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See also: präst and praṣt





From an earlier *prasti, from *prat-ti, from Proto-Baltic *prat-, from Proto-Indo-European *pret-, *prot- (to understand); the first-person form is derived from a variant with an extra n, *prantuo, from *prantu, from protu. Up until the 17th century, prast basically meant “to understand,” “to perceive,” i.e., it was synonymous with saprast; the present-day meaning occurred alongside the older meaning and became dominant only by the end of the 19th century. Cognates include Lithuanian pràsti (to get used to, to understand, to perceive), Old Prussian issprestun (to understand) (compare Latvian izprast), Gothic 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌸𐌾𐌰𐌽 (fraþjan, to think, to recognize, to understand), 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌸𐌹 (fraþi, mind, intelligence), Latin interpres (intermediary, mediator, interpreter), Tocharian A pratim, etc.[1]


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prast (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present protu, proti, prot, past pratu)

  1. (often with an infinitive) to know how to, to be able to do (a certain activity, task, etc.)
    prast šūt, zīmēt, lasītto know how to sew, draw, read
    Oto labi prata visus zvejas darbusOto knew well all the work of fishing
  2. to know, to speak, to be fluent in (a language)
    Puškins prata vairākas valodasPushkin knew several languages
    viņš labi prata angļu valodu un bez kādām grūtībām varēja lasīt katru grāmatu vai laikrakstuhe knew English well and could read all books and magazines without any difficulty
  3. (intransitively) to know, to be able
    “dzīvojam, kā kurais prot,” vecais jūrnieks norūca“we live as each (of us) can”, the old sailor growled
    tu esi man laba bijusi, es gribu tev laba būt, kā jau nu es, muļķe, protuyou have been good to me, I want to be good to you, as (much) as I, poor fool, am able


Conjugation of prast
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es protu pratu pratīšu
2nd person sg tu proti prati pratīsi proti
3rd person sg viņš, viņa prot prata pratīs lai prot
1st person pl mēs protam pratām pratīsim pratīsim
2nd person pl jūs protat pratāt pratīsiet,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas prot prata pratīs lai prot
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present protot present active 1 (adj.) protošs
past esot pratis present active 2 (adv.) prazdams
future pratīšot present active 3 (adv.) protot
imperative lai protot present active 4 (obj.) protam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active pratis
present prastu present passive protams
past būtu pratis past passive prasts
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jāprot infinitive (nenoteiksme) prast
conjunctive 1 esot jāprot negative infinitive neprast
conjunctive 2 jāprotot verbal noun prašana



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
other derived terms:


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “prast”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN