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Alternative forms




Perhaps inherited from Latin dictāre, prefixed with a-. Then, doublet of ditar, a later borrowing. Alternatively, from Latin additō.


  • IPA(key): /adiˈtaɾ/ [a.ð̞iˈt̪aɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Hyphenation: a‧di‧tar



aditar (first-person singular present adito, first-person singular preterite aditei, past participle aditado)

  1. (intransitive) to be fitting, suitable, useful or enjoyable
    Synonyms: acaer, sentar
    • 1895, Antonio López Ferreiro, A tecedeira de Bonaval, page 334:
      É indudabre que a vida do campo é a máis aditada aa naturaleza do home; pois que na vida das cidades, como súa mercé ben sabe, hai moito de artificioso e estudiado, e imposto; o cal non pode menos de violentar os nosos naturales instintos e as nosas tendenzas.
      «There's no doubt that life in the country is the most suitable for the human nature; because in urban life, as your grace well know, there is much of artificial and studied, and imposed; which just can but force our natural instincts and our tendencies.»
  2. (transitive) to command; to dictate
    Synonym: dictar
    • 1861, Xoán Manuel Pintos, A Galicia:
      Anque España xa toda está rendida, e casi tod'as prazas xa tomadas, e a libertá perdida na Cruña vai a dar as boqueadas; non pode consentir, o honor llo adita, que o máis fero inimigo sin ver sangre profane a gran ciudá de María Pita.
      The whole of Spain has surrendered, almost every stronghold taken, the lost freedom is going to take her last breath in A Coruña; but he cannot consent, honour dictates it, that the fiercest enemy profanes the great city of María Pita without the sight of blood
  3. to adapt (adjust for a given purpose)
    Synonym: aditar








  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.diˈtaɾ/ [ɐ.ðiˈtaɾ]
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.diˈta.ɾi/ [ɐ.ðiˈta.ɾi]

  • Hyphenation: a‧di‧tar



aditar (first-person singular present adito, first-person singular preterite aditei, past participle aditado)

  1. to add (make additions)
  2. to enter (make an entrance)







From Latin additus (annexed, augmented, having been added), perfect passive participle of addō (to add). Related to añadir.


  • IPA(key): /adiˈtaɾ/ [a.ð̞iˈt̪aɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Syllabification: a‧di‧tar



aditar (first-person singular present adito, first-person singular preterite adité, past participle aditado)

  1. (transitive, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina) to add (something)
    Synonym: sumar



Further reading
