User:Robert Ullmann/Missing/r
- as of 22 March 2009
- all words forced to lower case for comparison
- often it is the reference that is wrong, or uses # for non-definition lines
- only "English" words are shown, words with diacritics etc are not
- Finnish entries are ignored because there are a ridiculous number of bad links
- hyphenated words where all components are present are not listed unless explicitly linked
- total of 22001 missing entries
- if you want comments to persist, write to User talk:Robert Ullmann/Missing
[edit]- Rabbitlopaedia (nailbed)
- Rabia II (ربيع الآخر)
- radar picket (SSR)
- raddei (작은두꺼비)
- radiant intensity (intensity)
- radiated ratsnake (ສາ)
- radiation chamber (Strahlenkammer)
- radio car (radiobil)
- radio data system (RDS)
- radio observatory (Jodrell Bank)
- radio operator (spark)
- radio receiver (superheterodyne receiver)
- radio set (Funkgerät)
- Radioanstalt (FRA)
- Radiolitidae (radiolitid)
- Radiophoniques (radiophonic)
- Raff (cavatina)
- Ragh (कर्मन्)
- Raia (homelyn)
- raima (quadern)
- raja yoga (rádzsa jóga)
- Rakshohan (ब्राह्म)
- Ramah (רמתא)
- ramin (Gonystylus)
- Rammathep (องค์จาตุคามรามเทพ)
- Ranatra (Stabwanze)
- random graph (percolation theory)
- random process (strict-sense stationary)
- rangiferina (rendiermos)
- ranunculoides (yellow wood anemone)
- Raoellidae (raoellid)
- Raphia (raffia)
- Raphidophyceae (raphidophyte)
- Raphoe (Adamnan)
- raphus (dronte)
- rapifera (брюква)
- raraki (puha)
- rareke (puha)
- Rasahus (corsair)
- ratchet ring (венец)
- Ratibida (coneflower)
- Raucya (रुचि)
- Rauiella (Rauiella scita)
- raw recruit (заек)
- raznochinets (разночинец)
- raznochinetz (разночинец)
- reaction rate (chemical kinetics)
- read again (repetere)
- read over (rileggere)
- receiving office (ricevitoria)
- receiving side (kickoff returner)
- recib (recibirlo)
- recog (recogerla)
- reconoc (reconocerlo)
- record library (library)
- recorded-delivery (raccomandato)
- red banded polypore (Fomitopsis pinicola)
- red curry (แกงเผ็ด)
- red eel goby (빨갱이)
- red sandalwood (zitan)
- red siskin (cardinalino del Venezuela)
- red-berried mistletoe (marojo)
- red-crested cardinal (cardinale ciuffo rosso)
- redemption date (échéance)
- redfin culter (백조어)
- redig (retrench)
- redlip mullet (가숭어)
- Redpalm (Дунька Кулакова)
- reduced swing differential signaling (RSDS)
- redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID)
- reed vole (갈밭쥐)
- reelaboration (rielaborazione)
- reenge (reengin)
- reentry vehicle (RV)
- reextradition (riestradizione)
- reference manual (referenční příručka)
- Reichenbach (od)
- reintervenito (reintervenuti)
- reissneri (다묵장어)
- relaj (relájate)
- relative majority (relativ majoritet)
- Remiko (玲実子)
- Remina (麗実名)
- remote-control (plipper)
- repair shop (verkstæði)
- repeating rifle (novantuno)
- repfigit (repfigit numbers)
- Repomucenus (강주걱양태)
- research and development (skunk works)
- Research Management Organization (RMO)
- Reseda luteola (lutum)
- reserve fund (準備金)
- resinifictrix (Amazon milk frog)
- resistance-welding (spot welding)
- resolv (resolverlo)
- respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- resplendent quetzal (trogone splendido)
- result clause (eat one's hat)
- reticuloendothelium (reticuloendotheliosis)
- retir (retírense)
- Retortamonadida (retortamonad)
- retranspose (ritrasporre)
- retroflexus (bledo)
- retrosynthetic analysis (synthon)
- return envelope (Rückumschlag)
- return journey (afturferð)
- return value (return)
- Revised Version (RV)
- Reykjanes (Þórshöfn)
- Rhacophorus (Malabar flying frog)
- rharbarbarum (rhubarb)
- Rhegine (Ῥηγῖνος)
- Rhenea (Ῥήνεια)
- rheumatoid factor (RF)
- Rhinanthus (yellow rattle)
- Rhinecanthus (reef triggerfish)
- rhino horn (orrszarv)
- Rhinobatidae (guitarfish)
- Rhinogobius (갈문망둑)
- Rhium (Ῥίον)
- Rhizomucor (Mucoraceae)
- rhizophyllum (walking fern)
- Rhoeteum (Ῥοίτειον)
- rhombeus (납지리)
- Rhombus vulgaris (griet)
- rhyming scheme (dècima)
- Ribes ambiguum (茑)
- Ribhu (कवि)
- ribonucleotide triphosphate (RNTP)
- rice bean (red bean)
- rice bran wax (E908)
rice vermicelli
[edit]- ridge-tile (капак)
- ridgeni (Ridgen's penguin)
- riding school (maneggio)
- Ridley sea turtle (Bastardschildkröte)
- rieul (ㄹ)
- Rigby (raspberry vinegar)
- right in the middle (mittendrin)
- right of asylum (Asylrecht)
- Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.)
- right side (ret)
- right speech (しょうご)
- rightarrow (tetration)
- Rigveda-Pratishakhya (स्थान)
- rim brake (Felgenbremse)
- rim tape (Felgenband)
- rimestrato (rimestrati)
- Rimiko (利実子)
- rimorito (rimorta)
- Rineia (Ῥήνεια)
- ring compound (uranium nitride)
- ring-shaped (ringförmig)
- ring-tailed civet cat (cacomixl)
- ring-taw (taw)
- Ringling (Pepto-Bismol)
- ringtail possum (gindang)
- rinnende (oer)
- Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre)
- ripear (ripeado)
- rissarsi (rissati)
- Rivea (ololiuhqui)
- river puffer (황복)
- River Rhine (Lek)
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
- rivvenuto (rivvenuti)
- Rizal (Tagalog)
- Rjochten (minske)
- road concurrency (wrong-way concurrency)
- road haulage (autotrasporto)
- road safety (Highway Code)
- Road traffic accident (RTA)
- road transport (autotrasporto)
- road vehicle (telematics)
- roadholding (tenue de route)
- roadtrain (autotreno)
- roar out (изрева)
- robing room (kleedkamer)
- Rock formation (Kata Tjuta)
- rock sparrow (passera lagia)
- rock thrush (codirossone)
- rock wallaby (wirrañ)
- Rocky Mountain (Nelson's elk)
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever (mountain fever)
- rod of office (ambtsroede)
- rodiei (greenheart)
- roll-off-the-top (Immelmann turn)
- rolled steel joist (RSJ)
- rolled throughput yield (normalized yield)
- rolled-up (avvolgente)
- roller-skating (skating rink)
- rolling blind (serranda)
- rolling shutter (serranda)
- Roncesvaux (Orreaga)
- ROOH (hydroperoxide)
- Roomelse (oachte)
- Roosterfish (papagayo)
- root directory (rot)
- root modality (u-)
- rootstalk (cepa)
- rope bag (ロープ)
- Roppert (Probert)
- rosar (rosado)
- Roscius (Ῥώσκιος)
- Roscoff (Rosko)
- Roscommon (Connacht)
- rose bitterling (흰줄납줄개)
- rose-cut diamond (rosetta)
- Rosenbusch (Busch)
- Rosey (Дунька Кулакова)
- rosmarus (roysningur)
- rosquilletas (breadstick)
- rossiaemeridionalis (southern vole)
- Rosskastanie (Kastanie)
- Rotary Club (Rotarian)
- rotational field (circuitazione)
- Rotorua (iwi)
- rotundicaudata (새코미꾸리)
- rough-legged hawk (털발말똥가리)
- rough-skinned sculpin (꺽정이)
- rough-toothed dolphin (뱀머리돌고래)
- round vowel (nonround)
- round-tailed paradise fish (버들붕어)
- rowan berry (Vogelbeere)
- rowi (Apteryx rowi)
- Roxas (Clemente)
- Roxburghii (वरुण)
- Roxburghshire (pei)
- Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
- Royal Australian Navy (RAN)
- Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)
- Royal House (blood royal)
- Royal Spanish Academy (RAE)
- royal vole (비단털들쥐)
- roykstova (búð)
- Royle (elide)
- roynast (royna)
- RRi (ऋ)
- Rsabha (कवि)
- Ruaidh (Kilroy)
- rub el hizb (۞)
- rubber dinghy (gommone)
- rubber fig (Gummibaum)
- rubble-stone (moellon)
- rubetra (whinchat)
- Rubulavirus (mumps)
- Rubus parviflorus (thimbleberry)
- Rucaka (पृथु)
- rudra (सर्प)
- Rudra-Manyu (धी)
- Ruen (Трънак)
- rufina (붉은부리흰죽지)
- rufous-necked wryneck (vörhenyestorkú nyaktekercs)
- Ruhe in Frieden (RIF)
- Rukwa (Bende)
- ruling party (oficialismo)
- ruminarsi (ruminati)
- Rumsfeld (Rumsfeldian)
- rune stone (rúnasteinur)
- Running shoe (spike)
- Ruru (शुनक)
- Ruruka (वृक)
- russelii (蝰)
- Russell Islands (Lavukaleve)
- rust inhibitor (antiruggine)
- ruthenus (sterlet)
- Ryania (ryanodine)
- rye whisky (rye)
- Rzeczpospolita Polska (RP)
- rzplita (rzeczpospolita)