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ha a nagyanyámnak kereke volna, gurulna

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Alternative forms




ha (if) + a (the) + nagyanya (grandmother) +‎ -m (my, possessive suffix) +‎ -nak (to, dative suffix) + kerék (wheel) +‎ -e (her, possessive suffix) + volna (there would be; if [she] had) + gurul (roll) +‎ -na (would, conditional suffix).

Literally, If my grandmother had a wheel [or: wheels], she would roll.


  • IPA(key): [ˌhɒɒ ˈnɒɟɒɲaːmnɒk ˈkɛrɛkɛvolnɒ ˈɡurulnɒ]



ha a nagyanyámnak kereke volna, gurulna

  1. (idiomatic) if my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle, if pigs had wings they would fly, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, if ifs and ans were pots and pans, there’d be no work for tinkers’ hands (there is no point in discussing unreal and/or impossible scenarios)