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Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S-T

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Sabalite sabkha sabugalite sacrificial anodes sacrificial protection saddle saddleback saddle back reef saddle block saddle reef saddle vein safety safety belt safety car safety catch safety chain safety check safety clamp safety department safety detaching hook safety door safety engineer safety explosive safety factor safety fuse safety gate safety glass safety hat safety hook safety inspector safety joint safety lamp safety-lamp keeper safety-lamp mine safety latch safety light safety lock safety platform safety post safety powder safety rope winch safety stop safety switch safety tools safety valve safflorite safreiro sag sag belt tension sag bolt sag correction sagenite sagenitic sagenitic quartz sagger sagging moment sag meter sag pipe sagponds sagre sag structure sag tower sahlinite sahlite Saint Stephen's stone sal salable coal salable minerals salable output salamander salamanders' hair sal ammoniac Salamon-Munro formula salamstone salar salband saleeite salesite salic saliferous salimeter salina saline saline deposit saline deposits saline residue salines saliniferous salinity salinity bridge salinometer salite salitral salmiak salmoite salmonsite salnatron salt salt-and-pepper sand salt anticline saltation salt block salt boot salt bottom saltbox salt bridge salt cake salt cote salt-crust process salt dome salt effect saltern salt flat salt furnace salt garden salt horse salting salting a mine salting evaporator salting out salt mine salt of tartar salt of tin saltpan saltpeter saltpeter cave saltpeter earth saltpit salt plug salt prairie salts saltspar salt stock salt table salt tectonics salt vein salt wall salt well saltworks salvage salvage count salvage value Salzgitter ore samarium samarium oxide samarskite samite sample sample cutters sample extruder sample grinder sampleite sample log sample preparation sampler sampler barrel sample reduction sampler head sampler liner sampler tube sample splitter sampling sampling bag sampling instrument sampling pipe sampling spoon sampling tip sampling train sampling works samsonite Samson loader Samson stripper sand sandarac sandbag sandbag stoppings sandbar sand bearings sand bed sandblasting sand bottle sandburrs sand calcite sand crusher sand crystal sand diamonds sand dike sanded in Sander's process sand fill sand filter sand flag sand floor sand flotation sandhog sand holder sanding-machine worker sand jack sand leaching sandman sand mold sand muller sand pipe sand pump sand-pump dredger sand-pump sampler sand reef sand-replacement method sandrock sand roll sands sands-and-slimes process sand seam sandstone sandstone dike sandstone grit sandstone opal sandstone pipe sand trap sand wall sand washer sandy sandy alumina sanguinaria sanidine sanmartinite santafeite Santorin earth sap saphir d'eau saponification saponifier saponin saponite sappare sapphire sapphire cat's eye taaffeite tab tabasheer tabby Tabbyite table table cut table diamond table flotation tableland table spar tabling tabular tabular crystal tabular deposit tabular spar tabular structure Taby cut tacharanite tacheometer tachometer tachyhydrite tachymeter tachymetry tack tackey tackle Tacoma process taconite taconite ore taconyte tactite taeniolite taenite tag tagged atom Tagg's method tagilite tagline tail tail anchor tail beam tailblock tailboard tail chain tail crab tailend tailend loading station tailgate tail house tailing tailing pit tailing pond tailings tailings dam tailings machine tailings settling tank tailings wheel tail joist taillight tail of water tail pipe tail pulley tailrace tail rope tail-rope boy tail-rope coupler tail-rope engineer tail rope fireman tail-rope haulage tail-rope man tail-rope rider tail-rope system tails tail section tail shaft tail sheave tail swing tail-track system tail water tainiolite take takeout take the air takeup takeup pulley taking takyr Talbot continuous process Talbot process talc talcite talcoid talcose talc schist talcum talking tallow drop tallow peat tallow top tally tally boy tallyman tally shouter talus talus creep talus fan tam-o-shanter tamp tamper tamping tamping bag tamping bar tamping plug tamping pole tamping rod tamping roller tamping stick tandem tandem drive tandem-drive conveyor tandem hoisting tandem hydroseparator Tandem support system tandem unit panel tanette tangawaite tangeite tangent tangent distance tangential stress tangent point tangent screw tangiwai tangiwaite tangle sheet tank tankage tank furnace tank station tantalite tantalum tantalum borides tantalum nitrides tanteuxenite tantite Tanzanite tap tap bar tape tape corrections taper taper bit tapered core bit tapered end tapered-flange beam tapered reamer tapered step-core bit tapered step-face bit tapered tap taper-lock sprocket taper of thread taper pin taper rope taper-type dropper tape-triangulation method taphole tapiolite tappet tapping tapping assembly tapping bar tapping clay tapping old workings tar taramellite taramite tarapacaite tarasovite tarbuttite tare target target rod tarmacadam tarnish Tarnowitz process tarring task task training Tasmanian alexandrite tasmanite tasmanite shale tatarskite tator butt tautline cableway tautomeric tavistockite tavorite tawmawite taxoite taylorite Taylor producer Taylor-White process T-bolt tchesa stick T-chisel teallite teardrop set tear fault teary ground teasing rods teaze hole tectogene tectogenesis tectonic tectonic breccia tectonic conglomerate tectonic gap tectonic map tectonics tectonism tectonite tectonometer tectonophysicist tectonosphere tedge tee tee-beam tee-bolt teem teemer teeming teeming trough teepleite teeter teineite tekoretin tektite tektonite telain telegraph telemagmatic telemeter rod teleoperation telephoto lens telescopic derrick telescopic drill rig telescopic loading trough telescopic section telescoping conveyor telethermal telinite teller telltale telluric bismuth telluric current telluric-current prospecting telluric ocher telluric silver telluride tellurides telluriferous tellurite tellurium tellurium glance tellurium mineral tellurnickel tellurobismuthite tellurometer telpher telpherage Telsmith breaker Telsmith gyrasphere temblor temiskamite temperature temperature coefficient temperature colors temperature dew point temperature gradient temperature logging temperature profile recorder temperature-regulating equipment temperature standards temperature steel temperature stress temperature survey tempered tempered steel temperer temper hardening tempering bar tempering furnace tempering machine tempering oven template temporary adjustment temporary hardness temporary hardness of water temporary roof support temporary shaft support temporary splice tenacity tender tennantite tenon tenor tenorite tensile force tensile strength tensile stress tensile test tension tension carriage tension-control cylinder tension correction tension drilling tension end tension fault tension flange tension fracture tension jack tension joint tension linkage tension zone tepee butte tepetate tephra tephrite tephritoid tepla-masse terlinguaite terminal curvature terminal velocity termination terms of reference ternary ternary steel terne terneplate Terni furnace terosin terpene terpineol terra alba terrace terrace placer terra cotta clay terra-cotta model maker terrain terrain coefficient terrain correction terrain slope terrane terra ponderosa terra rossa terras terra sienna terra silicea terrazzo terrestrial terrestrial deposit terrestrial magnetism terre verte terrigenous terrigenous deposit terrigenous sediments territe territorial sea terroite Tertiary tertiary crushing tertiary grinding tertiary shaft tervalent tessellated tesseral test test bore test boring test core test detonator tester test hole testing bedrock testing flame testing machine test lead test paper test piece test pit test ring test stone tetartohedral tetraboron carbide tetrad tetradymite tetraethyllead tetragonal tetragonal trisoctahedron tetrahedral tetrahedrite tetrahedron tetrahexahedron tetravalence tetravalent tewel texture thalenite thallium thalweg thanite thaumasite thaw house thawing thawing kettle thaw pipe thaw shed operator THDM thelotite thematic mapper thenardite theodolite theoretical depression theoretical fan depression theoretical tonnage theoretical yield theory of lateral secretion theory of machines theralite therm thermal thermal-acceptance ratio thermal analysis thermal boring thermal capacity thermal conductivity thermal cutout thermal diffusivity of strata thermal drying thermal efficiency thermal electromotive force thermal emissivity thermal expansion thermal gradient thermal metamorphism thermal precipitator thermal probe thermal prospecting thermal reactor thermal-release water spray thermal resistance thermal resistivity thermal separation thermal shock thermal shock resistance thermal spalling thermal spring thermal value (volatile matter) thermal water thermic boring thermic drilling thermistor thermite thermit process thermoanemometer thermocline thermocouple thermodynamics thermoelectric conversion thermoelectricity thermoelectric metals thermograph thermoluminescence thermometamorphism thermometer thermometer anemometer thermometer float thermometer scales thermometric fan test thermonatrite thermo-osmosis thermopile thermoplastic thermoscopic bar thermostat Thetis hairstone thick-bedded thickener thickening thickness thickness contour thickness line thick seam thick-wall sampler Thiess process thill thimble thimble joint thin-bedded thinolite thinolitic tufa thin out thin seam thin-seam miner thin section thin stock thin-wall bit thin-wall drive sampler thin-wall sampler thin-wall tube sampler Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Thiobacillus thiooxidans thio-carbanilid thiocarbonates thiofuran thiokerite thiophene thiophile elements thiophosphates third-class lever Third Theory of Comminution thirl thirling this vein thixotropic fluid thixotropy tholeiite thomaite Thomas converter Thomas-Gilchrist process Thomas slag Thomas steel Thompson arc cutter thompsonite Thompson pilot shoulder reamer Thompson wedge thomsenolite thoreaulite thoria thorian gummite thorianite thorian uraninite thorium borides thorium carbides thorium disintegration series thorium mineral thorium nitride thorium sulfides thorogummite thoron thorosteenstrupine thorotungstite thorough joints thortveitite Thoulet's law Thoulet solution thread thread cutter thread-lace scoria three-circle goniometer three-dimension dip threefold three-high mill three-hinged arch three-jaw chuck threeling three-part line three-phase circuit three-phase current three-phase inclusion three-piece set three-point problem three-product washing three-shift cyclic mining three-term process controller three-throw ram pump three-wire system threshold Threshold Limit Value throat throat of crusher throttle throttle valve through through cut througher throughput through ventilation throw thrower belt throwing clay thrown throw of crusher throwoff switch throwout bearing thrust thrust arm thrust bearing thrust block thrust borer thrust fault thrust nappe thrust plane thrust plate thrust race thrust sheet thrust washer thrust yoke thulite Thum-Balbach process thumb-marked fracture Thum furnace thunderbolt thunder egg thuringite thurl thurling thwarting thyratron Thyssen gravimeter Tibet stone ticket tick hole tidal flat tidal marsh tide flat tidelands tie tieback tie bar tied retaining wall tie line tiemannite tie plate tie point tie pumping tie rod tierra tierra blanca tiff tiffanyite tiger tigereye tiger's-eye tight tight-bedded tight-burning clay tight formation tight hole tight lagging tight rock tightset tight sheathing tight shot tilasite tile copper tile machine tile ore tiler tile shoe tile works tilgate stone till tiller rope tilleyite tillite tilt tilt hammer tilting dozer tilting furnace tilting gate tilting idlers tilting level tilting mixer timber timber boss timber drawer timber drawing timbered stope timberer timber foreman timbering timbering machine timbering set timber jack timberman timberman helper timber mat timber packer timber pickling timber preservation timber puller timber rights timber robber timber set timber trolley timber truck time-and-motion study time at shot point time break time correlation time-delay relay time-depth chart time-depth curve time-distance curve time-distance graph time gradient time lag time leads time mark timer lines time-rock unit time scale time signal time-stratigraphic unit time study time tie time-transgressive time value timing timing line tin tin bound tincal tincalconite tin-can safety lamp tinder ore tin dish tin dredging tine tin floor tinge tin ground tin hat tinkal tinker tin minerals tinned sheet iron tinner tinning metal tin ore tin plate tin pyrites tin salt tin spar tinstone tin stone tin-white cobalt tinworks tip tipple T-iron titan titanaugite titanhornblende titania titanian augite titanic anhydrite titanic dioxide titanic iron ore titanic oxide titanic schorl titaniferous magnetite titanite titanium titanium carbide titanium dioxide titanium dioxide pigments titanium nitride titanium oxide titanium silicide titanium sponge titanmagnetite titanmelanite titanomagnetite titan process tithe ore title TLV toadrock toad's-eye toad's-eye tin toadstone tobacco rock tobermorite toddite todorokite toe toeboard toe cut toehole toeing-in toe of a shot toernebohmite toe-to-toe drilling to gauge toggle action toggle joint toggle mechanism toise tolerance tolerance limits toll toll enrichment toll refining tom Tomassi process tommy bar tomography ton-cap screen tone tong die tongs tongue tongue joint tongue plate tongue test tonite ton-kilometer Ton MPH tonnage factor tonnage man ton of refrigeration Tonpilz machine tonstein tool box tool box miner tooldresser tool extractor tool grinder tool heat treater toolie toolmaker tool nipper toolpusher toolstone tooth tooth base tooth brake toothed roller bit toothed-shoe cutter tooth turquoise too wet top top and apex topaz topazfels topazite topazolite topazoseme topaz-quartz topaz rock top bed top benching top brick top cager top canch top crystals top cut topcutter top frame top gate top heading top holes top hooker tophus top kick top lander top lease topman topographic contour topographic correction topographic map topographic profile topographic quadrangle topographic unconformity topography topotaxy topping toppings top ripping top rod top shot topside top slice top slicing top slicing and caving top slicing and cover caving top slicing combined with ore caving top testing top wall top water tor Torbane Hill mineral torbanite torbernite torch torendrikite torf dolomite torf-dopplerit tormentor Tornado toernebohmite torpedo torque torque bar torque converter torquemeter torque rod torque thickener torr torrents torreyite torsional center torsional shear test torsion anemometer torsion balance torsion break torsion fracture torsion seismometer tortoise tortuous flow tossing total acidity total ash total bit load total cap lag total carbon total cooling effect total cooling load total critical load total displacement total dynamic head total energy total hardness total hardness of water total head total heat total lift total magnetic intensity total moisture total of correctly placed material total of misplaced material total porosity total pressure total reflection total reflectometer total resistance total stress total tonnage total value total ventilating power total ventilating pressure Totco test touchstone tough tough cake toughness toughness index toughness of refractories tough pitch tough pitch copper tough tom tough way tour tourmaline tourmalinization Toussaint-Heintzmann arch tow conveyor towed grader tower tower crane tower engineer tower excavator tower loader Towers magnetic stirrer township township line toxic dusts toxicity symptoms toxic mine drainage tozing trace trace-by-trace plotting trace element tracer tracer gas tracer-gas technique tracer test trace slip trace-slip fault trachyandesite trachybasalt trachyte trachytic trachytoid tracing float track track bolt track braking track cable track cable scraper track channeler