User:Hk5183/to do
[edit]- Montagnais
- matsheshu (dim=matsheshiss) fox, vulpes vulpes (in red phase-uishauatsheshu;black phase-kashteuatsheshu;napeiatsheshu, nusheiatsheshu, ishkueiatsheshu, uishakuatsheshu) matsheshiuian
- muakᵘ loon, gavia immer
- nishk (dim=nishkiss) napeshk, nusheshk, ishkueshk, pashkushk goose (generic) Branta canadensis
- uapishk snow goose chen caerulescens
- apishtiss brant, branta bernicla
- maikan wolf, canis lupus nape-maikan,
- uapatsheshu (dim=uapatsheshish) arctic fox, Alopex lagopus
- anik american toad, Anaxyrus americanus
- utsheu house fly, Musca domestica
- akakuai leech
- kakanukatet mosquito
- amu bee
- pikush snow flea, Achorotus nivicolus
- enikᵘ ant, spider
- papikᵘ bed bug, Climex lectularius
- uhu owl (generic), Great-horned owl, Bubo virginianus
- mishui pine grosbeak Pinicola enucleator
- kakatshu (dim=kakatshiss) raven, Corvus corax
- tshinash tern
- uapakanu snowy owl, Nyctea scandiaca
- mitshishu (dim=mitshishiss) bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- shesheshu sandpiper
- uapishush, uapitshiminikushish snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis
- uapitikun great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
- utatakᵘ northern gannet, Morus bassanus
- munaikutan (dim=munaikutanish) Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica
- shikauniss Black Guillemot, Cepphus grylle
- pashpashteu woodpecker (uskuai-pashpashteu - downy woodpecker, Picoides pubescens)
- kakatshiship (dim=kakatshishipiss) Double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus
- kukukueshish Northern hawk-owl, Surnia ulula (in summer, fall & winter)* in springtime: papanatshishish
- tshetshekᵘ Northern harrier-hawk, Circus cyaneus
- tshimushumash dovekie, Alle alle
- kashikukatasht Boreal owl, Aegolius funerus
- mamitshikushish bank swallow, Riparia riparia
- Ahashu american crow, Corvus brachyrhyncos
- umemeu, umimiu pigeon, dove (possibly passenger pigeon)
- uapishu whistling swan, Olor columbianus
- mishineu turkey
- pishkᵘ nighthawk, Chordeiles minor
- kapiminau, uishkatshan gray jay, Canada jay, whiskeyjack, Perisoreus canadensis
- pipitsheu American robin, Turdus migratorius
- akumushish Red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus
- pipiptshish Merlin, Falco columbarius
- shashatshu Great blue-heron, Ardea herodias
- akushameshu Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
- nutapashkueshu whimbrel, Numenius phaoepus
- tshetshikuteshu razorbill, Alca torda
- atshenishkatshan Great grey-shrike, Lanius excubitor
- atshitshatueshish red-breasted nuthatch Sitta canadensis
- mitush quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides
- ushkuai (dim=ushkuass) birch (generic) white birch, paper birch Betula papyrifera
- ussishk jack pine, Pinus divaricata
- innikuai eastern paper-birch, Betula cordifolia
- minaikᵘ white spruce, Picea glauca
- mishtikᵘ tree
- sheshekatikᵘ, ushkatikᵘ black spruce, Picea mariana
- innasht balsam fir, Abies balsamea
- massishk Northern white-cedar, Thuya occidentalis
- upueiashkᵘ sugar maple
- atshimashkᵘ ash
- kakumin, blackcurrant
- anushkan raspberry
- inniminan blueberry
- uteiminan straw
- atikuminan bear
- upueiminan pin cherry
- innitshimin redcurrant
- minitshimin skunk currant
- nissimin/an Vaccinium uliginosum, bog bilberry
- shashakuminan bunchberry
- tshitshinakuss creeping snowberry
- na mushumin highbush cranberry
- shikuteu cloudberry, lakka, bakeapple
- an teueikan drum
[edit]*to do
Derived terms
[edit]- *ya-van (“which man”)
- *a-vaḷ (“which woman”)
- *a-d (“which, what”)
- *a-var (“those persons”)
[edit]Tamil: * ஏது (ētu, “which, what, why, whence, how”)
- யா (yā, “what or which things”)
- யாவை (yāvai, “which things, what”)
- யாவும் (yāvum, “all, whole”)
- யாவையும் (yāvaiyum)
- யாவது (yāvatu, “what, how”)
- யாவதும் (yāvatum, “even a little”)
- யாரள் (yāraḷ, “which women”)
- யார் (yār, “who”)
- யாவர் (yāvar, “who, what people”)
- யாவரும் (yāvarum, “each and every person”)
- ஆர் (ār, “who”)
- ஆவர் (āvar, “who”)
- யாவண் (yāvaṇ, “where”)
- யாங்கண் (yāṅkaṇ, “where”)
- யாண்டை (yāṇṭai, “what place”)
- யாங்கு (yāṅku, “where, how, in what nature”)
- யாங்கும் (yāṅkum, “everywhere”)
- யாங்கணும் (yāṅkaṇum, “everywhere”)
- ஏவதும் (ēvatum, “everything”)
- ஏன் (ēṉ, “why, what, wherefore, how”)
- எந்த (enta, “what, which”)
- எவரும் (evarum, “everyone, anyone”)
- எவ்வரும் (evvarum, “anyone”)
- எவ்வெவை (evvevai, “whatsoever things”)
- எங்கித்தை (eṅkittai, “in whatever place”)
- எங்கு (eṅku, “where”)
- எங்குத்தைக்கு (eṅkuttaikku, “to which place, whither”)
- எங்கும் (eṅkum, “everywhere, in all directions”)
- எங்கே (eṅkē, “where”)
- எதோள் (etōḷ, “where”)
- எதோளி (etōḷi, “where”)
- என்னணம் (eṉṉaṇam, “how, in what manner”)
- என்னன் (eṉṉaṉ, “who, what kind of person”)
- என்னவன் (eṉṉavaṉ, “what kind of man”)
- எவண் (evaṇ, “where, how”)
- எத்தும் (ettum, “by all means”)
- எந்து (entu, “how, what”)
- எப்படி (eppaṭi, “how, in what way or manner”)
- எவ்வளவு (evvaḷavu, “how much”)
- எஞ்ஞான்றும் (eññāṉṟum, “always, ever”)
- எவ்வாறு (evvāṟu, “how, in what manner”)
- எப்பொழுது (eppoḻutu, “when, at what time”)
- எப்பொழுதும் (eppoḻutum, “always, at all times”)
- எப்போழ்து (eppōḻtu, “always”)
- எம்பரும் (emparum, “everywhere”)
- எம்மை (emmai, “which birth, what world”)
- எம்மை (emmai, “how, why”)
- என்றிய (eṉṟiya, “what for, how, by what means”)
- எற்றை (eṟṟai, “when”)
- எற்றைக்கும் (eṟṟaikkum, “for all time, forever”)
- என்று (eṉṟu, “what day, what time, when”)
- என்றைக்கு (eṉṟaikku, “what day”)
- என்றைக்கும் (eṉṟaikkum, “forever, even once, even a day”)
- என்ன (eṉṉa, “what”)
- என்னது (eṉṉatu, “what”)
- என்னதும் (eṉṉatum, “even a little”)
- என்னை (eṉṉai, “what”)
- எனும் (eṉum, “even a little”)
- என்னும் (eṉṉum, “all, even a little”)
- என்னென்ன (eṉṉeṉṉa, “whatever”)
- என்னர் (eṉṉar, “who”)
- என்னவன் (eṉṉavaṉ, “who, what kind of man”)
- என்னன் (eṉṉaṉ, “who, what kind of man”)
- என்னுக்கு (eṉṉukku, “what for, why”)
- எனை (eṉai, “what, why, all”)
- என்னோரும் (eṉṉōrum, “persons of whatever kind, all persons”)
- எனைத்தும் (eṉaittum, “all, the whole”)
- எனைவர் (eṉaivar, “whoever, whatever persons”)
- எனைவன் (eṉaivaṉ, “who, what person”)
- യാവന് (yāvaṉ, “who”)
- ഏവന് (ēvaṉ, “who?, which male”)
- ഏവര് (ēvaṟ, “who? plural”)
- ഏവ (ēva, “what?”)
- ഏവനും (ēvanuṁ, “everyone”)
- ഏതു (ētu, “what, which?”)
- ഏതാനും (ētānuṁ)
- ഏതാണ്ടു (ētāṇṭu)
- ഏതും (ētuṁ)
- ഏതേനും (ētēnuṁ)
- ഏതല്ക്കാലേ (ētalkkālē)
- എല്ലാ (ellā)
- എവിടത്തു (eviṭattu, “where, whither”)
- എവിടേ (eviṭē)
- എവിടേയും (eviṭēyuṁ, “anywhere”)
- എവ്വിടം (evviṭaṁ, “what place?”)
- എവ്വണ്ണം (evvaṇṇaṁ, “how?”)
- എവ്വഴി (evvaḻi)
- എന്നു (ennu, “what day?, when”)
- എന്തു (entu, “what, why?”)
[edit]- Burrow, T., Emeneau, M. B. (1984) “5151”, in A Dravidian etymological dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, →ISBN.
[edit]- Unami:
- -apam
- -apant
- -
- -
- -
- lamunkwe : inside
- mèmhalamùnt / mehmalamùnt : merchant / trader
- wëntamweokàn : instructions
- wënchi kchinkwehëlak east
- nëmahëlàm I buy (something)
- ktëmakhatènamu he has sad thoughts / he grieves
- këtëmakelëwakàn mercifulness
- tunkshèni vti open it
- tunkshèkokàn ni key
- tunkshèxën vii it is open, it lies open
- tunkshehële it came open (as a door)
- èhahpusitunk grill ; something on which to roast
- ahpusi /verb root/ to roast / bake /ahpusit/ <- participle
- èhëlekhikètunk pencil ; that with which to write
- pukshëmën he cuts a hole in it
- pikshëmën he cuts it up
- kèkshëtèk stove
- kishkshëmën /verb root/ to cut it
- kshëte vii it is hot (object)
- kshësëmën vti he heats it
- kshësu via he/she is warm/hot
- kshësasu it was heated
- kshëpète vii it is hot (liquid)
- kshëlànte it is a hot day
- kshëlexin he has a fever
- wënchihële vii it comes from
- wënchixën vii it comes from
- wënchìch particle so that + future marker
- kwënchchënëmën vti he pushes it //root -> kënchchënëmën
- wènchimao vta he sends for him
- wènchahku via he gets ready /root/ -> wènchahki
- tùkwënchu ni round bowl /tùkw-ënchu/
- kënthika vti he pushes it along with his foot
- wëlànte vii the sun is shining bright, it is good weather
- opitëmakàn Lit the white road milky way
- tëmakàn ni road, path
- kshakèxën well traveled road
- chimakàn ni oar, paddle
- lehëlexe vai he is alive
- kwiakwi still
- tuhòn ni branch, limb, fallen limb
- kaxëne pc perhaps, maybe
- kshàxën vii it is windy
- lëlëwàxën breeze, it is a breeze
- lënuwàxën it is a strong wind, a gale
- wëlelëmi peculiar
- tàxën there is a cold wind
- òhsaxëni manëtu whirlwind spirit
- alàxënchu ni empty dish
- talàxhakiye vai he plows
- talàxhakiyakàn ni plow
- salàxki particle suddenly, all at once
- alàxàt vii it is empty
- alàximu vai he rests /root/-> alaximwi
- kèxën particle several times
- kèxukwëni several days later
- hìkpèxën the water has receded, (the water lies ___
- hìkpehële vii the water is receding, (moves ___ wikpèkihële synonym?
- wènhikahëlak ni place from which the water has receded
- hìkpète vii it is boiled dry
- hìkpèsëmën he boils it dry
- chuwpèxën it is filled with liquid
- paxënëmën vti to split it, to tear it (needs preverb or inflection to be grammatical)
- këlam'pexën still water, calm water
- paxkèxën ni road that splits from the main road
- pem'pexën flowing water
- pukweèxën short-cut pukwe-èxën cut-road?
- punkwshèxën dust storm
- sapëlexën vii it lays shining
- shipënakèxën vii it lays flat and smooth
- sèkpexën as far as the water goes, the distance across the water
- sëkëlexën vii it is black and shiny sëk-ëlexën-w black-shiny-3
- tatxëpèxën vii it is shallow water
- òsëlèxën vii it shines
- ahshikëmënshi ni fern
- ahshikàn ni stocking, sock
- alahikàn ni target, mark at which to shoot
- alukalkwësit na the employed one, employee
- elalukalat na his boss, he who hired him --> see èlalukalit (he who hired me)
/èlalukalchik/ those who are hired (from èlalukalit?)
- ahpamska (root) walk around ahpam-ska (subordinative ->ahpamska)
- àskën it is raw, it is ripe
- pëmskan (root) to walk past, walk by
- askàntàmën (root) to eat something raw
- chiskàntàmën to lick it
- ehasuwit na singer, one who sings (pl-ehasuwichik singers, choir
- asuwi (root) to sing [can be grammatical following preverb E.g. nkata-asuwi
Also from this form are /èlasuwit/ the way he sings ; /tëlasuwin/ the way he sings, what he sings ; ènta lasuwit - (the way he sings). asuwakàn - song hitaosuwit- skilled singer
- iape PC near the water
- èkwpiyink ni under the water /èkw- (m)pi -y- ink/ (E.g. Xaheli manëtuwàk tëntalawsineyo èkwpiyink.)
- èlamàlsit na how he feels
- èlamamalikèt one who steps
- èlamamalike he steps
- èhëlamalikenkw ni stirrup
- xinkòlamu he hollers loudly
- xahulamu he hollers, he yells
- wëlelamàlsu via he feels strange
- wëlamëweokàn ni truth, honesty
- wëlamëwe he tells the truth
- wëlamàlsuhe he makes (people) feel well
- wëlamàlsuhaluwèt he who makes people feel well
- wëlamàlsu he feels well ; he recovered
- wëlamhìtao vta he believes him
- wëlamhìtamëweokàn ni belief
- wëlamhìtamën vti he believes it --> alt=ulamhìtàmën
- wëlalamu via he yells well
- winkalamwi (root) to like to yell
- wihëlamën he named it
- tëlilàman where he gets water, he got water there
- tëlamànkàn ni upper arm
- salàmpwënikàn ni bell, chime Litthat which rings
- shaolamu he starved to death --> root --> shaolamwi starve
- olàmàn ni Indian paint
- ntëlamàlsi preverb the way I feel / I feel that
- mëlamëweokàn ni sense of smell
- mëlamën he smells it
- mhalamwësëwakàn ni merchandise,
- lamhakie underground
- këlàmu pile, heap, stack
- këlampisun ni tumpline
- këlamhukwèpu he sits still, quietly
- këlamikapu he stands still
- këlamapisun ni belt
- këlamhatènamu he has a calm mind
- këlamahpu vai he is still
- ilamàlsu he feels brave
- alamaònke the foot of a hill, mountainside
- wëntahkame this side of the water
- pètakwixën the water is rising
- xkwitpiènk on top of the water
- chòpwënëmën he put it in the water (by hand)
- kohpalao he pulls it out of the water
- chòpwihële he fell into the water
- òsahpèkwe he came from across the water
- òspèkwe across the water
- pètasu he comes this way singing
- alukakàn na servant
- alukala (root) vta to hire him/her,
- alukalkwësi to be employed
- wëlalukasu he does a good job
- mahtalukakàn na bad servant
- mahtalukasuwakàn bad deed
- mahchikamikink ni cemetery
- lëpweìnu na wise man, intelligent man, counselor
- lëpweinakwsu he looks intelligent
- lëpwein he is intelligent
- lehëlexèt na one who is alive PL=lehëlexèchik
- lixsëwakànit na one who has a language PL=lixsëwakànichik
- lànkuntuwit na relative, kin PL=lànkuntuwichik
- lànkuntuwakàn ni relationship, kinship
- lakeit ni his tribe, a tribe PL=lakeichik
- kèpchat na person who is full of foolishness PL=kèpchachik
- kèhkëmutkèt na robber, thief one who habitually steals PL=kèhkëmutkèchik
- këmutke he steals
- kèhkitënikèt doctor one who habitually hurts people PL=kèhkitënikèchik
- kenahkihèt, kenahkihat nurse, caretaker one who takes care of one
- kenahkihaw (root) take care of him, watch over him
- kenahkitu (root) to take care of something
- kenahkinëwès, kenahkinëwèt na watchman, guard
- kiikàmao vta he visits him
- kikinhèt na guide, scout PL=kikinhèchik
- kikinhe he is guiding
- kikinao vta he identifies him
- kikinàmën vti he identifies it
- kìkinhikàn ni grave marker
- kikikàn ni marker
- èlahtunikèt ni seeker, guide, scout
- mpiawsit na one who lives in the water PL=mpiawsichik
- mèxkeòhkësit na red skinned person PL=mèxkeòhkësichik
- nehëlatpanit na the one he killed PL=nehëlatpanichik
- nehënikanichimwichik na prophets
- nehënisksit na one who is constantly dirty PL=nehënisksichik
- nisksit na one who is dirty PL=nisksichik
- nehënutëmèkisèt na shepherd one who habitually watches over sheep PL=nehënutëmèkisèchik
- nutëmèkisèt na shepherd one who watches over sheep PL=nutëmèkisèchik
- nuhënutëmaluwèt na watchman
- nutëmao vta he guards him, watches over him
- nihëlalat na owner PL=nihëlalachik
- nihëlalao vta he owns him
- nihëlalkwësu he is owned
- nikanixit na a leader PL=nikanixichik
- nikanixink na leader
- nuhëlao vta she nurses him/her, she suckles him/her
- nuhëlënchik na sucklings those who nurse
- pahsitaonit na half-breed PL=pahsitaonichik
- pèhpalsit na sickly person, invalid one who is constantly/frequently sick PL=pèhpalsichik
- palsit na the sick one, person who is sick, the sick (collective) PL=palsichik
- palsìtamën (root) to hear it incorrectly)
- palsìtànk na one who hears something incorrectly
- peyat vai he is coming this way, in this direction (note- it is understood that they are nearby, within sight)
- peyat na one who is coming this way, in this direction PL=peyachik
- pëmawsit na one who is living PL=pëmawsichik
- pëmëskat na one who walks, walker PL=pëmëskachik
- pèhpëmëskat na one who habitually walks, regular walker PL=pèhpëmëskachik
- pënaelìntàmëweit na one who has the ability to think PL=pënaelìntàmëweichik
- salàsit that which is fried PL=salàsichik E.g. salàsit hopënis (fried potato, french fry) PL=salàsichik hopënisàk
- èhèntasalàsink ni frying pan that which is regularly used to fry
- salàsikàn steam-fried meat
- shinkalit na one who hates me, an enemy PL=shinkalichik
- sëksit na the black one, one who is black PL=sëksichik
- taonkël vai he is lost taonkël-w be lost-3
- taonkëlëchik na those who are lost
- taonkëlàxàm na stray dog, lost dog
- Tèhtaonkëlëmhès na Will-o-the-wisp, Ignis fatuus one who repeatedly causes people to become lost --> a.k.a. Tèhtaonkëlëmhalëwès
- taonkëlëwakàn ni the state of being lost
- tkawsit na gentle one (applied to animal), tame one PL=tkawsichik E.g. tkawsichik aèsësàk | tame animals
- kpëtun ni gag, (to place in someone's mouth to keep them quiet
- òhchipisu via he has a convulsion, he has a seizure
- òhchipisëweokàn ni convulsion, seizure
- weènchipahkàt the leaves are together E.g. Weènchipahkihëlèxkwe Touching-Leaves woman (don't publish: this is a personal name!)
- mòchipwis na turkey vulture
- chìpilësu vai he acts strange, he has supernatural powers, he is dangerous from root /chìpilìsi/
/ --similiarly [chìpi le|it does strange things, it is dangerous, strange times
- chèhchipahkohès na shoemaker, shoe repair man, cobbler
- mësilikte vii it is multi-colored, variegated
- likte the color it is
- wëlikte it is a good color
- wisahkimikte it is purple, wine color wisahkim-ikte-w grape-color-3
- tànktëmetët na coyote little wolf
- sëkikte vii it is of a blackish hue, it is black colored sëk-ikte-w black-color-3
- sëkaxkte ni coal of wood on fire, charcoal sëk-axktew black-wood
- shawiskte particle by the fire, by the fireside
- shawishëm (root) to cut it along the side, along the edge
- òxehëmu moonlight
- èshhitehëmën he cuts through it èshi-hite-hëmën
- èhèmpsahèt na dressmaker, tailor PL=èhèmpsahèchik
- wëlitehëmën it is well-hewn (a log or old-time floor), it is beaten well (drum), it is well driven (nail into board)
- wsehëmën vti he scatters it, sows it w-sehëmë-ne
- pëpuhwitehëmën he knocked on it also papuhwitehëmën
- pèpuhënikès , pèhpuhënikès na drummer, one who habitually drums
- pëpuhwès ni tin, bell (without a clapper),
- sësëmwèk ni bell (with a clapper)
- shaxakwtis na tree frog
- xakwixën vii flood, it is a flood
- pxàkha to peel it or pare it (animate)
- pxàkhitehasu it has been hit and scratched
- papu vai he plays, he is playing
- pèhpapitunk ni toy that which is repeatedly played with
- mapël ni marble (the toy)
- papai lehëlèxe he lives enjoyably
- èhènta papink park, playground, play area a place to play
- ehahpikwès na musician, music player, one who plays a musical instrument, especially a flautist PL=ehahpikwèsàk musicians, orchestra, band
- ahpikwe he plays music
- paitehëme he threshes grain ((by hand?)) ... also paitehike he threshes grain (by tool?)
- pèhpaitehikàn ni threshing machine
- mehëmèntuwe he begs, he pleads
- mehëmushëwès na barber one who frequently clears people -> one who frequently shaves people PL=mehëmushëwèsàk ... also mehëmushikèt PL= mehëmushikèchik
- wèlsit na one who is pretty, one who is beautiful PL=wèlsichik
- mushëmën vti to cut it off /mush/ = clear
- mushtun na toothless person -mush-tun clear-mouth
- mushakàn ni scythe clearing tool --> also muskakàn, synonym -> tëmàsksakokàn
- mushao vta he cuts his(others) hair
- mushasu vai he had a haircut, his hair has been cut
- mushhakòt vii the sky is cloudless, the sky is clearing
- mushhàkw ni the sky, clear sky |loc. mushhakunk
- mushitunayahu he shaves (his mouth)
- mushpèkàt clear water
- mehëmushitunayëhikàn ni razor tool frequently used to clear (shave) the mouth
- mehëmikëmòsit na worker, one who repeatedly, frequently works PL=mehëmikëmòsichik
- mikëmòsit na worker one who works PL=mikëmòsichik
- mikëmòsu vai he works root=/mikëmòsi/
- ehëliksink that which is used to color / dye
- mawënsi (root) to pick berries
- mehëmawënsit na berry picker, one who repeatedly picks berries PL=mehëmawënsichik
- mehëmawënsink fruit, (berries only)
- maike vai he stays overnight, he camps
- mehëmaikènk ni hotel, motel place where people frequently, repeatedly stay overnight
- kahtënamu his age -> kahtënamit what his age is
- wëlhatènamu vai he is in a happy mood -> also wëlatènamu
- wëlatenamëwakàn ni happiness
- winkhatènamu he is happy, he is in a pleasant mood
- sàkhotènamu vai he is depressed, he is worried, he is despondent, he is in a sad state of mind
- sakomàlsu vai he feels uncomfortable, is unconfortable ( sakw-amalsi-w) discomfort- feel-3
- sakomàlsëwakàn ni discomfort,
- sakowsëwakàn ni irksome life sakw-awsëwakàn
- sakwelìntàmëwakàn ni melancholy, the state of feeling melancholy, sadness
- sàkhotènamëwakàn ni mental depression, despondency, worry the state of feeling uncomfortable in ones thoughts
- manunkhatènamu vai he feels mad
- kaonehëmalao vta he throws him down
- alulhitehëmën to knock something upside down
- ehëmàxkenk gravy
- atehëmën he put out the fire
- shawishapiahe vai she sews on a beaded edge
- lusikte prairie fire
- màsktënchu ni chamber pot, bed-pan màskt-ënchu dung-dish
- ktëskawtin ni race (runnning)
- linkte it thaws, it melts
- wichikemàk na neighbor
- wikhe vai he is building a house
- wikhèt na house builder PL=wikhèchik
- winkalit na friend, one who likes me PL=winkalichik
- winkeòxkwèt na one who likes women PL=winkeòxkwèchik
- winkeòhkwèt na raven, african lion those who like meat PL=winkeòhkwèchik
- wisawsit na one who is yellow, Asians (I know! :0 ) PL=wisawsichik
- witënakwsichik na those who work together, co-workers
- wëlapènsit na a person who has a good inheritance, patrimony PL=wëlapènsichik
- wësksit na a young one, youth pl=wësksichik
- xuwichik na old ones
- àskàskontpat na mallard duck one who has a green head pl=àskàskontpachik
- àspit na one who goes up, ascends pl=àspichik
- àskàskwsit na one who is green pl=àskàskwsichik
- èhamès, èhamèt na fisherman pl=èhamèchik
- èhashëntèsit na trader pl=èhashëntèsichik
- èkhòkait na one who is under the ground pl=èkhòkaichik
- èlait na hunter, one who hunts pl=èlaichik
- aphakahikàn ni saddle blanket
- ashuwatehikàn a cross
- chichikënëmwikënhwis na meadowlark
- ehatehikàn ni snuffer, tool to extinguish a fire
- ehalatëlawsichik na the dead those who have ceased to live
- ehëlèkhikèt na writer, author pl=ehëlèkhikèchik
- hakihèt na a farmer, one who gardens, plants, pl=hakihèchik
- haphitehikàn ni anvil
- kèshipsit na one who has an itch pl=kèshipsichik
- kèkpëchehëlat na one who went crazy pl=kèkpëchehëlachik
- kèkpahikès na jailer one who shuts people in
- kèhkëlahikès na trapper one who traps pl=kèhkëlahikès
- kwìthikeokàn ni correction
- kwènashikànat na Englishman long knife pl=kwènashikànachik
- kwshikshakokàn sawdust
- kpëshehikàn ni cover, lid
- kpàskhikàn ni cork, stopper
- kiwsit na drunkard, drunk pl=kiwsichik
- kishuxèkhikàn ni calendar
- kishikën vii it is fully grown
- kishikënëmën he raised a crop
- kishikhe he is finished building a house
- kishikeokàn ni growth
- kikehwèt na healer, one who regularly heals pl=kikehwèchik
- hìkënàns na nit
- manshapiahikànasik beadwork done on a loom
- mhitahpit na one who is born pl=mhitahpichik
- màxkchëphìk ni beet red root
- shikwsu pork side, salt pork , bacon
- shiphike he hangs things
- shikwine (root) to be an orphan
- shikwilësëwakàn ni robbery
- shikwinèt na orphan pl=shikwinèchik
- shèshikwitasik ni stolen goods, that which is stolen
- sahkehikàn na ladder, stairs
- wisahke it burns (on the skin)
- wisahkixwsu the sun is hot on him, the sun burns him
- wisahkipukòt vii it tastes bitter
- wisahkamàlsu vai he is in extreme pain, burning pain, bitter pain he feels bitter, he feels burning
- sàhkaxehun ni earring
- sahkakwën (root) lead him by the hand
- pëntpehëlaxthikàn ni funnel (something like *tool in which water is led
- pehpakàntpehëlas na Hognose snake, cottonmouth Heterodon platirhinos (something like *one who habitually bites the foot
- pàkan the width
- tànkiti pàkàn vii it is narrow tànk-i-ti pàkàn small-connective-dim. width
- xinkwi pàkàn vii it is wide big-con-dim. width
- pàkanikea my molars where my teeth are flat
- pakànke locust, seven year cicada
- pakalënche vai he claps
- pàkahpon skillet bread flat bread
- pàkaonke it has a flat bank, there is a
- pënaelìntàmahikàn ni computer thinking machine
- pèpkwëshikàn ni auger, drill
- ènta pàkalënchat in his palm in the flat of his hand
- pèhpënunhikehikàn ni television tool which they regularly look at, tool which regularly shows
- punthikàn ni scales, steelyard from /punthe/ to weigh.
- pkwitehikàn ni chisel
- pahsahikàn ni Indian football, ball
- pahsaonkixën vii it lies halfway down a hill
- pahsaonke it is halfway down a hill
- pahsaèk valley, ravine also pahsayèk , pahsayunk
- mëtanhike he is doctoring (a mëteine)
- thikamikàt a cold room
- tàhkònshikàn ni scissors
- tahkwëntahikàn ni hobbles
- sëkhìksu vai he is sunburned
- sànkhikàn ni pump-drill, fire-drill
- sikapehikàn ni wringer
- tànkchehikàn ni spur
- tèhtëmàskhikàn ni mowing machine, lawnmower machine regularly used to cut grass
- welawsit na one who lives good, leads a good life pl=welawsichik
- wënhikahële vii the water ebbs, recedes
- pxàshikàn ni dried meat, jerky
- wëntahkwi this direction, this way, this side
- weèntahkwi on each end, end to end
- eèntahkwi both sides, both ends
- tahkwii together
- tahkwixën vii they are together, they lie together
- tahkwixhamën sew it together
- tahkwipu he eats a feast tahk-wip-w together-eat-3
- tahkwëntikàn ni tweezers, pliers together ---- tool
- wahkwësu he is known
- ahanhùkwii particle over and over again, repeated
- ahanhukochimwit na translator, interpreter pl=ahanhukochimwichik
- ahanhùkwi nuhëm na my great-grandmother grandmother twice over [can also refer to great-aunt]
- ahanhùkwi nëmëxumës na my great-grandfather
- ahanhùkwi nuxwis na my great-grandchild
- nuxwis na my grandchild, grandniece, grandnephew nuxwisàk - my grandchildren
- uxwisa na his/her grandchild, grandniece, grandnephew
- nuhëm na my grandmother, my great-aunt (nuhëma)obv. / deceased
- uma na vocative Grandmother!
- kuhëmëna na our (incl) grandmother
- Kahèsëna Xàskwim Our mother corn
- Kahèsëna Hàki Our mother earth
- nkahèsa na my mother obv. / deceased
- ànati na dear mother! Vocative àna-ti mother-dim.
- àna na voc. mother!
- Shësa na Uncle! vocative (mother's brother)
- nshis na my uncle (mudda's brudda) , kshis, wshisa
- sùkwis na mother-in-law sùkwisa - his mother-in-law
- wèkahèsin vai one who is a mother
- wèkahèsit na one who is a mother pl=wèkahèsichik
- piitàkw na stepmother
- nkahètët na my aunt little mother kohètëta- his aunt
- kahètëta na voc. aunt! synonym=nkahèti --my aunt!
- mëxumës na grandfather, great uncle
- nuxtët na my uncle (father's brother) little father uxtëta - his uncle
- xàta na younger brother
- naxisëmës na my younger brother, sibling, counsin
- xisëmësa na voc younger sister, brother!
- naxisëmëstuk na voc my younger brothers and cousins!, my younger sisters and cousins!
- naxans na my elder brother xònsa his elder brother
- witëntuwàk they are brothers
- nimahtëstuk voc my brothers
- nimahtës na my brother voc=nimàt, nim - brother!
tënuyëma-his brother
- wimahtësa his brother (man speaking)
- wilëma na her brother-in-law
- nilëm na my opposite-sex in-law (man speaking: my sister-in-law)(woman:my brother-in-law)
- wòhtànko na his brother in law
- nahtànkw na my brother-in-law
- witkuxko na her sister
- mwisa na his/her sister
- witawsa na his/her sister-in-law (nitawës my-)
- nëmis na my older sister, cousin (their mwisëwoo
- ntuxkweyëm na my sister (man speaking)
- nitkuxk na my sister (woman speaking)
- xàtash na voc sister!
- nichan na my child (mainly daughter) , my neice
- tòna na his/her daughter (old word)
- naxëm na my daughter-in-law
- xùma na his daughter-in-law
- kìkay na old person, elder also khìkay
- kpahasit na prisoner pl=kpahasichik also kèkpahèsit pl=kèkpahèsichik
- weòpsit na the white one, white person pl=weòpsichik
- alëwilësëwakàn ni power
- anetawsëwakàn ni awkwardness
- chanawsëwakàn ni sins, wrongdoing
- chanelìntàmëwakàn ni dissatisfaction
- chitanësëwakàn ni strength, power
- chitanìsëwakànit na strong person, moral person pl=chitanìsëwakànichik
- kahtusëmëwakàn ni thirst
- kanshelìntàmëwakàn ni surprise
- kiòlëtëwakàn ni deceit
- kpëcheonkëlëwakàn ni insanity
- kànkàmawsëwakàn ni living a strange life, eccentricity
- lapènsëwakàn ni inheritance
- lixsëwakàn ni language
- luwènsëwakàn ni name
- làchèsëwakàn ni possession
- mahtawsëwakàn ni sin, bad life, wickedness
- mayawsëwakàn ni righteousness
- psàkwitehasu vii' it has been glued to something, nailed to something, stuck on to something
- psàkwihële vti it is stuck on
- psàkwe vii it is sticky, stuck together, stuck on
- psàksu vai he is sticky
- psàkwiokàn ni glue
- pikàkës na peafowl, peacock, peahen
- kak na brant (a type of goose)
- kakiwalis na brown thrasher, Toxostoma rufum (bird)
- këluke vai he swears, he curses -> kakëluke - he swears repeatedly
- kakëlultëwakàn ni profanity
- èhèshikakwën ni laxative
- pàkakwënèt na moose --> also pàkakënèt
- tànkakwtët little tree
- psàkòn vii it is sticky
- psàkwixtun he sticks it on
- pèpëlakhàkw ni pepper-shaker (suffix from hakhàkw?
- pèhpëmëtunhès na preacher one who speaks frequently
- punkwës na mosquito
- wipunkwskikw sage (grey grass)
- wipunkwsu vai he is grey
- wipunkwinakòt vii it looks grey, it looks grey colored
- wipunkwe vii it is grey
- sakimëwakàn ni chieftancy, chieftainship
- sakixën vii it is sticking out, it lies sticking out
- sàke vii length, height, it is ___ long, it is ___ high, length of something also sàki
- èhatikès na gambler, better
- wèkulis na whip-poor-will
- wèhshùmwis na cow
- wixëwësit one who is hairy PL=wixëwësichik those who are hairy
- wixëwësu vai he is hairy
- weòputis na hornet
- xalahputis na spider
- pamputis na snapping-turtle
- òlpekàt ni a round hole of water, water hole
- shaxëxëkatèpisun ni splint for a broken leg straight leg medicine
- sànàkwtis wart
- sàkës na burr
- sàktùkw na tick
- nènhìlëwès na murderer one who repeatedly kills
- nulhànt vai he is lazy
- nulhàntës na lazy person, one who is lazy
- ntalëmuns na my pet (ktalëmuns) etc...
- talëmunsu vai he has a pet
- talëmunsit na one who has a pet, a pet-owner PL=talëmunsichik
- wètalëmunsichik na those who have pets
- muxwès na insect, bug
- mus na moose, elk
- pòkshëmën to cut it open
- pòksha to cut him open
- mamantuhwis na whirligig beetle, water beetle
- mamalis na fawn
- lòyès na lawyer
- lulus na burrowing wasp
- lelèmpëlis na hummingbird
- kwëshhate vii it is smoking
- kenamëwakàn ni thankfulness
- ksinhatènamu vai he is unconcerned
- ktëmakhatènamu vai he has sad thoughts, he grieves
- këlamhatènamu vai he has a calm mind
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[edit]- Munsee
- ách (particle) even
- áa PC should, would, can, could
- áalund PC some
- áaman NI rope, piece of rope. Pl. áamanal | poss. ndáaman | dim. áamanush
- aapíikwus NA mouse. Pl. aapíikwsak | Dim. aapíikwshush| Obv. aapíikwsal
- aaptonáakan NI voice PL. aaptonáakanal
- áashtee PC instead, next
- ápih PC might ; future
- apahahkáakan NI roof PL apahahkáakanal| poss. ndaphahkáakan | loc. apahahkáakanung | dim. apahahkáakanush. SEE apaháakan
- anz’híikan NI scoop, dipper, something used to dip for water. PL
- anáanzoon NI Sheet, bedding
- kíhkay NA chief PL kíhkayak | poss. ngíhkayum | obv. kíhkayal
- xwéelun PC many times
- xwéeli- PV very many, very much, a lot
- xwupéekat vii be deep water Suffix cognate with Unami -pekàt it is water
- yáanee PC always, often
- yáapee PC along the bank, down by the water Cognate with Unami iape (“near the water”)
- yáawii PC on one side
- láawate PC ago
- ámbee PC also
- nóondaa PC less than
- nzáapaan NI cornmeal mush, oatmeal, cog|unm|sapan poss. nùsaapáanum, nzaapáanum | loc. nzaapáanung
- nzúkeew vii it is black Conj 3 sg nzúkeek | participle nzúkeek
- nzúksuw vai he/she is black Ind. 1 sg nuskúsi (-im) | Conj. 3 sg. nzúksiit | participle neeskúsiit
- nóox NA father (my father) PL nóoxwak | 3 sg poss. óoxwal
- ootéenay NI town, land PL ootéenayal | poss. 1 sg ndootéenay | loc. ootéeneeng | dimin. oochéeneesh
- oxkweekángan NI neck PL oxkweekánganal | poss. 1 sg ndoxkweekángan | loc. oxkweekánganung | dimin. oxkweekánganush
- wŭláakanus NI dish PL wŭlaakanúsal | poss. 1 sg nooláakanus | loc. wŭlaakanúsung | dimin. wŭlaakanúshush
- wŭlaamweewáakan NI truth
- wŭlaangoondŭwáakan NI friendship
- níipun vii be summer, summer níipune - last summer niipúnge-next summer Conj. 3 sg níipung | participle níipung
[edit]- பண்ணை
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- காப்பாற்று
- விசாரி
- விசாரிதன்
- ஆதரவு
- விவரம்
- வாணிகம்
[edit]- hawkat
- hêlî
- hêncet
- hênik
- hênijîn
- hêrs
- hêrûg
- hêrivandin
- hêrve
- hêsa
- hêsîr
- hêşî
- hêt
- hevreh
- hindik
- hêvên
- hêtûn
- hindav
- hewcedar
- hêwirandin
- hêwirge
- hêwî
- hêzar
- hilqeys
- himberi
- hinarik
- hevçax
- hevwext
- hevşib
- hevdu
- hevberî
- hemanî
- hişmend
- hêrs
[edit]- kedxwar
- kefçî
- kefgîr
- kefik
- kefş
- kêf
- kêfxweşî
- kelêj
- kelepûr
- kelle
- kelpîç
- kêmtir
- kemxe
- kendav
- kengî
- kepir
- kepreşîne
- keraş
- kereng
- kerese
- kereste
- kergah
- kerguh
- kerî
- kerûbî
- keser
- kesîb
- kesîbtî
- keskesor
- keştî
- keşxe
- kevan
- kevanî
- kevezan
- kevil
- kevjal
- kevnare
- kevnayî
- kevneşop
- kevok
- kevz
- kaxez
- kisûr
[edit]- leheng
- likumîn
- limêj
- ling
- lipat
- lipitandin
- lipitîn
- liqat
- livajen
- livandin
- livbazî
- livîn
- lîç
- lîn
- lîstik
- lîstikçi
- lîstin
- lovyank
- lûlik
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
- [Term?]
[edit]! = to be edited
- abgehetzt
- ferienreif
- lechzend
- abgequält
- überbürden
- entkräften!
- wegbleiben (Schleswig)!
- Kraftreserve
- nachhinken
- unverkrüppelt
- unverwüstlich
- einduseln
- aufgekratzt
- Schlafsucht
- frischfarbig
- entschlummern
- Ätherrausch
- Hetscher
- kapöberle (Switzerland)
- körbeln
- közen
- Tschibuk (Austria)
- Kloben
- Glimmstengel
- Hugo!
- Spreize !(bavaria)
- Butz!
- Kenkel!
- expektoral
- Exsudat
- Qualster
- ullriche (Hesse)
- gaksen
- Guscht
- grebretzen (Austria)
- Siedlerstolz
- Stinkbolzen
- Rauchkolben
- Festrübe
- Giftnudel
- Knallerballer
- Knäller
- Kutscherzigarre
- Liebesgabe
- Rakete!
- Schnuller!
- Stinkadores
- Stift!
- flöfen (Rhein)
- Stinkbolzen
- Rauchrolle
- schmorren (Rhein)
- Glimmrolle
- Glühzulp
- Knasterkerze
- Lippenbürste
- Mundklistier
- Nikotinspargel
- Qualmbolzen
- Datterich
- Kautabak
- angetüdelt (hamburg)
- beduselt
- befiselt
- Kapuzinerrausch
- Weinlaune
- Haarbeutel
- Haarspitzenkatarrh
- Ölkopp
- bedudelt
- angesäuselt
- angerissen
- angerauscht
- angeheitert
- angeduselt
- angeäthert
- einseifen!
- benibbelt
- beschmort
- beschnurjelt
- [[]]
- betimpelt
- bezopft!
- Bierleiche
- ansausen
- einweichen!
- bezechen
- beschwipsen
- besäuseln
- Lippentriller (berlin)
- Lüttelag
- Magenbitter
- Zechkumpan
- Wuppdich
- Arrak
- Knickebein
- Köm
- behammeln
- Wuttki
- Karline
- trinklustig
- theken
- Bacchusfreund
- Quartalssäufer
- Saufaus
- Saufeule
- Saufkumpan
- Schoppenstecher
- Süffel
- Sumpfhuhn
- Haubitze!
- Finkeljochem
- Karmelitergeist
- Seehund!
- Kutscher!
- Purlegîger (Elsass)
- Rachenputzer
- Rambaß
- Sauerach
- Surius!
- schräg!
- Sauser!
- Schampus
- knüll
- Schumm!
- molum!
- Hippokras
- Bischof!
- Entziehungsanstalt
- Hoppelpoppel
- Krambambuli
- Maitrank
- Schabau
- Seelenwärmer
- Gambrinus!
- Dreimännerwein
- Gesöff
- Krätzer
- Dividendenjauche
- Heuriger
- Hohenastheimer
- Schorlemorle
- Abendschoppen
- Sektfrühstück
- schmettern (Nordd)!
- schnaffeln
- Sauderei
- Kneiperei
- Ankenmilch
- Tripmadam
- Rumpelmilch
- Kumyß
- Lorche
- Plurre
- Plempe
- Mazagran
- trudeln! (Nordd)
- knorpeln
- Schlempe
- Brunnewitzer
- Passatwind
- Scirocco
- Pastinak
- Samum
- Sandhose
- Schillerlocken
- Blankmützenwetter
- Wetterwarte
- Eudiometer
- Gasometer
- Gasmesser
- Luftdruckmesser
- Dampfdruckmesser
- Dasymeter
- Baroskop
- Baryometer
- Barometrograph
- Aneroid
- Faserwolke
- Federwolke
- Lämmerwolke
- Haufenwolke
- Wetterflieger
- Aerometer
- Störungsschleier
- Zirruswolke
- Kentaur
- Himmelsglobus
- Barysphäre
- Pyrosphäre
- geognotisch
- Sterndeutung
- Sterntaler
- Wolkenwand
- Haarstern
- Störungsfront
- Nickelbrille
- Stickstoffgehalt
- Stickstoffdünger
- Himmelsfenster
- Titaneisen
- Tierkreisfigur
- Lastwagen!
- Tragbahre!
- Wurfschaufel!
- Sternenheer
- Sonnenbahn
- Septemtriones
- Frühlungspunkt
- Stickstoffwasserstoffsäure
- Titansalz
- Titanschwamm
- Titansäure
- feuerverzinkt
- Feinzink
- Titanplatte
- Rohzink
- Zinkblech
- Zinksalz
- Zinksarg
- Zinkwanne
- Zinkstaub
- Zinkvergiftung
- Basthut
- Batist
- Baststrick
- Pflaummenmus
- unerhellt
- Leckermaul
- Barraß
- Titanblech
- Blusenmann
- Mutterpfennig
- Kunsthonig
- Kraftbrühe
- Tapergreis
- Bams
- Lausbub
- Maifisch
- schnepel
- Eierstich
- Poularde
- Matrone
- muffeln
- Pipimädchen
- Strunze
- knospenfrisch
- Steppke
- Buschi (austria)
- Hemdenmatz
- Suppenhuhn
- Mummelgreis
- Gehwarzen
- Geräff
- Schleifsäbel
- Löschhorn
- Patterchen
- Plätteisen
- Hängezöpfe
- Freßlade
- Helmspitze
- Ohrwachsel
- Katerl
- Flabbe
- Brutsche
- Tierbändiger
- abrichtbar
- dressierbar
- Brutanstalt
- Weidloch
- Reitbahn
- Fußsack
- Saumroß
- Dressur
- Zuchttier
- Geltling
- Körhengst
- Lausallee
- Poposcheitel
- Treibjagd
- Peies
- Jagdruf
- Rosenstock
- Parforcejagd
- Gewaff
- Nimrod
- Pussel
- Gliedmaßen
- Fernzel
- Grützkasten
- Buchampfer
- Kuckusklee
- Bäumlichrut
- Hampf
- Gerbsäure
- Diäthyläther
- Essigester
- Stearinsäure
- Bleiessig
- Rübenzucker
- Teerfarben
- Amylacetat
- Zinkweiß
- Trachyt
- Jodoform
- Brechnuß
- Fayence
- Gußeisen
- Terrazzo
- Tombak
- Höllenstein
- Thomasmehl
- Majolika
- Salmiak
- Kalisalpeter
- Geognosie
- Petrefakt
- Schachtfahrer
- Nagelflue
- Kalktuff
- Tonschiefer
- eigenwüchsig
- Klitterung
- Erdschichtenkunde
- Bergbaukunde
- Psilomelan
- Mergel
- Erdkrume
- Seefelde (Schles)
- Duckstein
- Quebbe
- Grauwacke
- Modderpamp
- Kotlache
- Kolk
- Kniest
- Gumpe
- Darg
- Brühl
- Gumpen
- Kratersee
- Salzflut
- Baggen (slavic)
- hydrographisch
- Brack
- Landenge
- Prallhaang
- Dammweg
- Gleithang
- Wellenbrecher
- Ranft
- Höfte
- Zellwolle
- Halbengländer
- Dümpfel
- Stremel
- Steilküste
- Wurthe
- Wasserkante
- halbschürig
- Terzerone
- amalgamieren
- Scherenschleifer
- Quarterone
- Ehestandslokomotive
- Blumenlese
- Pasticcio
- Baufeld
- Scirocco
- Haché
- Zambo
- Halbengländer
- Sandhose
- Drehesturm
- Tramontana
- Preßluft
- Pankha
- Blachfeld
- Hexenwind
- Rosseschinder
- Kuhbube
- Wettersturz
- Brachfeld
- Stoppelfeld
- Scheitelkreis
- Bergmatte
- Triebwagen
- Nasenstüber
- Tretomobil
- Grubenhund
- Turmschiff
- pfeilgeschwind
- schnellfüßig
- etappenweise
- Amtschimmel
- Weidling
- Pferdebahn
- Tauwerk
- Schraubendampfer
- Schelch
- Smookuver (hamb.)
- Skuller
- Trajekt
- Trampfschiff
- Schinake
- Troßschiff
- Traibler
- Ponto
- Pinasse
- Piroge
- Raddampfer
- hochschrauben
- Ganzmetall-
- Luftriese
- Saalflugmodell
- Großflugzeug
- Hochdecker
- Bordfunker
- Langstreckenflugzeug
- Windmülenflugzeug
- Freiballon
- Stratosphärenballon
- Montgolfiere
- Luftbrücke
- Chefpilot
- Wetterflieger
- Steigfähigkeit
- Gleitflug
- Rollfeld
- Luftschiffhafen
- Sturzug
- Flugwesen
- Luftkorridor
- Modellflugzeugbau
- Verkehrsluftfahrt
- Galeasse
- Beiboot
- Barkasse
- Dingi
- Faltboot
- Feluke
- Gabarre
- Fischdampfer
- Karawelle
- Leuchtschiff
- Muckepicke
- Handelsdampfer
- Kabelleger
- Galeone
- Pferdebahn
- Visavis
- karräteln
- Torschlußpanik
- Taxameter
- Petroleumofen
- Erdnußröster
- Chauseefloh (military)
- Nuckelpinne
- Britschka
- Comfortable (austria)
- Viergespann
- Rikschah
- Eilwagen
- Ringbahn
- Equipage
- Auspuffprinzessin
- Tretomobile
- Kremser
- Soziussitz Vienna)
- Pupperlhutschen
- Landaulett
- Limusine
[edit]--> Dakota
- imniża rock
- iƞ'yaƞ rock
- psiƞ rice
- kaƞġi raven
- wakpa river
- wihmuƞke rainbow
- wica raccoon
- wożupi, su seed
- siƞte tail
- wicaƞḣpi star
--> Lakota
- 𐓀𐒰͘𐓇𐓊𐒻͘𐒼𐒰 rabbit
- 𐓀𐒻͘𐒼𐒰 raccoon
- 𐓄𐓂𐓆𐓎 rice
- 𐓁𐒻𐓓𐓎𐓊𐒷 river
- 𐒻͘ rock
- 𐓄𐒷𐓓𐒷 sage, sagebrush
- 𐓊𐒷𐓐𐒻 sacred
- 𐓐𐓂𐓄𐒷 sacred
- 𐒹𐒰͘𐒼𐒰 sacred
- 𐓈𐓂͘𐓄𐒷, 𐒻𐓍𐒷 see
- 𐓆𐓎 seed
- 𐓀𐒻𐒼𐒰𐒼'𐒷 star
- wahíǫ (alt= wa-hi-oⁿ) rope, sinew, lariat
- íkkąde rope, lariat (i-kaⁿ-de)
- bdóka circular, round, whole, entire (bdo-ka)
- šǫ́šǫ round, spherical (shoⁿ-shoⁿ)
- štáha smooth, rounded (shta-ha)
- óxtaxti to honor s.o., treat with respect (o-xta-xti) from -> cf. o-xta (óxta) - good, desirable; xti (-xti) - very, real, fully
- kíkʔi to give back, return (ki-k’i)
- tíwe rib (ti-we)
- zą́zikka red-shafted flicker (zaⁿ-zi-ka)
- maštįké, maštį́ke rabbit, hare (ma-shtiⁿ-ke)
- mikká raccoon (mi-ka)
- niží rain, it's raining (ni-zhi)
- ttoníkde rainbow (to-ni-kde)
- waxéka blackberry (wa-xe-ka)
- waxéka xótte raspberry (wa-xe-ka xo-te)
- įčʰą́ka, įčʰǫ́ka mouse (iⁿ-chʰaⁿ-ka), (iⁿ-chʰoⁿ-ka)
- kkáγe raven (ka-xe)
- sį́tté tail (siⁿ-te)
- į́spe axe (iⁿ-spe)
--> Kaw / Kansa
- mashcíⁿge rabbit
- miká raccoon
- tóholaⁿ rainbow
- ówahàⁿ kin, relation
- wayúskida roasted corn bundles cooked in ashes
- wakáⁿdagi sacred
- waxóbe sacred
- síⁿje tail
- mikák'e star
--> Assiniboine / Nakoda
- PoßeßiV Prōouns——Ind pro
- persōal Claßes
- Sīgular
- -am ——— mín
- máaɗa / -ma ——— aan
- máako ——— kaŋko
- Plural
- 'ámin / -min ——— mínin
- méeɗen / -men ——— énen
- méeɗon / -mon ——— ónon
- maɓɓe ——— kámɓe
[edit]- maklung - bullet
- htu - sword
- sabya - soap
- sanghpaw - papaya
- hpun lap - leaf
- dinggram - forest
- maling - forest
- asi - death
- zai bru - sand
- hpaga - trade, a caravan
- jau poi - merchant
- hkau lang - wheat
- jung - wheat
- gan - a yoke
- jan - the sun
- ning hkawng - the sun
- na yi - a she-goat
- nam la - a he-goat
- bum - a mountain
- loi - a mountain
- lang - a mountain
- bum lang - mountainous
- laru rat- foothills, high land
- chyahkan - crab
- masin - liver
- sin - liver
- htanda - the chest
- hpun - tree, bush, stalk
- wak - sal tree (Pentaome siamensis)
- maza - cinnamon
- ngau - timber, lumber
- hpin - wood
- bu - betel
- hpungnang - water
- hpungsang- water
- hka - water (as in a lake)
- tawngmu - lotus
- shagroi - water
- ntsin - drinking water
- gindaw - a body of water
- nam - water, oil
- hkahtung - a well
- namhkun - a well
- ra - a traditional river
- hka hpawk - spring
- hkadeng - spring
- hka kau - the bank, shore
- hkyawng - stream
- luksuk - soldier
- majan - war
- dap - a fort
- dapjung - to encamp
- hpyen tai - to become an enemy
- hpyen - an adversary, enemy
- hpyen awng- to conquer, gain a victory
- hpyen tai - to enlist, become a soldier
- hpyen shang - to attack, rush
- hpyen wang - Tô surround and besiege
- jau bu - military officer
- hpyendap - a military camp
- hpyenbu - an officer, captain
- lakap - captain, commander
- akawng - hill
- num kawng - hill
- kawng - elevation, hill
- hkyun - the kidneys
- shun - a kidney
- nhkyun - the kidneys
- gawhpa - corn, maize
- hkai ngu - corn, maize
- mamung - mango
- majap - red-pepper, chili
- shata - the moon
- lun - a month
- kasha - child
- dum - to remember
- sam - to appear, seem
jahkring - to delay, cause to wait
- langai - numeral one
- sum - numeral three
- malai - numeral four