Category:RFM result
Pages in category "RFM result"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,093 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
- Talk:a causa di
- Talk:a la grecque
- Talk:A. E. F.
- Talk:a.m.
- Template talk:aab
- Talk:AACBC
- Template talk:aaq
- Talk:abacus harmonicus
- Wiktionary talk:About Arabic
- Wiktionary talk:About Chinese
- Wiktionary talk:About Chinese/Sichuanese/words that are different from Standard Mandarin
- Wiktionary talk:About Nahuatl
- Wiktionary talk:About Swahili
- Wiktionary talk:About Vietnamese
- Wiktionary talk:About Yuma
- Template talk:accent
- Talk:acknowledgment
- Template talk:acu
- Talk:address with the polite V-form
- Talk:Admiraless
- Talk:admire to
- Talk:advice animal
- Talk:aethiops
- Category talk:African-American Vernacular English
- Talk:Afro-Asiatic
- Template talk:ajg
- Category talk:Albanian terms derived from the PIE root *h₁rewdʰ-
- Talk:alergologijski
- Talk:all ears
- Talk:all it's cracked up to be
- Talk:all kidding aside
- Category talk:All sign languages
- Talk:all there
- Talk:all'infuori di
- Appendix talk:Altaic Swadesh lists
- Template talk:alternative capitalization of
- Category talk:Alternative forms by language
- Template talk:alternative term for
- Template talk:alternative typography of
- Template talk:alw
- Talk:Amarag
- Category talk:American Italian
- Category talk:American slang
- Category talk:Amerindian languages
- Talk:Amurdag
- Talk:an arm and a leg
- Category talk:Analysis
- Talk:Angevine
- Talk:anjige
- Category talk:Ankave nouns
- Category talk:Appendix-only constructed languages
- Category talk:Appendix-only terms
- Category talk:Apple Inc.
- Category talk:ar:Hebrew calendar months
- Category talk:ar:Westernized months
- Category talk:Arabic final-weak verbs
- Category talk:Arabic language
- Category talk:Arabic numerals
- Category talk:Archaic spellings by language
- Talk:arendator
- Template talk:art
- Talk:articled clerk
- Talk:as mysterious as time
- Talk:ASCIIbetical
- Talk:Asiatic
- Talk:asogwa
- Template talk:asph
- Template talk:ast-adj-mf
- Template talk:ast-noun-mf
- Template talk:attention
- Template talk:aus-dar
- Template talk:aus-gun
- Template talk:aus-wem
- Appendix talk:Australian English terms pertaining to money and wealth
- Category talk:Australian Kriol language
- Template talk:Australian rules
- Talk:autarchy
- Category talk:Autological terms by language
- Talk:autumn
- Template talk:aviation
- Talk:Axinellida
- Talk:ay, caramba
- Template talk:ayq
- Talk:baby-sit
- Category talk:Bailang language
- Talk:Baramulla District
- Template talk:baseball jargon
- Appendix talk:Basic Azerbaijani phrases
- Category talk:Basic words by language
- Template talk:bat-smg
- Template talk:bbu
- Talk:be glad to see the back of
- Talk:be on the horns of a dilemma
- Talk:be sold a pup
- Talk:be there for
- Talk:Beautiful Fruit Dove
- Talk:bedsheet
- Talk:bee's knees
- Wiktionary talk:Beer parlour/timeline
- Talk:behavior
- Talk:beon-wesan
- Talk:between the devil and the deep blue sea
- Category talk:Biblical characters
- Talk:black eyed susan
- Wiktionary talk:Blocking policy
- Talk:blow someone out of the water
- Talk:blow something out of the water
- Talk:bluetail
- Talk:Bog
- Talk:boil down
- Wiktionary talk:Books/Greek Anatomy Terms
- Category talk:Borneo-Philippines languages
- Template talk:borrowed
- Category talk:Bosnian language
- Category talk:Braj language
- Talk:brier
- Template talk:British
- Category talk:British slang
- Talk:broaden someone's horizons
- Template talk:brx
- Template talk:bs-conj
- Talk:builders bum
- Talk:built like a brick shithouse
- Category talk:Bulgar language
- Category talk:Buli (Ghana) language
- Talk:bundesstadt
- Category talk:Burmese script
- Talk:busy
- Talk:buy off
- Talk:buy someone out
- Talk:bygone
- Category talk:Calculator words
- Talk:called to the bar
- Category talk:Calques by language
- Talk:can't even
- Category talk:Cannabis family plants
- Template talk:cap
- Talk:cape for
- Category talk:Capital cities
- Talk:caponiere
- Category talk:Caprids
- Talk:Carborundum
- Talk:carry a lot of weight
- Talk:carry a torch for
- Talk:cat's pajamas
- Talk:catalogue
- Category talk:Categories with invalid label
- Module talk:category tree/poscatboiler/data/terms by usage
- Category talk:Catholic Konkani Terms
- Category talk:Cattle
- Talk:caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- Talk:caula
- Talk:CC-BY
- Talk:CD
- Talk:chalk and cheese
- Talk:chcieć gwiazdki z nieba
- Category talk:Chinese by difficulty level
- Category talk:Chinese hanzi
- Category talk:Chinese Provinces
- Talk:chiudere la stalla / il cancello quando i buoi sono scappati
- Template talk:chu Han form of
- Talk:chủ nghĩa Mác-Lê-nin
- Talk:chủ nghĩa Mác–Lê-nin
- Template talk:circumfixcat
- Template talk:cite book
- Appendix talk:City suffixes
- Category talk:CJKV simplified characters (second round)
- Talk:clean-shaven
- Talk:cleptocracy
- Talk:clever arse
- Template talk:clipping of
- Talk:cluichigidir
- Talk:clаvecineau
- Template talk:cmn-cls
- Module talk:cmn-common
- Category talk:cmn:Beginning Mandarin
- Category talk:cmn:Family
- Appendix talk:COBOL
- Talk:cofferdam
- Template talk:cola