB Yes No
1449 월인천강지곡 월곡, WC Yes No
1459 월인석보 월석, WS Yes Yes
1459 훈민정음언해 훈언, HE Yes No
1460 몽산화상법어약록언해 몽산화상법어약록, 몽산법어언해, 몽산법어, 몽법, MS Yes Yes
1461 능엄경언해 능엄, NE Yes Yes
1463 법화경언해 묘법연화경언해, 법화, MB Yes Yes
1464 선종영가집언해 영가, SY Yes Yes
1464 불정심경언해 불정심다라니경언해, 관음경언해 Yes Yes
1465 원각경언해 원각, WG Yes Yes
1466 구급방언해 구방, GG Yes Yes
1481 분류두공부시언해 두시언해, 두시, BDB Yes Yes
1489 구급간이방언해 구급간이방, 구간, GGB Yes Yes
1496 삼단시식문언해 삼단시식문 Yes Yes
1522 법집별행록절요병입사기언해 별행록절요언해, 법집별행록 Yes Yes
1527 훈몽자회 훈몽, HL Yes Yes
1567 몽산화상육도보설언해 몽산화상육도보설 Yes Yes
15XX 십현담요해언해 Yes Yes
1637 권념요록 Yes Yes
1762 지장보살본원경언해 지장경언해, 지장 Yes Yes
Generated from Module:ko-attest/data via Module:ko-attest/data/table

For instance,

|text=[[아옥〮]] [[ᄡᅵ〮]] [[두〯]] [[]][[-과〮]] [[黃(ᅘᅪᇰ)明(며ᇰ)膠(교ᇢ)]][[-와〮]] [[滑(화ᇙ〮)石(씨〮)]][[-ㅅ]] [[ᄀᆞᄅᆞ]] [[各(각〮)]] [[ᄒᆞᆫ]] [[兩(랴ᇰ〯)]][[-ᄋᆞᆯ〮]]
|t=With two ''hop''s (~360mL) of '''Chinese mallow''' seeds and a ''nyang'' (~37.5g) each of ox skin gelatin and powdered talc ...}}


1466, Gugeupbang eonhae (救急方諺解 / 구급방언해) :84a[1]:
아옥〮 ᄡᅵ〮 두〯 과〮 (ᅘᅪᇰ)(며ᇰ)(교ᇢ)와〮 (화ᇙ〮)(씨〮) ᄀᆞᄅᆞ (각〮) ᄒᆞᆫ (랴ᇰ〯)ᄋᆞᆯ〮
àwók psí twǔ hwòp-kwá HHWÀNG.MYÈNG.KYWÒW-wá HWÁLQ.SSÍ-s kòlò KÁK hòn LYǍNG-ól
With two hops (~360mL) of Chinese mallow seeds and a nyang (~37.5g) each of ox skin gelatin and powdered talc ...

For works for which there is not yet a preset defined, please do specify the year but please do not attempt to replicate the title formatting above. Instead, just specify the title of the source in plain Hangul. This makes it easier for new templates to be rolled out in the future.

Please attempt to link every sentence element (including particles) as in the above example, using the as many > signs immediately after a hyphen as needed to shift over the hyphen's position in the romanization.

Please include tone marks if and only if they are present in the original source. Replicate tone marks faithfully, even if you think they are incorrect.

Likewise, if rubies are present in the original source that indicate the pronunciation of Chinese characters, please replicate them faithfully. If they are not present, it is still appreciated to include general fifteenth-to-sixteenth-century Sino-Korean readings, as otherwise automatic transliteration cannot be generated. However, do not add modern Korean readings. If you are unsure, err on the side of safety.



The following templates give detailed conjugations. However, several dozen parameters must currently be manually inputted. It is hoped that it can be eventually modularized, which should remove this problem.

Entry layout


Below is a basic entry stub, representing what a typical Middle Korean entry may look like. It can and should be adapted to best suit each use case, but it is a good starting point.

==Middle Korean==




# {{rfdef|okm}}
<!-- Remove this line and the line at the bottom to add a quotation ---
#* {{Q|okm||<work>|<volume>|<page>|text=<quote>|t=<translation>}}
 ---------------------------------------------REMOVE THIS ᅟLINE--------->