User:DCDuring/WP "wort" plants
See also
[edit]- List of wort plants on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
[edit]- adderwort, adder's wort - Persicaria bistorta.
- American lungwort - Mertensia virginica}.
- asterwort - Any composite plant of the family Asteraceae.
- awlwort - Subularia aquatica. The plant bears awl-shaped leaves.
[edit]- banewort - Ranunculus flammula or Atropa belladonna
- barrenwort - Epimedium, especially Epimedium alpinum .
- bearwort - Meum athamanticum
- bellwort - Uvularia or Campanulaceae.
- birthwort - Aristolochia. Also, birthroot (Trillium erectum).
- birthwort - Aristolochiaceae, the birthwort family.
- bishop's wort - Stachys officinalis. Also, fennel flower.
- bitterwort - Gentiana lutea.
- bladderwort - Utricularia (aquatic plants).
- blawort - Centaurea cyanus "A flower, commonly called harebell. Also, a certain plant bearing blue flowers."
- bloodroot - Sanguinaria canadensis, a member of Papaveraceae, as are poppies. Produces escharotic alkaloids that corrode skin, leaving wounds. Also redroot, bloodroot or tetterwort.
- blue navelwort - A species of the genus Omphalodes, Cynoglossum
- blue throatwort - Trachelium caeruleum.
- blushwort - A member of the gentian family. shame flower.
- bogwort - The bilberry or whortleberry Vaccinium myrtillus.
- boragewort - Any plant of the borage family, Boraginaceae.
- bridewort - Filipendula ulmaria. The common meadowsweet.; Spiraea spp.
- brimstonewort - Same as sulphurwort.
- brotherwort - wild thyme.
- brownwort - Scrophularia vernalis . yellow figwort.
- bruisewort - Any plant considered to be useful in treating bruises, as herb Margaret.
- bullwort - Ammi majus, bishop's wood.
- bullock's lungwort or cow's lungwort - Verbascum thapsus, the common mullein.
- burstwort - Herniaria glabra. Formerly used to treat rupture.
- butterwort - Pinguicula vulgaris.
[edit]- cancerwort - Linaria vulgaris(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.). toadflax. - catwort - A plant of the genus Nepeta. catnip.
- clown's ringwort - plant featured in the 1605 panel of the w:New World Tapestry.
- colewort - Brassica oleracea. cabbage.
- coralwort - Lathraea squamaria, tooth violet
- crosswort - Eupatorium perfoliatum. Lysimachia quadrifolia . boneset. Also, maywort, a species of Galium, Phuopsis, Phuopsis stylosa.
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[edit]- damewort - Hesperis matronalis(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.). dame's violet or damask violet or dame's rocket. - danewort - Sambucus ebulus. The dwarf elder. Also, daneweed.
- dragonwort - An Artemisia, or Polygonum bistorta
- dropwort - Filipendula vulgaris. A European herb.
- dungwort - Helleborus foetidus. stinking hellebore.
- ebony spleenwort - Fern.
- elderwort - Sambucus ebulus.
- European pillwort - Pilularia globulifera. peppergrass.
[edit]- felonwort - Solanum dulcamara. felonwood or bittersweet.
- feltwort - Another common name for the mullein, the genus Verbascum.
- felwort/fellwort - A common name for various species of gentian.
- feverwort - horse gentian Triosteum.
- figwort - Some plants in the family Scrophulariaceae, including Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright); Veronica officinalis (speedwell or fluellen); Veronica anagullis (water speedwell); Gratiola officinalis (herb of grace) (hedge hyssop); Herpestis monniera ([[water hyssop}}); Scoparia dulcis (sweet broomweed), or Ilysanthes riparia (false pimpernel).
- fleawort - A Plantago plantain; marsh fleawort
- flukewort - Hydrocotyle vulgaris.
- French lungwort or golden lungwort - Hieracium murorum.
- frostwort - Helianthemum canadense . frostweed or rockrose.
- fumewort - Genus Corydalis.
[edit]- galewort - Myrica gale. sweet gale.
- garlicwort - Alliaria officinalis. garlic mustard The hedge garlic.
- gentianwort - Any plant of the family Gentianaceae.
- German madwort - Asperugo procumbens.
- gipsywort - Any plant of the genus Lycopus, as Lycopus europaeus. gipsy herb, horehound.
- glasswort - frog grass. Also, a seaweed yielding kelp.
- golden ragwort - Senecio aureus. squawweed.
- goutwort - Aegopodium podagraria. acheweed; herb Gerard; goat's foot; bishop weed; goutweed.
- greater spearwort - Ranunculus lingua.
- gutwort - Globularia alypum Used as a purgative.
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[edit]- hammerwort - Parietaria officinalis. The plant pellitory.
- hartwort - Any of certain plants of the genera Seseli, Tordylium, and Bupleurum.
- heathwort - Any plant of the genus Erica, the heath family.
- hemlock dropwort - Oenanthe fistulosa . A plant of the parsley family, Apiaceae or Umbelliferae.
- hillwort - wild thyme, or Mentha pulegium, a kind of pennyroyal.
- hogwort - Croton capitatus.
- holewort, hollowwort. Corydalis cava .
- honewort - A plant used as a remedy for hone.
- honeywort - A bee plant of the genus Cerinthe.
- hoodwort - Scutellaria lateriflora. Also called skullcap and madweed.
- hornwort - Ceratophyllum demersum, rigid hornwort
- ironwort - A plant of the genus Sideritis.
[edit]- kelpwort - Macrocystis pyrifera, a kind of glasswort.
- kidneywort - Cotyledon umbilicus. Also called Umbilicus rupestris pennywort and navelwort.
- knotwort - Any plant of the genus Illecebrum.
[edit]- laserwort - Any plant of the genus Laserpitium.
- lazarwort - laserwort.
- leadwort - Any plant of the genus Plumbago.
- lesser spearwort - Ranunculus flammula. banewort.
- lichwort - The wall pellitory pellitory of the wall, Parietaria officinalis.
- lilywort - A plant of the genus Funkia. Day lily. Also, any plant of the family Liliaceae.
- liverwort - Any species of Marchantiophyta, a division of non-vascular plants (a type of bryophyte). Also, plants that resemble the liverworts; as, liverleaf (Hepatica).
- lousewort - Pedicularis canadensis. cockscomb; head betony; wood betony (herb Christopher). Any plant of the genus Pedicularis, as Pedicularis palustris (rattle).
- lungwort - A plant of the genus Mertensia, the lungworts. Also, a boraginaceous plant of the genus Pulmonaria(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.). - lustwort - Any plant of the genus Drosera; the sundew.
[edit]- madderwort - Any plant of the madder family, Rubiaceae.
- madwort - Alyssum saxitile, gold dust.
- maidenhair spleenwort - Asplenium trichomanes
- mallowwort - Any plant of the mallow family, Malvaceae.
- marsh pennywort - Hydrocotyle vulgaris.
- marsh St.-John's-wort - Elodes virginica .
- marshwort - Vaccinium oxycoccus, the creeping cranberry. Also, a European umbelliferous plant.
- masterwort - Peucedanum (formerly Imperatoria) Ostruthium or Astrantia major. Also, in the United States, Heracleum lanatum, the cow parsnip.
- maudlinwort - Leucanthemum vulgare.
- maywort - bedstraw or mugweed. A species of Galium. Also, crosswort, Lysimachia quadrifolia .
- meadowwort - A variety of meadowsweet.
- milkwort - Polygalaceae, the milkwort family, one of which Securidaca longipedunculata yields buaze, a strong fiber. Polygala vulgaris is the milkwort of Europe.
- miterwort - bishop's cap. Any plant of the genus Mitella.
- moneywort - loosestrife, herb twopence, an evergreen trailing plant. A popular name for various plants of the genus Lysimachia, especially Lysimachia nummularia(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.) , of the primrose family, Primulaceae. - moonwort - honesty, a herb of the genus Lunaria. Also, any fern of the genus Botrychium.
- motherwort - A herb, Leonurus cardiaca, of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Also, mugwort.
- mountain spiderwort - Lloydia serotina .
- mudwort - Limosella aquatica, found growing in muddy places.
- mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris.
- mulewort - Any plant of the genus Hemionitis.
[edit]- nailwort - Any species of Paronychia. Also Draba verna, Saxifraga tridactylites
- navelwort - A succulent plant of the genera Cotyledon and Omphalodes.
- nettlewort - Any plant of the nettle family, Urticaceae.
- nipplewort - Lapsana communis.
P, Q
[edit]- peachwort - lady's thumb, Polygonum persicaria.
- pearlwort - pearl grass; pearl plant; any species of the genus Sagina
- pennywort - Linaria cymbalaria. Also, any one of a number of peltate-leaved plants. watercup; trumpetleaf. Also gotu kola (Centella asiatica) and species from genus Hydrocotyle.
- pepperwort - Lepidium latifolium(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.); Lepidium campestre; Spanish cress, Lepidium cardamines. peppergrass; cockweed; dittander. - Peterwort, peterwort - Saint Peter's wort.
- pilewort - lesser celandine.
- pipewort - Eriocaulon
- quillwort - Isoetes, of the quillwort family; certain seedless plants or "fern allies".
- quinsywort - Asperula cynanchica .
[edit]- common ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris, and some other plants of the genus Jacobaea (once called cankerweed).
- rattlewort - rattlebox, Crotalaria sagittalis .
- ribwort - Plantago lanceolata. hen plant. English plantain, the common plantain introduced into the United States from Europe.
- rosewort - A plant of the rose family, Rosaceae. Also, roseroot, Rhodiola rosea, whose root has the fragrance of a rose.
- rupturewort - Alternanthera polygonoides; also species of Herniaria, such as smooth rupturewort, Hernaria glabra.
[edit]- saltwort - A vague and indefinite name applied to any halophyte of the genus Salsola. Salsola kali is the prickly saltwort. Also, some species of Salicornia, the glassworts, are called saltworts.
- sandwort - A plant of the genus Arenaria. One of the Caryophyllaceae.
- sawwort - A plant of the genus Serratula, especially Serratula tinctoria. Also, plants in the genus Saussurea.
- scorpionwort - either Ornithopus scorpioides or scorpion grass, the forget-me-not.
- scurvywort - lesser celandine.
- sea lungwort - Mertensia maritima .
- sea milkwort - Of the primrose family, Primulaceae.
- sea ragwort - dusty miller, Jacobaea maritima.
- sea sandwort - A plant of the North Atlantic seacoast.
- sea starwort - Aster tripolium .
- setterwort - Helleborus foetidus pegroots; setter grass; bear's foot.
- sicklewort - Prunella vulgaris, the healall.
- sleepwort - lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa
- slipperwort - A plant of the genus Calceolaria.
- sneezewort - Achillea ptarmica. goosetongue; bastard pellitory.
- soapwort - One of the bruiseworts.
- sparrowwort - A general name for the plants of the genus Passerina.
- spearwort - A plant of the genus Ranunculus.
- spiderwort - Tradescantia virginica; also, Commelina spp., such as blue spiderwort, Commelina coelestis
- spleenwort - Asplenium. A large genus of ferns; formerly used for spleen disorders.
- spoonwort - Any plant of the genus Cochlearia, as Cochlearia officinalis. scurvy grass.
- springwort - Euphorbia lathyris(Please check if this is already defined at target. Replace
if already defined. Add nomul=1 if not defined.). caper spurge. - spurwort - Sherardia arvensis. field madder.
- stabwort - wood sorrel, Oxalis acetosella.
- staggerwort - Same as staverwort.
- staithwort - Same as colewort.
- standerwort - standergrass, Orchis mascula.
- starwort - Any plant of the genus Aster.
- staverwort - staggerwort; ragwort, Jacobaea vulgaris.
- stinkwort - Helleborus foetidus L. stinking hellebore.
- stinkwort - Dittrichia graveolens (L.) W. Greuter
- stinkwort - Datura stramonium L.
- stinkwort - Inula graveolens (L.) Desf
- stitchwort - Any of several plants of the genus Stellaria. stichwort.
- St. James' wort - Senecio jacobaea or Senecio aureus.
- St. John's wort - Can refer to any species of Hypericum.
- stonewort - A general name for plants of the genus Chara and Nitella; water horsetail.
- St. Paul's wort - Sigesbeckia spp., eg, eastern St. Paul's wort - Sigesbeckia orientalis
- St. Peter's wort - Any plant of the genus Ascyrum. Hypericum quadrangulum. The cowslip.
- strapwort - Corrigiola litoralis
- sulphurwort - Peucedanum officinale. hog fennel.
- swallowwort - The greater celandine, Chelidonium majus. Also, any plant of the genus Asclepias or Cynanchum. black swallow-wort Vincetoxicum nigrum
- sweetwort - Any plant of a sweet taste.
[edit]- talewort - Borago officinalis (borage). Formerly considered a valuable remedy.
- tetterwort - According to 1913 Webster's Dictionary, Chelidonium majus (greater celandine) in England or Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot) in the Americas. A plant used to treat tetter.
- thoroughwort - Eupatorium perfoliatum. boneset.
- throatwort - A name for one or two plants of the genus Campanula.
- thrumwort - Amaranthus caudatus: velvet flower or love-lies-bleeding.
- toothwort - Lathraea squamaria and Lathraea clandestina; also Dentaria diphylla ⇒ Cardamine diphylla . crinkleroot or pepper root.
- towerwort - the tower mustard and some allied species of Arabis.
- tree lungwort - Lobaria pulmonaria, a lichen.
- trophywort - The Indian cress; nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus.
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[edit]- Venus's-navelwort - Either blue navelwort or white navelwort. Omphalodes linifolia
- wall pennywort - navelwort. Umbilicus rupestris
- wartwort - An attractive European weed which has flowers that turn towards the sun.
- water dropwort - Oenanthe fistulosa, Oenanthe phellandrum ⇒ Oenanthe aquatica, or any plant of that genus.
- water figwort - Scrophularia auriculata (water betony Shargacucullia scrophulariae (moth)).
- water pennywort - Hydrocotyle; marsh pennywort.
- water starwort - Callitriche verna ⇒ Callitriche palustris, of the water milfoil family. common water-starwort Callitriche stagnalis
- waterwort - An aquatic plant of the genus Elatine. Any plant of the family Philydraceae.
- white navelwort - A plant of the genus Omphalodes.
- white swallowwort - Vincetoxicum officinale ⇒ Vincetoxicum hirundinaria.
- willowwort - Any plant of the willow family, Salicaceae; Lythrum hyssopifolia grass-poly; a variety of loosestrife.
- woundwort - The name of several plants of the genus Stachys heal-all, self-heal, betony, lamb's ears, edgenettle, a genus of labiate plants. Also, Anthyllis vulneraria.
- yellow starwort - elecampane, elfdock, horse-heal Inula helenium.
- yellow-wort - Chlora perfoliata ⇒ Blackstonia perfoliata, Gentianaceae