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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From Proto-Indo-European *h₃réǵeti (to be straightening), the thematic root verb of the root Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵ- (to straighten). Cognates with Latin rego (I rule) and Sanskrit राजति (rā́jati, to direct; to steer; to rule).




  1. to stretch
  2. to straighten


Thematic present
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *regū *regemam *rixsū
2nd singular *regesi *regetās *rixsesi
3rd singular *regeti *regeto *rixseti
1st plural *regomosi *regemo *rixsomosi
2nd plural *regetesi *regestē *rixsetesi
3rd plural *regonti *regento *rixsonti
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *rexsū ?
2nd singular *rexsesi ? *rege
3rd singular *rexseti ? *regetou
1st plural *rexsomosi ? *regomos
2nd plural *rexsetesi ? *regete
3rd plural *rexsonti ? *regontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *regūr *rixsūr
2nd singular *regetar *rixsetar
3rd singular *regetor ? *rixsetor
1st plural *regommor *rixsommor
2nd plural *regedwe *rixsedwe
3rd plural *regontor ? *rixsontor
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *rexsūr
2nd singular *rexsetar
3rd singular *rexsetor
1st plural *rexsommor
2nd plural *rexsedwe
3rd plural *rexsontor
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *regonts *regonte *regontes
vocative *regonts *regonte *regontes
accusative *regontam *regonte *regontans
genitive *regantos *? *regantom
dative *regantei *regantbom *regantbos
instrumental *regantī? *regantbim *regantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *regantī *regantī *regantiyās
vocative *regantī *regantī *regantiyās
accusative *regantīm *regantī *regantiyans
genitive *regantyās *? *regantyom
dative *regantyāi *regantyābom *regantyābos
instrumental *? *regantyābim *regantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *regont *? *regonta
vocative *regont *? *regonta
accusative *regont *? *regonta
genitive *regantos *? *regantom
dative *regantei *? *regantbos
instrumental *regantī? *? *regantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *regomnos *regomnou *regomnoi
vocative *regomne *regomnou *regomnoi
accusative *regomnom *regomnou *regomnons
genitive *regomnī *regomnous *regomnom
dative *regomnūi *regomnobom *regomnobos
instrumental *regomnū *regomnobim *regomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *regomnā *regomnai *regomnās
vocative *regomnā *regomnai *regomnās
accusative *regomnam *regomnai *regomnans
genitive *regomnās *regomnous *regomnom
dative *regomnai *regomnābom *regomnābos
instrumental *? *regomnābim *regomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *regomnom *regomnou *regomnā
vocative *regomnom *regomnou *regomnā
accusative *regomnom *regomnou *regomnā
genitive *regomnī *regomnous *regomnom
dative *regomnūi *regomnobom *regomnobos
instrumental *regomnū *regomnobim *regomnobis
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *rextos *rextou *rextoi
vocative *rexte *rextou *rextoi
accusative *rextom *rextou *rextons
genitive *rextī *rextous *rextom
dative *rextūi *rextobom *rextobos
instrumental *rextū *rextobim *rextobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *rextā *rextai *rextās
vocative *rextā *rextai *rextās
accusative *rextam *rextai *rextans
genitive *rextās *rextous *rextom
dative *rextai *rextābom *rextābos
instrumental *? *rextābim *rextābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *rextom *rextou *rextā
vocative *rextom *rextou *rextā
accusative *rextom *rextou *rextā
genitive *rextī *rextous *rextom
dative *rextūi *rextobom *rextobos
instrumental *rextū *rextobim *rextobis

Derived terms





  1. ^ Gordon, Randall Clark (2012) Derivational Morphology of the Early Irish Verbal Noun, Los Angeles: University of California, page 274