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Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2017/July

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Word of the day
for July 3
coupist n
  1. One who takes part in a coup d'état.

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the sixth President of Egypt, led a coup d’état against the fifth President, Mohamed Morsi, on this day in 2013.

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Word of the day
for July 5
suspension n
  1. The act of suspending, or the state of being suspended.
  2. A temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation.
  3. The state of a solid or substance produced when its particles are mixed with, but not dissolved in, a fluid, and are capable of separation by straining.
  4. The act of keeping a person who is listening in doubt and expectation of what is to follow.
  5. (education) The process of barring a student from school grounds as a form of punishment.
  6. (music) The act of or discord produced by prolonging one or more tones of a chord into the chord which follows, thus producing a momentary discord, suspending the concord which the ear expects. []
  7. (vehicles) The system of springs and shock absorbers connected to the wheels in an automobile or car, which allows the vehicle to move smoothly with reduced shock to its occupants.
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Word of the day
for July 7
floof v
  1. (transitive, informal, often humorous) To make something fluffy, to fluff (up).
  2. (intransitive) To move in a floofy or fluffy manner.
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Word of the day
for July 8
demiurge n
  1. (Platonic philosophy) The (usually benevolent) being that created the universe out of primal matter.
  2. (Gnosticism) A (usually jealous or outright malevolent) being who is inferior to the supreme being, and sometimes seen as the creator of evil.
  3. (figuratively) Something (such as an idea, individual or institution) conceived as an autonomous creative force or decisive power.
  4. (historical, Ancient Greece) The title of a magistrate in a number of states of Ancient Greece, and in the city states (poleis) of the Achaean League.
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Word of the day
for July 9
on like Donkey Kong phrase
  1. (chiefly US) An intensifier used in the same contexts as it's on, go on, and other expressions using the word on, but to express greater emphasis.

The Nintendo video game Donkey Kong was released on this date in 1981.

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Word of the day
for July 10
exonerate v
  1. (transitive, now rare) To relieve (someone or something) of a load; to unburden (a load).
  2. (obsolete, reflexive) Of a body of water: to discharge or empty (itself).
  3. (transitive) To free from an obligation, responsibility or task.
  4. (transitive) To free from accusation or blame.
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Word of the day
for July 11
russet adj
  1. Having a reddish-brown color.
  2. (archaic) Gray or ash-colored.
  3. Rustic, homespun, coarse, plain.
  4. The condition of leather when its treatment is complete, but it is not yet colored (stained) and polished.
  5. (botany) Having a rough skin that is reddish-brown or greyish; russeted.
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Word of the day
for July 12
haptic adj
  1. Of or relating to the sense of touch; tactile.
  2. (computing) Of or relating to haptics (the study of user interfaces that use the sense of touch).
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Word of the day
for July 13
assassinatrix n
  1. (rare) A female assassin.

On this day in 1793, Charlotte Corday stabbed Jean-Paul Marat to death in his bath. Marat was a leader of the radical Jacobin Club which had played a key role in the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.

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Word of the day
for July 14
galette n
  1. A type of flat, round cake from France.
  2. Short for Breton galette: a crêpe or pancake made with buckwheat flour, and often with a savoury filling, originally from Upper Brittany in France.

Happy Bastille Day from all of us at the Wiktionary!

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Word of the day
for July 15
dollop v
  1. (transitive) To apply haphazardly in generous lumps or scoops.
  2. (intransitive) To dole out in a considerable quantity; to drip in a viscous form.
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Word of the day
for July 18
hostis humani generis n
  1. (international law) A person who has committed a criminal act so grave – originally maritime piracy and slave-trading, and now torture as well – that any nation may put on trial and, upon conviction, punish him or her.
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Word of the day
for July 19
flerd n
  1. A mixed group of ruminants, such as sheep and cattle.
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Word of the day
for July 20
moon shot n
  1. The launching of a spacecraft or an object to orbit or land on the Moon.
  2. (sports) An act of throwing or hitting a ball with a high trajectory.
  3. (figuratively) An expensive, hard, or unlikely task of great potential impact.

On this day in 1969, the Apollo 11 spaceflight landed the first two humans on the Moon.

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Word of the day
for July 22
pave the way v
  1. (idiomatic, often followed by for) To make future development easier.
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Word of the day
for July 24
schlep v
  1. (transitive, informal) To carry, drag, or lug.
  2. (intransitive, informal) To go, as on an errand or task.
  3. (intransitive, informal) To act in a slovenly, lazy, or sloppy manner.

Isaac Bashevis Singer, the Polish-born Jewish author in Yiddish who was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize in Literature, died on this day in 1991.

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Word of the day
for July 29
tertiary adj
  1. Of third rank or order; subsequent.
  2. (chemistry) Possessing some quality in the third degree; especially having been subjected to the substitution of three atoms or radicals.
  3. (ornithology) Of quills: growing on the innermost joint of a bird's wing; tertial.
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Word of the day
for July 30
swank n
  1. A fashionably elegant person.
  2. Ostentation; bravado.

American actor and producer Hilary Swank was born on this day in 1974.

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Word of the day
for July 31
ha-ha n
  1. A laugh.
  2. Something funny; a joke. []
  3. A ditch with one vertical side, acting as a sunken fence, designed to block the entry of animals into lawns and parks without breaking sightlines.
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