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From з- (z-) +‎ води́ти (vodýty). Compare Russian своди́ть impf or pf (svodítʹ), Belarusian зво́дзіць impf (zvódzicʹ) and звадзі́ць pf (zvadzícʹ), Polish zwodzić.


  • зво́дити: IPA(key): [ˈzwɔdete]
  • зводи́ти: IPA(key): [zwɔˈdɪte]
  • Audio; зво́дити (zvódyty):(file)



зво́дити (zvódytyimpf (perfective звести́) (transitive)

  1. to lead, to take (from somewhere)
    не зво́дити оче́й / по́гляду з (+ genitive)ne zvódyty očéj / póhljadu znot to take one's eyes from (someone/something)
    зво́дити з ро́зуму / ума́zvódyty z rózumu / umáto drive crazy (literally, “to lead from reason”)
    зво́дити зі сві́туzvódyty zi svítuto lead to the death of (literally, “to lead/take from the world”)
    зво́дити в моги́луzvódyty v mohýluto lead/send (someone) to one's grave
  2. to bring [with на (na, + accusative) ‘to a topic, theme, etc.’]
    зво́дити розмо́ву на (+ accusative)zvódyty rozmóvu nato bring/shift the conversation to (a topic)
  3. to raise
    зво́дити куро́кzvódyty kurókto cock (literally, “to raise the cocking piece/handle (of a firearm)”)
  4. to build, to erect
  5. to bring together (to gather, to move closer to each other)
    зво́дити доку́пиzvódyty dokúpyto bring together
    зво́дити плечи́маzvódyty plečýmato shrug one's shoulders
    зво́дити кінці́ з кінця́миzvódyty kincí z kincjámyto make ends meet (literally, “to bring together ends with ends”)
    зво́дити духzvódyty duxto catch one's breath, to gather breath
  6. to reconcile, to settle (to make the net difference in credits and debits of a financial account agree with the balance)
    зво́дити раху́нки з (+ instrumental)zvódyty raxúnky zto settle a score with, to square accounts with (someone)
  7. (colloquial) to bring together (to cause people to do something together; to bring about togetherness)
  8. to blame, to lay [with на (na, + accusative) ‘on someone’] (to impute)
    зво́дити на́клеп на (+ accusative)zvódyty náklep nato calumniate, to cast aspersions on, to libel, to malign, to slander, to traduce
  9. to lead astray
    зво́дити на манівці́ (idiomatic)zvódyty na manivcíto lead astray; to lead up the garden path (literally, “to lead onto a detour”)
  10. to seduce
  11. to reduce (to bring to an inferior state or condition)
    зво́дити наніве́цьzvódyty nanivécʹto reduce/bring to nothing, to bring to nought, to nullify
  12. to cramp (to affect with cramps or spasms)
    Near-synonym: судо́мити impf (sudómyty)
  13. to bring down, to boil down, to reduce [with до (do, + genitive) or на (na, + accusative) ‘to’] (to diminish or simplify)
    зво́дити до мі́німумуzvódyty do mínimumuto reduce to a minimum, to minimize
    зво́дити до спі́льного знаме́нникаzvódyty do spílʹnoho znaménnykato reduce to a common denominator



Derived terms

Multiword terms
Prefixed verbs



зводи́ти (zvodýtypf

  1. (transitive) to take (:someone somewhere and back)





Further reading
