< Appendix:JLPT | N1
- 和, わ -sum, harmony, peace
- 我がまま, わがまま -selfishness, egoism, wilfulness, disobedience, whim
- 枠, わく -frame, slide
- 惑星, わくせい -planet
- 技, わざ -art, technique
- 態と, わざと -on purpose
- 態々, わざわざ -expressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally
- 煩わしい, わずらわしい -troublesome, annoying, complicated
- 渡り鳥, わたりどり -migratory bird, bird of passage
- 詫び, わび -apology
- 和風, わふう -Japanese style
- 和文, わぶん -Japanese text, sentence in Japanese
- 藁, わら -straw
- 割合に, わりあいに -comparatively
- 割り当て, わりあて -allotment, assignment, allocation, quota, rationing
- 割り込む, わりこむ -to cut in, to thrust oneself into, to wedge oneself in, to muscle in on, to interrupt, to disturb
- 割り算, わりざん -division (math)
- 割引き, わりびき -discount, reduction, rebate, tenths discounted
- 悪者, わるもの -bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrel