Appendix:Finnish participles
Finnish has six types of participles which are treated like adjectives and can e.g. appear in both attributive and predicative positions.
Present participles
[edit]Present participles (also called "first participles" or "participles type I", particularly in older grammars) have two forms: active (-va) and passive (-tava, -ttava). The literal meaning of present active participles is "which does X" and of present passive participles is "which has X being done to it".
- laulava lintu ― a singing bird (a bird that sings)
- nukkuva eläin ― a sleeping animal (an animal that sleeps or is sleeping)
- syötävä ateria ― the meal that is eaten
- puhuttava aihe ― the subject (that is being) talked about
Present passive participles can be further used to mean "which is to be X". They can also mean "which can be X", although that is more commonly expressed by taking the present passive participle, inflecting it into the plural inessive case (adessive plural for some verbs, like saada) and then using it like an adverb (or as an adjective with oleva).
- tehtävä toimenpide ― the action to be done
- pelättävä asia ― a thing to be scared of
- ostettava tuote (~ tuote on ostettavissa) ― a buyable product (~ the product is buyable)
- keskusteltava asia ― a matter that is discussed, a matter to be discussed
Many Finnish adjectives are etymologically present participles, such as osaava (“capable”), from osata (“to have the ability or skill to”).
Finnish present participles are used to form the present and past "prospective" tenses, which are restricted to formal or literary language.
Past participles
[edit]Past participles (also called "second participles" or "participles type II", particularly in older grammars) are similar to present participles in that they have two forms; active (-nut) and passive (-tu, -ttu). The literal meaning of past active participles is "which did or has done X" and of past passive participles is "which had or has has X done to it".
- lähtenyt ihminen ― the person that left
- äsken tullut vieras ― the guest that came recently
- talon rakentanut yritys ― the company that built the house
- nähty elokuva ― the movie (that was) seen
- palkittu näyttelijä ― the rewarded actor / the actor (that was) rewarded
- viime vuonna rakennettu silta ― the bridge built last year
- keskusteltu asia ― a matter that was discussed
Finnish past participles are also used for building some compound forms, such as the negative for the indicative past tense, as well as perfect and past perfect tense forms for all moods. Whether the active past participle or the passive past participle is used depends on the voice (active or passive). The active past participles of intransitive verbs and passive past participles of transitive verbs also have an adjectival sense; many Finnish adjectives are actually past participles.
Agent participles
[edit]Agent participles (-ma) are used to form participial phrases with the literal meaning "which someone does X or did X". Agent participles are used like adjectives, and chiefly used with either a possessive suffix or a subject in the genitive case (placed before the participle). Agent participles do not distinguish between tense or aspect.
- maalaamani talo ― (the) house which I painted / (the) house painted by me
- miehen maalaama talo ― (the) house which the man painted / (the) house painted by the man
- ostamani auto on halvempi kuin isän ostama ― the car I bought is cheaper than the car my father bought
Agent participles are not used for most intransitive verbs, as phrases using the agent participle require an object, and it does not make semantic sense for intransitive verbs to take an object. Nevertheless, certain verbs that lack grammatical objects may still have agent participles, such as olla (“to be”) (due to so-called "object-like adverbials of quantity"), asua (“to live”) (unless such uses are interpreted as transitive), kertoa (“to tell”) (as with asua), viitata (“to refer”) and istua (“to sit”); all but the first of these may have semantic 'objects' expressed as adverbials using e.g. locative cases.
While the ending of agent participles is -ma, they should not be confused with nouns derived with -ma, or to third infinitive forms for which the stem ends with -ma (although from a purely diachronic standpoint, they are probably of the same origin).
Negative participles
[edit]Negative participles (-maton) are used as adjectives and act as negative forms of any of the present or past participles, but most commonly for the passive participles (e.g. "which does not have X done to them", "which did not have X done to them"). The exact interpretation often depends on context.
- kelpaamaton henkilö ― an incapable person (literally, “a person that does not suffice”)
- kelpaamaton ajatus ― an unacceptable idea (literally, “an idea that is/was not acceptable”)
- kokematon ohjaaja ― an unexperienced director (literally, “a director that has not experienced”)
- kokematon tilanne ― an unexperienced situation (literally, “a situation that has not been experienced”)
- sietämätön asia ― an intolerable matter (literally, “a matter that cannot be tolerated”)
- sietämätön henkilö ― an intolerable person (literally, “a person that cannot be tolerated”)
- arvostelua sietämätön henkilö ― a person that does not tolerate criticism
- julkaisematon kirja ― an unpublished book (literally, “a book that has not been published”)
- julkaisematon kirjailija ― an unpublished author (literally, “an author that has not published”)
Examples of participles
[edit]Type | Example | Translation |
Present active participle | maalaava mies | a painting man, a man who paints or can paint |
Past active participle | maalannut mies | a man who has painted |
Present passive participle | maalattava talo | the house being painted, the house to be painted |
Past passive participle | maalattu talo | the painted house, the house that was painted |
Agent participle | miehen maalaama talo | the house painted by the man |
Negative participle | maalaamaton talo | the unpainted house, the house not painted |
Relative clauses
[edit]Each of the six types of participles can be replaced by a relative clause.
- maalaava mies ~ mies, joka maalaa ― the man that paints
- maalannut mies ~ mies, joka maalasi ― the man that (has) painted
- maalattava talo ~ talo, jota/joka maalataan ― the house that is being painted / the house that is to be painted
- maalattu talo ~ talo, joka/jota maalattiin ― the house that was (being) painted
- maalaamani talo ~ talo, jonka maalaan/maalasin ― the house that I paint/painted
- (somewhat ambiguous, as agent participles do not distinguish between present/past)
- maalaamaton talo ~ talo, jota ei ole maalattu ― the house that has not been painted
- (most ambiguous, as the negative participle could also be present or be an active participle)
Participle constructs
[edit]- olla + present active participle: (literary, poetic) shall
- hän on huomenna ajava autoa ― he shall drive the car tomorrow
- genitive + olla (third-person singular) + passive present participle: have to, must
- minun on ajettava autoa ― I must drive the car.
- olla + past active/passive participle: perfect/pluperfect tense
- verb of realization or awareness + genitive singular of a present participle + possessive suffix: ...X will/would...
- hän pelkäsi joutuvansa... ― he/she was afraid he/she would end up (in)...
- the inessive (or adessive) plural form of a past passive participle: that can be X-ed, -able, -ible (used adverbially; oleva for attributive use)
- koettavissa ― that can be experienced
- the adessive is used with some verbs, particularly ones denoting location: ulottua (“to reach”) → ulottuvilla (“reachable, attainable”)
- the inessive (or adessive, see above) plural form of a negative participle: that cannot be X-ed, un-...-able, un-...-ible (used adverbially; oleva for attributive use)
- ulottumattomissa/ulottumattomilla ― unreachable
- olla + essive singular of a past active/passive participle is used to describe a state, often one of a temporary nature:
- hän oli pukeutuneena sinisiin farkkuihin ― (s)he was dressed in blue jeans
- hiilidioksidia on varastoituna metsiin ― there is carbon dioxide stored in the forests
- (the corresponding sentences without the essive case, i.e. ...oli pukeutunut... and ...on varastoitu..., would be about an action, i.e. "(s)he had dressed up in..." and "carbon dioxide has been stored in...")
- olla + essive plural of a present active participle + possessive suffix: if X was/were, pretending to...
- hän oli kuuntelevinaan, vaan ei oikeasti kuunnellut ― (s)he pretended to listen, yet didn't actually listen
The next three are kinds of absolute constructs (lauseenvastike), which can replace a subordinate clause, alongside infinitive constructs:
- verbs of observation or apparent quality + genitive of the present active/passive participle (+ possible possessive suffix): to appear to be doing (present "referative construct")
- Hänellä vaikuttaa olevan kiire.
- It appears he/she is busy.
- Kuulin hänen tulevan tänne.
- I heard him/her coming here.
- Luulen matkustavani ulkomaille toukokuussa.
- I think I will travel abroad this May.
- Luulen tästä puhuttavan vielä.
- I think this will be talked about one day.
- Ulkona näyttää satavan.
- It looks like it is raining outside.
- verbs of observation or apparent quality + genitive of the past active/passive participle (+ possible possessive suffix): to appear to have done (past "referative construct")
- Hänellä vaikuttaa olleen kiire.
- It appears he/she has been busy.
- Heikki kertoi voittaneensa suunnistusmestaruuden.
- Heikki told me he won the orienteering championships.
- Luulin tästä puhutun eilen.
- I thought this was talked about yesterday.
- Väitit minun lähteneen juhlista etuajassa.
- You claimed I had left the party early.
- Kuulin hänen tulleen tänne.
- I heard he/she had come here.
- Työt näkyvät tehneen.
- It appears the work had been finished.
- Notes about referative constructs (both present and past):
- If the subject for both the verb and the participle are the same, a possessive suffix corresponding to the person of the finite verb may be used with the participle (as in the example with luulen matkustavani, Heikki kertoi voittaneensa).
- If the subjects are different, the subject for the participle is expressed in the genitive case and placed before the participle (as in the example with väitit minun lähteneen). No possessive suffix is generally used in this case, even if the subject of the participle is a personal pronoun.
- In some cases, the subject may not be mentioned using either of these; this is particularly common with verbs like vaikuttaa which are used impersonally, as can be seen in the examples above. In such cases it is clear from context that the same person is being talked about for both verbs.
- The object or predicative is inflected in the same way as it would be in an equivalent subordinate clause (luulin myydyn auton olleen uusi ~ luulin, että myyty auto oli uusi).
- partitive singular of the past passive participle (+ possible possessive suffix): having done ... (past "temporal construct")
- saavuttuani kotiin... ― after I had come home...
- pormestarin puhuttua... ― after the mayor had spoken...
[edit]All participles are fully inflectable nominals.
- Present participles (both active -va and passive -(t)tava) and agent participles (-ma) belong to inflection type 10 (koira).
- Past active participles (-(n)ut) belong to their own inflection type, type 47 (kuollut).
- Past passive participles (-(t)tu) belong to inflection type 1 (valo), possibly with gradation.
- Negative participles (-maton) belong to inflection type 34 (onneton), with gradation.