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Appendix:False friends between Indonesian and Standard Malay (E-I)

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This is a list of Indonesian-Malay false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Diacritics are shown for clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.

Indonesian Standard Malay Translation,
Indonesian only
Standard Malay only
elektronik elektronik - electronics (devices) electronics (study)
email email enamel - electronic mail The term enamel is understood in both Indonesian and Standard Malay.
fabrik fabrik fabric (spatial and geometric configuration of rock) - fabric (material of fibers, a textile or cloth)
faèdah faédah profit use, benefit interest (finance)
farmasi farmasi * pharmacy (science of medicinal substances) pharmacy (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) The sense of a place where prescription drugs are dispensed is colloquial in Indonesian.
gabungan gabungan alliance, federation; union (the set containing all of the elements of two or more sets.) confederation, union combination (elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection),
gampang gampang easy bastard The sense of bastard come from anak gampang (bastard, literally easy child).
gangguan seksual gangguan seksual sexual disorder - sexual harassment
gêtah getah humoural fluid, juice latex; plant sap rubber
gimnasium gimnasium gymnasium (education institution) gymnasium (sports)
graf graf graph (linguistic, typography senses) graph (applied mathematics, statistics)
grafik grafik graph (applied mathematics, statistics) - graphic (adj); graphics (noun)
gondol gondol to carry in the mouth; to pilfer, to steal, to swipe bald
guru bêsar guru besar professor, senior lecturer or senior researcher (of a higher education institution) principal, headteacher (of a school)
hèmat hémat to save (money or something e.g. electricity, gas or water usage) frugal, pennywise moral excellence; prudent The frugal sense is rare in Standard Malay.
hos hos host (computer attached to a network) hose (flexible tube); host (person who receives or entertains a guest, person or organisation responsible for running an event)
ibu nêgara ibu negara First Lady capital city (of a country)
ibu pejabat ibu pejabat wife of an official headquarters
ilmu alam ilmu alam natural science; physics (obsolete) geography
ilmu saraf ilmu saraf neurology; neuroscience morphology
imbuhan imbuhan affix (linguistics), augmentation remuneration