[edit]From iz- + teikt (“to say, to tell”).
[edit]izteikt (transitive, 1st conjugation, present izteicu, izteic, izteic, past izteicu)
- to express (to make known, to reveal orally, in words)
- izteikt jaunas atziņas ― to express new ideas, conclusions
- izteikt savu pārliecību ― to express one's beliefs, convictions
- izteikt aizdomas ― to express suspicion
- izteikt padomu ― to give (lit. express) advice
- izteikt pavēli ― to give (lit. express) an order
- izteikt vēlēšanos ― to express wishes
- izteikt cerību ― to express hope
- izteikt cieņu ― to express respect
- izteikt pārdzīvojumu vārdos ― to express one's experience in words
- puiši steidzās izteikt savu prieku ― the boys rushed to express their joy
- to express something in a work of art; to be such that it (a work of art expresses something
- izteikt dabas skaistumu gleznā ― to express natural beauty in a painting
- izteikt pārdzīvojumu skaņdarbā ― to express an experience in a piece of music
- izteikt savas jūtas dzejolī ― to express one's feelings in a poem
- pavasaris ir ar mums; varbūt glezna to neizteiks ― spring is with us; (but) maybe a painting won't express it
- to express something with one's behavior, gestures, looks, etc.; to be such that it (behavior, gestures, looks, etc.) expresses something
- acis izteica prieku ― (his) eyes expressed joy
- izteikt noraidījumu ar rokas mājienu ― to express rejection with a wave of (one's) hand
- to express (gratitude, punishment, etc.) formally, administratively
- izteikt pateicību, rājienu ― to express gratitude, reprimand; to thank, to reprimand (officially)
- kapteinis joprojām bija noskaities uz Maksimiču, domāja, ka viņam vajadzētu izteikt rajienu ― the captain was still furious at Maksimičs, (he) thought that he should express a reprimand (= reprimand Maksimičs, have him officially reprimanded)
- to say, to speak, to pronounce
- šī atbilde bija tik negaidīta, ka Gulke sākumā nevarēja izteikt ne vārda ― this answer was no unexpected that Gulke at first couldn't say, pronounce a word
- mājās, kuras pāri verstis aiz kalna, runā ļaudis, bet skaņas atnāk tik nedalītas, it kā būtu izteiktas tepat aiz sētas ― in houses far behind the hill people are talking, but the sounds come so undivided, it is as if they were spoken, pronounced just here, by the fence
- to express (to describe something, especially with numbers, measurements)
- izteikt attālumu kilometros ― to express the distance in kilometers
- izteikt masu gramos ― to express the mass in grams
- sociālo procesu dinamiku ne vienmēr var izteikt skaitļos ― one can't always express social process dynamics in numbers
- (usually 3rd person) to express (to be such that it means something, e.g., via symbols, signs)
- teikuma izteiktā doma ― the expressed thought of the sentence
- izteikt y kā x funkciju ― to express y as a function of x
- (dated sense) to praise, to exalt
- tautas manu augumiņu izteica, tad vainoja ― the people (at first) praised my little size, then blamed, attacked it.
[edit]Derived terms
- Latvian terms prefixed with iz-
- Latvian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Latvian terms with audio pronunciation
- Latvian transitive verbs
- Latvian lemmas
- Latvian verbs
- Latvian terms with usage examples
- Latvian terms with dated senses
- Latvian first conjugation verbs
- Latvian first conjugation verbs in -t
- Latvian palatalizing first conjugation verbs
- Latvian first conjugation verbs in -gt or -kt