SI units
[edit]Possible fractions
[edit]Set aside, under cover, until next day, then with a soft camel hair pencil brush lightly all the loose starch from the disc, and slide, so as to have none show except on the disc, then put a drop of turpentine on the disc, tilt the slide so that it is easily distributed, remove the excess with a strip of blotter, and carefully place a drop of warm balsam on the edge of the disc, the slide being slightly warmed, the balsam flows over the disc, examine for small air bubbles, remove with hot needle, if any, and then gently lower down edge of warm cover glass (I use a five eighth) to side of disc and let it slowly down on balsam; put under a light clip, and set aside, and if the right quantity of balsam has been used there will be very little cleaning necessary, next run a ring of some colorless cement around the edge, either gold size, hard oil, or King's cement, and when dry and hard, finish to suit the taste, though I still prefer the Brunswick black for my use.
- H.G. Carter, ""five+eighth" Mounting Starches", in Edward Fuller Bigelow, The Observer (February 1892), Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 41.
I would like to propose the inclusion of a specific, limited set of seventeen written-out fractions. The reasons that I propose this particular set are as follows:
- These are probably the most common fractions in use (particularly given the tendency to divide inches into eighths for measurement).
- Many of these are fractions for which the numerical form is available in Unicode, particularly ⅓, ⅔, ⅕, ⅖, ⅗, ⅘, ⅙, ⅚, ⅛, ⅜, ⅝, and ⅞ (See Appendix:Unicode/Number Forms).
- I do not know if these exist as single-word forms in other languages, but I would not be at all surprised if at least some of them do.
The fractions I propose to include are in two groups:
Singular fractions from one half through one tenth:
- one half
- one third
- one quarter/one fourth
- one fifth
- one sixth
- one seventh
- one eighth
- one ninth
- one tenth
Multiple fractions for thirds, fourths, fifths, and eighths:
I also propose adding the hyphenated form of each as an adjective form (one-half, one-third, etc.). I note that "one tenth" is often used in an idiomatic sense of asserting that person a is "not one tenth the man" (or other property) as person b. Cheers!
- one-quarter
- one-fourth
- one-fifth
- one-eighth
- two-thirds
- two-fifths
- three-quarters
- three-fourths
- three-fifths
- three-eighths
- four-fifths
- five-eighths
- seven-eighths
[edit]Apr 13 2010, 5:32 am Orgasmistically delicious.
aggies over buffaloes - 65 posts - 27 authors - Jun 13, 1996 On a campus as analistically conservative and bible thumping as this one, they have to stick together.
delurk: bramble; little to no AR content - 15 posts - 9 authors - Nov 25, 1996 Ambrose Bierce penned the following definition: [omitted to protect the punistically sensitive] Bierce, or any author, is an exception to the armistace because, well ...
Brotherly love alt.corel - 100+ posts - 19 authors - Nov 22, 2005 ... or use a phrase that is a double entendre or to "corrupt" a phrase punistically (as in the Bellamy Brothers' song, "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body (Would You
The judge: Volume 70 1916 - Snippet view ... the filled-up philosopher, • *• funistically inclined, "
To do
[edit]Lockpicking terms
[edit]- torsion wrench
- half-diamond pick
- hook pick
- ball pick
- rake picks (snake rake S-rake)
- Slagel pick
- decoder pick
- warded pick
- pick gun
IP terms
[edit]- file wrapper
- file wrapper estoppel
- inventive step
- express license
- implied license
- sync license
- Harry Fox license
- movie rights
- substantial similarity
- likelihood of confusion
- patent ambush
- submarine patent
- patent hold-up
[edit]microreproductions microform microfilm microfiche microcard aperture card
Restaurant menu terms
[edit]Small "x"
[edit]- small d democratic (143 book hits)
- small-d democratic (143 book hits)
- small "d" democratic (143 book hits)
- small c conservatism (91 book hits)
- small-c conservatism (91 book hits)
- small "c" conservatism (91 book hits)
- small c conservative (290 book hits)
- small-c conservative (290 book hits)
- small "c" conservative (290 book hits)
- small c conservatives (290 book hits)
- small-c conservatives (290 book hits)
- small "c" conservatives (290 book hits)
- small l liberal (76 book hits)
- small-l liberal (76 book hits)
- small "l" liberal (76 book hits)
- small l liberals (76 book hits)
- small-l liberals (76 book hits)
- small "l" liberals (76 book hits)
- small c communist (31 book hits)
- small-c communist (31 book hits)
- small "c" communist (31 book hits)
- small c communists (31 book hits)
- small-c communists (31 book hits)
- small "c" communists (31 book hits)
- small c catholic
- small-c catholic
- small "c" catholic
- small c catholics
- small-c catholics
- small "c" catholics
[edit]wills, trusts, property
[edit]The law of wills, trusts and inheritance
- attestation clause · residuary estate residuary clause
- incorporation by reference
- testamentary capacity · undue influence
- insane delusion
- ademption abatement of debts and legacies abatement
- act of independent significance
- express trust constructive trust
- resulting trust
- bare trust discretionary trust
- accumulation and maintenance trust
- interest in possession trust
- charitable trust purpose trust
- incentive trust
- protective trust spendthrift trust
- life insurance trust remainder trust
- life interest trust reversionary interest trust
- honorary trust asset-protection trust
- special needs trust/Supplemental Needs Trust
- pour-over will cy-près doctrine
- simultaneous death
- disclaimer of interest
- ameliorative waste
- industrial waste
- permissive waste
- rock waste
- trade waste
- voluntary waste
- executory interest
Chinese geography
[edit]The following are a list of administrative divisions of areas under the control of the People's Republic of China. Autonomous regions(自治区)
- Guangxi | Guǎngxī (广西壮族自治区)
- Inner Mongolia | Inner Mongolia (Nèi Měnggǔ) (内蒙古自治区)
- Ningxia | Níngxià (宁夏回族自治区)
- Xinjiang | Xīnjiāng (新疆维吾尔自治区)
- Tibet Autonomous Region | Tibet (Xīzàng) (西藏自治区)
- Beijing | Běijīng (北京市)
- Chongqing | Chóngqìng (重庆市)
- Shanghai | Shànghǎi (上海市)
- Tianjin | Tiānjīn (天津市)
Special Administrative Regions(特别行政区)
Claimed by the PRC, but governed by Republic of China
- Taiwan Province | Táiwān (台湾)
Musical notes and notation
[edit]Notes and rests
[edit]For the purpose of definition, the duration of the quarter note is represented by R, for "reference length."
note | duration | rest |
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longa Also called a "quadruple whole". This value appears in early music. Duration: 16 R |
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double whole note or breve Also called a "double whole". Duration: 8 R |
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crotchet Also called a "quarter." Duration: 1 R |
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quaver Also called an "eighth." Duration: 1/2 R |
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semiquaver Also called a "sixteenth". Note the correspondence between the number of flags on the note and the number of branches or pawls on the rest. Duration: 1/4 R |
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demisemiquaver Also called a "thirty-second." Duration: 1/8 R |
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hemidemisemiquaver Also called a "sixty-fourth." Duration: 1/16 R |
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quasihemidemisemiquaver Also called a "hundred-twenty-eighth or "semihemidemisemiquaver." Duration: 1/32 R |
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beamed notes beams connect and emphasize quavers and shorter note values. | |
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dotted note Placing dots to the right of the corresponding notehead lengthens that note's duration. One dot lengthens the note by one-half its value, two dots by three-quarters, three dots by seven-eighths, and so on. Rests can be dotted in the same manner as notes. | |
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multiple measure rest or multi-measure rest Indicates the number of measures in a resting part without a change in meter, used to conserve space. This requires the performer to count carefully, preceding their next entrance. Also called "gathered rest" or "multi-bar rest". |
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breath mark In a score, this symbol tells the performer to take a short breath (or make a slight pause for non-wind instruments). This pause usually does not affect the overall tempo. For stringed instruments it indicates to lift the bow and play the next note with a downward bow. | |
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Caesura or Grand Pause Indicates a brief, silent pause, during which time is not counted. In ensemble playing, time resumes when so indicated by the conductor or leader. More commonly called "railroad tracks." |
Accidentals and key signatures
[edit]Accidentals modify the pitch of the notes that follow them on the same staff position within a measure, unless cancelled by an additional accidental.
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double flat Lowers the pitch of a note by two chromatic semitones. |
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flat-and-a-half Lowers the pitch of a note by three quarter tones. (Used in microtonal music.) |
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flat Lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone. |
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demiflat Lowers the pitch of a note by one quarter tone. (Used in microtonal music.) |
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natural sign or natural Cancels a previous accidental, or modifies the pitch of a sharp or flat as defined by the prevailing key signature (such as F-sharp in the key of G major, for example). |
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demisharp Raises the pitch of a note by one quarter tone. (Used in microtonal music.) |
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sharp Raises the pitch of a note by one semitone. |
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sharp-and-a-half Raises the pitch of a note by three quarter tones. (Used in microtonal music.) |
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double sharp Raises the pitch of a note by two chromatic semitones. |
key signatures define the prevailing key of the music that follows, thus avoiding the use of accidentals for many notes. If no key signature appears, the key is assumed to be C major/A minor, but can also signify a neutral key, employing individual accidentals as required for each note. The key signature examples shown here are described as they would appear on a treble staff.
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flat key signature Lowers by a semitone the pitch of notes on the corresponding line or space, thus defining the prevailing major or minor key. Different keys are denoted by differing numbers of accidentals, starting with the leftmost, i.e., B♭, and proceeding to the right; for example, if only the first two flats are used, the key is B♭ major/G minor, and all B's and E's are "flatted", i.e. lowered to B♭ and E♭. |
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sharp key signature Raises by a semitone the pitch of notes on the corresponding line or space, also defining the prevailing major or minor key. Different keys are denoted by differing numbers of accidentals, also proceeding from left to right; for example, if only the first four sharps are used, the key is E major/C♯ minor, and the corresponding pitches on the staff are raised. |
Time signatures
[edit]time signatures define the meter of the music. Music is "marked off" in uniform sections called measures, and time signatures establish the number of beats in each. This is not necessarily intended to indicate which beats are emphasized, however. The same music marked off in measures of a different duration will sound precisely the same if properly played, but since music could be marked off in infinitely many ways, it makes sense to mark it off in a way that conveys information about the way the piece actually sounds, and those time signatures tend to suggest, but only suggest, prevailing groupings of beats or pulses.
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specific time The bottom number represents the note value of the basic pulse of the music (in this case the 4 represents the quarter-note). The top number indicates how many of these note values appear in each measure. This example announces that each measure is the equivalent length of three crotchets (quarter-notes). |
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common time This symbol is a throwback to sixteenth century rhythmic notation. It once meant the equivalent of 2/4. and now means the equivalent of 4/4 (See imperfect time). |
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cut time Indicates 2/2 time, meaning only two beats per bar but written as four, also called Alla breve. |
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metronome mark Written at the start of a score, and at any significant change of tempo, this symbol precisely defines the tempo of the music by assigning absolute durations to all note values within the score. In this particular example, the performer is told that 120 crotchets, or quarter notes, fit into one minute of time. |
Note Relationships
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tie Indicates that the two notes joined together are to be played as one note. This can also indicate a note sustained over two or more measures. |
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slur Indicates that the two notes are to be played in one physical stroke, one uninterrupted breath, or (on instruments with neither breath nor bow) connected into a phrase as if played in a single breath. Slurs and ties are similar in appearance. A tie is distinguishable because it always joins exactly two immediate adjacent notes of the same pitch, whereas a slur may join any number of notes of varying pitches. |
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legato Notes covered by this sign are to be played with no gaps. Sometimes indistinguishable from a slur. |
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glissando or portamento A continuous, unbroken glide from one note to the next that includes the pitches between. Some instruments, such as the trombone, timpani, non-fretted string instruments, and the human voice can make this glide continuously, while other instruments such as the piano or mallet instruments will blur the discrete pitches between the start and end notes to mimic a continuous slide. |
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ligaturel Also known as a phrase mark. Usually appears in music for string instruments to indicate bowing. |
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tuplet or triplet Condenses three notes into the normal duration of two notes. If the involved notes are beamed, the brackets on either side of the number can be omitted. This can be generalized to a tuplet, where a certain number of notes are condensed into the normal duration of the greatest integer power of two notes less than that number, e.g., six notes played in the normal duration of four notes. |
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chord Three or more notes played simultaneously. If only two notes are played, it is called an interval. |
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rolled chord Like a chord, except the notes are played in rapid sequence. Also known as a spread chord. (Compare arpeggio.) |
Articulation marks
[edit]Articulations (or accents) specify how individual notes are to be performed within a phrase or passage. They can be fine-tuned by combining more than one such symbol over or under a note. They may also appear in conjunction with phrasing marks listed above.
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staccato This indicates that the note is to be played shorter than notated, usually half the value, the rest of the metric value is then silent. Staccato marks may thus appear on notes of any value, thus shortening their actual performed duration without speeding up the music itself. |
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staccatissimo Indicates a longer silence after the note (as described above), making the note very short. Usually applied to quarter-notes or shorter. (In the past, this marking's meaning was more ambiguous: it sometimes was used interchangeably with staccato, and sometimes indicated an accent and not staccato. These usages are now defunct, but still appear in some older scores.) |
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accent The note is played louder or with a harder attack than any surrounding unaccented notes. May appear on notes of any duration. |
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marcato The note is played much louder or with a much harder attack than any surrounding unaccented notes. May appear on notes of any duration. Also called petit chapeau. |
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pizzicato, left-hand pizzicato or stopped note A note on a stringed instrument where the string is plucked with the left hand (the hand that usually stops the strings) rather than bowed. On the horn, this accent indicates a "stopped note" (a note played with the stopping hand shoved further into the bell of the horn). |
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snap pizzicato On a stringed instrument, a note played by stretching a string away from the frame of the instrument and letting it go, making it "snap" against the frame. Also known as a Bartók pizzicato. |
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natural harmonic or open note On a stringed instrument, denotes that a natural harmonic is to be played. On a valved brass instrument, denotes that the note is to be played "open" (without lowering any valve). |
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tenuto This symbol has two meanings. It usually indicates that it be played for its full value, without any silence between it and the next note, but with a separate attack (non legato). It can also direct the performer to give the note a slight accent. Combining a tenuto with a staccato yields a "portato," which indicates intermediate note-lengths, detached but not quite staccato. |
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fermata An indefinitely-sustained note or chord. Usually appears over all parts at the same metrical location in a piece, to show a halt in tempo. |
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up bow or sull'arco On a bowed string instrument, the note is played while drawing the bow upward. On a plucked string instrument played with a plectrum or pick (such as a guitar played pickstyle or a mandolin), the note is played with an upstroke. |
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down bow or giù arco Like sull'arco, except the bow is drawn downward. On a plucked string instrument played with a plectrum or pick (such as a guitar played pickstyle or a mandolin), the note is played with a downstroke. |
[edit]Ornaments modify the pitch pattern of individual notes.
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trill A rapid alternation between the specified note and the next higher tone or semitone within its duration. Also called a "shake." When followed by a wavy horizontal line, this symbol indicates an extended trill, or running trill. |
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mordent An insertion of the semitone below the specified note within its value (this particular case can be called a "lower mordent"). Without the vertical line, the inserted semitone is above the specified note, and the ornament is known as an upper mordent. |
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Turn Also known as a gruppetto, combines an upper mordent and a lower mordent, in that order, into the specified note's value. If the symbol is reversed, the lower mordent is played first. |
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grace note Also known as an appoggiatura, it means the first half of the principal note's duration has the pitch of the grace note (the first two-thirds if the principal note is a dotted note). |
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slashed grace note Also known as an acciaccatura, it means the principal note's duration begins with the pitch of the grace note for only a very small part of the principal note's value. |
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ottava alta Notes below the dashed line are played one octave higher than notated. |
ottava bassa Notes above the dashed line are played one octave lower than notated. |
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quindicesima alta Notes below the dashed line are played two octaves higher. |
quindicesima bassa Notes above the dashed line are played two octaves lower. |
Pedal marks
[edit]These pedal marks appear in music for the piano.
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engage pedal Tells the pianist to put the sustain pedal down. |
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release pedal Tells the pianist to let the sustain pedal up. |
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variable pedal mark More accurately indicates the precise use of the sustain pedal. The extended lower line tells the pianist to keep the sustain pedal depressed for all notes below which it appears. The inverted "V" shape (/\) indicates the pedal is to be momentarily released, then depressed again. |
Repetition and codas
[edit]![]() |
tremolo A rapidly-repeated note. If the tremolo is between two notes, then they are played in rapid alternation. The number of slashes through the stem (or number of diagonal bars between two notes) indicates the frequency at which the note is to be repeated (or alternated). As shown here, the note is to be repeated at a demisemiquaver (thirty-second note) rate. In percussion notation, tremolos are used to indicate rolls, diddles, and drags. Typically, a single tremolo line on a sufficiently short note (such as a sixteenth) is played as a drag, and a combination of three stem and tremolo lines indicates a double-stroke roll for a period equivalent to the duration of the note. In other cases, the interpretation of tremolos is highly variable, and should be examined by the director and performers. |
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repeat sign Enclose a passage that is to be played more than once. If there is no left repeat sign, the right repeat sign sends the performer back to the start of the piece or the nearest double bar. |
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simile mark Denote that preceding groups of beats or measures are to be repeated. |
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volta bracket (1st and 2nd endings) Denote that a repeated passage is to be played in different ways on different playings. |
[edit]anchor taxa, the taxa used to define a phylogenetic taxon or clade
- ethanol (grain alcohol)
- German saltpeter (ammonium nitrate)
- Norway saltpeter (calcium nitrate)
- Peru saltpeter (sodium nitrate)
==English== ===Adjective=== {{en-noun}}
- Functioning as a combination of smaller portions or elements.
- Peter J. Curwen, Telecommunications Strategy: Cases, Theory and Applications (2004) p. 82:
- With its share price trading at a discount of more than one-third to the notional sum-of-parts value, Mr Armstrong was besieged with demands that AT&T be split up..."
- Peter J. Curwen, Telecommunications Strategy: Cases, Theory and Applications (2004) p. 82:
Woman --> Women
[edit]Words for which the "man/men" variations exist, but not "woman/women":
- Rastawoman - Rastawomen
- abominable snowwoman - abominable snowwomen
- ad-woman - ad-women
- aidwoman - aidwomen
- backwoodswoman - backwoodswomen
- badwoman - badwomen
- bag woman - bag women
- bagwoman - bagwomen
- bail bondswoman - bail bondswomen
- barwoman - barwomen
- batty woman - batty women
- bin woman - bin women
- binwoman - binwomen
- black woman - black women
- boilerwoman - boilerwomen
- bookwoman - bookwomen
- brickwoman - brickwomen
- butter-and-egg woman - butter-and-egg women
- button woman - button women
- candy woman - candy women
- candy-woman - candy-women
- canoewoman - canoewomen
- centrewoman - centrewomen
- chainwoman - chainwomen
- chinawoman - chinawomen
- clubwoman - clubwomen
- common woman - common women
- con woman - con women
- confidence woman - confidence women
- corpswoman - corpswomen
- cyberwoman - cyberwomen
- dangerwoman - dangerwomen
- dayswoman - dayswomen
- deadwoman - deadwomen
- demeswoman - demeswomen
- deskwoman - deskwomen
- dirty old woman - dirty old women
- draywoman - draywomen
- earthswoman - earthswomen
- face woman - face women
- facewoman - facewomen
- family woman - family women
- fellow woman - fellow women
- foewoman - foewomen
- footplate woman - footplate women
- freedwoman - freedwomen
- freewoman - freewomen
- fretwoman - fretwomen
- front woman - front women
- funnywoman - funnywomen
- garbage woman - garbage women
- gaswoman - gaswomen
- glovewoman - glovewomen
- government woman - government women
- green woman - green women
- hackwoman - hackwomen
- hammerwoman - hammerwomen
- handcraftswoman - handcraftswomen
- handi-craftswoman - handi-craftswomen
- hangwoman - hangwomen
- hardwoman - hardwomen
- hatchet woman - hatchet women
- hatchetwoman - hatchetwomen
- he-woman - he-women
- head woman - head women
- hillswoman - hillswomen
- hit woman - hit women
- hypewoman - hypewomen
- icewoman - icewomen
- ironwoman - ironwomen
- kingswoman - kingswomen
- klanswoman - klanswomen
- ladies woman - ladies women
- ladies' woman - ladies' women
- lady's woman - lady's women
- lawwoman - lawwomen
- leatherwoman - leatherwomen
- leg woman - leg women
- legwoman - legwomen
- linewoman - linewomen
- linkwoman - linkwomen
- little green woman - little green women
- lizardwoman - lizardwomen
- lollipop woman - lollipop women
- made woman - made women
- main woman - main women
- mastwoman - mastwomen
- medicine woman - medicine women
- midshipwoman - midshipwomen
- mod woman - mod women
- moneywoman - moneywomen
- night soil woman - night soil women
- orchardwoman - orchardwomen
- overwoman - overwomen
- pacewoman - pacewomen
- pan woman - pan women
- pitwoman - pitwomen
- point woman - point women
- rain woman - rain women
- remainder-woman - remainder-women
- remainderwoman - remainderwomen
- remittance woman - remittance women
- renaissance woman - renaissance women
- repo woman - repo women
- rescuewoman - rescuewomen
- seawoman - seawomen
- seedswoman - seedswomen
- sewerwoman - sewerwomen
- shawoman - shawomen
- sheepwoman - sheepwomen
- shellfisherwoman - shellfisherwomen
- sick woman - sick women
- straight woman - straight women
- straw woman - straw women
- taleswoman - taleswomen
- tin woman - tin women
- trencherwoman - trencherwomen
- utility woman - utility women
- utilitywoman - utilitywomen
- wagewoman - wagewomen
- waterwoman - waterwomen
- weighwoman - weighwomen
- whalewoman - whalewomen
- white woman - white women
- white van woman - white van women
- woman's woman - women's women
- yardwoman - yardwomen
- yes woman - yes women, yes-woman - yes-women
- young woman - young women
[edit]Time terms
[edit](Example: "After those tokes it took me a nanoeon to get to the grocery.")
- miggit - two minutes
Anniversary terms
[edit]- micrennial - a millionth anniversary
- nanennial - a billionth anniversary
- picennial - a trillionth anniversary
Amount of times terms
[edit]- zeroce or nilce: Zero times
- fource: Four times
- fivece, fifce, or fice: Five times
- sixce or sice: Six times
- sevence: Seven times
- eightce: Eight times
- ninece: Nine times
- tence: Ten times
- elevence: Eleven times
- twelvece or twelce: Twelve times
- thirteence: Thirteen times
- fourteence: Fourteen times
- fifteence: Fifteen times
- sixteence: Sixteen times
- seventeence: Seventeen times
- eighteence: Eighteen times
- nineteence: Nineteen times
Frequency terms
[edit]- Sundaily: Every Sunday
- Mondaily: Every Monday
- Tuesdaily: Every Tuesday
- Wednesdaily: Every Wednesday
- Thursdaily: Every Thursday
- Fridaily: Every Friday
- Saturdaily: Every Saturday
- Januarily: Every January
- Februarily: Every February
- Marchly: Every March
- Aprilly: Every April
- Mayly: Every May
- Junely: Every June
- Julyly: Every July
- Augustly: Every August
- Septemberly: Every September
- Octoberly: Every October
- Novemberly: Every November
- Decemberly: Every December
Night terms
[edit]- Sunnight: A Sunday night.
- Monnight: A Monday night.
- Tuesnight: A Tuesday night.
- Wednesnight: A Wednesday night.
- Thursnight: A Thursday night.
- Frinight: A Friday night.
- Saturnight: A Saturday night.
[edit]abhorrable - accendable - coerceable - incombustable - comprehendable - conductable - congestable - controvertable - defectable - effectable - eludable - evasable - fungable - impedable - infusable - introduceable - invertable - offensable - perfectable - preëmptable - progressable - putresceable - rendable - reprehensable - tensable - transvertable
[edit]- -tigi
- -uy
- -yun
- Terres
- Topométrie
- Trebuchet
- Unité
- Urbanisation
- Vajra Mushti
- Wikimédia
- Wildsau
- teilleuse
- teinturière
- tel quel
- tellurienne
- telun
- tempérante
- tendante
- tendeuse
- tendineuse
- terimuso
- teriya
- ternée
- terraquée
- testacée
- thanatologic
- thermidorienne
- théoricienne
- thériacale
- thésauriseuse
- tigatulu
- tigi
- tilema
- tilen
- timinango
- tinctoriale
- tinminɛmuso
- tiquetée
- tiqueuse
- tire-d'aile
- tire-pointe
- tirer à boulets rouges
- tiriko
- tisonneuse
- tiyɛn
- toilière
- tomenteux
- tommette
- topométrie
- torikasigilan
- totschlagen
- tourdelle
- tourdille
- tourmentante
- tourneuse
- tousseuse
- tout au long
- tout au plus
- tout beau
- tout courant
- tout d'une pièce
- tout d'une tenue
- tout de bon
- tout doux
- tout du long de
- tout d’une pièce
- tout d’une tenue
- tout le long de
- tout plein
- tout à plat
- traductological
- tranquillisante
- transporteuse
- travailler à
- treillissé
- treiziste
- tresplombar
- tresseuse
- tribunitienne
- tricandille
- trifoliée
- tripière
- trisaïeule
- trisectrice
- trompe-l’oeil
- troqueuse
- trufaire
- truitée
- trésorière
- tréteaux
- tuante
- tubabu
- tubabukan
- tubabuya
- tubuleuse
- tubulée
- tue-chien
- tufat
- tufière
- tugu
- tugun
- tulomajɔ
- tulon kɛ
- tulon-ka-yɛlɛ bɛ dugu diya
- tumadama
- tumɛ
- tunun
- tununba
- turisi
- turquin
- turukala
- tympanaïre
- téléroman
- téra
- tête de Turc
- tête à tête
- tìyɛn
- tɛ
- tɛ na
- tɛgɛ
- tɛmɛ
- tɛmɛ kan
- tɛnɛ
- tɛ́kɛ
- ultra-violette
- uléma
- um herum
- umfallen
- umgraben
- un petit
- un tel
- un à un
- un-un
- unciné
- unhun
- unisexuelle
- urcéolée
- urineuse
- urós
- usine à gaz
- vaccinar
- vacilhar
- vagissante
- vaille que vaille
- valedor
- valseuse
- vanneuse
- vantarde
- vaquer à
- varioleuse
- vasculariser
- vascularisé
- vaso-motrice
- vau-l'eau
- veinée
- veleru
- vellorí
- vendangeuse
- ventouseuse
- ver luisant
- verdecken
- verdelette
- verdoyante
- verdurière
- vergetée
- verjutée
- vermicelière
- vermiculée
- vernisseuse
- verruqueuse
- verschmachten
- verticillée
- vertébrée
- verwöhnen
- vice-présidente
- vicennale
- vidamie
- viduité
- villeuse
- vinaigré
- vingt-cinquième
- vingt-deuxième
- vingt-huitième
- vingt-neuvième
- vingt-quatrième
- vingt-septième
- vingt-sixième
- vingt-troisième
- virolée
- vis-a-vis de
- vitriolée
- vivifiante
- voiser
- vu que
- vuèg
- vánda
- waajibi
- waajibiya
- waati
- walanba
- walayi
- wali-
- wallifaade
- waramuso
- waraninkalan
- waterzoi
- watiri
- webconférence
- webographie
- wesch
- wiktionnaire
- winndannde
- wirbeln
- wisi
- witiri
- wolodugu
- wolonfila
- wooro
- woro
- worodugu
- wèche
- wɔlɔ
- wɔorɔ
- wɔrɔ
- wɛrɛ
- xylème
- xénolite
- xénolithe
- yada
- yafa
- yahudiya
- yala
- yalon
- yamaruya
- yanfɛ
- yanka
- yanni
- yeelen
- yefege
- yegentu
- yeleke
- yelenku
- yeru
- yigiyigi
- yiidi
- yiranyirantɔ
- yuruguyurugu
- yuuru
- yébisa
- yɔrɔ
- yɔrɔ bɛɛ
- yɛlɛ
- yɛlɛma
- yɛlɛmali
- yɛlɛmisɛn
- yɛlɛn
- yɛrɛ
- yɛrɛbakun
- yɛrɛdɔnbali
- yɛrɛdɔnbaliya
- yɛrɛfagasu
- yɛrɛyɛrɛ
- yɛrɛyɛrɛbagatɔ
- zala
- zanwuye
- zenerali
- zerschmettern
- zirasun
- ziva
- zonz
- zonzon
- zoochorie
- zootoxine
- zudecken
- zuluye
- zuwen
- übung macht den Meister
- Αγω
- Γενος
- Γραφειν
- Δόντι
- Ομοιος
- Παιδος
- Φοτος
- σκαληνια
- σπειρασις
- Брюксел
- Буенос Айрес
- Варна
- Вода
- Дядя
- Лихтенщайн
- Нова Зеландия
- Отава
- Пловдив
- Страна
- Франсыз
- Франц
- Французский
- Французький
- Француски
- Френски
- дискретный
- касис
- франсуз
- франсыз
- франц
- французький
- френски
- Հայերեն
- Ֆրանսերեն
- פֿראַנצױזיש
- أردو
- بهارت
- فرانسوى
- فرانسيسي
- एस्परान्टो
- ज़ूलू
- टिबेटन
- तुर्की
- बिहारी
- भोजपुरी
- युक्रेनियन
- অসমিয়া
- বাঙলা
- અ
- આસામી
- ઇ
- ઈ
- ઉ
- ઊ
- ઋ
- એ
- એક
- ઐ
- ઓ
- ઔ
- ક
- ખ
- ગ
- ઘ
- ચ
- છ
- જ
- જાપાની
- ઝ
- ઝૂલૂ
- ઞ
- ટ
- ટિબેટન
- ઠ
- ડ
- ઢ
- ણ
- ત
- તુર્કી
- થ
- દ
- ધ
- ન
- પ
- પંજાબી
- બ
- બંગાળી
- બિહારી
- બે
- ભ
- ભોજપુરી
- મ
- ય
- યુક્રેનિયન
- ર
- લ
- ળ
- વ
- વિકિપીડિયા
- વિકિમેડિયા
- શ
- ષ
- સ
- સિંહલી
- સિંહાલી
- હ
- ଅ
- ଓ
- பிரென்ச்
- ಅ
- ಫ್ರೆಂಚ್
- ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ
- ವಿಕಿಮೀಡಿಯ
- ലയാളം
- ກ
- ἀκβατεω
- ἀπροσδοκήτως
- ἀπροσειλος
- ἀπρόσικτος
- Ἀκαδήμεια
- ὀδαξάω
- うろこ
- エレクトロニクス
- 人杰地灵
- 出版物
- 如期
- 守候
- 富翁
- 广播电台
- 折断
- 无视
- 砂丘
- 空旷
- 红喉雀
- 胡蜂
- 胡说
- 蝈蝈
- 许可证
- ﺀ
A-cai's valuable instructions on classifying Chinese words
[edit]The rs variable in the template is for the radical/stroke information of the first character. In this case [ 按时 ] we want the rs for 按. If you click on 按, you will find the information for rs near the top. It will look like:
- 按 (radical 64 手+06, 9 strokes, cangjie input 手十女 (QJV), four-corner 53044)
Make sure to delete the + symbol so that you get 手06. Therefore, you should put rs=手06 in the template. This means that 按 is sorted under the 手 radical, with 6 remaining strokes (安 has a total of 6 strokes). The radical/stroke sort order is the most common sort order for traditional Chinese dictionaries, which is why we are using it for Categories that list words written in traditional characters. See Radical (Chinese character) for more information about radicals.