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Appendix:Spelling differences between Indonesian and Standard Malay (H-I)

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This is a list of Indonesian and Standard Malay spelling differences, that is, word pairs same in meaning but different in appearance (spelling). Diacritics are shown for pronunciation clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.

English Topics Indonesian Standard Malay Notes
haemorrhage, hemorrhage medicine rdarahan pendarahan
haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid medicine bawasir buasir
handle handêl héndal
hangar hanggar hangar
harmonic, harmonious (adjective) sociology harmonis harmonik The mathematics and physics senses is harmonik in Indonesian. The noun harmony is harmoni.
health kêsèhatan kesihatan
healthy sèhat sihat
heaven Islam janah jannah
heaven religion surga syurga
hectare geography hèktarê héktar
helmet engineering hèlm hélmét
hemisphere hémisfèr hémisféra
herbicide herbisida herbisid
hiking êmbara kembara
honor izah izzah
hornblende geology hornblènda hornblénd
hornet zoology tabuhan tebuan
housecoat fashion hoskut hauskot
hub hub hab
hello halo hélo
howdah haudah hodah
humble khuduk khudu
hunchback medicine bungkuk bongkok
hung parliament politics parlêmèn gantung parlimen tergantung
Hungary geography Hungaria Hungary
hurricane geology topan taufan
hybrid hibrida hibrid
hydraulic physics hidraulis hidraulik
hydraulics hidraulika hidraulik
hydrosphere hydrography hidrosfèr hidrosféra
hyperbole linguistics hipêrbol hiperbola
hypothetic, hypothetical logics hipotètis hipotétikal
hypotenuse mathematics hipoténusa hipoténus
hypotonic hipotonis hipotonik
ice ès ais
ice cream cuisine ès krim aiskrim
Iceland geography Islandia Iceland
idea idé idéa
idealistic idéalistis idéalistik
identity idèntitas idéntiti
image (mental picture) psychology imaji iméj
imagination imajinasi imaginasi
imaginative imajinatif imaginatif
imitation of the sound of water cimpung ketimbung
immigration geography imigrasi imigrésén
immunity biology imunitas imuniti
import economics impor import [impot]
impotence medicine impotènsi impotens
incessant gêncar gencer
incident insidèn insiden
indemnity finance indemnitas indemniti
infantry military infantêri infantri
inference infèrènsi inferens
influencer marketing pêmêngaruh pempengaruh
infusion medicine infus infusi
ink dawat dakwat
ins and outs sêluk-bêluk sélok-bélok
insecticide insektisida insektisid
inspector inspèktur inspéktor
installment finance angsuran ansuran
insurance finance asuransi insurans
integrity intêgritas intégriti
intensity intènsitas inténsiti
internal intèrn interen
international geography antarbangsa antarabangsa
intolerance intolèransi intolerans
inverted sungsang songsang
invertebrate invertebrata invertebrat
ionosphere ionosfèr ionosfera
iqama Islam ikamah kamat
Iraq geography Irak Iraq
Ireland geography Irlandia Ireland
Isha Islam isya isyak
Isra Islam Isra Israk
istighfar Islam istigfar istighfar
istinja Islam istinja istinjak
Italy geography Italia Itali