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ca Aquest usuari parla el català com a llengua materna.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio di italiano.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau moyen en français.
la-1 Hic usuarius simplici lingua latina conferre potest.
eo-1 Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
el-1 Αυτός ο χρήστης μπορεί να συνεισφέρει σε βασικού επιπέδου Ελληνικά.
fi-1 Tämä käyttäjä puhuu vähän suomea.
This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.
This user has an advanced understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Greek alphabet.
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Bon dia / Hi there,

Now and then watching Category:Requests concerning Catalan.

In particular:

And also:


Some useful templates

  • {{attention|ca}} -- call for help for Catalan
  • example for quoting an idiomatic phrase:
  1. {{lb|ca|idiomatic}} {{uxi|ca|treure el fetge|to make great efforts to achieve something|lit=to throw up the liver}}
  • {{syn|ca|example}} -- sinònim
  • {{t-check|ca|example}} -- revisar traducció de l'anglès
  • Catalan: {{t-needed|ca}} -- falta traducció de l'anglès

For Catalan verbs:

  • {{indtr|ca|XX|aux=YY}} -- an auxiliary verb that takes preposition XX (a, de, per, en etc) and form YY (infinitive, gerund etc)
  • ?? so what happens with an auxiliary that takes NO preposition ??
  • {{lb|ca|transitive}} -- a transitive verb, that requires a direct object that can be transformed into passive, e.g. "creure una cosa ~ to believe something" => "una cosa és creguda ~ something is believed"
  • {{lb|ca|reflexive}} -- a reflexive verb, that requires a reflexive pronoun matching phrase subject, e.g "creure's una cosa ~ to believe something"
  • {{lb|ca|intransitive}} -- an intransitive verb, that does not require a direct object
  • {{lb|ca|transitive|intransitive}} -- a transitive OR intransitive verb
  • {{lb|ca|transitive|reflexive}} -- a transitive OR reflexive verb e.g. menjar-se
  • {{lb|ca|intransitive|pronominal}} -- an intransitive AND reflexive verb e.g. esbargir-se
  • {{indtr|ca|en}} -- a "transitive" (as per wiktionary?) verb that requires a complement with a certain preposition, an "intransitive prepositional verb" in Catalan grammatical literature, as it CANNOT be transformed into passive, e.g. "creure EN alguna cosa ~ to believe IN something"
  • {{lb|ca|reflexive and pronominal}} -- a reflexive AND pronominal verb, that requires BOTH a reflexive pronoun matching phrase subject AND an adverbial pronoun, e.g "anar-se'n ~ to leave"
  • {{lb|ca|intransitive|hi}} -- a pronominal verb, that requires an adverbial pronoun, e.g "sentir-hi ~ to be able to hear"

alguns verbs "auxiliars"


Alguns verbs auxiliars... assumint per defecte + INFINITIU SENSE PREPOSICIÓ