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Cyrillic бағламаг
Abjad باغلاماق



From bağ +‎ -la. Cognate with Turkish bağlamak.


  • IPA(key): [bɑɣɫɑˈmɑχ]
  • Hyphenation: bağ‧la‧maq
  • Audio (Baku):(file)




  1. (transitive) to close
    Synonym: örtmək
    Antonym: açmaq
    Qapını bağla, soyuqdan öldük!Close the door, we're freezing to death!
  2. (transitive) to bind, tie, tie up (also figuratively)
    Synonym: ilişdirmək
    Antonym: açmaq
    Əllərimi bağladılar, tərpənə bilmirdim.They tied up my hands, I couldn't move.
  3. to connect (to join: to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other)
    • 2019 July 4, Ona.az[1]:
      Onları bağlayan tarixi, mədənidini bağlar olduğu üçün beynəlxalq arenada iki ölkənin bir-birini dəstəkləməsi təbiidir.
      The historical, cultural and religious ties connecting them make it natural that the two countries support each other in the international arena.
  4. (transitive, by extension) to connect, attribute, explain
    Synonym: izah etmək
    Son vaxtlar neft qiymətdən düşüb. Siz bunu nə ilə bağlayırsınız?
    Oil prices have fallen recently. What do you attribute this to?
  5. (transitive) to conclude (sign or agree on)
    müqavilə bağlamaqto conclude a contract
    nikah bağlamaqto conclude a marriage
  6. (video games, slang) to beat, to finish to 100% (complete a game)



Derived terms

  • bağlı (closed, tied, bound)

Further reading
