Wiktionary:Requested entries (Russian)
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Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries.
[edit]а, А
[edit]- а́хтунг (áxtung) - from German "Achtung" (warning):
- "Warning" (interjection, popularised during World War II)
- a homosexual (from padonki slang, Internet slang) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 09:44, 9 August 2023 (UTC)
- Ай дон’т спик Инглиш (Aj don’t spik Ingliš) - Russian transliteration of I don't speak English
- Айон (Ajon) - Russian name of Ayon Island in Chukotka.
- Etymology from Wikipedia: "The name of the island is thought to come from one of two sources
- Firstly, it is suggested that it comes from the Chukchi word "Ayo", meaning "brain", as the islands shape is somewhat like a brain.
- The second school of thought is that it is derived from Chukchi meaning "coming alive", in reference to the fact that although the island is covered in ice and snow during the winter, in the summer, this melts and the island provides a good pasture for reindeer herds as well as being the home to swarms of midges and gadflies."
- Архангел (Arxangel) - from архангел. Russian joke-name for Orkanger (a town in Norway, where many Russian speakers live). Can’t find it to be attested in Internet.
- Алёшенька (Aljóšenʹka)
б, Б
[edit]- бана́льный ке́кс (banálʹnyj kéks) - euphemistic form of ана́льный се́кс (análʹnyj sɛ́ks, “anal sex”).
- Безгод (Bezgod) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- биомусор (biomusor)
- 1 - biowaste
- 2 - (derogatory, slang) a bastard, a contemptible person PulauKakatua19 (talk) 13:48, 27 January 2025 (UTC)
- Блятьгород (Bljatʹgorod), Блятгород (Bljatgorod) - derogatory, vulgar; internet slang for Белгород, a city in southern Russia near the border to Ukraine. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 04:56, 9 January 2024 (UTC)
- Derived from блять (bljatʹ)
- Бомба́сс (Bombáss) - derogatory, slang; Donbas
- from Донба́сс (Donbáss) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 03:31, 5 October 2024 (UTC)
- Булгак (Bulgak) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- Бульбосрач (Bulʹbosrač) - trouble involving Belarus. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 07:02, 8 February 2025 (UTC)
- бы́рдать (býrdatʹ)
- барабулька (barabulʹka) - a kind of fish?
в, В
[edit]- вацок (vacok) - something like "friend"?
- вервь (vervʹ)
- веретённик (veretjónnik)
- взаимоуничтоже́ние n (vzaimouničtožénije), взаимоистребле́ние n (vzaimoistreblénije, “mutual destruction, mutual annihilation”)
- виве́рровый (vivérrovyj)
- водокре́с (vodokrés) - a sort of water bath taking place on Epiphany PulauKakatua19 (talk) 20:46, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- Водокре́щи (Vodokréšči) - the festival on Epiphany Eve where people bathe in pools carved from ice, shaped like crosses. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 20:46, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- ввиду того что (vvidu tovo što) - since, on account of, because of (the fact)
г, Г
[edit]д, Д
[edit]- да нет: it has some idiomatic meaning
- Двадцатые (Dvadcatyje) - the "twenties", slang for the 2020s period in modern Russia. From двадца́тый. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 07:01, 8 February 2025 (UTC)
- дискурсивный (diskursivnyj)
е, Е; ё, Ё
[edit]- ебота
- Евреймайда́н (Jevrejmajdán) - derisive Internet slang term relating to the Maidan protests in Ukraine, accusing it of a Jewish conspiracy PulauKakatua19 (talk) 15:59, 4 July 2023 (UTC)
ж, Ж
[edit]- Жарки (Žarki) - a place name in Kostroma Oblast
- жарки (žarki) - some kind of flower, based on Google images searches
з, З
[edit]- займодавец (zajmodavec), заимодавец (zaimodavec), займодатель (zajmodatelʹ), заимодатель (zaimodatelʹ)
- запаниковать (zapanikovatʹ)
- Зелибо́ба (Zelibóba), Зелебо́ба (Zelebóba) - singular, animate, masc; internet slang, derogatory
- 1 - a character from Sesame Street
- 2 - Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:28, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
- ЗОГ (ZOG) - ZOG, see Russian Wiktionary
и, И
[edit]- инициати́ва наказу́ема (iniciatíva nakazújema, phrase, literally “initiative is punishable”) Expresses the notion that one ought not to exercise personal initiative in one's work
- интраморфологический (intramorfologičeskij)
й, Й
[edit]к, К
[edit]- как до Китая раком (kak do Kitaja rakom)
- как до Пекина раком (kak do Pekina rakom)
- карлук (karluk) linked from carlock Phacromallus (talk) 21:17, 24 January 2024 (UTC)
- каяний (kajanij), каянский (kajanskij), Каянская земля (Kajanskaja zemlja) - see Finnish Kajaani
- кита́б (kitáb) - Islamic scripture (found on Russian Wiktionary) Rodrigo5260 (talk) 16:51, 8 November 2024 (UTC)
- козлина (kozlina)
- кокаини́ссимус (kokainíssimus) - singular, animate, masc; internet slang, derogatory - "cocaine generalissimo", Volodymyr Zelensky, from conspiracy theories associating him with cocaine addiction. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:26, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
- консе́рва (konsérva) - colloquial, derogatory - a conservative PulauKakatua19 (talk) 11:40, 26 January 2025 (UTC)
- кортома́ (kortomá) - an old word for arenda or naëm, the lease of land, also against obrok. 2001:1C02:1501:4200:DC61:94E4:F700:8CCC 16:05, 17 January 2025 (UTC)
- кот (kot) - possibly missing a sense, as mentioned in Estonian kott
- ко́чет (kóčet) - dialectal word for a rooster PulauKakatua19 (talk) 11:22, 23 July 2023 (UTC)
- кусать локти (kusatʹ lokti)
- кремлёвка (kremljóvka)
- креще́нский (kreščénskij) - related to the Christian festival of Epiphany PulauKakatua19 (talk) 20:47, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- крымна́ш (krymnáš) - from the phrase "Crimea is ours! [part of Russia]", slang word mocking Russian nationalists who claim Crimea as Russian. More info at Krymnash. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:31, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
- кры̀моненави́стник (krỳmonenavístnik) - derogatory, slang - "Crimea-hater", someone who opposed the Russian annexation of Crimea. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:49, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
- Красноморск (Krasnomorsk) (Not sure how it's spelled in Cyrillic - the word is Krasnomorsk) - "The city (Hurghada, Egyp) is also nicknamed Krasnomorsk by Russians, a name modelled on the Red Sea (Krasnoye More in Russian) and Russian city names like Krasnogorsk."
л, Л
[edit]- Лангуев (Langujev) - a surname
- лейданг (lejdang) - transliteration of Old Norse leiðangr
- лессора (lessora) (dialectal form of рессора (ressora))
- линьяж (linʹjaž)
- лянсин (ljansin) - so far, found at the French edition of Wiktionary
- лянгас (ljangas) - so far, found at the French edition of Wiktionary
- лянги (ljangi) - so far, found at the French edition of Wiktionary. From Finnish or Sami. Used in northern dialects, on the Norwegian border. Means a wooden collar for reindeer.
м, М
[edit]- майна (majna) - Ice hole for seining
- Межа (Meža), Пийрисар (Pijrisar), Пийриссаар (Pijrissaar), Пийрисаар (Pijrisaar), Порка (Porka), Желачек (Želaček) - all names for the island Piirissaar in Estonia.
- метавселенная (metavselennaja) - metaverse
- мочковатый (močkovatyj)
- мямми (mjammi) - a Finnish dessert called mämmi
- Морозко (Morozko) - is this a name for Ded Moroz?
- морфопадеж (morfopadež)
- морфочисло (morfočislo)
- морфород (morforod)
- морфограммема (morfogrammema)
- морфокатегория (morfokategorija)
- морфонема (morfonema)
- морфофонема (morfofonema)
- Махамаюри (Maxamajuri) - Mahamayuri
- мури́стика (murístika) - dialectal in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - nonsense, blather. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 11:17, 16 September 2024 (UTC)
- мутузить (mutuzitʹ)
н, Н
[edit]- нава́тник (navátnik) - online slang, derogatory, neologism, uncommon - an opponent of the Russian invasion of Ukraine perceived to behave like a vatnik
- made of Навальный (Navalʹnyj) (Russian dissident) + ва́тник (vátnik) (Russian ultranationalist and supporter of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine), comparing Navalny supporters to supporters of the war due to anti-Ukraine attitudes. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 01:45, 8 March 2024 (UTC)
- навозник (navoznik)
- нафиг (nafig)
- нацба́т (nacbát), на̀цбатальо́н (nàcbatalʹón) - short for националисти́ческий (nacionalistíčeskij) батальо́н (batalʹón) "nationalist battalions", armed militias created to oppose pro-Russian warlords in eastern Ukraine. Many of them had far-right or nationalist views. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 19:25, 30 January 2025 (UTC)
- Невзор (Nevzor) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- немчура́ (nemčurá) - plural only, slur - German people PulauKakatua19 (talk) 11:43, 12 December 2024 (UTC)
- Неждан (Neždan) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- Некрас (Nekras) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- Нелюб (Neljub) — a name; see ru:Безгодов#Этимология
- неоструктурализм (neostrukturalizm)
- непередаваемый (neperedavajemyj)
- не́хуй (néxuj) - vulgar term PulauKakatua19 (talk) 08:01, 11 May 2024 (UTC)
- ниско́лько (niskólʹko) - can be used as a pronoun
- нитакусик (nitakusik) / нитакие (nitakije) - online slang term related to men PulauKakatua19 (talk) 09:49, 9 August 2023 (UTC)
- Distortion of не такой, как все (ne takoj, kak vse) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 02:43, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
- номадный (nomadnyj)
- нарабатыватъ (narabatyvat) - work variant
о, О
[edit]- оболва́нить (obolvánitʹ)
- обходняк (obxodnjak) – обход (obxod) + -няк (-njak) but the semantic shift is not clear
п, П
[edit]- пастерилизова́ть (pasterilizovátʹ) - contamination of пастеризовать (pasterizovatʹ) and стерилизовать (sterilizovatʹ), colloquial, proscribed
- пан или пропал (pan ili propal) - sink or swim
- Певе́к (Pevék) - An Arctic port town in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russia
- пизда́то (pizdáto) - adverb, vulgar - cool, nice PulauKakatua19 (talk) 09:30, 19 December 2024 (UTC)
- -пите́к (-piték) - suffix, (1) scientific; (2) derogatory slang.
- Sense 1 - referring to several extinct hominids. E.g. австра̀лопите́к (avstràlopiték), гигантопите́к (gigantopiték), палеопите́к (paleopiték)
- Sense 2 - Compares the subject of a suffix to "australopithecus", a hominid; or an ape, to indicate stupidity. E.g. укропите́к (ukropiték) ("Ukro-pithecus"), европите́к (jevropiték) ("europithecus", "Euromonkey"), Хуйлопите́к (Xujlopiték) ("asshole-pithecus", slang for Vladimir Putin)
- From Greek πίθηκος.
- More info at https://affixoid.iling.spb.ru/node/7716 PulauKakatua19 (talk) 18:38, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
- подпарадигма (podparadigma)
- по̀ссове́т (pòssovét), a contraction of поселко́вый сове́т (poselkóvyj sovét, “settlement council”); cf. Ukrainian сельра́да (selʹráda) — See ru:поссовет and ru:w:Поселковый совет.
- припахать (pripaxatʹ)
- прое́балт (projébalt) - "fucking Baltic person" (rare, ethnic slur used towards Baltic people by Russian nationalists) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 08:41, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
- путриоти́зм (putriotízm) - "patriotism" but being obsession with Vladimir Putin. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 13:43, 27 January 2025 (UTC)
- Петька (Petʹka) - see Finnish Pekka
- постобработка (postobrabotka) - postprocessing
р, Р
[edit]- решальщик (rešalʹščik)
- рисое́д (risojéd) - slang, derogatory, offensive - "rice-eater", especially Chinese and Japanese people. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 00:57, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
- россол (rossol) - see Finnish rosolli
- Not sure if it is needed, as the common standard is рассол (rassol) with the same pronunciation. Also, am not sure if the Finnish etymology is correct (may a Russian 'a' in this position become an 'o' in Finnish?). The term may be borrowed from north-western Russian border dialects, but am also not sure if they do really have the prefix рос-/роз- (like in Ukrainian розсіл (rozsil)). Otherwise, we must consider to include misspellings like роспечатать and росход etc. Tollef Salemann (talk) 07:25, 17 November 2023 (UTC)
с, С
[edit]- сам себе злобный Буратино (sam sebe zlobnyj Buratino)
- самодвиже́ние n (samodvižénije, “self-motion”). Related term: самодви́жущийся (samodvížuščijsja).
- се́киль (sékilʹ) - dialectal or old word for clitoris, variant of си́кель. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:15, 21 July 2023 (UTC)
- сильра́да (silʹráda), borrowed from Ukrainian сільра́да (silʹráda), itself a calque of Russian сельсове́т (selʹsovét), whence English selsoviet
- симульфикс (simulʹfiks)
- синтетосемия (sintetosemija)
- сквернеть (skvernetʹ)
- спринцова́ть (sprincovátʹ) - see Vasmer for etymology and older forms. Related to спринцовка (sprincovka), which is also borrowed in Bulgarian.
- сравнивать тёплое с мягким = mix apples and oranges (per Wikipedia)
- сон в руку - not sure about a good translation of this one. Said when (some part of) a dream afterwards turns out to be real.
т, Т
[edit]- Татаро-монгольское иго (Tataro-mongolʹskoje igo) - Tataro-Mongol yoke, period of Mongol rule over the mediaeval Rus principalities.
- теле́женька (teléženʹka) - a Telegram channel PulauKakatua19 (talk) 09:57, 11 January 2025 (UTC)
- Do you mean a diminutive of Telega (Telegram itself) or is it a channel on Telegram? Is not Telega more common than Telezhen'ka? Tollef Salemann (talk) 17:50, 11 January 2025 (UTC)
- From its use by one Russian user I found on Twitter, they used it to refer to their own Telegram channel, rather than Telegram in general. PulauKakatua19 (talk) 06:36, 8 February 2025 (UTC)
- Тиме́й m (Timéj, “Timaeus”) — The Russian Wiktionary gives «Тимей» as the unglossed translation («◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).») of Latin Timaeus and Gothic 𐍄𐌴𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌹𐌿𐍃 (Teimaius), the latter almost certainly referring to the father of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46 of the Bible. The Russian Wikipedia article w:ru:Тимей (Платон) shows the word used in reference to the Platonic dialogue. Animacy probably varies by sense, with the given name animate/personal and the dialogue inanimate. This probably means this word is variously declined, as Romanian Timeu is.
- за тридевять земель (za tridevjatʹ zemelʹ)
- тормозо́к (tormozók) - dialectal in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - a piece of bread; packed food taken to school or work, especially among miners; a box or container that stores packed food.
- Original sense: technical jargon - a brake PulauKakatua19 (talk) 11:13, 16 September 2024 (UTC)
- Not only used in Donbass. Pretty normal word in many places in Russia, but not everywhere. Tollef Salemann (talk) 22:05, 12 December 2024 (UTC)
- триколо́рщик (trikolórščik) - slang, derogatory - "person of the trikolor [flag of Russia]", a Russian ultranationalist PulauKakatua19 (talk) 21:07, 7 October 2024 (UTC)
- туки-туки (tuki-tuki) - hide and seek?
- теребить бабушку (terebitʹ babušku) - barely attested, some kinda slang. To shuffle cards?? Often meaning speak bullshit. Probably from теребить бусинку (a female sexual term).
у, У
[edit]- узде́чный (uzdéčnyj) - adjective of уздечка
- уче́бничек (učébniček) - diminutive of учебник
ф, Ф
[edit]- файф-о-клок (fajf-o-klok), файв-о-клок (fajv-o-klok), файфоклок (fajfoklok) - afternoon tea or teatime.
- Derived from English "five o'clock" for the time when the snack or tea is taken.PulauKakatua19 (talk) 04:54, 18 August 2023 (UTC)
- фатера (fatera)
- фильдепе́рс (filʹdepérs)
- Фла́ндрия (Flándrija)
- фофан (fofan)
х, Х
[edit]- хабалка (xabalka)
- хиазмод (xiazmod)
- ходкий (xodkij, “quick”) - see Finnish hotkia
- хохлячья (xoxljačʹja) - offensive, slang - Ukrainian
- Related to по-хохла́цки (po-xoxlácki, “in Ukrainian”) or хохо́л (xoxól). PulauKakatua19 (talk) 22:13, 11 January 2025 (UTC)
- Хуйлопите́к (Xujlopiték) - derogatory, vulgar, slang - referring to Vladimir Putin.
- хуйло (xujlo, “an asshole; (slang) Vladimir Putin”) + пите́к (piték, “an ape, a monkey”) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 10:04, 11 January 2025 (UTC)
- Хуйло́пия (Xujlópija) - derogatory, vulgar, slang - referring to Russia.
- хуйло (xujlo, “an asshole; (slang) Vladimir Putin”) + утопия (utopija, “a utopia”) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 18:40, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
ц, Ц
[edit]ч, Ч
[edit]- чатланин (čatlanin) - the man who caused an orange light bulb to go off in the Kin-dza-dza galaxy. Or slang chat-room regular member.
- чатл (čatl) - Money. A small unit of currency on the planet Glitch in the Kin-dza-dza galaxy.
- Чуркеста́н (Čurkestán) - offensive - any Central Asian country, inhabited by "churkas" (чурка) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 03:59, 5 October 2024 (UTC)
- Чуркиста́н (Čurkistán) - offensive - any Central Asian country, inhabited by "churkas" (чурка) PulauKakatua19 (talk) 03:59, 5 October 2024 (UTC)
ш, Ш
[edit]- шкотничать (škotničatʹ) - may be related to шкодный (škodnyj) or шкет (šket)?
щ, Щ
[edit]ъ, Ъ
[edit]ы, Ы
[edit]ь, Ь
[edit]э, Э
[edit]- экстраморфологический (ekstramorfologičeskij)
- Энгри Бердс (Engri Berds, “Angry Birds”), as in «Это птичка Энгри Бердс», though this may only justify
transliterationtranscription entries for энгри (engri, “angry”) and бердс (berds, “birds”). - э́столько (éstolʹko) - adverb and pronoun
- Энмитагино (Enmitagino) - mentioned in the Wikipedia article "Ayon Island"
- энтероцит (enterocit)
- эшник (ešnik) - A-student
- I don't see an attestation for that sense. Possibly you mean а́шка (áška) - student of class "A". Nyuhn (talk) 07:16, 28 August 2024 (UTC)
ю, Ю
[edit]я, Я
[edit]Unsorted Requests or Unknown Spelling
[edit]Suffixes, compound forms
[edit]- -ос (-os), as in объебо́с - PulauKakatua19 (talk) 01:17, 5 October 2022 (UTC)
Inflected forms
[edit]inflected forms
Given or family names, place names
[edit](Given or family names, place names)
- Ма́лая Росси́я (Málaja Rossíja) - variant of Малоросси́я (Malorossíja), "Little Russia", an old word for the country of Ukraine.
Pre-reform spellings
[edit]See Reforms of Russian orthography
pre-1918 spellings
Backlog (old requests or obscure terms)
[edit]Backlog (old requests or obscure terms)
- шу́ло (šúlo, “post, pole”), dialectal word
- страхотный (straxotnyj)
- чушкопек (čuškopek)
- посполитные (pospolitnyje)
- : The lemma is посполи́тный (pospolítnyj). --Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 21:54, 10 March 2020 (UTC)
- очуча́ть (očučátʹ), doublet of ощуща́ть (oščuščátʹ)
- орнуть (ornutʹ) DTLHS (talk) 22:57, 27 June 2019 (UTC)
- па́смурь (pásmurʹ), whence па́смурный (pásmurnyj)
- оба́полок (obápolok) -- BigDom 16:45, 1 January 2020 (UTC)
- переводина (perevodina) -- BigDom 12:23, 24 December 2019 (UTC)
- перекре́ст (perekrést) -- anatomical term? BigDom 15:25, 1 January 2020 (UTC)
- перцепечка (percepečka)
- кес (kes) - купюра в тысячу рублей, сокращенная форма от слова «косарь» (либо «кусок»).
- -ста (-sta) , as referred to in пожа́луйста (požálujsta)
- валко́вый (valkóvyj) — BigDom 11:01, 14 December 2019 (UTC)
- воло́да́ть (volódátʹ), doublet of владать (vladatʹ)
- зря́шно (zrjášno)
- гриб-зонтик пёстрый (grib-zontik pjóstryj) (Parasol mushroom) – and is гриб-зонтик (grib-zontik) on its own a word?
- заске́йлюсь (zaskéjljusʹ) '(pf), future 1st person sg- the lemmas are ске́йлить impf (skéjlitʹ), заске́йлить pf (zaskéjlitʹ), ске́йлиться impf (skéjlitʹsja), заске́йлиться pf (zaskéjlitʹsja), from English scale, youth slang. The exact sense needs clarifications.
- бора́н (borán) - dialectal form of баран
- говно́ с ды́мом (govnó s dýmom) - vulgar pun on с Новым годом (happy new year), Internet meme PulauKakatua19 (talk) 08:00, 4 January 2023 (UTC)
- Евмолп (Jevmolp) / Эвмолп (Evmolp) - Eumolpus
- каравод (karavod) (dialectal form of хоровод)
- каяний (kajanij), каянский (kajanskij) - mentioned in Finnish Kainuu
- люминесце́нтная дефектоскопи́я (ljuminescéntnaja defektoskopíja, “luminescence defectoscopy”) - a luminescence-based procedure for detecting surface defects in (metal) objects, or something
- макса (maksa)
- назо́ла (nazóla, “anguish”) - see Lithuanian žalà (“harm, damage”)
- расея́нство (rasejánstvo)
- розбо́йник (rozbójnik) - dialectal form of разбойник
- ста́рая пе́сня, да на но́вый лад (stáraja pésnja, da na nóvyj lad), ста́рая пе́сня на но́вый лад (stáraja pésnja na nóvyj lad) (“old wine in a new bottle”)
- суйма (sujma), суёма (sujóma): (dialectal) "meeting", "assembly". Found some mentions here: [1] (Vologda), [2] (Novgorod), [3] (Pomor) Thadh (talk) 00:50, 14 May 2022 (UTC)
- спирули́на (spirulína)
- сру́сский (srússkij) - (internet slang, derogatory) - alternative form of ру́сский mixed with сру, a form of срать (sratʹ) (to shit). PulauKakatua19 (talk) 09:42, 7 February 2024 (UTC)
- та́нцы с бу́бном (táncy s búbnom)
- пу́дить (púditʹ)
- This is an obsolete and obscure dialectal term, for which I have found at least 5 definitions mentioned in dictionaries: to scare, to drive (as with a whip), to pour, to run, to pluck unripened. It seems likely there are at at least 2 different etymologies here, but I'm not sure which. The biggest problem is zero usage examples in the corpus, so I am not confident of the definitions. Tetromino (talk) 21:09, 6 March 2023 (UTC)
- @Tetromino: You're right. I'll move it to obscure terms section. Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 21:42, 6 March 2023 (UTC)
- Евжо́па (Jevžópa) - rare, derogatory Internet slang word for Europe. Blend of Евро́па (Jevrópa, “Europe”) and жо́па (žópa, “arse”). PulauKakatua19 (talk) 04:52, 18 August 2023 (UTC)
Russian neo-pagan words
[edit]Probably needs its own category if there is gonna be many words. Most of it is probably not worth a mention, since there is a lot of pseudoscience and rasist stuff there in the background. If something is worth any mention, should have quotes from a IRL use, preferably with no political context.
- Асгард Ирийский (Asgard Irijskij) - Asgard of Ирий (Irij), where Omsk is located today.
- благодарствую (blagodarstvuju) (used with different sense than спасибо (spasibo), see the former edits and discussion with user:Thadh on both). Also, благодарю (blagodarju), which may be spelled as благо дарю (blago darju) of the same reason. Both og them may be used together with тебе instead of тебя.
- бес- (bes-) (already created)
- Веды (Vedy) (clipping of different neo-pagan books, most of them are white supremacist)
- ведруссы (vedrussy) - a term from the Ringing Cedar community.
- велесовица (velesovica) - alphabet used in Book of Veles
- also бояновица (bojanovica), руница (runica), буквица (bukvica), всеясветная (vsejasvetnaja) etc.
- веста (vesta) - some kind of woman, in opposition (?) to невеста (nevesta, “bride”).
- ведун (vedun) - a kind of magician or priest; compare Silenkoist (Ukrainian neo-pagan) vidun.
- вимана (vimana) - from Indian vimana
- всерод (vserod) - chemical element from a pseudoscientifical theory connected to neo-paganism
- волхв (volxv) (neopagan high priest - already included)
- гой (goj) - originally, a poetic exclamation, but may be used in neo-Nazi neo-pagan context like heil.
- живатма (živatma) - some kind of dharma particle of Ramha
- знать (znatʹ) (something like "to know", used in opposition to ведать (vedatʹ))
- инглиизм (ingliizm) (Ynglism, a neopagan sect - already included, also the English term)
- каруна (karuna) - sacral symbol system.
- Комоедица (Komojedica) - reconstructed version of an obscure festival of disputed origin
- коловрат (kolovrat) (neopagan symbol also co-opted by nationalists and fascists - already included).
- Коляды дар (Koljady dar) - neo-pagan calendar
- Моностон (Monoston) - an angel from a book of a Russian governor, later popularized by a Serbian pagan guru
- пева (peva) - some kind of magic water
- Род (Rod) - the creator god, popularized in Soviet time.
- родноверие (rodnoverije) (neopagan religion - already included)
- Ра (Ra) (used in different non-standard ways)
- Рассиюния (Rassijunija), Рассения (Rassenija) - supposed prehistoric continents according to Ynglism, a neopagan sect
- Рамха (Ramxa) - Ramha, a god in Ynglism
- сиг (sig) - a time unit of some kind, in contrast to миг (mig)
- СССР (SSSR) (in the use by the Russian neo-pagan Sovereign citizen movement)
- СМЗХ (SMZX) - year age counted from the Peace Treaty between Slav-Arians and Chinese
- Сварожич (Svarožič) - Svarozhich (Svarozhits), son of Svarog; also a kind of svastika symbol (probably invented in post-Soviet time)
- Тартария (Tartarija) (in pseudohistorical sense; already included)
- харийцы (xarijcy) - an ancient interstellar race in Ynglism.
- Явь (Javʹ), Навь (Navʹ), Правь (Pravʹ), Славь (Slavʹ)