See also: íntims
[edit]Via other European languages, ultimately a borrowing from Latin intimus (“innermost”), the superlative form of intus (“within”), from in.
[edit]intīms (definite intīmais, comparative intīmāks, superlative visintīmākais, adverb intīmi)
- intimate (realting to a person's inner world or personal life; deeply personal)
- intīmi pārdzīvojumi ― intimate experiences
- intīma lirika ― intimate lyrics
- intīma draudzība ― intimate friendship
- katram cilvēkam ir sava intīmā dzīve, kas pieder vienīgi viņam pašam ― every person has his or her intimate life, which belongs only to him (or her)
- intimate (relating to sexual matters)
- intīmāis attiecības ― intimate (= sexual) relations
- lai orgasmu būtu iespējams izjust arī intīmās attiecībās, daudz kas ir atkarīgs no emocijām ― (for someone) to be able to experience orgasm also in intimate (= sexual) relations, a lot depends on (his or her) emotions
- intimate (characterized by mutual trust, sincerity, affection)
- mazā sabiedrība tika arvien siltāka un intīmāka; pie galvenās sarunas tēmas piejaucās smiekli un joki ― the small group was becoming warmer and more intimate; the main topics of conversation were being mixed with laughter and jokes
- viņu starpā bija noticis kaut kas tāds, kas tos vairāk tuvināja un padarīja intīmus... tas izpaudās ne tikai skatos un domās, bet arī vārdos ― between them something had happened that made them closer and more intimate... this was expressed not only in looks and thoughts, but also in words
[edit]masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||
singular | plural | singular | plural | ||
nominative | intīms | intīmi | intīma | intīmas | |
genitive | intīma | intīmu | intīmas | intīmu | |
dative | intīmam | intīmiem | intīmai | intīmām | |
accusative | intīmu | intīmus | intīmu | intīmas | |
instrumental | intīmu | intīmiem | intīmu | intīmām | |
locative | intīmā | intīmos | intīmā | intīmās | |
vocative | — | — | — | — |