Wiktionary:Christmas Competition 2005
This is to announce this year's Christmas competition, which is open to ALL contributors.
Let us assume that Wiktionary had an anagram dictionary. Entries, in anagramatical order, would be in the following format -
- act - act, cat
- aginstt - stating, tasting
- atx - tax
- dgo - dog, god
- oprst - ports, sport, strop
- os - so
The competition is to find each of the following entries
- the last entry in the dictionary (os in the example)
- the entry with the most anagrams (oprst in the example)
- the longest entry having at least two anagrams (aginstt in the example)
The prize, for each competition, is the same - a feeling of smug self-satisfaction and superiority. However, I shall award a secret prize for one of the winners.
The small print. Only simple* English words may be used - only lowercase letters, no spaces, punctuation or diacritical marks. Each word must have at least one vowel. Each word must exist as a properly formatted entry in en.Wiktionary and have at least a definition. Add your entries, in the proper order to the list below (between the lines), signing each with three tildes. You must not alter or delete another person's entry, but you are allowed to add an extra anagram to an existing entry - in this case you should replace the signature with your own. Results to be announced when I wake up after Christmas. Enjoy. SemperBlotto 12:20, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
- By a simple English word I mean a noun, verb, pronoun etc having an ==English== header. It must consist of a single, unhyphenated word. So, for instance, the following are not allowed . .
p.s. Those of you with programming skills are requested not to write a program to scan Wiki for the result (and I know who you are) - anyway, words for the winning anagram may not have been added yet.
Last entry
- os - so - SemperBlotto
- oy - yo! — Paul G 18:35, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- rstu - rust, ruts -
- ttuu - tutu — Paul G 18:43, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
- ux - xu -
- uzz - zuz - 10:14, 21 December 2005 (UTC)
Most anagrams
- oprst - ports, sport, strop - SemperBlotto
- opst - post, spot, stop, pots, opts and tops --Wonderfool
- aeprs - pares, parse, pears, rapes, reaps, spare, spear (7 words) — Paul G 18:35, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- aeprs - apres, asper pares, parse, pears, rapes, reaps, spare, spear (9 words) — Wonderfool 13:34, 11 December 2005 (UTC))
- aeinrst: antsier, anestri, nastier, ratines, resiant, retains, retinas, retsina, starnie, stearin (10 words - from memory as the ten playable words in Scrabble from this combination) — Paul G 18:43, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
- Adding restain and stainer, making 12 anagrams. Sorry Paul, --Wonderfool 19:12, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
Longest entry having at least two anagrams
- aginstt - stating, tasting - SemperBlotto
- aeekorstv - overtakes, takeovers (9 letters) — Paul G 18:35, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- Last entry - for uzz
- Most anagrans - Paul G 7 words - his longer list had red links
- Longest entry with multiple anagrams - Paul G - 9 letters, 2 anagrams
The anonymous user wins the star prize. He or she may specify a topic (pasta shapes, the flowers of Mongolia, whatever) and I will research it and add as many words as I can find).
The Easter competition will be more taxing (already prepared). SemperBlotto 10:12, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
- My requested topic is sumo -- the various ranks of wrestlers, and the ways of winning (oshi dashi etc). See you at Easter. 14:34, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
- If a word that you choose doesn't yet exist in Wiktionary, there's nothing to stop you from writing it up. :-)
- The term that for the set of a word's letters in alphabetical order is the alphagram.
- Since I have a copy of Mike Baron's The Complete Wordbook for Game Players, Winning Words for Word Freaks I will avoid participating. Eclecticology 19:08, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
- Yipes! I don't even get to try? (Hint: try isn't it.) --Connel MacKenzie T C 20:45, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
- *txyz — zyxt ..? :x) —Muke Tever (no vowel!) (Isn't y a vowel in English?)
- Muke, read the rules! Common words only :)
- My entry, off the top of my head, posted from work (away from all my wordplay books at home that would probably give me unbeatable answers :P )
- All words are in already - goody, no work for me to do :) — Paul G 18:35, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- Doesn't say common words ;) Just "simple", which is apparently meant to indicate "only lowercase letters, no spaces, punctuation or diacritical marks." —Muke Tever 19:25, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- How old words are allowed? Old English? ;) \Mike 23:43, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
- Looks like the rules are open to multiple interpretations, then. When emperBlotto says "simple English words", does he mean words in Simple English, common English words, well-known words, short words, words that are not compounds, phrases, hyphenated, or words that are uninflected (clearly not the last of these, as this would exclude "tasting"? Hm, SemperBlotto, can you tell us what you mean? — Paul G 10:30, 11 December 2005 (UTC)
- Oi, who edited my entry? I linked to the uninflected words. I guess I'll have to enter the inflections, then. — Paul G 10:33, 11 December 2005 (UTC)