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Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate
masculine inanimate
transgressives present past
masculine singular
feminine + neuter singular


A template for displaying conjugation forms of Czech verbs.


Minimum required parameters

For most verbs, the following minimum required parameters should suffice to create a complete conjugation table.

Parameter Meaning Note
pf 1s present form 1st person singular not necessary to fill if it differs from 3rd person singular only by "m" in the end e.g. on letí (he flies) → já letím (I fly).
pf 3s present form 3rd person singular
pf 3p present form 3rd person plural not necessary to fill if it is the same form as 3rd person singular, e.g. on letí (he flies) → oni letí (they fly).
im 2s imperative 2nd person singular
past ms past participle masculine singular
pass ms passive participle masculine singular if the passive participle exists
tr1 pres present transgressive masculine singular if the present transgressive exists
tr2 pres present transgressive feminine and neuter singular if the present transgressive exists
tr1 past past transgressive masculine singular if the past transgressive exists
aspect generates a note about future tense depending on the aspect of the verb Possible values:
  • "perfective" (or alternatively "perferct", "pf" or "p") for verbs in perfective aspect, whose present forms are used to express future, such as vejít
  • "imperfective" (or alternatively "imperfect", "impf", "imp" or "i") for verbs in imperfective aspect, which express future by combination with the auxilliiary "být", such as brát
  • "negativeimperfective" (or alternatively "nimpf", "nimp" or "ni") for negative verby in imperfective aspect, which express future by combination with the negative auxilliary "nebýt", such as nebrat. In such a case the parameter "positive" for the positive form of the verb is required too.
  • "pf-impf" (or alternatively "p-i" or "pi") for verbs which can be used in both perfective and imperfective aspect, such as jmenovat.
  • "pf-nimpf" (or alternatively "p-ni" or "pni") for negative verbs which can be used in both perfective and imperfective aspect, such as nejmenovat. In such a case the parameter "positive" for the positive form of the verb is required too.
future generates a table with future forms for verbs which have future forms This parameter is used instead of the "aspect"

Possible values:

  • "po", "pů" for words words which express future by these prefixes like letět (poletím) or jít (půjdu) etc.
  • "bud" is only for the word být. It generates not only its future forms (budu, budeš...), but also conditional forms (bych, bys...).
positive positive form of a negative verb Needed only if the future tense of a negative verb is formed by combining a form of nebýt and the infinitive of the positive form of the main verb. Example: the future tense of nechodit is "nebudu chodit"
|pf 1s=
|pf 3s=
|pf 3p=
|im 2s=
|past ms=
|pass ms=
|tr1 pres=
|tr2 pres=
|tr1 past=


Example for the verb dávat

|pf 3s   = dává
|pf 3p   = dávají
|im 2s   = dávej
|past ms = dával
|pass ms = dáván
|tr1 pres= dávaje
|tr2 pres= dávajíc
|tr1 past= dávav
|aspect= i}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective dávající, dávavší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person dávám dáváme dávejme
2nd person dáváš dáváte dávej dávejte
3rd person dává dávají

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate dával dávali dáván dáváni
masculine inanimate dávaly dávány
feminine dávala dávána
neuter dávalo dávala dáváno dávána
transgressives present past
masculine singular dávaje dávav
feminine + neuter singular dávajíc dávavši
plural dávajíce dávavše

Irregular imperatives

Some verbs have less regular conjugation and for example plural imperatives cannot be derived simply by adding a suffix to the singular imperative. In such a case, more parameters are recquired, such as for the verb probdít:

|pf 3s   = probdí
|im 2s   = probdi
|im 1p   = probděme
|im 2p   = probděte
|past ms = probděl
|pass ms = probděn
|tr1 past= probděv


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective probděvší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person probdím probdíme probděme
2nd person probdíš probdíte probdi probděte
3rd person probdí probdí

The verb cs-conj-forms does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate probděl probděli probděn probděni
masculine inanimate probděly probděny
feminine probděla probděna
neuter probdělo probděla probděno probděna
transgressives present past
masculine singular probděv
feminine + neuter singular probděvši
plural probděvše

Filling automatically left-out parameters

If some of the parameters mentioned in the section Minimum required parameters (except the parameter "future") is missing, all other dependent cells are filled with a dash (—). For example if the parameter "passive ms" is left empty, all cells with passive participles are filled with a dash. This can be overwritten by filling a parameter for the specific form (e. g. pass ns for passive neuter singular).

The word tykat does not have passive participles with the exception of neuter singular. Leaving pass ms empty and filling pass ns=tykáno generates the following table:

Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective tykající
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person tykám tykáme tykejme
2nd person tykáš tykáte tykej tykejte
3rd person tyká tykají

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate tykal tykali
masculine inanimate tykaly
feminine tykala
neuter tykalo tykala tykáno
transgressives present past
masculine singular tykaje
feminine + neuter singular tykajíc
plural tykajíce

Two forms in one cell

Some words may need two forms in some of the cells. This can be achieved by filling the particular parameter with both forms in square brackets (e. g. ps 1s=[[píši]], [[píšu]]), but this possibility cannot be used with parameters on which more cells depend. In such a case another parameter marked with number 2 has to be added:

|ps 1s = orám
|ps 1s2 = ořu
|pf 3s  = orá
|pf 3s2 = oře
|pf 3p  = orají
|pf 3p2 = ořou
|im 2s  = orej
|im 2s2 = oř
|past ms= oral


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective orající, oravší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person orám, ořu oráme, ořeme orejme, ořme
2nd person oráš, ořeš oráte, ořete orej, orejte, ořte
3rd person orá, oře orají, ořou

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate oral orali orán oráni
masculine inanimate oraly orány
feminine orala orána
neuter oralo orala oráno orána
transgressives present past
masculine singular oraje orav
feminine + neuter singular orajíc oravši
plural orajíce oravše

Colloquial forms of the kupovat pattern

The verbs which are conjugated according to the pattern kupovat have also colloquial forms in 1st person present singular and 3r person present plural. These can be shown as follows:

|pf 1s=kupuji
|pf 1s col=kupuju
|pf 3s=kupuje
|pf 3p=kupují
|pf 3p col=kupujou


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective kupující
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person kupuji,
kupuju (coll.)
kupujeme kupujme
2nd person kupuješ kupujete kupuj kupujte
3rd person kupuje kupují,
kupujou (coll.)

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate kupoval kupovali kupován kupováni
masculine inanimate kupovaly kupovány
feminine kupovala kupována
neuter kupovalo kupovala kupováno kupována
transgressives present past
masculine singular kupuje
feminine + neuter singular kupujíc
plural kupujíce

Future tense

Most verbs do not have distinct present and future forms in Czech language and so the table has just a short note on forming the future tense for the particular verb. Perfective verbs form use their present forms to express the future, which is indicated in the table as follows:

|pf 3s  = pustí
|im 2s  = pusť
|aspect = p


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective pustivší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person pustím pustíme pusťme
2nd person pustíš pustíte pusť pusťte
3rd person pustí pustí

The verb cs-conj-forms does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate pustil pustili puštěn puštěni
masculine inanimate pustily puštěny
feminine pustila puštěna
neuter pustilo pustila puštěno puštěna
transgressives present past
masculine singular pustiv
feminine + neuter singular pustivši
plural pustivše

Imperfective verbs usually form the future in combination with být:

|pf 1s=beru
|pf 3s=bere
|pf 3p=berou
|im 2s=ber
|aspect = i}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective beroucí
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person beru bereme berme
2nd person bereš berete ber berte
3rd person bere berou

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate bral brali brán bráni
masculine inanimate braly brány
feminine brala brána
neuter bralo brala bráno brána
transgressives present past
masculine singular bera
feminine + neuter singular berouc
plural berouce

Negative imperfective verbs need one more parameter, the positive form of the verb:

|pf 3s=nemá
|pf 3p=nemají
|im 2s=neměj


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective nemající
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person nemám nemáme nemějme
2nd person nemáš nemáte neměj nemějte
3rd person nemá nemají

The future tense: a combination of a future form of nebýt + infinitive of the positive form mít.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate neměl neměli
masculine inanimate neměly
feminine neměla
neuter nemělo neměla
transgressives present past
masculine singular nemaje
feminine + neuter singular nemajíc
plural nemajíce

Some verbs can be used in both perfective and imperfective aspects, such as jmenovat:

|pf 3s=jmenuje
|pf 3p=jmenují


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective jmenující, jmenovavší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person jmenuji,
jmenuju (coll.)
jmenujeme jmenujme
2nd person jmenuješ jmenujete jmenuj jmenujte
3rd person jmenuje jmenují,
jmenujou (coll.)

When the verb is used in perfective aspect, it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.
When the verb is used in imperfective aspect, the future tense is a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-forms.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate jmenoval jmenovali jmenován jmenováni
masculine inanimate jmenovaly jmenovány
feminine jmenovala jmenována
neuter jmenovalo jmenovala jmenováno jmenována
transgressives present past
masculine singular jmenuje jmenovav
feminine + neuter singular jmenujíc jmenovavši
plural jmenujíce jmenovavše

Some negative verbs can also be used in both perfective and imperfective aspects, such as nejmenovat:

|pf 3s=nejmenuje
|pf 3p=nejmenují


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective nejmenující, nejmenovavší
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person nejmenuji,
nejmenuju (coll.)
nejmenujeme nejmenujme
2nd person nejmenuješ nejmenujete nejmenuj nejmenujte
3rd person nejmenuje nejmenují,
nejmenujou (coll.)

When the verb is used in perfective aspect, it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.
When the verb is used in imperfective aspect, the future tense is a combination of a future form of nebýt + infinitive of the positive form jmenovat.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate nejmenoval nejmenovali nejmenován nejmenováni
masculine inanimate nejmenovaly nejmenovány
feminine nejmenovala nejmenována
neuter nejmenovalo nejmenovala nejmenováno nejmenována
transgressives present past
masculine singular nejmenuje nejmenovav
feminine + neuter singular nejmenujíc nejmenovavši
plural nejmenujíce nejmenovavše

There are a few exceptions of verbs which have future forms made by a prefix:

|pf 3s=letí
|im 2s=leť


Negative verbs which have future do not need the parameter "future" but need other additional parameters:

|pf 3s=neletí
|im 2s=neleť
|ff 3s=nepoletí


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective neletící
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person neletím neletíme neleťme
2nd person neletíš neletíte neleť neleťte
3rd person neletí neletí
future forms singular plural
1st person nepoletím nepoletíme
2nd person nepoletíš nepoletíte
3rd person nepoletí nepoletí
participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate neletěl neletěli
masculine inanimate neletěly
feminine neletěla
neuter neletělo neletěla
transgressives present past
masculine singular neletě
feminine + neuter singular neletíc
plural neletíce
|pf 1s=nejedu
|pf 3s=nejede
|pf 3p=nejedou
|im 2s=nejeď
|ff 1s=nepojedu
|ff 3s=nepojede
|ff 3p=nepojedou


Conjugation of cs-conj-forms
infinitive cs-conj-forms, cs-conj-formsi active adjective nejedoucí
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person nejedu nejedeme nejeďme
2nd person nejedeš nejedete nejeď nejeďte
3rd person nejede nejedou
future forms singular plural
1st person nepojedu nepojedeme
2nd person nepojedeš nepojedete
3rd person nepojede nepojedou
participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate nejel nejeli
masculine inanimate nejely
feminine nejela
neuter nejelo nejela
transgressives present past
masculine singular nejeda
feminine + neuter singular nejedouc
plural nejedouce

All parameters

Here is a list of all parameters.

Parameter Meaning
pf 1s present form 1st person singular
pf 1s2 alternative present form 1st person singular
pf 1s col colloquial present form 1st person singular
pf 2s present form 2nd person singular
pf 2s2 alternative present form 2nd person singular
pf 2s col colloquial present form 2nd person singular
pf 3s present form 3rd person singular
pf 3s2 alternative present form 3rd person singular
pf 3s col colloquial present form 3rd person singular
pf 1p present form 1st person plural
pf 1p2 alternative present form 1st person plural
pf 1p col colloquial present form 1st person plural
pf 2p present form 2nd person plural
pf 2p2 alternative present form 2nd person plural
pf 2p col colloquial present form 2nd person plural
pf 3p present form 3rd person plural
pf 3p2 alternative present form 3rd person plural
pf 3p col colloquial present form 3rd person plural
im 2s imperative 2nd person singular
im 2s col colloquial imperative 2nd person singular, generates also automatically 1st and 2nd person plural
im 2s2 alternative form of imperative 2nd person singular
im 1p imperative 1st person singular
im 1p2 alternative form of imperative 1st person singular
im 2p imperative 2nd person plural
im 2p2 alternative form of imperative 2nd person plural
ff 1s future 1st person singular
ff 1s2 alternative form of future 1st person singular
ff 3s future 3rd person singular
ff 3p future 3rd person plural
ff 3p2 alternative form of future 3rd person plural
past ms past participle masculine singular
past ms2 alternative form of past participle masculine singular, generates all other masculine, feminine and neuter alternative forms as well
past ms3 one more alternative form of past participle masculine singular, generates all other masculine, feminine and neuter alternative forms as well
past fs past participle feminine singular
past ns past participle neuter singular
past map past participle masculine animate plural
past mip past participle masculine inanimate plural
past fp past participle feminine plural
past np past participle neuter plural
pass ms passive participle masculine singular
pass ms2 alternative form of passive participle masculine singular, generates all other masculine, feminine and neuter alternative forms as well
pass ms3 one more alternative form of passive participle masculine singular, generates all other masculine, feminine and neuter alternative forms as well
pass fs passive participle feminine singular
pass ns passive participle neuter singular
pass ns alternative passive participle neuter singular
pass map passive participle masculine animate plural
pass mip passive participle masculine inanimate plural
pass fp passive participle feminine plural
pass np passive participle neuter plural
tr1 pres present transgressive masculine singular
tr1 pres2 alternative form of present transgressive masculine singular
tr2 pres present transgressive feminine and neuter singular
tr2 pres2 alternative form of present transgressive feminine and neuter singular
tr3 pres present transgressive plural
tr1 past past transgressive masculine singular
tr1 past2 alternative past transgressive masculine singular (generates other alternative past transgressive forms too)
tr2 past past transgressive feminine and neuter singular
tr3 past past transgressive plural
aspect generates a note about future tense (see above)
future enables to generate table with future forms for the few verbs which have future forms
positive positive form of a negative imperfective verb, (see above)
|pf 1s=
|pf 1s2=
|pf 1s col=
|pf 2s=
|pf 2s2=
|pf 2s col=
|pf 3s=
|pf 3s2=
|pf 3s col=
|pf 1p=
|pf 1p2=
|pf 1p col=
|pf 2p=
|pf 2p2=
|pf 2p col=
|pf 3p=
|pf 3p2=
|pf 3p col=
|im 1p=
|im 1p2=
|im 2s=
|im 2s2=
|im 2s col=
|im 2p=
|im 2p2=
|ff 1s=
|ff 1s2=
|ff 3s=
|ff 3p=
|ff 3p2=
|past ms=
|past ms2=
|past ms3=
|past fs=
|past ns=
|past map=
|past mip=
|past fp=
|past np=
|pass ms=
|pass ms2=
|pass ms3=
|pass fs=
|pass ns=
|pass ns2=
|pass map=
|pass mip=
|pass fp=
|pass np=
|tr1 pres=
|tr1 pres2=
|tr2 pres=
|tr2 pres2=
|tr3 pres=
|tr1 past=
|tr1 past2=
|tr2 past=
|tr3 past=