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Appendix:Silesian pronunciation

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Silesian pronunciations in Wiktionary entries.

IPA Silesian Example English approximation
b b bardzo bike
ɕ ś, s(i) pōnoś she
d d dŏwno door
d͡z dz powiedz beds
d͡ʑ dź, dz(i) dziadek jeep
d͡ʐ ajnizm jug
f f faber feist
ɡ g grać girl
j j, i jak yes
k k krowa scam
l l lampa lilt
m m morze mile
n n nad Nile
ɲ ń, n(i) niy canyon
p p policyjŏ spike
r r rōżowy (General American), with flapping: atom
s s smak sign
ʂ sz szyb shore
t t tak stow
t͡ɕ ć, ci ciyrpki cheer
t͡s c całować cats
t͡ʂ cz czy child
v w wartość vile
w ł łabus way
x ch, h chlyb hello
z z zebrać zebra
ʑ ź, z(i) ziŏrko vision, azure
ʐ ż, rz rzec
IPA Silesian Example English approximation
ã (Opole Silesia) ã trochã stand
ɛ (Cieszyn Silesia) bet
a (other regions) father
a a tam father
ɛ e krem bet
i i piwo eat
ɨ y my mill
ɔ o rok off
o ō pōmōc so
ɔ̃ (Opole Silesia) õ[1] Mōm dobrõ matkã tome
om (Cieszyn Silesia) (Received Pronunciation): Tom
ɔ (other regions) boss
au (Prudnik-Racibórz) ŏ terŏz now
ɔu (Opole Silesia) so
ɔ (Industrial and Cieszyn Silesia) boss
ô ôkno whoa
u u suć boot
Other symbols used for Silesian
IPA Explanation
ˈ Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable), usually the penultimate syllable of a word.
ˌ Secondary stress (placed before the stressed syllable).
. Syllable break.

See also

  1. ^ Used in the accusative of nouns and adjectives ending in ŏ in the nominative, eg. funkcyjŏ, dobrŏ